Xia Nuan hugged An Sheng into her arms, and begged Ye Sichen: "You can just say a few words to the children when they do something wrong, and ask them to correct it next time. Why go to the third floor to face the wall and think about it?"

"I have this kind of thinking at such a young age. Is it okay to grow up? That's their grandma. Even if they don't like it, they can't disrespect it." Ye Sichen forcibly hugged An Sheng, seeing that An Sheng was about to cry He begged Xia Nuan to signal him to shut up, but An Sheng held back, not daring to cry out.

"Okay, even if Wuyou and Nianci made mistakes, you just punish them, but Ansheng didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't understand anything."

"Ah Nuan, don't spoil him. I did this to eliminate bad thoughts in their hearts."

Ye Sichen hugged An Sheng and left. An Sheng looked at Xia Nuan aggrievedly, tears streaming down his face.

Xia Nuan felt distressed, but she couldn't stop it.

Originally thought that Ye Sichen asked the three children to face the wall and think for a few hours, but he didn't expect that for a whole day, he didn't intend to let them out. Xia Nuan finally couldn't help it, and went to the third floor to pick up the three children.

They didn't even eat lunch.

When she got to the third floor, she found that the door was locked. She asked for the key from Tilok, but Tilok told her to ask Ye Sichen for instructions.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to knock on the door.

Ye Sichen was on the phone with Aken to ask about Gu Jinhan, and Xia Nuan broke in directly because of the child's affairs.

Ye Sichen hung up the phone, looked at Xia Nuan, and Xia Nuan directly asked Ye Sichen to release the three children.

"Ye, I instigated all of this. Did you imprison me as well? How could you do this? They are still in the stage of growing their bodies. Just because of an unintentional sentence, you want to make such a big move and imprison them for a while." All day, isn't that a bit too much?"

"Ah Nuan, I don't want them to treat my grandma like this, and I don't want you to provoke them in front of them in the future. Can you do it?" Ye Sichen asked Xia Nuan.

"You always ask me to do this and that, for you, I endure everything, what do you want me to do? Children are not fools, even if I don't teach them, can't they see Madam Ni's attitude towards them?" Xia Nuan It was obvious that Ye Sichen's heart was partial to Mrs. Ni, but, after all, she was his biological mother, what could she do?
"I admit, that's true, but I don't want you to instill bad thoughts in them." Yesi Chen stood up slowly.

"Okay, I won't indoctrinate them in the future, you can let them out now." Although she did not instigate the child to have prejudice against Mrs. Ni, at this time, in order not to make the child continue to face the wall and think about the past, she had no choice but to compromise .

Yesi Chen called Di Luke, and soon Di Luke released the child.

When Xia Nuan walked out, the three children drooped their heads and went downstairs dejectedly. Xia Nuan greeted them distressedly and hugged them in her arms.

From then on, the three children did not dare to say anything to condemn Madam Ni anymore. Because Xia Nuan was worried that the children would face the wall and think about their mistakes, she tried not to mention Madam Ni in front of the children. Even if she mentioned Madam Ni with Ye Sichen sometimes, She deliberately lowered her voice, trying not to let the children hear it.

Nan Zhentian repeatedly asked to see Ye Sichen, but Ye Sichen always asked Monzo to receive him, and he didn't show up. Nan Zhentian was a little disappointed, but his determination to see Ye Sichen never ceased. .

Ye Sichen finally agreed to meet him, and Nan Zhentian came to Ye Sichen immediately.

His first sentence was to ask Yesi Chen about the tape.

Ye Sichen only said that the tapes were exchanged by Xiao Chi, Nan Zhentian seemed a little disappointed, then thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Cong, I don't think you can expose Xiao Chi even if you have these tapes, because Xiao Chi and The Confederates are in one party."

"I know this, but Xiao Chi will soon be abandoned by the Allied Powers." Ye Sichen seemed to have a plan in mind.

This surprised Nan Zhentian.

"So, sir, don't worry about this. Just be a witness at that time. If you have nothing else to do, try not to appear here, so as not to make Xiao Chi suspicious. After all, you have a son who is still in his hands." .”

Nan Zhentian's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Ye Sichen in disbelief: "You...you know everything?"

"Yes, I know all about it. I know that Xiao Chi arrested your son in order to ask you to return the tapes and other evidence, and threatened you to cooperate with him. I also know that you are forced to, no matter what you do. I can forgive you for anything that is not good for me." Yesi Shen said gently.

Nan Zhentian was moved and looked at Ye Sichen with a helpless expression: "I'm sorry, Mr. Cong, I can't help it either. Xiao Chi used my son to force me to frame you and try to deal with you. But how can I hide these thoughts from your eyes?"

"Your Excellency, don't worry, you deal with Xiao Chi first, lie to him that an ambush is arranged here, perfunctory Xiao Chi, tell Xiao Chi to relax his vigilance, and then I will naturally have measures to deal with him."

"Really? Mr. Cong? Are you sure you can deal with him?"

"Yes, I will find a way to rescue your son from him." Yesichen's words were extremely firm.

Nan Zhentian left in peace, and returned to Xiao Chi's side as Ye Sichen said.

Xiao Chi looked at his face that was gradually recovering, and was in a good mood. Nan Zhentian stood beside him, lowered his eyes, and spoke out his plan.

"I have already ambushed around Cong Shen. As long as you give an order, I will do it. However, I hope that after I finish this, Your Excellency the President will release my son Nanxiu."

"Don't worry, if you can finish these things smoothly, I will allow you to make up for your mistakes."

"Zhentian is very grateful." Nan Zhentian bowed slightly.

Xiao Chi got up and glanced at Nan Zhentian: "Niyuan, I think we should be able to fight side by side now to deal with Cong Shen and his gang, because I suspect that Cong Shen is Ye Sichen, and the Alliance has already investigated Ye Sichen. Si Chen's background, he is the son of your brother Nifeng, if I am defeated by him, then Ye Sichen will replace me as the president of country A, and you will never have a bright future, but if we After defeating him, after I abdicate, the position of the president may be yours."

"You mean, Cong Shen is Ye Sichen?" Nan Zhentian opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

"Yes, it was a man named Gu Jinhan who told me that he knew everything about Ye Sichen, especially Ye Sichen's woman, Xia Nuan." Xiao Chi smiled sarcastically.

After hearing this, Nan Zhentian was in a state of confusion for a while.

Xiao Chi frowned suddenly, and felt his face start to itch again. He thought it was an illusion, so he couldn't help scratching, but scratched bleeding, his heart sank, and he became irritable again: "Zhentian, you first Come on, I have work to do."

Nan Zhentian asked Xiao Chi: "Then, when will we do it?"

Xiao Chi took the medical gauze to protect his face, suddenly, a burst of itching hit him more strongly, he tried his best to restrain himself, and behaved as gracefully as possible.

"Don't do anything yet, listen to my orders."

If the allergies on his face recur again, then he must go to see Cong Shen, so Cong Shen cannot die at this time.

Nan Zhentian left with a heavy heart, Xiao Chi immediately called the assistant, the assistant saw that Xiao Chi's face started to bleed again, his eyes were full of ferociousness, it was heart-wrenching.

"That damned Cong Shen, he lied to me!" Xiao Chi told his assistant, "Hurry up and bring that bottle of medicine here! I need that bottle of medicine!"

The assistant searched in a panic, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and then remembered that the bottle of medicine was used up.

"Your Excellency, the medicine is gone."

Xiao Chi slapped the assistant hard on the face: "Bastard, I need it now, so hurry up and find a way to get me medicine!"

The assistant covered his face and backed away: "But Your Excellency, only Cong Shen has that medicine!"

Xiao Chi listened, his eyes were full of hatred, but facing his extremely itchy and bleeding face, he had to compromise, and sat down on the chair: "Call Cong Shen."

The assistant tremblingly dialed Cong Shen's phone number to Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi hung up the phone and went to Ye Sichen's place in a panic again. This time, Ye Sichen invited him to the living room in the name of Cong Shen.

"Your Excellency, I already gave you that bottle of medicine, why did you still come to me?" Ye Sichen asked Xiao Chi a little puzzled.

Xiao Chi looked at Ye Sichen coldly: "You lied to me, that bottle of medicine doesn't work at all, Cong Shen, what are you going to do?"

Behind Xiao Chi, there were several highly skilled subordinates, all equipped with weapons, just in case.

Ye Sichen didn't take them seriously at all, he wouldn't call Xiao Chi to die now, because he wanted to send Xiao Chi to the judgment seat.

"But, since that bottle of medicine doesn't work, why did you come to me to seek that bottle of medicine?" Ye Sichen asked Xiao Chi back.

"Let me tell you this, the bottle of medicine is gone. I need a medicine that can cure the trauma on my face. You can't just put me down." Xiao Chi said in pain.

"Yes, but I have conditions."

"What condition? Tell me." Xiao Chi asked Ye Sichen impatiently.

"I hope Your Excellency can introduce me to the Allied Powers. Will Your Excellency agree to me?" Ye Sichen looked at Xiao Chi with an inquiring gaze, waiting for Xiao Chi's answer.

"What do you want to meet with the Alliance?" Xiao Chi asked Ye Sichen.

"I'm in the oil business, so I naturally want to maximize my business, so I just want to do business with the Allies." Yesi Shen was very frank.

"Okay, I'll recommend you, and you hurry up and give me that bottle of medicine."

"Sorry, that bottle of antidote is still under development. You have to wait. I will give you the antidote after I meet with the heads of the Allied countries."

"You..." Xiao Chi knew that Ye Sichen did it on purpose, but he couldn't bear the pain caused by his festering face anymore, that kind of feeling would make life worse than death!
"Okay, I will ask you to meet the other party as soon as possible." Xiao Chi stood up with difficulty, and with the support of his subordinates, he left in a panic.

Mrs. Ni couldn't restrain her emotions, she walked out of the room: "Ah Chen, why didn't you get rid of him?"

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