Xia Nuan was pulled into Ye Sichen's arms, but when she saw the dense hickey marks on his bare chest, she felt extremely uncomfortable and pushed Ye Sichen away.

"Could it be possible that you want me to stay here to watch your live performance? You let me go." Annoyed, Xia Nuan shook off Ye Sichen's restraint.

"Listen to my explanation." Ye Sichen squeezed her arm: "It was a misunderstanding, nothing happened to us. Please believe me."

Ge Li sat where Xia Nuan used to sleep, crying sadly, with disheveled hair.

"Yeshen, I have no right to accuse you of anything. Really, you can do whatever you like. I have no right to interfere. I just want to leave here now. I will feel uncomfortable if I stay here for a second. Is that okay? I just want to Leave." Xia Nuan's tears fell silently.

"You have to trust me, Ah Nuan," he grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

Xia Nuan stubbornly broke away from his hand: "I feel like a rock is pressing so tightly that I can't breathe. I'm about to suffocate. Please let me calm down."

Ye Si let go of his hand, Xia Nuan turned and left.

Ye Sichen clenched his fists and slammed the wall in frustration.He traced the source of everything to Ge Li, and immediately called his subordinates to send Ge Li out.

Madam Ni walked in and stopped Ye Sichen in time, not allowing Ye Sichen to send Ge Li out.

"She goes to explain to Xia Nuan, I can consider asking her to make up for her mistakes." Yesi Shen knew that Mrs. Ni ordered Ge Li to do this, but Mrs. Ni was his mother after all: "I trust her, that's why I left her here. Here, but she used such a despicable method to destroy this trust, what right does she have to stay here?"

This sentence was also spoken to Mrs. Ni.

Mrs. Ni's face turned red and white after hearing Ye Sichen's words, and she seemed to have heard Ye Sichen's subtext: "That's right, Ge Li is not to blame for this, I ordered her to do everything, but Isn’t it all for you that I did this? Because I think Ge Li is the one who is most suitable for you! Ge Li is clean in body and mind, and she is loyal to you. Her father Monzo also serves you wholeheartedly. What is wrong with her? Fuck you? I'm looking at Xia Nuan, I've been in the moonlight meeting, and I had a disgraceful marriage with Ye Enchen..."

Xia Nuan leaned against the wall, and heard Mrs. Ni's stern words, hitting her heart so loudly that it almost shattered.

She felt extremely humiliated.

I can't wait to go in and argue with Mrs. Ni, and tell Mrs. Ni that she entered the moonlight meeting because of Ye Sichen, and the marriage with Ye Enchen was also because of Ye Sichen, and everything was for Ye Sichen.But how could the noble lady Ni listen to her explanation?

Xia Nuan smiled coldly, turned around and went downstairs.

Looking at this scene, Gu Jinhan frowned, and immediately, he was going to follow Xia Nuan.

"Mr. Gu, I think you should stay in the room honestly." Di Luo came over and stopped Gu Jinhan's pace.

Gu Jinhan turned around and looked at Di Luoke: "I know the cause and effect of this matter, and I can explain it for Mr. Ye."

"You're lucky if you don't make trouble." Di Luo gave a look, and the subordinates "invited" Gu Jinhan into the room.

After Di Luo left, Gu Jinhan walked out on the pretext of going to the bedroom on the first floor to get clothes, and there were still people following behind.

Xia Nuan suppressed her sadness and was dizzy, not knowing how to solve these things.She believed in Ye Sichen, but she couldn't bear Mrs. Ni's criticism of her like this.

 Even if she is doing well, Mrs. Ni still won't accept her, she doesn't know how she should go on.

Wuyou and Nianci looked at the sad Xia Nuan, walked over quietly, and snuggled into Xia Nuan's arms.

"Mom, grandma is really annoying. She always speaks ill of us in front of dad."

"I've heard it all, she doesn't like us, and she doesn't like her mother, in that case, let's leave." Wuyou said angrily.

When Xia Nuan heard this, she subconsciously covered Wuyou's mouth: "You will always be my father's good children, don't always say leave."

"But, why does Dad want to be with Aunt Ge Li? Doesn't he like Mom?" Wuyou defended Xia Nuan.

"Father is just sick, Aunt Ge Li is taking care of him, don't think too much about it." Xia Nuan lied.

"Mom, is this really the case?" Nian Ci asked Xia Nuan suspiciously.

Xia Nuan nodded, seeing that An Sheng seemed to be dozing off, she picked up An Sheng who was on the sofa, and went to another bedroom with Wuyou and Nianci.

Ye Sichen ordered Ge Li to leave when Mrs. Ni strongly opposed it. Ge Li was shaking all over, tears pouring down, put on her clothes, and left in embarrassment.

Madam Ni was so angry that she pointed at Ye Sichen, almost fainting.

Ye Sichen's stubborn personality really annoyed him this time, even if Mrs. Ni really fainted, he didn't seem to be moved. He just left the bedroom and went to find Xia Nuan.

"Ah Nuan..." Ye Sichen pushed open the door of this bedroom.

Xia Nuan hugged An Sheng, the two children snuggled up beside her, and Gu Jinhan sat next to her.

Ye Si's deep eyes immediately darkened.

"A Nuan, I can assure you that nothing happened between Mr. Ye and that maid. I live next door to the bedroom. The soundproofing there seems to be not very good. I can hear the conversation inside clearly. Mr. Ye has been talking Resisting, did not make the maid get what she wanted. He has you in his heart from beginning to end, I believe he will not have an affair with others, he cares about you very much at a glance. "

After hearing Gu Jinhan's words, Xia Nuan seemed to feel better: "I know all of this. However, seeing that scene, I still can't stand it."

"So, since you believe in him, why do you care about these things? You don't care what others say. Others will sow discord for some ulterior motives. What they do and what they say are untrustworthy. You have to trust your lover."

Xia Nuan raised her eyes and looked at Gu Jinhan: "Thank you."

Unintentionally, I saw Ye Sichen.

Xia Nuan and Ye Si's deep eyes intertwined, but thousands of words were kept silent.

Gu Jinhan left knowingly.

The moment they rubbed shoulders with Ye Sichen, the eyes of the two of them competed like lightning.

"A Nuan, it was my negligence, that's why I fell for Ge Li's tricks. I assure you, there will never be a next time." Ye Sichen walked over, holding Xia Nuan's hand.

Xia Nuan stared at Ye Sichen, looked at his messy collar and hair, and took care of it slowly.

Ye Sichen held Xia Nuan in his arms.

"Then, Dad, you must swear to us, promise us." Wuyou and Nianci separated Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan.

The two children protected Xia Nuan, and stared fiercely at Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen smiled helplessly: "I promise you, I swear to you, I will always love your mother."

Looking at the two children, Xia Nuan couldn't help smiling indulgently, and Ye Sichen's heart returned to its original position, holding Xia Nuan's hand without relaxing for a moment.

In order to let Xia Nuan sweep away the previous haze and unhappiness, he changed the bed in the bedroom, and even threw away the quilt, sheets and pillows.

 Xia Nuan acquiesced to Ye Sichen's actions, and Ge Li's affairs came to an end.

"Ah Nuan, Ge Li, what are you going to do? As long as you say a word, I'll help you do it right away." Ye Sichen wrapped his arms around Xia Nuan's waist and asked her in a low voice.

"She belongs to Mrs. Ni, so let her stay here to take care of Mrs. Ni. Let's not mention this matter anymore." Xia Nuan knows that Mrs. Ni hates her so much. If she is driving Geli away, Mrs. Ni I have more ideas in my heart.

All she can do now is to stay in peace with Mrs. Ni and live in peace.

"Well, what you said makes sense, Ah Nuan, and I'm actually to blame. I shouldn't have given you a chance to take advantage of it. Hit me a few times, otherwise, I'll always feel a little bit sorry."

Ye Sichen squeezed her hand and slapped him in the face, but Xia Nuan curled up her hands, unable to bear it.

"I don't blame you for this matter. I just feel that I don't know how to manage the relationship between me and her." Xia Nuan looked at Yesi's honey-colored chest, her eyes darkened a little.

"With me here, I will find a way to get her to accept you, take your time, don't be in a hurry." Ye Sichen held her hand and kissed her: "I think we should rely on practical actions, such as having a baby. "

Xia Nuan said, "At this juncture, one more child is one more burden..."

"For me, there is nothing to worry about at all." Ye Si turned over and looked down at Xia Nuan.

Although Xia Nuan was in a better mood, thinking about what happened between Ge Li and Ye Sichen that night, she still felt a little uncomfortable.What's more, Gu Jinhan lives next door, he will hear...

"Night, let's go to sleep."

A strong arm firmly fixed her: "You sleep, leave me alone."

He buried his head in kissing her, and she pushed hard.

"Don't be like this, I'm a little tired." Xia Nuan looked at Ye Sichen sadly, begging in a low voice.

Ye Sichen couldn't listen to her words at all, and possessed her all at once, galloping like a wild horse, while constantly kissing Xia Nuan's cheek: "I want you to be happy, so happy that you can cry."

Xia Nuan bit her lips tightly, not being allowed by Ye Sichen, Ye Si Shen lowered his head, kissed her, and when she was intoxicated, he suddenly withdrew.

Xia Nuan couldn't help making a sound like a nightingale.

Gu Jinhan lay next door, covered his ears, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes.

Ye Sichen did it on purpose, deliberately asked him to live next door, and deliberately wanted him to hear Xia Nuan's voice.

Gu Jinhan was almost about to collapse, but for his own plan, he forcibly endured, closed his eyes, neither thought nor listened.His hands were tightly clenched into fists.

It seems that every night has become a kind of torture, not only mentally, but also physically. Gu Jinhan's body is getting weaker and weaker, and his face is haggard, but every time he sees Xia Nuan, he is trying to force himself.

And Xia Nuan looked a little embarrassed when she saw Gu Jinhan.

Xia Nuan decided to ask Yesi Chen to release Gu Jinhan.

 Yesi listened to Xia Nuan's words, he put down his work, looked at Xia Nuan, and asked her, "Do you really want him to leave?"

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