"A Nuan, aren't you planning to come back tonight?" Yesi's deep and soft question came from over there.

Xia Nuan looked over to the operating room, thought for a while and said, "Let's see the situation first, I want to go back after Gu Jinhan's operation is over."

"An Sheng is sick, he needs you." Ye Sichen said concisely.

After Xia Nuan heard this, a look of worry flashed in her eyes: "Is he all right? Is he better now?"

"Ah Nuan, his fever has subsided now, but his throat is already inflamed." Yesi Chen said

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Well, come back early and rest, I really don't want to see you look haggard..."

While talking with Ye Sichen, the door of the operating room suddenly opened, Xia Nuan forgot to talk to Ye Sichen, and walked quickly towards the operating room.

"Doctor, how is he?" Xia Nuan asked the doctor in a white coat impatiently.

"Madam, although this gentleman has had a successful operation, he is still in danger. I must let you know about this."

"Please speak."

"He needs a blood transfusion, preferably from a close relative."

After Xia Nuan heard this, the first thing that came to mind was Gu Jinhan's younger sister, Gu Mei. It seemed that Gu Mei had to know about Gu Jinhan's injury.

Xia Nuan stayed beside Gu Jinhan's hospital bed for a long time, and only returned home with a heavy heart in the early morning.

Except for Ye Sichen, everyone in the family fell asleep.An Sheng had also fallen asleep, lying beside Ye Sichen.

Xia Nuan looked at An Sheng, touched him gently with her hands, and felt that An Sheng didn't have a fever, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ye Sichen.

Yesi closed his eyes and remained silent.

"Ye, there is something I must discuss with you."

"What's wrong with Gu Jinhan? Did the operation go well?" Ye Sichen knew what she was going to say.

"Gu Jinhan's cell phone is fine, but the doctor said that he is not out of danger." Xia Nuan sighed: "He needs a blood transfusion, so I think Gu Mei should be called here, the doctor said, in order to avoid rejection , a close relative must be transfused."

Xia Nuan told Ye Sichen everything about Gu Jinhan.

"Well, in order to save his life, we have to call Gu Mei over. Although she will hate us, if Gu Jinhan dies, she will hate us even more." Ye Sichen agreed with Xia Nuan's words.

After Xia Nuan listened, she held Ye Sichen's hand: "Ye, how about telling Gu Mei now? Jin Han really needs first aid."

Yesi listened to Xia Nuan's words, and held her hand instead: "It's very late now, I'll talk about it tomorrow, otherwise it will disturb Gu Mei's rest."

Xia Nuan nodded, took off her coat, and was about to go to the bathroom.

Ye Sichen took her into his arms, raised her chin, and pecked her lips: "Go, I've already adjusted the water temperature for you."

"So you haven't fallen asleep all this time?" Xia Nuan asked distressedly as she touched his sleepy face little by little.

"How can I sleep if you don't come back?" Yesi pinched her cheeks deeply, his deep eyes scanned her neck, and moved downstream: "How did I find out that you have become plump?"

Xia Nuan's face turned red: "Probably because you are blind, I'm almost worried to death, this is what you think about all day long."

Yesi smiled lightly, and when she turned around, he patted her buttocks: "I'll wait for you."

Seeing Xia Nuan go to the bathroom, Ye Sichen slowly got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.

When Xia Nuan came out in her bathrobe, Ye Sichen was already sitting on the sofa.

Beside him was a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, the aroma was tangy, arousing Xia Nuan's taste buds.

"Come and eat something, you must be hungry."

Ye Sichen greeted Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan walked over, and Ye Sichen handed her the chopsticks: "I made this myself, how about the taste?"

Xia Nuan smiled slightly, scooped up a spoonful of soup, and took a sip: "It's so delicious, you can try it if you don't believe me."

"You should eat more if it's delicious. Look at you, you don't have any meat on your body except your breasts." Ye Sichen said distressedly.

"How can I, but you seem to have lost weight."

Xia Nuan took a mouthful of noodles, and fed it to Ye Sichen's lips.

Ye Sichen wanted to turn to her mouth, but Xia Nuan stubbornly stuffed it into his mouth with chopsticks.

After taking two mouthfuls of noodles, Xia Nuan suddenly thought of Gu Jinhan: "Ye, Gu Jinhan probably can't eat these foods, I think we should make liquid food for him."

The smile on the corner of Ye Sichen's mouth froze slightly: "Well, I will ask someone to make liquid food for him, don't worry about that."

"It's okay, I can learn how to do it." After eating some noodles, Xia Nuan felt a little bloated in her stomach, so she didn't eat.

Xia Nuan wanted to sleep with An Sheng because she wanted An Sheng to be able to see her first when she woke up. Ye Sichen said on the phone that An Sheng had been clamoring for her when she was comfortable.

Xia Nuan was worried about disturbing Ye Sichen, so she hugged An Sheng and prepared to go to the inner bedroom.

Ye Sichen hugged An Sheng first, and Xia Nuan followed.When Xia Nuan went in, Ye Sichen came out from the inner room, and then closed and locked the door.

"Ye, I want to sleep with An Sheng."

Ye Sichen carried her away, and carried her back to the bed regardless of her protest: "You sleep with me."

"An Sheng is sick." Xia Nuan said softly.

"I'm sick too." Ye Sichen squeezed Xia Nuan's hand, forcing Xia Nuan to press it there: "I'm burning hot all over, you have to put out this fire for me."

After Ye Sichen finished speaking, he suppressed her and kissed her on the cheek.

Xia Nuan blushed and pushed him away: "It's already very late, it's already early morning, and you still said you don't like me being tired."

"You can get up later tomorrow." Ye Sichen felt as if he had no choice but to fire, he couldn't wait, there was no delay.

"No, I'm going to the hospital tomorrow." Panting, Xia Nuan patted his shoulder: "Be considerate of me."

"It doesn't matter. I will visit Gu Jinhan tomorrow. No matter what method I use, I will bring him back to life. He will not die. I promise." Because he was worried that she would catch a cold, Ye Sichen covered her with a quilt and made trouble inside the quilt. .

Xia Nuan was indeed tired: "I don't want to be like this, I need to rest, I have to get up early tomorrow, and there is Gu Mei's business."

Ye Sichen's face darkened for a moment, looking a little displeased, but he didn't stop: "It's Gu Jinhan who opened his mouth and shut his mouth. I don't want to hear you say this name again. Now it belongs to our two-person world."

His strength increased again, Xia Nuan frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable.His strength seemed to be punishing, wishing to crush her, she couldn't resist it with her hands, she just begged him to stop quickly.

Ye Sichen withdrew, got out of bed, put on his clothes, and closed the door with a bang.

Xia Nuan also felt wronged.

Gu Jinhan was injured in order to save them, and he was not even out of danger, how could she feel at ease, she has no intention of making out with him at all right now.

Xia Nuan lay weakly on the bed, turned her back angrily, and closed her eyes.

On the next morning, Xia Nuan got up early. Although she didn't have a good rest last night, she had to get up early to go to the hospital.

The three children were still awake, so she went in, kissed them on the forehead, and left.

Ye Sichen was in the living room making breakfast, and Mrs. Ni.

Xia Nuan went downstairs and glanced at them: "I'm going to the hospital."

Ye Sichen looked at the food: "Let's go together after breakfast."

"Is there any contact with Gu Mei?" Xia Nuan stopped and asked Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen responded to Xia Nuan with a blank expression: "I have already contacted her, she is on her way."

"Oh, thank you, you must be busy with Xiao Chi's case, and you don't have time to go to the hospital, so I should go alone." Xia Nuan buttoned up her clothes and walked out of the living room.

Originally, she thought that Yesi was silent, but when she walked out of the living room, Ye Sichen followed and grabbed her hand.They couldn't help breaking up, and walked directly towards the restaurant.

"The hospital has people I send to take care of you 24 hours a day. You really don't need to panic. Come and sit down to eat." Ye Sichen forced her to sit beside her.

Mrs. Ni saw it, she just ate silently and didn't say anything.

Xia Nuan couldn't resist Ye Sichen's order, so she ate a few mouthfuls of food absent-mindedly, looked at her watch, and was about to get up, when Ye Sichen grabbed her hand again.

Ye Sichen drove the car and went to the hospital with Xia Nuan.

On the way, neither Xia Nuan nor Ye Sichen spoke, because the unhappiness last night made the two of them extremely depressed.

When I arrived at the hospital, I went to the intensive care unit where Gu Jinhan was. Gu Jinhan needed to rely on respirators and oxygen to maintain him, and he was still unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Xia Nuan walked over with distress and guilt, and stood by Gu Jinhan's side.This guard lasted all morning, and she didn't know when Ye Sichen left, but when dusk fell, Gu Mei came.

She cried and came to Gu Jinhan's hospital bed, and held Gu Jinhan's hand tightly: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You talk, brother! You were fine when you left, why did you become like this?"

Xia Nuan saw that he kept shaking Gu Jinhan, and said worriedly: "His operation was successful, but he is not out of danger yet and needs a blood transfusion. Gu Mei, don't shake him like this."

Gu Mei was startled, turned around and looked at Xia Nuan, with a look of anger on her face: "Tell me, did you make my brother like this?"

Xia Nuan looked at Gu Mei guiltily: "Yes, it's all my fault, your brother was hit by Xiao Chi's car to save me..."

"Xia Nuan, if something happens to my brother, I won't let you go!" Gu Mei tugged at Xia Nuan's collar, gnashing her teeth.

"Stop." A deep and majestic voice sounded from outside the door, Gu Mei's hand trembled, and she let go of Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan and Gu Mei looked over there at the same time, only to see Ye Sichen walking in with a thermos bucket, his face was chilling.

Fearing Ye Sichen, Gu Mei subconsciously took a step back.

"We are also very sad that Gu Jinhan was injured. We don't want this to happen, but Xia Nuan didn't cause it, it was Gu Jinhan himself. If he obediently handed Xiao Chi over to me, these things wouldn't happen. "

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