Roland's body turned cold, and the fear in her eyes became more and more intense. She looked at the blue sky and suddenly screamed.

For fear of being discovered, the two men covered Roland's mouth. Roland didn't know where the strength came from, and bit the finger that blocked her mouth.

The man let out a low cry and let go of Roland's mouth.

"Ah! Help!"

Roland finally had a chance to breathe, so he broke his throat and kept calling, the scream was extremely shrill.

"Smelly bitch!" The man became furious, and slapped Roland fiercely. Blood overflowed from the corner of Roland's mouth, and he fell into a coma.

"Fight with me, have you ever beaten me?" After finishing speaking, he pulled off Roland's pants three times five times, and another man put his hand into Roland's clothes.

"Stop!" At this moment, an angry voice came from behind, and the two enthusiastic men stopped their movements immediately and turned around.

But I saw the previous leader of Redeeming Lacey and Miko reappeared, and this person was Aken.

At this moment, Aken held a weapon in one hand and aimed at them: "Let her go."

When Akon was about to leave the beach, he heard the voice of a woman calling for help. He followed the voice to find Roland, but found that Roland was pressed to the ground by these two men. Without thinking, he pulled out his waist angrily. The weapons in the room were aimed at the two men who committed the assault.

The two men were afraid of Aken, because they knew that this Aken was not an ordinary person, he was once the right-hand man beside Yesichen.

Thinking of this, they didn't bother to threaten Aken with the comatose Roland, and started to back away.

"I just let her go, don't kill me." One of them had already raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Aken didn't show any expression, and approached them step by step. When he was about to pull the trigger, the two men jumped into the passage under the beach at the same time, and fled with their heads in their arms.

Aken hurried over, helped the unconscious Roland up, put on her clothes again, and led him into the car.

Roland finally woke up after being in a coma for three days and three nights.

Aken breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Roland lying on the bed with staring eyes: "What's Romy's phone number?"

He was going to call Romy over to pick Roland away.

Like Yesichen, he also wouldn't worry about Roland telling the fact that Yesichen was still alive, because Roland was a mentally abnormal person, and no one would believe her even if she told it.

Roland still looked at Akon, as if he didn't hear him.

Akon seemed a little helpless, so he searched out the mobile phone from Roland's pocket, found Romy's phone number, and quickly called Romy.

"Ms. Luo, you need to take your sister Roland back. She is in a psychiatric hospital." Roland is not in a psychiatric hospital, but in the place where Akon lives. Akon plans to send Roland to a psychiatric hospital, and then , asking Romy to pick up Roland there.

However, Romy's words surprised Aken: "She is a lunatic now, and I can't take care of her. The only way is to keep her there, otherwise she will endanger public safety."

"Her condition is not that serious, and you need to counsel her."

"I don't have that time. I still have a lot of work to do. Of course, I can't afford her medical bills, so you should send her to the police station to save me. After all, she did it before. A lot of bad things happened.”

After Luo Mi finished speaking, without giving Aken a chance to speak, she hung up the phone with a bang.

When Aken called, the other party was already unable to connect. Obviously, Romi had restricted Aken, which meant that she did not intend to take care of her sister Roland at all.

"Ye, I won't leave, I won't go to the hospital, I'm not sick, I want to be with you!" Roland suddenly threw himself into Aken's arms, pleading with Aken.

Aken was at a loss for a while, looking at Roland: "Ms. Luo, that's where you live."

Roland kept shaking his head: "I won't go, I will be obedient in the future, I won't frame Xia Nuan again, okay, I swear, I won't do anything wrong again, I beg you, don't let me leave you , I love you so much, everything I did before was for you!" She was crying as she spoke, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, and she looked at Aken pleadingly.

Aken looked at Roland, concealed the emotion in his eyes, and forcibly pulled Roland's hand away from his arm: "I'm not Mr. Ye, Ms. Luo, you've got the wrong person."

"No, you are Ye, Ye. You know that I am willing to be with Qin Rui'an in order to let you fly solo. I have paid so much for you. Do you know why I left you without a trace? Because I was infected with I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t think I’m good enough for you, after leaving you, I keep falling, the more I fall, the more I miss you, so I chose to quit those forbidden substances... everything I did It's all... because I love you, I love you... I know, you don't want Xia Nuan to take risks, so you let me act as Xia Nuan to perfunctory those gangsters in exchange for Lacey and Miko's safety, I know, But, even if you use me, I will love you willingly!"

Roland hugged Akon tightly, tears streaming down his face.

When Aken heard this, he couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that she knew it all along, she was just pretending to be confused, she knew that it was not Ye Sichen who kidnapped, but Mi Ke and Lai Xi, and she also knew that calling her Yi Rongcheng Xia Nuan was actually to save Lai Xi and Mi Ke out.

But the strange thing is, she has always regarded him as Mr. Ye.

Say she is confused, but she knows better than anyone else.

Roland plopped and knelt at Aken's feet: "Ye, don't drive me away. I have nothing. I really have nothing. I only have you. If you let me go, I will die. I will fulfill you." You and Xia Nuan, I can be your servant, I will not destroy your relationship!"

Aken slowly helped Roland up from the floor, and looked at Roland: "Then you stay here and rest, I will not drive you away."

Roland was overjoyed, and couldn't stop smiling: "Thank you, Ye, I will be obedient and do nothing wrong."

Aken sighed faintly, nodded: "Then you have a good rest."

"No, I don't rest, I want to help you clean the house, do you have any dirty clothes now? I'll wash them for you." Roland looked around in a panic, trying to find some dirty clothes, but saw that the furnishings beside him were a little crooked Slanted, she went to start rearranging, very busy.

"If you are like this, I can only tell you to leave." Aken said.

Roland was frightened, and nodded quickly, submissively: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

She retreated to the bed, lay down obediently and closed her eyes.

Akon finally breathed a sigh of relief, pulled off his tie, and sat on the sofa.

Yesi Chen called.

Aken pressed to answer: "Sir."

"Where's Roland?"

"She was almost raped, but I saved her."

"Thank you, Aken, is her mental illness serious?" Yesi asked in a low voice.

"It's very serious. She mistook me for you. I want to send her to a mental hospital, but her sister Romy refuses to take care of her. Considering that she has done many bad things before, I think it's best to send her to a mental hospital." Prison, serving time in prison, is the best way out for her."

Akon spoke his mind.

Every day, he was busy with the affairs of the Yesichen Heritage Committee, so he didn't have time to take care of Roland. Besides, this Roland, he didn't think he deserved sympathy from others.

Over there, Ye Sichen was silent for a while, and said: "But you also said that she has a mental illness, and she is still seriously ill. Even if she is sent to prison, she will be released. How about you send her to the prison?" Psychiatric hospital, I will bear all expenses."

"Well, let me think about it." Aken hung up the phone and looked at Roland.

Roland happened to be looking at him too.

"Did Xia Nuan want me to leave?" Roland asked Aken tearfully.

"No, I'm talking about business. You can live here with peace of mind. When you want to leave, tell me and I will make arrangements."

"Then let me tell you, I will stay here forever? Can you not ask me to go?" Roland's throat choked.

Aken thought for a while, and finally made a difficult decision: "Okay, but, you must be obedient. Wherever I tell you, you must be there, okay?"

"Well, I'm obedient, and I will obey you in everything." Roland said.

Ye Sichen hung up the phone, but saw Xia Nuan standing there.

Xia Nuan originally wanted to tell Ye Sichen that she had already packed her suitcase and was going to take her child to the island.

Now that Miko and Lacey have been rescued safely, a big stone in her heart can't help but relax.However, when she overheard Ye Sichen's words, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ah Nuan, have everything been packed, let's go then." Ye Sichen withdrew his thoughts and smiled slightly at Xia Nuan.

"Aren't you going to send Roland to prison?"

Xia Nuan asked Ye Sichen directly.

"She is mentally ill. Even if she is sent to prison, it will be difficult for the police to determine her crime," Ye Sichen said.

"So, she is a mentally ill person. She is innocent of kidnapping and extorting people. Ye, you are too partial to her! This kidnapping incident was planned by her. If she is not arrested and sent to prison, when will it be? "Xia Nuan always thought it was Roland who kidnapped Miko and Lacey.

"It wasn't planned by her, Ah Nuan, don't be so excited." Ye Sichen persuaded Xia Nuan.

"Why don't you tell me not to be excited? She killed Song Kuncheng, kidnapped Mi Ke and Lai Xi, by the way, she had a previous record of attempted murder, and all kinds of crimes added up are enough to be sentenced to death, but not only did you not To have her sent to prison and have to take care of her for the rest of her life is unacceptable to me."

"As far as I know, it was Song Kuncheng who felt ashamed back then, and voluntarily cooperated with Roland, pretending to be me to play the game of death." Every time Xia Nuan mentioned Song Kuncheng, Ye Sichen became a little annoyed.

It was Song Kuncheng who did something wrong, in order to ask for Xia Nuan's forgiveness, so he took the initiative to find Roland.In order to be with Yesichen for a long time, Roland asked Yesichen to take that kind of amnesia drug, and then eloped with Yesichen, and asked Song Kuncheng to pretend to be Yesichen who died of poisoning, hiding the truth from the monthly notice and the public.

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