Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, Xia Nuan lowered her voice and said, "I beg you to let Gu Jinhan brothers and sisters go."

Ye Sichen froze for a moment, then took her hand and tried to pull her into his arms, but Xia Nuan didn't cooperate, so Ye Sichen gave up and looked out the window with her.

"I don't understand the meaning of your words. Do you mean that I deliberately calculated the prison they went to?"

"Yes, I can't think of anyone except you?" Xia Nuan said calmly.

Yesi Chen smiled: "Have you ever thought about how much trouble he caused us?"

"If it wasn't for him, I would have died long ago. He has always been kind to me." Xia Nuan retorted Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen felt very uncomfortable, and he was silent for a while, and said: "I admit that I did ask someone to put the prohibited items on Gu Mei secretly, but, Ah Nuan, unless you are with me, otherwise, I will I won't ask them to come out. Because I know that once they come out, they will try to disrupt our relationship, and I don't want this to happen."

"Yeshen, when did you become so despicable? I can bless you and Lin Meng, why can't you help me and Gu Jinhan? Don't be so selfish." The resentment in Xia Nuan's heart became stronger and her emotions changed. Some got excited.

"To treat Gu Jinhan, of course you have to use despicable means. If I'm not despicable, how could you come back to me?" Ye Sichen said it as a matter of course, and couldn't help but lift her chin, forcing her to look at her: " You said you asked me to fulfill you and Gu Jinhan, I want to ask you, do you really love him? In front of the three children, how can you say the words to fulfill you? Do you think this is worthy of the children? " He looked Taking a look at her swollen belly, he held her in his arms domineeringly.

"I just hope you let Gu Jinhan go. I know you have means now, but I don't want you to use them for evil." Xia Nuan took Ye Sichen's hand away.

"To deal with evil, there is only more evil." Ye Sichen said ruthlessly, "Xia Nuan, let me just say it, if you are willing to come with me, I will let Gu Jinhan and Gu Mei go."

"Go with you? Aren't you already married? Are you going to betray your new wife now and let me be the third party in your marriage? Ye Sichen, I have seen through you. In your eyes, I am A marionette, you have always regarded me as a marionette at your mercy! But now I don't want to be anymore, I have my own ideas!"

Xia Nuan spoke righteously, and a flash of firmness and determination flashed in those eyes.

"Xia Nuan, didn't you say you believed me before? Why do you misunderstand me like this now? I don't love Lin Meng at all, I love you. Do you know why I married her? She said she knew your whereabouts , she threatened me with your safety and forced me to marry her. I had no choice but to agree, but nothing happened between me and her. Because I love you, if you are questioning me, I really Very sad." Ye Sichen said every word with affectionate expression on his face.

Xia Nuan stared at Ye Sichen, his heart was quietly moved, Ye Si lowered his head, grabbed Xia Nuan's lips, pulled her into his arms again, and kissed her passionately.

Xia Nuan was dizzy from being kissed, and tried to push him away with both hands, but couldn't exert any strength.

Yesi kissed Xia Nuan vaguely, and said, "That's right, I want to take you away, we're going to a place where no one will disturb you, and live a normal life with our children. As for Lin Meng, doesn't she want to If you want to be Mrs. Cong, then let her be her Mrs. Cong forever, she won't be able to influence us at all."

When Xia Nuan heard this, she opened her eyes and collided strongly with Ye Sichen's affectionate eyes, her heart couldn't help but jump.

Ye Sichen's breathing became more and more orderly, and he hugged Xia Nuan on his lap, deepening the kiss. Xia Nuan's breath was like a silk, and the hand went from the initial resistance to wrapping around his waist.

The three children were playing a game. Seeing the scene where Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan kissed, they couldn't help but smile happily.Xia Nuan blushed, and kept reminding Ye Sichen to stop.

Yesi smiled deeply, hugged her from behind, and asked softly in a low voice, "Unless you promise me to leave with me."

"Don't do this first." Xia Nuan said.

"No, you have to give me the answer now." Ye Sichen's attitude was as firm as ever, as if Xia Nuan didn't give him an answer, he had no intention of letting go of Xia Nuan.

"Okay, I promise you, but you let Gu Jinhan and Gu Mei go."

"I'll let them go, you don't have to worry about that." Ye Sichen kissed her on the cheek as he wished, and let her go.

Tillock drove in the direction of the pier. Xia Nuan looked outside and asked Ye Sichen a little puzzled, "Where are we going?"

"I said, go to a place where they can't find it, there is only us and the child." Yesichen squeezed Xia Nuan's hand.

"What about Mrs. Ni?" Xia Nuan said worriedly.

Yesi smiled deeply: "She will continue to stay in Ni's house and be her magnificent Ni wife. You shouldn't worry about this."

When they were about to pass through the customs, Ye Sichen successfully disguised the three children, and prepared an Arabian costume for Xia Nuan, asking Xia Nuan to put it on, and then he changed into those clothes himself.

They got out of the car with their three children and walked towards a private yacht on the harbor side. When they were about to board the yacht, Xia Nuan hesitated and looked towards the side of the pier.Ask Ye Sichen: "Will you really let Gu Jinhan and Gu Mei go?"

"I will." Yesi Chen held Xia Nuan's hand, confirming it with a glance.

The three children walked over to snuggle up to Xia Nuan, looking at Xia Nuan eagerly, as if they were afraid that Xia Nuan would leave.

Xia Nuan's heart softened, she stood on the deck holding the hands of the three children, and then entered the cabin with Ye Sichen.

However, what Ling Xianuan didn't expect was that there was a couple in the cabin, Mi Ke and Lacey!

Lacey held the child in her arms and kept coaxing the child, while Mi Ke changed the diaper for the child.

"You guys are here, hurry up, this little guy is a little seasick, we have to try our best to reach the destination." Lacey looked at Yesichen with some complaints.

But Mi Ke glared at Lacey unhappily: "Little Treasure doesn't get seasick at all. When I took him out to play last time, he didn't show any signs of seasickness at all. This time you kept holding him around! You don't I won't hold the baby!"

Miko accuses Lacey.

But Lacey kept echoing: "Okay, okay, it's because I don't know how to hold children, so don't look for me when you hold children in the future."

"He is your son, whoever you don't hug, I tell you, Lacey, don't try to be lazy!" Mi Ke said this, walked over to hold Xia Nuan's hand, and his smile deepened: "Mrs. You have to help me supervise him at all times, if you see him being lazy, please tell me!"

Before Xia Nuan could answer, Wuyou and Nian Ci'ansheng beside her laughed and said, "Mom is pregnant with a baby, so I don't have time to supervise. From now on, we will supervise uncle for auntie."

"We can play with Xiaobao!"

"Yes, I have a lot of toys!"

Lin Yiai and Lacey looked at each other and smiled, Ye Sichen walked over, rubbed the child's head, and looked at Lacey: "Lacey, have you and Mi Ke's affairs been resolved?"

Lacey looked satisfied, and said confidently: "Everything is settled, I have already agreed with my parents, I told them that I will take a world tour with Mi Ke and the children, and tell them not to Worried, and I have already sent someone to take care of them, but you, did you really just leave like this? What about the affairs in country A?"

Ye Sichen said, "Of course someone will help me with it, so you don't have to worry."

Xia Nuan looked at them with some puzzlement, and Miguo walked over, holding Xia Nuan's arm: "Dear Mrs. Ye, I know you have always had a doubt, why don't I help you answer it, me and Lacey, you and Ye Sichen, let's have a group elopement, find the life we ​​want, and have a romantic seclusion."

A flash of longing flashed in Xia Nuan's eyes, Ye Sichen looked towards her, she looked away in a little panic.

"What? Don't you like it?"

Mi Ke asked Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan looked at the three children and shook her head: "No, I like it."

When Ye Sichen heard her words, his heart was filled with warmth. He walked over to hold Xia Nuan's hand, and kissed her in front of Mi Ke and Lacey.

Seeing this, Lacey hugged the child with one hand and Mi Ke's waist with the other, and kissed Mi Ke hard on the lips.

Mi Ke's face flushed with embarrassment, and he hammered Lacey on the shoulder.

Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen couldn't help smiling, and the two embraced even tighter.

A month later, Lin Meng got entangled with Nan Xiu in marriage because she couldn't bear the loneliness. After Madam Ni found out, she kicked Lin Meng out of Ni's house. She exposed the news that Ye Sichen was still alive to the global media. Then, when the media asked Lin Meng about Yeshen's whereabouts now, Lin Meng couldn't answer because she didn't know the relationship between Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan. trace.The media thought she was talking nonsense, so no one wanted to believe her.

Under the attack of the media, Lin Meng suffered a nervous breakdown. Finally, under Nan Xiu's leadership, she was admitted to a mental hospital again.

Mrs. Ni has also been looking for Ye Sichen's whereabouts. However, Di Luo has been refusing to tell Mrs. Ni. After learning that Ye Ranni knew about Ye Sichen's whereabouts, Mrs. Ni decided to start with Ye Ranni, because Di Luo When sending Ye Sichen, Xia Nuan and their children to the yacht, Ye Ranni had been secretly following them.

So Ye Ranni really knows all about these things.

When Di Luo learned that Ye Ranni was going to expose Ye Sichen's whereabouts to Mrs. Ni, Di Luo tricked Ye Ranni into the past, and while Ye Ranni was not paying attention, he knocked her out and shot her. Some indecent photos, Tillock threatened Ye Ranni with those indecent photos, if Ye Ranni dared to expose Ye Sichen's whereabouts, then her indecent photos would be seen by people all over the world However, Ye Ranni was so angry that she had no choice but to give up cooperating with Mrs. Ni.Ye Ranni complained to Di Luoke every day, complaining that Di Luoke didn't respect her, complaining that Di Luoke's body was seen naked by Di Luoke, and Di Luoke blocked her mouth with a word.

"Is it okay if I marry you?" Tillock looked very impatient.

When Ye Ranni heard these words, her heart couldn't help but move.

Gu Jinhan and Gu Mei were not released because the two brothers and sisters had indeed done illegal things. They were doing some drug trafficking under the gimmick of real estate development, and they have been detained now. However, Ye Sichen has been hiding Xia Nuan, did not tell her.

A few months later, Aken wrote a letter to Yeshen, telling him about the situation in Modu, and he also told Yeschen about his marriage.Originally, he only married Roland to deal with the media, and it was also because of Ye Sichen, but now, he has gradually developed feelings for Roland, and Roland is now pregnant, so he decided to have a fake show with her and become a real couple.

And Roland also recognized him as Akon, and didn't mistake him for Yeshen, Akon was also very pleased about this.

Yesichen and Xia Nuan looked at Aken's heart, and they all smiled gratifyingly at the same time.

Yesi caressed Xia Nuan's swollen abdomen, and carried her on the bed carefully.

Xia Nuan blushed: "What are you going to do?"

"I want you." Yesi sucked her lips deeply.

Xia Nuan's expression became more and more confused, but she couldn't help pushing Ye Sichen away because she was concerned about the child in her stomach.

"No, be careful, kid."

"It's okay, I've read the knowledge about parenting, so I can make out at this time." He kissed her again and held her tightly in his arms.

She hooked his neck and responded enthusiastically to his request for a kiss.

The three children hid outside the door, watched this scene through the gap, and couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering.

Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen heard the children's laughter and had no choice but to end the kiss, and looked at the three children outside helplessly.

"You all come in."

After the words fell, the three children scrambled to rush over, and the room was filled with cheerful laughter.

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