Yesi Chen nodded: "Yes, I will find a way, but we must first know the specific address and contact information of the other party."

Hearing what Ye Sichen said, Xia Nuan took out her mobile phone and dialed Mi Ke's phone number again, but Mi Ke's phone number was always turned off, and she couldn't get through no matter what.

In fact, Xia Nuan didn't know that Mi Ke canceled her previous number because she didn't want to reveal her and Ye Sichen's whereabouts, because she had already thought that Xia Nuan would call. It is very likely that the specific addresses of Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen will be located.

Yesi thought for a while, took the landline in the living room and called Lacey, but this time he got through by accident.

"Hello? May I ask who are you?" Over there, Lacey's voice was cautious.

"Where are you?" Yesi Chen didn't reveal his identity, but lowered his voice.

He didn't change his voice, so Lacey recognized his voice immediately, but Lacey didn't call out his name.

"I'm fine now." He and Mi Ke never wanted to hurt Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan.

"Don't lie to me, the news that you and Mi Ke were kidnapped is known all over the world." Yesichen lowered his voice.

At this time, Lacey was silent.

"Tell him where you are and ask him to save you, otherwise, I will rape your woman!" Just as Lacey was silent, Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan heard a man coming from over there. A threatening tone.

"Lacey, when the time is right, you must give in." Ye Sichen reminded Lacey.

Lacey had to say, "I'm in Philadelphia..."

Ye Sichen hung up the phone and located Lacey's phone number.

Obviously, Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen couldn't accompany the three children to go skiing, but fortunately, the three children understood and went to the bedroom.

Ye Sichen contacted Aken and asked Aken to rescue Mi Ke and Lacey. Aken received Ye Sichen's order to rescue Mi Ke and Lacey immediately.

Aken went there with the money to negotiate with people, but those people never appeared. Just as Aken was about to leave, a woman's voice came from behind him.

"Are you someone sent by Xia Nuan? This time, no matter how much money you give me, I won't let you go. Go back and tell Xia Nuan to come here in person." Xiaomei crossed her arms, dressed in black, with A black hat with a black veil hanging on it, making it impossible to see her face.

Aken looked at the woman and said righteously: "Our wife has passed away. I am here on behalf of Mr. Lacey and Dr. Miko's family to rescue them. We are willing to pay any amount, but please Release Mr. Lacey and Dr. Meek."

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? I don't need money. If you call Xia Nuan over, I'll let them go."

"You didn't seem to hear what I said just now, Xia Nuan has passed away." Aken shot back coldly.

"I won't believe your words. I heard what Mi Ke and Lacey said with my own ears. Xia Nuan is not dead. I need to see Xia Nuan to let them go!" Xiaomei retorted Aken.

Aken looked at Xiaomei with some doubts, and quickly hid that doubt in his heart: "I can add money to you, you must know that you have committed a crime now. I want to leave a way out for myself, Let's start making deals."

"I know Xia Nuan. We are old acquaintances. Go back and tell her that there is a man who is about to die here and wants to see her. If she doesn't come, she will regret it for the rest of her life!" Ken had the chance to speak, turned around, got into the car, and left.

Aken looked at the speeding car, and the doubts in his heart became more and more obvious.

This woman is really strange. She clearly wanted money, but she really brought the money but regretted it. Also, since she knew that Xia Nuan was not dead, why didn't she expose the news to the outside world?
It seems that it is really Xia Nuan's old acquaintance.

Aken took people away temporarily and sat in the car. He called Yesichen and told Yesichen everything about the situation here.

Yesi, who was far away in country A, listened to Aken's words, and frowned a little solemnly: "She doesn't want money, so what does she want?"

Xia Nuan raised her heart and looked at Ye Sichen.

I hope there is good news from Akon.

Aken was silent for a few seconds, and said to Yeshen: "That woman wants to see his wife. She knows that she is not dead. I think it's probably because Lacey and Miko slipped up and she overheard her. But it's very strange." , She did not announce the news that his wife was not dead, she said that she was an old acquaintance of his wife, and also said that a man who was dying wanted to see his wife..."

Ye Sichen glanced at Xia Nuan, and said lightly, "Got it, you stabilize them first, we are finding another way."

Akon responded.

Ye Sichen hung up the phone.

"Ye, are Mi Ke and the others alright? Will the gangsters let them go?" Xia Nuan asked Ye Sichen impatiently.

Ye Sichen clasped his hands and looked at Xia Nuan: "It's okay, there will be a solution."

He didn't tell Xia Nuan the truth, because he didn't want Xia Nuan to get involved in this matter, let alone allow Xia Nuan to go there in person.

"Do they think the ransom is low?" Xia Nuan thought for a while and said, "Why don't we add more..."

"I said, I will find a way, don't worry." Ye Sichen interrupted Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan obviously felt his displeasure: "I'm sorry, I always bother you like this, but I'm really worried about Mi Ke's safety."

"I'm worried too, I'm just as worried as you." Yesi said with a serious expression on his face, "This is a man's business, so don't worry about it."

Xia Nuan slowly let go of Ye Sichen's hand, silently poured him a cup of tea, and left the bedroom.

Ye Sichen looked away from Xia Nuan's back, and immediately called Aken: "Aken, let's see how Roland is doing now...Pick her up from the mental hospital at an appropriate time..."

Standing outside, Xia Nuan stopped in her tracks, and when she heard the conversation between Ye Sichen and Aken, she felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

Could he still not forget Roland?

With a heavy heart, Xia Nuan went to the bedroom.

After the children were asleep, she walked out of the bedroom and found that the food on the dining table was still unmoved.She cooked these meals for Ye Sichen, but Ye Sichen stayed in the study and never came out.

The food is already cold.

Monzuo happened to pass by and saw Xia Nuan standing by the dining room staring at the food in a daze. He couldn't help but stepped forward: "Ma'am, sir, didn't you have dinner? How about I send these food over there."

"No need, these dishes are cold, I'll warm them up." Xia Nuan recovered, and went to the kitchen with the food.

Monzo looked at Xia Nuan's back, and a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

Monzo's cell phone rang and he saw it was from his daughter Geli and left the living room.

"Lily, what's wrong?"

"Dad, madam wants me to ask you, did Xia Nuan do anything to hurt Mr.?" Ge Li over there said lightly.

Monzo shook his head: "No, they have a very good relationship, don't worry if you ask Madam."

"Has she been in contact with Yuezhaohui?"

"No, Lily, don't doubt it. I believe that my wife will not do anything to hurt my husband." Monzo didn't like his daughter's inquisitiveness. He thought that this kind of suspicion was unfair to Xia Nuan. During this period of time, What he saw was the deep affection between Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen.

Monzo hung up the phone before Geli finished speaking.

Xia Nuan took the hot food out of the kitchen, went straight upstairs, and came to Ye Sichen's study.

After knocking on the door twice, Ye Sishen was not there. Xia Nuan gently turned the handle of the door and found that Ye Sishen was not in the study. She looked around and heard a gentle voice from the dressing room.

She put the food on the table and walked towards the dressing room.

"You need a good rest now, and I'll pick you up after a while, okay?"

"Are you really Ye Sichen? Don't lie to me. I saw Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan blown to pieces with my own eyes. It's all my fault. I killed him!" Over there, Roland became emotional again.

Here Yesi could not help comforting her: "Roland, listen to me, I am indeed Yesi, I am not dead, but you can't tell anyone about this, otherwise, I will die, If I die, you will never see me."

"Okay, Ye, I won't say anything, I won't say a word to outsiders, I miss you, I want to see you now."

"But you have to cooperate with me, you have to be obedient, so that you can see me."

"I am obedient, I must be obedient."

When Xia Nuan heard this, her heart was filled with jealousy and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Sichen hung up the phone, turned around and saw Xia Nuan standing there, looking at him calmly.

"Even if Roland killed Song Kuncheng, even if she kicked off the child in my stomach, even if she did so many wrong things, she is innocent in your heart, isn't she?"

"You know, she's just a mental patient. Please don't be so harsh on a patient."

"I'm harsh? It's normal for her to do these things!" Xia Nuan looked at Ye Sichen.

"But she's crazy now. Ah Nuan, I need Roland to do something for me." Yesi Chen explained to her.

"Yes, I understand. You need her. I won't interfere with you. I just want to vent my grievances. In fact, I really want Roland to go to jail." Xia Nuan turned and left without giving Ye Sichen a chance to explain. .

Ye Sichen stepped forward and dragged her: "Isn't it all because of you?"

"Did I tell you to get closer to Roland? You are willing to get closer to her, because you can't forget her. After all, she is your first love. I don't care about these things. I won't control your heart. What do you want?" Just like that, what right do I have to interfere with you?"

"Well, you don't care. You only care about the photo I tore up. That's why you've been depressed." Yesi Shen let go of Xia Nuan's hand, walked to the desk, and brought Xia Nuan over from the desk. The food was brushed on the ground, making a crisp sound of collision.

Xia Nuan's face turned pale, her heart jumped in shock, and she backed away, her black eyes dimming.

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