Yesi's deep and rough voice sounded next to her ears again and again: "Honey, there was no light that night, I felt a little uncomfortable, I went to the bathroom, remember..."

When Wuyou and Nianci were very young, they had a bad fight with Luodaier that night, he stumbled to the bathroom, and she happened to be there...

Xia Nuan forgot to struggle and recalled the past in her mind.

On that dark night, she felt extremely hot all over her body and felt extremely uncomfortable. She supported her body precariously all the way, and wanted to take a cold shower, but in the darkness, she met a person, and immediately embraced that person as if her blood was boiling.

However, she always thought it was a dream.

"You hugged me and asked me to kiss you."

Yesi rested her face, warm touch moved on her cheeks, those deep eyes were full of tenderness, like a magnet, strongly attracted her, and the two fiery hearts couldn't stop trembling.

"So it wasn't a dream, why is it you?" Xia Nuan murmured, as if talking to himself, but also as if talking to him.

There was a hint of incomprehension on her blushing cheeks, and her long loose hair spread across her chest, charming her mind.

"Why? Because you are destined to belong to me." Ye Sichen's strength sank, and he hugged her tightly.

Xia Nuan couldn't help holding his suffocatingly perfect face, looking at those magnificent eyes, her heart trembled, as if possessed by a demon, she hooked his elegant neck.

Lingering, more violent than a typhoon.

"Bang bang bang."

Outside the door, there was a hasty knock on the door.

Xia Nuan's heart sank, and she kept beating Ye Sichen's shoulder: "Someone is knocking on the door."

Xiu Mian panicked.

Ye Sichen remained indifferent, and sprinkled delicate kisses on her face and neck: "Leave him alone."

"No, let go, I can't...stop..."

"Well, I don't stop." He smiled softly, with wicked slyness, and his strength in hugging her continued unabated.

Bang bang bang!
The knock on the door was a little louder than before.

Xia Nuan was about to cry: "Sir, I beg you." Because of impatience, her slender fingers inadvertently scratched the red marks on his wheat-colored back.

"Call me dear."

"No." Xia Nuan bit her lip stubbornly.

"Well then, tell them to come in and see what we're doing."

In order to end, she just had to bite the bullet and call softly: "Honey."

"Speak up, I can't hear you."

"Honey!" she raised her voice.

Yesi let go of her in a deep way, and then reluctantly pecked her red lips.Pick up the scattered shirts and put them on slowly.

Xia Nuan tidied her clothes in a panic, spread out the design drawings, and sat beside the desk pretending to be calm.However, her whole body was filled with the smell that belonged to Ye Sichen, even her breath was his smell.

She wanted to go to the bathroom to wash her face, but Ye Sichen had already opened the door at this time.

Luo Daier stood outside the door, facing Ye Sichen, she was a little timid.

Ye Sichen's voice was a little lazy: "What's the matter?"

Faintly, Luodai'er smelled an ambiguous atmosphere lingering in the room, and even Ye Sichen exuded a faint feminine smell.

At this moment, Luodaier was about to go crazy.

But she can't make trouble, Yesichen also has a video of her making out with Roger, if she makes a fuss, Yesichen will definitely expose the video of Roger, and even if she gets divorced, she will get nothing.

"I want to see Wuyou and Nianci." Luodaier said pretending to be calm.

Yesi Chen didn't intend to ask her to go in: "They are all asleep."

Luo Daier looked inside, saw Xia Nuan, her eyes were hardened, and she asked Ye Sichen coldly: "Why is she here? Ye, you have to figure it out, the hostess here is me."

"She's here to repair the blueprints, is there a problem?" Ye Sichen asked back.

Xia Nuan took the design drawing, called his wife, and crossed Ye Sichen to leave.

Although she kept her head down, Luodaier still keenly noticed the red marks on her neck. Luodaier looked at Xia Nuan with jealousy, wishing to tear Xia Nuan's face to pieces.

Xia Nuan's arms tightened, and Ye Sichen dragged her away.

Luo Daier stared at Ye Sichen angrily, and pointed at Xia Nuan: "What did you do inside? And what about the marks on her neck? Ye Sichen, you can't do this to me!"

She finally couldn't restrain herself.

Her pride and her nobility are worthless to Yesichen. All Yesichen gives her is setbacks, endless setbacks!

"Need I repeat it a second time? We're fixing the blueprints."

Yesi looked at Lauder coldly, and said calmly.

Luo Daier smiled, with tears in her eyes: "You have time to stay with her, but you don't have time to cultivate feelings with me, Ye Sichen, am I that annoying to you? So disgusting that you would rather touch one Despicable woman, but she doesn't touch me at all!"

Luodai'er's voice was so sharp that it awakened Wuyou and Nianci on the bed.

"Keep your mouth clean."

"She is a mean woman! I know better than you what she is!"

Xia Nuan saw that Ye Sichen's face was cold and windy, as if she wanted to delay Luo Dai'er, her heart sank, she stood in front of Ye Sichen, looked at Luo Dai'er: "I have a fiance, I will soon Will marry, never thought of replacing you."

Luo Dai'er raised her hand in front of Ye Sichen, wanting to slap Xia Nuan on the face: "Bitch! While sleeping with my husband, she vowed to separate herself from her relationship! What a shameless white lotus!"

That hand was held in the air by Ye Sichen, and with a slight push, Lauder staggered back and fell to the ground exaggeratedly.

Xia Nuan was about to step forward, but Ye Sichen grabbed her, pulled her into the bedroom, and slammed the door behind her.

"You shouldn't have brought me here in the first place, we have violated morality! Please open the door, I want to leave!" Xia Nuan watched Ye Sichen treat Lauder so ruthlessly, she suddenly realized that when Ye Sichen Shen is tired of playing, maybe he will treat her like this.

"That's enough, Xia Nuan, seriously fix your design." Ye Sichen's eyes were as cold as ice, without a trace of warmth.

Xia Nuan really felt Ye Sichen's coldness.

He can have the heart of the world and treat the world with kindness and gentleness, but he is almost cruel in terms of personal feelings.

"How can I leave?" Xia Nuan looked at him, not so excited anymore.

"Wait until you fix the blueprint to my satisfaction." Ye Sichen frowned when he saw Wuyou and Nianci looking at them curiously.

Walk over and gently press them on the bed: "Children, it's time to go to bed."

Concerned about Wuyou and Nianci, Xia Nuan stopped talking, sat down beside the desk, and silently opened the drawing.

In the middle of the night, Luodai'er cut her own pulse and committed suicide in her room. Ye Sichen heard about it and rushed over overnight.

When Xia Nuan heard the news, she looked solemn, as if a heavy stone was pressing on her heart, making her breathless.

Luo Daier was rescued in time and out of danger. Because of excessive blood loss, she needed to rest with Mi Ke for a period of time.The old lady Ye who was going back to Modu earlier also delayed her trip because of this incident.

Xia Nuan repaired the drawings in the villa, and accompanied Wuyou and Nianci by the way.

She hasn't seen Yesichen for a week, and she tries not to think about Yesichen, and does something every day to enrich herself.

After Alian came back from Mi Ke's side, she came to chat with Xia Nuan.

"Miss Nuan, you didn't see it. The gash on Madam's wrist is so deep and the injury is serious. Hey, why can't you think about it?" A-Lian sighed while cleaning the room.

The paintbrush in Xia Nuan's hand stopped a little bit.

"She forbade Mr. Ye to leave her, and she threatened Mr. Ye that as long as he left, she would continue to choose to commit suicide. Anyway, she couldn't see Mr., and she was going to die. It was a crime. You said Mr. is such a good person, how could you touch him? Such extremists?"

Xia Nuan sighed, and said quietly: "The love is too deep."

"When I first married my husband, I heard it was a deception. There were rumors that she was barren. In order to break the public opinion, Mr. Ye gave her two babies. In the end, those public opinions were self-defeating, but When the young master and young lady were born, she had no intention of taking care of them, and even nearly suffocated the young master and young lady to death. Since then, the husband and her have been estranged..."

Xia Nuan frowned, with a lot of thoughts in her heart.

 Perhaps it was because Luodaier didn't take good care of Wuyou and Nianci at that time, that Ye Sichen still has a grudge against her till now.

 Over there, a servant came: "Miss Nuan, someone is calling for you."

Mr. Xia Nuan is Yeshen's nominal cousin, and all the servants call her Miss when they see her.

Xia Nuan went away and picked up the phone.

"Hi, Xia Nuan!"

Over there, came Lacey's cheerful voice.

"Mr. Lacey? What do you want from me?"

"I was invited by Mrs. Ye, and I'm going to the villa later. What do you like? I'll buy it for you."

Xia Nuan politely declined: "Thank you, I don't want anything."

Lacey did come.

Chatting with the old lady in the living room.

Xia Nuan also knew that Mrs. Ye would be unhappy when she saw her, so she tried not to appear in front of Mrs. Ye.However, Lacey said a few words to the old lady and kept asking her where she was in the living room. She was worried that Lacey would come upstairs to find her and had to go downstairs.

The old lady Ye was not as strict as she imagined, but said to Xia Nuan with a gentle face: "A Nuan, treat Mr. Lacey well, I have a headache, so I went back to my room to rest."

After finishing speaking, she asked the servant to help her to the bedroom.

As soon as the old lady Ye left, Laixi complained to Xia Nuan eloquently.

"Xia Nuan, do you know that I was going to Zhongshan to find you, and after the performance that day, I immediately went to catch the flight, but on the way, my father called me and said that he was dying, and I was scared No, I had to cancel the flight." When Lacey said this, she was indignant: "When I went back, I saw my father talking at home, and then I realized that my father tricked me back to limit my freedom. , don’t tell me to go to Zhongshan to find you, I was grounded at home for a whole month, damn it, it must have been done at night, he visited my father, he must have said something..."

Xia Nuan was startled, and looked up at Lacey.

"What I said is true. That guy ordered my father to ground me, but he went to Zhongshan as a tourist. However, I'm curious, are you really Uncle Ye's daughter?"

"Mr. Lacey, I'm going to restore the blueprints. I'll ask Raymond to accompany you."

Xia Nuan didn't answer Lacey's words, and went upstairs to the room.

Lacey followed suit.

"Did Ye ask you to fix it? In my opinion, he just made things difficult for you. But you can ask me if you don't know how, I know a thing or two about design." Lacey put her hands in her trouser pockets and leaned against the Beside the desk, there was a look of enthusiasm.

"Oh, thank you, no need, Mr. Lacey, you'd better get out of here."

 At this time, a servant brought two glasses of orange juice.

Lacey took a cup and put it in his hand: "Well, then I won't bother you, but for the sake of sending you back to Zhongshan last time, can you thank me?"

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