Although Wuyou and Nianci are less than one year old, they are smart and quick-witted. At this time, they will call Papa Mama.

However, they don't call Luo Dai'er Ma Ma, they only call Ma Ma when they see Xia Nuan.

Ye Sichen thought it was Wuyou who wanted him to hug him, so he clapped his hands towards Wuyou. Seeing this, Wuyou shook his head with a smile, babbled for a while, stretched out his hand to hold his hand, and told him to sit a little closer.

Xia Nuan's heart skipped a beat, her face became hot unconsciously, she put Wuyou in Ye Sichen's arms, and was about to get up.

"Ma Ma." Wuyou held Xia Nuan's arm with her small hand, not allowing her to leave.

But Ye Sichen let his son pester Xia Nuan like this, indifferent.

"Doesn't Wuyou want to be hugged by my father? Besides, I'm not Wuyou's mother, and Wuyou can't call me mother." Xia Nuan explained to a child under one year old.

Just because she didn't want Ye Sichen to mistakenly think that she taught Wuyou to call her mother.

Wuyou tilted his head up, sat on his father's lap with his buttocks, but kept pulling Xia Nuan's arm with his little hands, insisting on asking Xia Nuan to sit down, and besides, he was on the side with his father.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to give a doting glance, and sat next to Ye Sichen.

Wuyou tossed and tossed between them, originally wanting to bring Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen's legs together so that he could sit on them.

In the end, Wuyou naturally succeeded, and her chubby little hands happily patted on the legs of Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan.

Children are boring and naive, how can they know the embarrassment of adults when they play hard by themselves.

Xia Nuan just felt that being so close to Ye Sichen made her heart almost jump out, and she just pretended to play with Wuyou, so as to distract herself.

And Ye Sichen held a copy of the international newsletter and watched silently, looking at Xia Nuanhe Wuyou from time to time, showing a warm smile.

Wuyou didn't know what happened to the child tonight, the more he played, the more energetic he became, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Xia Nuan only hoped that he would go to bed quickly so that she could leave this depressing bedroom.

"I heard from Aken that I was sick that day, and you made ginger soup for me and gave me medicine?" Yesi's deep and slow voice suddenly rang out in the quiet bedroom.

When Xia Nuan heard it, she immediately panicked.

"Oh, yes, but it just so happened that my wife came back..."

"Once I'm in a coma, I can't take any medicine orally. I don't know what method Ms. Xia used to make me take those medicines successfully?"

Yesi Chen interrupted her and continued to ask slowly.

Xia Nuan's face was even more flushed, hesitating, only looking at Wuyou, but not daring to look up at Ye Sichen.

Yesi's rosy lips curled into a shallow and charming smile, he put the newspaper in his hand on the marble tea table, and put one hand on his forehead: "Could it be artificial respiration?"

Every time he saw her blushing, he wanted to tease her.

"No, no, sir, don't make wild guesses." Xia Nuan lacked confidence.

"It's not that I'm guessing, I really can't think of any other way for you." Yesi Chen took it for granted.

Xia Nuan plucked up her courage, raised her eyes, and looked at those star-like deep eyes: "Yes, sir, I did adopt that method, but I didn't mean to take advantage of you, Mr. Aken ordered I did that, and he said that if you don't drink the medicine, your throat will become inflamed, and I can't help it, so..."

"Well, the more you explain, the more you cover up, and you seem a little guilty, even if you take advantage of me, you can understand, after all, I have the capital to make women crazy." He was proud of being the king of music, and choked Xia Nuan couldn't argue.

And Xia Nuan didn't dare to argue, didn't he say it, the more he explained, the more he covered up.

Xia Nuan held her breath, and didn't dare to look at him at all. Looking at Wuyou, who was full of energy, she was a little tired, and she yawned.

 "Go to sleep first." Ye Sichen said with concern.

Xia Nuan shook her head, resisting: "No, I will accompany Wuyou, sir to sleep."

"I order you to sleep." Ye Sichen's words revealed an irresistible majesty.

Xia Nuan could only obey, she gently took away Wuyou's little hand, and was about to get up, but Wuyou cried.

No matter how much Ye Sichen could be coaxed, Xia Nuan had no choice but to turn back and hug him.

Ye Sichen asked her to sleep on the bed in this bedroom with Wuyou in his arms, while he was about to go to the study next door, but Wuyou cried again. He insisted that Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan stay with him. Ken give up.

Ye Sichen was a little annoyed, and looked at Wuyou helplessly: "This guy can't be ignored, you go to sleep and ignore him."

"But he will cry as soon as I leave. When the time comes, my husband won't have a good rest, and I won't be energetic tomorrow." Xia Nuan tried several times, and every time he left, Wuyou would cry.

Yesi frowned and nodded: "That's right, I'll cry if I leave him, so I have to find a way for both of us to rest at the same time."

Xia Nuan nodded subconsciously, coaxing Wuyou non-stop, hoping that he would sleep quickly.

"How about this, let's go to bed and lie down together, then turn off the light, and leave when he falls asleep?" Ye Sichen suggested.

"Ah? This doesn't seem appropriate..." Xia Nuan didn't dare to imagine that she was sleeping on the same bed with the king of music, Yesi Chen.

"It's just to make it easier for us to rest. Of course, if you have other ideas, it's really inappropriate." Yesichen retorted contemptuously.

"No, I have no other thoughts." How dare she have other thoughts about him?

"Then rest, I'm a little sleepy." Ye Sichen yawned lazily, and walked towards the big bed.

Xia Nuan hugged Wuyou and followed slowly.

"In the middle of worry-free sleep, you sleep in it, go to bed first." He said concisely, standing beside the big bed, waiting for Xia Nuan to go up first.

With arms folded, leaning against the bedside table with a straight posture, she watched Xia Nuan, who behaved cautiously.

Xia Nuan lay down holding Wuyou, and Ye Sichen covered them with the quilt.

In an instant, a warm current overflowed into Xia Nuan's heart.

When it went dark, Ye Sichen turned off the lamp.

In the quiet night, Xia Nuan could only feel her heartbeat getting stronger and stronger, fearing that Ye Sichen who was beside her would hear it, she silently clutched her chest.

The moonlight shone in, reflecting on Xia Nuanying's white and beautiful face, Ye Si stared at it in the dark, his eyes were more gloomy than ever.

Xia Nuan fell asleep unknowingly, and when she woke up, the sky was bright, and a ray of sunlight came in through the window. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and found that the side was empty.

Wuyou slept in the shaker, but Ye Sichen left without knowing when.

Xia Nuan got up, Alian knocked on the door, and Xia Nuan went to open the door.

"Xia Nuan, Miss Helen has sent someone to pick you up, get ready, I'm going to take you to an audition!" A-Lian kept saying.

Only then did Xia Nuan remember what she promised Helen to audition yesterday.

Taking advantage of the time when Wuyou and Nianci were still asleep, she hurriedly went to wash up.

Xia Nuan wore a simple T-shirt and jeans, walked out of the bedroom, and heard Luo Daier throwing a tantrum in the living room.

"Where is Ye Sichen? I want to see him, and I want to ask him face to face, why, as the mother of the child, I am not allowed to take care of the child?!" Lauder questioned Aken who was standing calmly by the side.

Sure enough, Xia Nuan found that there were two strange bodyguards guarding the bedroom door of Wuyou and Nianci. It seemed that Luo Daier was not allowed to approach this bedroom.

Aken clasped his hands, showing his professional ethics and quality: "Mr. has already said it clearly, because the wife feeds the red bean milkshake to Master Wuyou."

"What's the matter with the red bean milkshake? He's so big, he can eat the red bean milkshake!" Luo Daier was confident and smashed everything in the living room to pieces.

Aken didn't say anything, just looked at Lauder coldly.

Xia Nuan suddenly realized that the red beans in Wuyou's throat last night were fed by Luo Daier.

Luo Dai'er was tired from falling things, lying on the sofa panting, seeing Xia Nuan down, she suddenly became calm.

"Ms. Xia, it's time for you to audition? By the way, if you are selected, don't forget my support."

Xia Nuan nodded: "Yes, ma'am."

Luo Daier seemed very hostile to her, Xia Nuan only echoed without saying a word.

After Xia Nuan left, Luo Daier called a phone number.

"I don't care what method you use, you have to torture her into a broken flower, and I don't want to see her stay at home and block my eyes! Did you hear that, Roger!" Lauder yelled into the phone in the bathroom with...

Xia Nuan was taken to Eddie Studios by Helen's assistant, Apin.

Helen and several producers are discussing the selection of the heroine, and the staff around them are busy, and they don't seem to notice Xia Nuan's arrival.

It wasn't until Ah Pin took Xia Nuan to meet Helen and several producers that Helen dragged Xia Nuan and introduced him to those people one by one.

"I've seen a lot of beautiful women, but I still like attractive ones. Let me tell you, women's vision of women is sometimes more accurate than that of men." Helen smoked a cigarette smartly, dressed in loose clothes, with a He looks like a fool, full of confidence in his vision.

"Okay, Helen, we are very satisfied with your choice of candidates, but you can't decide who is who, you must get the approval of the judges." The producer shrugged and looked at the somewhat reserved Xia Nuan.

Although this girl is a bit pretty, she is obviously not familiar with the world, and she doesn't even have the talent for acting and walking on stage.

Helen held Xia Nuan's hand: "I've already told Roger that Roger and I both like her. Of course, the audition process must be done."

Roger is the director of this music short film. Usually, before shooting a short film, he will conduct a grand selection process in order to better pick out models that satisfy him.

"Helen, you probably don't know yet. Roger is no longer the director. The director has been replaced by AGE." Another producer reminded Helen.

AGE is Helen's international music company.

"Why didn't anyone notify me? It's ridiculous. I was the last one to know that my music short film had been changed in director!" Helen choked out the slender lady's cigarette and pressed it into the ashtray.

"The director has been replaced by Lan Qing." The producer said

When Helen heard it, from the initial anger to joy, the transition between the two was quite amazing.

"It's really great. I've always liked Director Lan Qing. His works have that kind of musical artistic conception. It's a great honor to work with him."

Lan Qing has always been an excellent director who worked with Ye Sichen, and no one could invite him except Ye Sichen, no wonder Helen was so excited.

Xia Nuan was brought to a fitting room by Ah Pin, and changed into a bikini outfit.

Xia Nuan put on a bikini, covering her front with some discomfort.

Standing by the mirror, she saw that most of her skin was exposed to the air, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, there were several bikini girls next to her, who were even more revealing than her clothes, and she seemed to have gained a little balance in her heart.

Those bikini girls, like her, are the audition candidates for Helen's short music video.

They each have their own characteristics, with exquisite and beautiful appearance, charming style, with their hands on their waists, and they pose in the most confident pose.

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