The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 135 The Speaker

Tian Xiaoxiao knows that no matter what she does, she will be hacked, why she doesn't want fans to avoid it, because she feels that if fans go to tweet, if they can't, it will be the fans who will be miserable.

"Oh, I never thought that one day I would have fans." Tian Xiaoxiao sighed and put down her phone to continue writing her speech. She was waiting for the day when she could prove herself to everyone.

That day will come soon, right?Yes, it must be.

For a long time, Tian Xiaoxiao worked hard alone and didn't have much contact with others, but then one day she opened WeChat and her confidence was warmed up.

Bai He said: No matter how far the distance between us is, no matter how long it has passed, time and distance will not change our relationship. You have to believe that I am always there.

Lin Muxing: I've been busy with announcements recently so we haven't seen each other for a long time, I want to ask how are you doing?Occasionally I see you on Weibo hot searches, and my sister Xiaoxiao is really eloquent. When I finish all this work, I will go to see you right away and send you off. Your favorite food comes rushing over.

Micah: Xiaoxiaotian, I saw a girl who looked a lot like you today, so I just took one more look, but if it was you, you can take as many glances as you want.

Mu Yixuan: Idiot, we haven't seen each other for a long time, are you fat?If you let me see you lose weight, I will be angry, how can the pigs I feed become thinner.

Ye Zhe: Tian Xiaoxiao, woman, you have successfully attracted my attention and prevented you from coming to see me! We haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss me?

Agent: Come on, Xiaoxiaozi, I am optimistic about you, our Tian Xiaoxiao must be the most beautiful girl in the universe and an international superstar.

Tian Xiaoxiao snickered at the news, while Tang Tang looked at Tian Xiaoxiao and snickered and smirked.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, what are you laughing at?" Tang Tang restrained her smile, she is so beautiful, how could Tang Tang smirk!
"Then what are you laughing at?" Tian Xiaoxiao had already seen Tang Tang laughing, who told Tang Tang to giggle so pretty, just look at it for a while and then do it for a while.

"I'm laughing at you." Tang Tang reached out to pinch Tian Xiaoxiao's face, which felt amazing.

Tian Xiaoxiao wore Hanfu to speak on stage. At the beginning, she said with a smile, "Why did I choose to wear Hanfu to give a speech? Because my latest hot search was that I wore Hanfu and then quarreled with passers-by. Maybe this Hanfu is now It's one of my armors."

Tian Xiaoxiao's smile has always been friendly, but she still knows that many people in the audience are suspicious.

"First of all, I will quote a proposition, which is the incident in room n a few days ago." Tian Xiaoxiao took a sip of water and began his speech. The content of the speech was how far women's rights have gone.

"As for Room N, I want to say that you are free to watch what you want, but what you choose is the most basic conscience and morality. When you watch unscrupulously, will you be the next victim? How many potential N in our country? What about the number room? You have to know that black industrial chains such as sneak shots are all in places you can’t see. When we can’t even protect our most basic privacy, will we still have confidence in this society?”

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the men and women in the audience, this time she had to finish what she wanted to say.

"The public service advertisement said that if there is no sale, there will be no harm. Some people must be thinking in their hearts what is wrong with me, and I didn't shoot it? But please think about it, if there is no market, will there be so many illegal candid shots? Apart from hoping to rely on the The government, the society, and everyone who reads this article, please protect their privacy." Tian Xiaoxiao was expressionless, very serious because she had no choice but to be serious about such things.

"I saw a blogger analyzing this incident on a video site: it is not only the criminal suspect's extremely perverted psychological distortion, but also the objectification and contempt for women in Korean society." Tian Xiaoxiao knew clearly that the real The objectification of women is not limited to South Korea.

"But if you expand the scope, it's not just Korean men who look at women like this. In our lives, it's not a bunch of people: "You should be raped if you wear such a sexy dress" "What is the purpose of making yourself so good-looking not to seduce men?" ""Girls are going to marry anyway, and the married daughter is throwing water. "Why do girls read so many books?" "Every time a woman is sexually assaulted, the comments below are unsightly. When will it be taken for granted that the victim is guilty?" The blue Hanfu on Tian Xiaoxiao's body is particularly dazzling at this moment, telling people that wearing Clothes are free.

"There are even some women who have all kinds of yin and yang towards the same vulnerable groups, and women are starting to embarrass women? Why do you say that in this general environment, women should be accessories of men? It has been like this since ancient times?" Tian Xiaoxiao turned to the stage The people below asked several questions, and she was questioning and guiding people to reflect.

The original whispers of the people in the audience have become silent, and people may have begun to think.

"Then do you know how many baby girls have been killed by patriarchal demons since they were born, how many women have become so-and-so's child brides-in-law, and how many girls can't study because they are ignorant? This is a kind of happiness, and now the gap between male and female ratio is big, there are more wolves and less meat, the consequences of these feudal superstitions are probably coming."

Tian Xiaoxiao said and looked at the male audience in the stands. How many men are still objectifying women in an environment where the ratio of men to women is seriously out of balance? He thinks that women are accessories of men, so they should marry and have children.

"I also hate the so-called pastoral feminism. Women are inherently independent individuals. The so-called pastoral feminism is just to pursue the maximization of their own interests under the banner of feminism. Feminism has always pursued equal rights for men and women. In employment, public opinion, education, salary , Social welfare can be equal to that of men. Why do you say that men are the pillars of the family? Indeed, but wouldn’t it be tiring to support a family with only one man? Shouldn’t it depend on two people? The price paid for the equality pursued by women’s rights It's the same with men."

Tian Xiaoxiao changed the subject of the joke. In fact, Tian Xiaoxiao felt that women's rights have always been not to make women superior to men, but to make men and women equal. The so-called pastoral women's rights are just selfish in the name of women's rights.

"Everyone should know that even if you are a boy, even if you are wearing a white t-shirt and pants that day, the devil will not put away his claws. So I hope that the freedom of dressing can be truly realized, and there is no need to see all kinds of events under the Said the victim deserved what she was wearing that day."

In the dark corners of the world, how many people choose to remain silent, and how many people choose to speak ill to the victims.

"When girls can choose to wear pants without skirts, boys can also choose to wear skirts with pleasing makeup, when gentle boys are no longer called mothers, when girls can wear suspenders to go out in the street without being noticed Don’t be gossiped. All this is a good name of your own choice: freedom, you may not like it but you can’t make choices for others.”

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Yixuan in the auditorium, and Mu Yixuan in the auditorium looked at Tian Xiaoxiao on the podium. At that moment, time seemed to stop.

Tian Xiaoxiao remembered that Mu Yixuan had given such a speech before, probably they were people with the same three views.

"I hope that we can abandon prejudice and colored glasses. How many victims can't hold their heads up in this life. It is clear that they have done nothing wrong. Why does the public opinion not let the criminals be brought to justice but instead blame the victims? Comments on posts and videos hurt by pua scumbags are always one-sided, why do you always say that girls love themselves but don’t want to spend some meager time teaching your son not to take off his pants at will.”

Tian Xiaoxiao was a little excited when she said that, because she felt that self-esteem and self-love are the most basic for everyone, shouldn't both men and women abide by it?

"Girls, remember that you have accessories that are not male. Your existence is only for yourself. The good you accept from him is not taken for granted. We can also live well on our own. Boys You have to remember that liking is mutual, not the contribution of one party, although you are a boy, if you are tired, don’t hold on to the extra face, a man can also be a concierge or a househusband.”

Tian Xiaoxiao told the men and women in the auditorium that she didn't know what this speech could bring to the audience, she just wanted to tell them that all people are born equal.

"Personally, I still hate the so-called exorbitant bride price. For example, selling women as commodities to men is obviously objectifying women. Shouldn't marriage be the result of mutual affection? Please think about it for some boys who oppose women's rights If your daughter experiences all kinds of inhuman treatment in her speech in the future, she will probably be moved? What we want is equality between men and women. Although the voice is very small and will not be seen by others, it will always be there."

Tian Xiaoxiao said sonorously and forcefully, the sound of this world itself is many small voices condensed together.

"We are not male accessories, and men are not women's ATM machines. The world is beautiful, wonderful, far, and wonderful because of us. You and I are all independent individuals, and we are all free. How far is feminism from us? No. , How far is equality between men and women from us? Soon, soon, definitely.” Tian Xiaoxiao bowed deeply to the audience when she finished her speech, and thunderous applause rang out in her ears.

It turns out that one day her Tian Xiaoxiao will be recognized by others, and it turns out that she is not really worthless.

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly wanted to cry, but it was a happy cry, but she still held back.

"Tian Xiaoxiao's manuscript is well written." Mu Yixuan listened most seriously in the audience.

"It's still a bit worse than you." Tian Xiaoxiao really felt that Mu Yixuan's speech was better. She can only say that there is no way to catch the ducks on the shelves and she can only do it to this level.

"Xiaoxiaotian, you are so amazing. You surprised me at first, but when I thought it was you, I didn't feel so surprised again." Micah was the one who clapped the most seriously in the auditorium. Micah thought Tian Xiaoxiao really catches people's eyes all the time.

"No way, don't praise me, I won't be embarrassed like this." Tian Xiaoxiao blushed, she was very shy and could not accept compliments from others.

"That's right, I enjoyed watching it." Ye Zhe slept through the whole process, but in order not to hurt Tian Xiaoxiao's self-confidence, let's say something against his will.

"But I see you're sleeping very happily." Tian Xiaoxiao had noticed that Ye Zhe was fast asleep offstage, alas, anyway, Ye Zhe was already very happy to see Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you are much more serious when you are giving a speech than when you are cooking." Lin Muxing still had a fresh memory of Tian Xiaoxiao's dark cooking, but Lin Muxing still finished eating Tian Xiaoxiao's dark cooking at that time.

"That's because you cook for me, so I don't know how to cook at all!" Although Tian Xiaoxiao is Lin Muxing's older sister, Lin Muxing is actually more like an older brother. After all, Lin Muxing really knows how to cook. Take care of people.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, you have become smart recently, what reward do you want?" Tang Tang asked directly.

"No, I have my own company and I think I'm pretty good now." Tian Xiaoxiao belongs to the Buddhist girl, and has no interest in the resources Tang Tang gave.

"Children can be taught." The agent is very happy, after all, Tang Tang is right.

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