Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 350 I Can't See You More and More Now

"A Nuan." Gu Jinhan couldn't help holding Xia Nuan's hand, and embraced the sad and tearful Xia Nuan into her arms.

"Mr. Ye, please follow me, your wife is here." Gu Mei led Ye Sichen into the cabin.

Ye Sichen followed Gu Mei into the cabin with a serious face, and he couldn't help but stamp his feet at the scene in front of him.

He saw Xia Nuan and Gu Jinhan hugging each other tightly.

Ye Sichen's eyes became more and more gloomy, and her gaze was fixed on Gu Jinhan and Xia Nuan. Xia Nuan opened her tearful eyes and just saw Ye Sichen. Her heart skipped a beat and she left Gu Jinhan's arms.

Gu Jinhan saw Ye Sichen's figure in Xia Nuan's eyes, and he subconsciously turned around to meet Ye Sichen's knife-like eyes.

The two men had a tense and sharp confrontation.

Ye Sichen's face was as cold as ice, without a trace of expression, he walked in front of Xia Nuan and embraced Xia Nuan in his arms: "Mr. Gu, what is your purpose in taking my wife away?"

The seemingly inadvertent questioning pierced people's hearts like an ice pick.

"you misunderstood……"

"I'm asking Mr. Gu." Ye Sichen interrupted Xia Nuan forcefully.

Gu Jinhan's eyes fell on Xia Nuan, and he didn't move for a moment: "Because I want to save her."

"Save her? Then I thank Mr. Gu." After finishing speaking, he winked at Di Luke who was behind him, and Di Luke took out a check with an astonishing astronomical sum written on it.

Tillock took the check and handed it to Gu Jinhan himself, but Gu Jinhan raised his head proudly, looking a bit dismissive: "I didn't save her for money, Mr. Ye."

"Sorry, in order to express my gratitude, I can only use money to fill it up, but I also want to ask Mr. Gu, is Mrs. Ni here, and my three children."

"I don't quite understand Mr. Ye's meaning. The child and Ah Nuan are with me, but Mrs. Ni should be on the island at this time." Gu Jinhan said.

"Mr. Gu, what are you going to do?"

Before Gu Jinhan could speak, Xia Nuan broke away from Ye Sichen's arms, and looked at Ye Sichen: "You have an attitude of provoking a teacher as soon as you come, what are you going to do?"

"My family is gone. I must know who kidnapped them and what is the purpose of doing this? But you, why are you impatient?"

Ye Sichen suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at Xia Nuan coldly.

"Okay, don't you want to know? Let me tell you, it was Madam Ni who wanted to put me and my child to death. She sent someone to put on a good show, intentionally distracted Tillock, and committed atrocities on the island in the name of Xiao Chi." , kidnapped me and my child into the sea, and planned to kill us, but I was lucky enough to be saved by Gu Jinhan."

"In order to protect him, there is no distinction between right and wrong, and there is no logic in even speaking." Ye Sichen gritted his teeth and said every word.

Gu Jinhan helped Xia Nuan to add: "That's true. I saved Ah Nuan, and I caught an accomplice who kidnapped Ah Nuan and the child. He told me the truth. If Mr. Ye doesn't believe it, I'll ask him to come and testify."

"If Mrs. Ni wants to put Xia Nuan and the child to death, why would she involve herself?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Gu Jinhan was a little confused.

"Mrs. Ni was also kidnapped, Mr. Gu, do you really not know where she is?"

Ye Sichen forced Gu Jinhan to ask.

Gu Jinhan still shook his head.

"She deliberately played the trick of disappearing, and then pretended to be innocent in front of you, so that she could get away after my child and I were killed by her people." Xia Nuan smiled coldly.

After Ye Sichen listened, the anger in his eyes accumulated little by little, and he suddenly squeezed Xia Nuan's arm: "Well, let's just think that she is playing tricks to get away, I believe, I will always investigate some truths, and of course I need to Your cooperation."

He tugged, and Xia Nuan fell unsteadily into his arms again.

"Yesichen, what are you going to do? I haven't thought about going back to the island yet!" Xia Nuan broke free from Yesichen's restraint, her voice was a little shrill.

Yesichen didn't listen to her: "Where is the child?"

"I'm not ready to face Madam Ni yet. I'll be angry when I see her!" Xia Nuan didn't tell Ye Sichen where the child was, but kept fighting.

Ye Sichen saw the bedroom behind Xia Nuan, kicked the door open, and woke up the three children at the same time.

Gu Jinhan stepped forward to stop him, but was stopped by Di Luoke.

Xia Nuan looked at the panic-stricken An Sheng, she shook off Ye Sichen's hand, ran over, and hugged An Sheng, while Wuyou and Nianci jumped out of bed happily and threw themselves into Ye Sichen's arms.

"Yeshen, how do you tell me to go back and face a person who wants to put my child to death? No matter how hard I try, Mrs. Ni still doesn't like me, and you still force me to go back and want to kill me like this Can't you consider my feelings? Do you know how desperate I was when the children were kidnapped? Those people broke in like bandits, and I begged them to catch me. Don't hurt the children, but Ge Li ruthlessly led them into the bedroom! Rudely kidnapped innocent children!" Xia Nuan vented her anger: "I really don't want these things to happen to them! I don't even want to! Even if you understand me, okay?"

There was a hint of emotion in Yesi's cold eyes.

"Dad, Mom really didn't lie to you. We were kidnapped by many villains."

"Uncle Gu saved us."

Ye Sichen looked at Xia Nuan, and naturally felt distressed. After a moment of silence, he said hoarsely: "Take the child and follow me back, I will protect you."

The firmness in Ye Sichen's eyes calmed down Xia Nuan's anger, and the anger in her abdomen also subsided little by little.

Gu Jinhan stood outside the door, looking at Xia Nuan eagerly, with reluctance and pain on his face.

Xia Nuan looked at him, heartbroken.

Yesi Shen keenly caught her and Gu Jinhan's eyes intertwined, suppressed the jealousy, and told Di Luoke behind him: "Take the child out first."

Di Luo put on clothes for Wuyou and Nian Ci, and then, he walked over and tried to hug An Sheng in Xia Nuan's hand. An Sheng kissed Xia Nuan on the cheek: "Mom, Uncle Luo and I will wait for you and Dad."

 When Locke was about to leave, he deliberately closed the door, and Gu Jinhan was immediately isolated from the door.

"Are you going?" Ye Sichen was even annoyed seeing Xia Nuan's hesitation.

"Yeshen, Gu Jinhan is my friend, I believe my child and I are safe staying here, please don't take the child away, I don't want to face Mrs. Ni now." Xia Nuan begged Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen's anger had reached the limit, he bullied Xia Nuan and squeezed Xia Nuan's chin: "What kind of ecstasy soup did Gu Jinhan give you?"

"Don't blame him for this. Your mother did all of this. She scares me. If I go back with you, I will always be careful and guard against her framing me. Child! If it were you, would you still dare to go back to the island? Why can't you think about it from my standpoint?"

Ye Sishen's face was gloomy and terrifying. Suddenly, he handcuffed Xia Nuan's hands, lifted her away with a horizontal hug, and walked out of the bedroom.No matter how Ren Xia Nuan resisted, it was useless.

Gu Jinhan stood there, watching this scene, seeing Xia Nuan's fierce resistance, he couldn't control his emotions, stepped forward to block Ye Sichen's way: "Mr. Ye, you can't force her."

"Get out of the way." Ye Sichen didn't even look at Gu Jinhan.

Gu Jinhan just stood there refusing to give way, and even took out his weapon, facing Ye Sichen: "You let Xia Nuan go, she is not a sinner!"

Seeing Gu Mei being controlled by Ye Sichen's subordinates, Xia Nuan gasped, "Jin Han! Put down your weapon!"

Gu Jinhan saw the controlled Gu Mei through Xia Nuan's eyes, he gritted his teeth and had to put down his weapon.

Xia Nuan hesitated to speak, and looked at Gu Jinhan with some guilt, but she couldn't say anything. If Ye Sichen knew that she had a relationship with Gu Jinhan, he would definitely do crazier and extreme things.

"Yesi Chen, I'll go back with you, you let Gu Jinhan and Gu Mei go." Xia Nuan lay in Ye Sichen's arms and said helplessly.

Yesi carried him out silently, and soon after he landed safely, Gu Mei was released. Gu Jinhan watched Xia Nuan leave with mixed emotions in his heart, and more frustration.

"Brother, she doesn't love you anymore, it's not worth it for someone who doesn't love you." Gu Mei stood aside, reminding Gu Jinhan.

"She's just too helpless, after all, she and Ye Sichen are already like this." Gu Jinhan said.

Gu Mei didn't make a sound, just sighed faintly, holding Gu Jinhan's arm.

 At this time, Gu Jinhan's cell phone rang, and he pressed to answer.Before answering, he avoided Gu Mei.

Gu Mei seemed a little puzzled, but Gu Jinhan has been doing business with people all the time, so it must be a commercial secret.

"Your Excellency is really polite. It is my honor, Gu Jinhan, to serve you. Don't worry, as long as you are in your hands, Cong Shen will not give in..."

Gu Mei only heard the word Cong Shen, and the doubts in her heart became more and more intense.

At the same time, another puzzle popped up again, why did my brother not expose him even though he knew that Cong Shen was Ye Sichen?Brother couldn't forget Xia Nuan, so shouldn't he expose Ye Sichen's identity?Then ask him to pay the price for his fake death and be punished by the outside world. In this way, Ye Sichen will have no time to take care of Xia Nuan, and Xia Nuan will naturally return to his brother.

Regarding this point, Gu Mei really couldn't figure it out.

However, she soon stopped guessing, after all, her brother Gu Jinhan naturally had his reasons for doing so.

Xia Nuan stood on the deck, looking at the cruise ship gradually moving away from her, feeling lost in her heart.

"What are you thinking? I can't see through you more and more now." Yesi's deep and cold voice sounded behind Xia Nuan.

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