Qian Luhan was taken to a hotel by George Xiwen. Looking at the name of Chenqing Hotel on it, she knew that it must be the Qingkong Hotel under Han Yichen.Just when Qian Luhan followed George Xiwen to the private room with doubts, she saw her father Chiba and George Xiwen's father George Button sitting there.

"Dad? What's going on with George Xiwen?" George Xiwen patted her on the shoulder to reassure her, then let her sit down, and sat beside her.

"You don't need to ask Xiwen, do you still remember what I said at home when you first came back?" Qian Luhan's words reminded Qian Luhan that when she first came back, Qianye wanted to get her engaged to George Xiwen, because of this She even had a falling out with him, she thought she had nothing to say, why is this an engagement today?

"I have discussed it with your Uncle Button. The engagement banquet of you two will be held in this hotel. I believe you and Xiwen saw it when they came in just now. The reputation of this hotel is indeed good." Looking at Qianye, there was nothing Qian Luhan became angry when he asked her opinion and booked this hotel directly.

"Dad, have you asked my opinion?" Everyone felt that Qian Luhan was really angry this time.

"Do I need to ask your opinion? Don't forget that you are my Chiba's daughter and I have the right to make a marriage contract for you."

"Back then, you ordered me to Brother Wen without asking me anything. Today, you still ordered me to Xiwen without asking me anything? What am I in your eyes? I am one of your objects Or a pet?" Seeing Qian Luhan's tears welling in his eyes, George Xiwen suddenly felt that he really shouldn't bring her here today.

"Brother Chiba, I think it's okay to get engaged. This is a matter between the children. Let them solve it themselves." George Button saw that things were not good, and saw his son keep winking at him, so he had no choice but to pretend nice guy.

"No, Barton, look, I've spoiled my children. Qian Luhan, think about what Xiwen has done for you in the past three years in San Francisco. Do you still have a conscience?"

"If you want to thank you, you have to ask your own daughter to give me your body. You can say nothing. Anyway, I'm nothing more than an object in your eyes." After Qian Luhan turned to leave, he just Pulled by George Creek.

"Lu Han, let me see you off."

"No need." Qian Luhan shook off his hand and turned around to look at Qianye.

"Aren't you ordering Chenqing just to make me give up on Han Yichen? I tell you it's impossible." After speaking, Qian Luhan turned around and walked away without looking back, not saving Qianye any face.

Qian Luhan took a taxi to Liangwen's house, she reached out and knocked on the door. Liangwen opened the door and saw that the tears from crying were still on her face, so she hurriedly pulled her into the room.

"What's wrong with you? Did Han Yichen bully you? Or something happened?" Liang Wen made a cup of coffee and handed it to her, then sat beside her.

"Where's Aunt Liang?"

"She's asleep. You know, the elderly usually go to bed early. What's wrong with you?" Qian Luhan put down his coffee and hugged her, crying again.At this time, her mobile phone rang and saw that the caller ID was George Xiwen, she immediately hung up and then turned off the phone.

"You and Xiwen quarreled? You shouldn't, he hurts you so much, how dare you quarrel with you?" Qian Luhan got up and wiped away his tears and took a sip of coffee before calming down.

"My dad asked me to get engaged to him. He came to pick me up just after I finished filming today, and then went to Chenqing Hotel. My dad said that our engagement banquet will be held at Chenqing. What do you think he means? He Knowing that Chenqing is Han Yichen's hotel, what on earth is he going to do?"

"Maybe your dad really thinks you and Han Yichen are not suitable."

"Even if it's not suitable, you can't just pull someone to marry me."

"How can you call someone random? That's George Xiwen. Although he doesn't have the status and wealth of Han Yichen, he is at least stable and down-to-earth. Your father is generally thinking of you. But in Chenqing Hotel It's a bit unreasonable to hold an engagement banquet."

"You are his lobbyist, aren't you?" Seeing Qian Luhan's questioning Liang Wen, she felt like a child.

"Okay, are you going to hang out with me tonight or something?"

"I'll go back to live at my place. Veolia came back tonight and she said she won't work overtime, why don't you go back with me?"

"I don't want to go. My mother should be in a hurry when she wakes up tomorrow morning. How about I ask your brother to pick you up and take you home?" Seeing Qian Luhan nodding pitifully, Liang Wen had no choice but to take out her phone and call Qian Yueye The call asked him to come and pick up Qian Luhan, a homeless child.

"But having said that, you've been back for so long, how dare you say you haven't seen Han Yichen?" Watching Liang Wen's interrogation, Qian Luhan remembered the two times she met Han Yichen, and subconsciously reached out her hand to cover her mouth.

"I'll go, it seems that not only meeting but also doing something. Tell me, tell me."

"It's nothing, it's just that he invested in the new film that was filmed recently."

"He didn't invest, why did you take it?"

"Please, if Lisa hadn't threatened me with herself, would I have accepted it? He found me hiding in the toilet when we first met."

"Qian Luhan, do you dare to be a little more cowardly?" Qian Luhan yelled at her, at this time someone knocked on the door.

Liangwen ran over to open the door, and there were Qianyueye and Wen Yachu. It was the first time Wen Yachu saw Liangwen's sloppy appearance in pajamas without makeup.Liang Wen looked at Wen Ya Chu in shock, why did he come?

"No, what's the matter with you Qianyueye? I asked you to pick up your sister, why did you bring him here?" After speaking, Liangwen went back to the sofa and sat down unhappily.Instead, Qian Yueye and Wen Yachu entered the room and sat down unceremoniously.

"Liangwen, you are becoming more and more impolite to me. You used to call me Brother Yueye and now you just call me by my first name." While talking, he picked up an apple and took a bite, then looked up at Qianlu Han Zhuang almost cried.

"Xiao Luhan, what kind of image is this? If this is photographed by the media, it will surely hit the headlines tomorrow."

"Eating apples can't stop you? I asked your father why he wanted me to get engaged to Xiwen out of the blue?"

"That's why you're here? Don't you think so? When you got engaged to Wen Yachu, didn't you act like a normal person?"

"I was young at the time."

"It wasn't this that Lu Han was crying about. Uncle Qianye booked the hotel which turned out to be the Chenqing Hotel. What do you think is the bad hotel under your family? Why did you choose Han Yichen's Chenqing Hotel? Everyone knows it well. "

Qian Yueye started to gloat when he heard it. "Father's scheme is so clever, why didn't I think of it? It just happened to make you die and reunite with Han Yichen."

"Who said I want to reunite with him? Even if I don't reunite with him, I don't want to marry someone I don't love casually."

"Look at my sister, Xiwen has taken care of you abroad for three years, why can't you marry him?"

"Qianyueye, what age is it now, I have the right to choose my own marriage." Seeing that Qian Luhan was getting angry, Wen Yachu hurriedly grabbed Qianyueye to signal him not to talk anymore, Qianyueye also got up and took her Pick up your clothes and bags.

"Mom and you are standing on the united front, and now we are in a cold war with our father. Let's go, I will take you home and live with you tonight. I am afraid that my parents' fireworks will burn me." Qianlu When Han heard that his mother was still fighting for him, how could he compromise so casually, so he quickly packed up his mood and fought with his mother.

"Then I'm leaving, Wenwen, bye." After speaking, Qian Luhan put on his shoes and Qian Yueye walked out, only Wen Yachu and Liangwen were left in the room.

"Why don't you leave? Wait until I kick you out?" Liang Wen got up and wanted to go back to the room, but Wen Yachu directly grabbed her and the two of them lost their balance and fell down on the sofa.The two looked at each other. Liang Wen just wanted to push him away, but he lowered his head and kissed her lips, from a simple kiss to a tongue kiss.His hands became disobedient, and he tried to untie her pajamas, but she stopped him.Only then did Wen Yachu let go of her lips and looked at her, she didn't blame him for not hitting her but just looked at him with a blushing face.

"My mother is at home." Such a sentence made Wen Yachu know that she had pretended to be ignorant and bored at the beginning, and that she loved him.

"You never gave up on me, right?" Liang Wen looked at him and put her arms around his neck.

"Never. At the beginning, I just wanted you to pay more attention to me. Later, I just wanted to make myself better to be worthy of you. Yachu, I never gave up on you. Thank you for being so persistent. , you are willing to wait for me even for three years."

"Then you mean that you are willing to be my girlfriend?" Liang Wen nodded and Wen Ya Chu lowered his head and kissed her lips again, this time he wanted to get more but was still stopped by Liang Wen.

"Give me some time, please? I'll give you everything." Wen Yachu tied her clothes and got up and walked to the door.

"I can wait as long as you want." Liang Wen shyly watched him push open the door and leave.

As soon as Qian Luhan opened the door, Veolia hugged him enthusiastically, "Where have you been? Why did you come back?" Qian Yueye knew who this person was without having to guess. The boss stands there.

"Dong Qian?" Qian Yueye walked into the room and sat on the sofa unceremoniously.

"There is no Qian Dong here, only Qian Yue Ye. You can call me Yue Ye after work. It turns out that you have moved out of my house and lived with Lu Han." Qian Yue Ye bluntly gave Veolia to Qian Yue. Lu Hanqie's dragon fruit was eaten clean, Qian Luhan threw a bag over and Qian Yueye caught it.

"What are you doing? Qian Luhan? Murdered my brother? Didn't I just eat some dragon fruit for you? Someday I'll buy you a heavy one, and see how you buckle it." Qian Luhan didn't bother to talk to him. Back in the house, Veolia closed the door and sat on the sofa.

"How do you feel? Is Lu Han unhappy?"

"Or you women's sixth sense is very accurate. It is true that she is very unhappy now, so let's get acquainted and don't disturb her."

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