Ge Li remained silent, and the sound of Xia Nuan pulling the trigger came from next to her ears. Cold sweat broke out on Ge Li's forehead again, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Please don't embarrass me, sir."

Even the voice trembled.

Ye Sichen smiled, and looked at Ge Li: "Then you take everything down, Ge Li, I will take out the medicine in the syringe for random testing, and if I find anything, I will not let it go You, even if Uncle Zuo comes to beg you, I won't let you go."

After hearing Ye Sichen's words, Ge Li's heart sank again, and she kept pinching that hand.

"Well, I say, sir, but please don't tell Madame I said it. Will you?"

"Okay, you can say it."

Ge Li told Ye Sichen exactly what Madam Ni was going to give Ye Sichen amnesia medicine, which was almost exactly the same as Ye Sichen's guess, so Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan were not surprised.

"Sir, madam did that only for your own good. She really has no bad intentions."

"I want to know, did Madam roll down the stairs on purpose?" Xia Nuan asked Ge Li suddenly.

Hearing this, Ge Li was even more flustered, not knowing how to answer.

"Ge Li, don't hide it anymore." Ye Sichen reminded Ge Li, those eyes were like a knife: "Hiding up will only increase your punishment."

" was planned by Madam." Ge Li had to say: "She asked me to push the wife, to create an accident where Madam intentionally hurt her, and this is just an excuse to tell you to drive Madam out." Mrs. Ni The fall from the stairs was uninjured, as protective measures were taken on her body before she fell.

Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan frowned after hearing Ge Li's words.

Madam Ni waited for a long time, but did not see Ge Li coming back. She couldn't wait any longer, so she wanted to go over to see the situation in Yeshen's ward in person.

So she walked out of her ward, went to Ye Sichen's ward, and arrived at Ye Sichen's ward, only to find that Ye Sichen had already woken up, and Xia Nuan was also guarding Ye Sichen's side!
Madam Ni's eyes suddenly sank, she walked in, and looked at Xia Nuan angrily, Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen were holding hands, talking about something, the husband and wife seemed so close.

And this scene made Mrs. Ni even more angry: "Ah Chen, I don't allow this woman to come in!"

Ye Sichen looked at Mrs. Ni calmly. The mother and son looked at each other, which made Mrs. Ni feel guilty. Then she remembered, why did Ye Sichen wake up suddenly?Isn't she going to inject amnesia medicine?He shouldn't have woken up so soon.

She looked around, but she didn't see Ge Li, and her heart became more and more serious.

"Ah Chen, this woman has a vicious mind. She pushed me downstairs. I am seriously injured now! I don't want to see her and tell her to leave!" Madam Ni withdrew her doubts and continued to speak.

"Mom, did Xia Nuan really hurt you on purpose?" Ye Sichen looked at Madam Ni and asked Madam Ni in a low voice.

"Why are you protecting her so much? Do you have to wait until she kills me to believe me?" Mrs. Ni stomped angrily: "If I hadn't been concerned about you, I would have sent her to the police station! Fortunately, I came back with an old life, so for the sake of you and the three children, I will not sue her, but I must ask her to leave Ni's house! I can't tolerate a vicious woman who continues to stay by our side as a pawn." Madam Ni said He is very kind, saying every word.

"You injected me with amnesia, and you performed a scene of falling down the stairs, deliberately framing Xia Nuan." Ye Sichen said frankly.

"Ah Chen, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mrs. Ni was nervous, but she still pretended to be innocent.

"Mom, don't pretend anymore, Ah Nuan and I know everything, so it doesn't make any sense for you to pretend.

"You..." Madam Ni turned pale and looked at Ye Sichen.

"Ge Li was exposed when I injected the drug with me. Ge Li has already confessed everything, so you should admit it." Yesi Chen said.

"Ge Li is talking nonsense. She must have done all of this. If she exposes the matter, she will push it to me! Ah Chen, I am your mother. How can I do things that hurt you? Don't listen to Ge Li Nonsense!" Madam Ni secretly resented that Ge Li had given everything to Yesi Chen, so in a fit of anger, she pushed all of this to Ge Li.

"Sir, the test results have come out." The doctor took the previous amnesia medicine for testing, and sent it back after the testing.The doctor said: "This is ordinary anti-inflammatory water, it can't make people lose their memory at all."

The doctor told Yesi Chen one thing, this is not amnesia medicine, but a very common anti-inflammatory water.

Madam Ni once again blurted out like five thunders and red tops: "This is impossible! The Ye family handed it over to me personally!" Could it be that she was tricked by the Ye family?In order to inject Ye Sichen with that rare amnesia potion, she paid an astronomically high price in exchange for it at Ye's house, but now the doctor says, this is just an ordinary anti-inflammatory potion?

"So, didn't you say that Ge Li did all of this? Now you finally admit it?" Seeing that she heard that it was anti-inflammatory water, Ye Sichen became agitated all of a sudden, and did not blame himself.

When Mrs. Ni heard this, she didn't hide anymore, and said earnestly: "I stayed for the election because of you! Isn't it all for you? Ah Chen, I injected you with amnesia medicine to call you Don't be so affectionate, I just want you to inherit your father's position, please forgive me."

"But as I said, I'm not interested in these things. What I need is a warm family. Why do you insist on me clinging to power?" Ye Sichen asked Madam Ni helplessly.

"Ah Chen, now is not the time to complain about me. I need to confront the Ye family, because they actually gave me a bottle of anti-inflammatory water. We must hold this accountable." Mrs. Ni's astronomical amount of money was cheated by the Ye family. She was gone, she just wanted to chase him back.

"So, I should be glad that the Ye family gave you anti-inflammatory water." Ye Sichen didn't care.

"But I lost a lot of money, Chen, don't you have any sympathy?" Mrs. Ni said with a sad look, "I admit that I did something wrong, but my starting point is good."

"Is it good to hurt my wife? I can help you recover the money, but you must promise me that you will never hurt my wife again."

Ye Sichen used this excuse to pinch Madam Ni's weakness.

Madam Ni gritted her teeth, looked at Xia Nuan, and had to nod her head: "I promise you, I will not hurt her in the future, nor will I force you to do things you don't like."

"I can't believe the verbal guarantee. I need you to prove it."

"Ah Chen, don't embarrass Mom like this. Why do you force me like this? I've said it all. I won't target her anymore. I will do what I say."

Mrs. Ni looked embarrassed.

But Ye Sichen still asked her to write a guarantee, but Xia Nuan stopped her.

"Forget it, she has already agreed, and it is considered valid, there is no need to prove it." Xia Nuan looked at Madam Ni crying sadly, and her heart softened for a moment.

After all, Madam Ni was Yesichen's mother, and she didn't want to make things difficult for her.

In the end, Ye Sichen gave up on writing the certificate and gave Mrs. Ni a high price.

And Ge Li was also punished accordingly. She was transferred out of the Ni family and was not allowed to work for the Ni family anymore.

Ge Li did such a thing, and Monzo also felt ashamed. He was embarrassed to plead with Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan. He had been loyal to the Ni family for decades, and his good image was ruined by Ge Li. He was also angry with her, so Ge ​​Li repeatedly begged him to bring her into Ni's house, but he ruthlessly refused.

Mrs. Ni's plan failed, and she was cheated out of so much money by Ye's family. She was hit hard. Every day she refused to go out with the excuse of being sick in bed. Even after she didn't come out of the hall, she was a servant People bring food in to feed her.

Yesichen would go to see Mrs. Ni every day, but every time Mrs. Ni went to Yesichen, she would ask if the money was recovered.

Yesichen sent Monzuo to Moduye's house to ask about the money. After Ge Li learned about it, she volunteered and was willing to make amends and get the money back, but Ye Sichen refused.

Ge Li failed and returned home in a daze, waiting for her father Monzo to come back in the middle of the night.After Monzo came back, Geli begged Monzo to tell her to go to Modu Ye's house.

Monzo sighed: "Mr. doesn't allow you to go. You are a sinner now, and you are not qualified to work for him. You should stay at home honestly and don't think about going anywhere."

"Dad, can I go for you? I made a mistake and I want to make up for it. Can you give me this chance?" Ge Li looked at Monzo with tears in her eyes: "I know that because I did something wrong, I call you You don't want me to go, Mr. Ye, you can allow me to go, I will help you to do this, and help Ni's family recover the funds. You are getting old, and I don't want to ask you to go back and forth trek."

Seeing her intent on going, Monzo hesitated.

"Think about it, when I recover that sum of money, Mr. Ye's anger towards me will also decrease. In that way, you will also look good, right? I will definitely succeed, Dad, please believe me!" Ge Li shook Monzo's arm and kept talking.

"Okay, you go for me, but if you encounter any difficulties, you must tell me as soon as possible."

Ge Li nodded heavily in agreement.

So Monzo used the excuse of sending someone to Modu, and pretended that Ge Li was a subordinate working for him, and allowed Ge Li to go to the Ye family in Modu.

Knowing that Ye Sichen had sent someone to recover the money, Mrs. Ni felt a little better, but she still couldn't eat. For this reason, Ye Sichen invited her a private doctor to check her health every day. Body.

"Doctor Su, how is my mother?" Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan were outside, looking at Mrs. Ni on the bed.

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