Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 381 I Don't Have That Kind of Relationship With Him

"What is Mrs. Ni calling me for?" Ye Sichen walked out of the ward and asked Monzo.

Monzo looked at Ye Sichen worriedly, and shook his head: "I'm sorry sir, I lied to you, Mrs. Ni didn't call."

Yesi frowned after listening to Monzo's words.

Di Luo said next to him: "Sir, it's like this. Mr. Meng saw that you had caught a cold and wanted to ask you to come out for a corresponding treatment, so he made this excuse. In fact, he didn't want his wife to worry about your body."

Yesi nodded deeply: "Uncle Zuo, I'm not that delicate, it's fine."

"Sir, your body is the most important thing in our hearts. Even if you don't get an injection, you should at least take some medicine, so that you can recover quickly. You were wet all over when you went ashore, so you can't delay."

"I'm really fine..." Ye Sichen just finished speaking, only feeling his head heavy, top-heavy, Monzo and Di Luoke supported him in time, and went to the infirmary.

Apparently, he had already suffered from a very serious cold, and he had to prescribe the right medicine.

When Xia Nuan was almost recovered, Ye Sichen fell ill. Meng Zuo and the others hid it from her for several days, and finally the three children told her.

Every time she asked where Ye Sichen had gone, Di Luo would say that Ye Sichen was busy with business matters, Xia Nuan really thought he was busy with work matters, and finally Wuyou and Xia Nuan secretly helped her find out After a while, she realized that the reason why he didn't come was because he fell ill.

Xia Nuan couldn't sit still on the hospital bed, and after getting out of bed, she went directly to the ward where Ye Sichen was, but Ye Sichen was transferred.

The doctor said that Mrs. Ni asked Ye Sichen to be transferred.Xia Nuan asked which hospital Ye Sichen went to, but the doctor didn't know the situation.

Xia Nuan left the hospital and returned to the mansion with the three children.

The one who drove her back was Di Luo, who was also Xia Nuan's trusted subordinate, so Xia Nuan wanted to get some information about Ye Sichen's illness from Di Luo.I learned from Di Luoke that Mrs. Ni transferred Yesi Chen to Ni's former private hospital. After Ni's redress, the private hospital was established again.

"Did he really just catch a cold? Why did Mrs. Ni transfer him to another hospital?" Xia Nuan asked Di Luo.

Tillock nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it's really just a cold, and my wife knows that Mrs. Ni is just such a son, and she must be very concerned about his health, so she is a little nervous."

Xia Nuan nodded: "After lunch, I want to visit him in the private hospital." Then, she made some food for him and sent it there.

Tillock seemed a little embarrassed: "I should ask Mrs. Ni for instructions on this matter, but I will try first to see if I can convince her."

"Then I'll thank you, Locke."

"Ma'am, this is what I should do." Tillock bowed a little flattered.

Back home, Mrs. Ni happened to be going downstairs too, and collided with Xia Nuan who was about to go upstairs to the bedroom. Mrs. Ni looked at Xia Nuan with a straight face. Xia Nuan felt uncomfortable being stared at, so she whispered to her After saying hello, he took the three children and prepared to enter the bedroom, but was stopped by Mrs. Ni unexpectedly.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to ask the three children to go in early, but she turned back and faced Mrs. Ni.

Mrs. Ni asked Xia Nuan coldly: "Ah Chen's illness is caused by you, right?"

Xia Nuan didn't say a word, which was regarded as a default.

"If you really want to die, then find a place where no one is around and die. Why bother Ah Chen?" Mrs. Ni said coldly.

Xia Nuan finally spoke slowly: "I did want to die, but for the sake of Ye Sichen and the child, I gave up that idea."

"Then what did Gu Jinhan say? You have been in contact with him all the time. He is Xiao Chi's son. You are so ambiguous with him. Have you ever thought about Ah Chen's feelings and my feelings?"

"He and I are just friends. He once saved me. I am very grateful to him, but the relationship between me and him is not what you think. Only Ye and I know this. Ye is sick for me, I hope you can Allow me to visit him." Xia Nuan said.

"He needs to recuperate now, you can't go there." Mrs. Ni cut her off decisively.

"I am his wife, and I have an obligation to take care of him. No one can stop me." Xia Nuan didn't like Mrs. Ni's constant targeting of her.

Mrs. Ni also has her own set of reasons: "He is my only son, I will not ask a woman who will implicate him at any time to be with him."

"Mrs. Ni, I don't understand what you mean."

"My son is the only bloodline of the Ni family. What he has to do is to inherit his father's behest, instead of just going around you and being in love with your son and daughter. Don't you understand what I mean? I I want to tell you to stay away from him. You can go to Gu Jinhan and never come back, the three children belong to the night, they can stay here, but the child in your belly may not be."

"I won't leave! I'm Ye Sichen's wife, you have no right to drive me away! The child in my womb belongs to him too, and I won't go anywhere." Xia Nuan's eyes were firm and her tone was decisive.

She and Yesichen have gone through so many ups and downs, and Madam Ni can't just leave. She and Yesichen are one, and no one can separate them.

"That's up to you. At that time, if I don't drive you away, Ah Chen will drive you away."

Xia Nuan didn't understand Mrs. Ni's words, but she didn't want to understand either. She only knew that what Mrs. Ni said was deliberately trying to provoke the relationship between her and Ye Sichen.

She doesn't take her words to heart.

"Because you were with Gu Jinhan, you betrayed him. I have proof." Mrs. Ni said slowly.

"Gu Jinhan and I are innocent, Yezao already knew." Xia Nuan showed no fear.

When Mrs. Ni turned on the video on her phone, there was a scene of her kissing Gu Jinhan, and Xia Nuan's heart sank again.

"This video was sent by Gu Jinhan. He sent it on purpose so that we all know what's going on between you two."

"No! That's fake! I don't have that kind of relationship with him!" She kept stepping forward to explain to Mrs. Ni.

Suddenly, Xia Nuan felt a strong force coming from her back, her body leaned forward uncontrollably, leaning towards Mrs. Ni who was going downstairs.

Xia Nuan wanted to grab Mrs. Ni who was about to fall, but it was too late. Mrs. Ni screamed and rolled downstairs.

All this happened so fast, Xia Nuan had barely reacted.

"What happened?" Ge Li yelled behind her. Seeing Mrs. Ni rolling down, Ge Li kept yelling in fright: "Madam! Madam!"

After Mrs. Ni rolled down the stairs, she was already unconscious, with blood still dripping from the corner of her mouth

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