Xia Nuan smiled, and let go of Ye Sichen's hand: "It seems that you have no chance to cook."

"Then trouble your wife." Yesi kissed Xia Nuan affectionately on the face.

"Since I'm your wife, why bother?" Xia Nuan straightened his collar, eyes full of love.

With a happy smile on the corner of Ye Sichen's mouth, he reluctantly parted from Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan went downstairs to the kitchen, while Ye Sichen turned back to the study.

Nan Zhentian saw Xia Nuan who was about to go to the kitchen. For a moment, he felt that the woman's skin was not as dark as before.

 "Mr. Cong is in the study, come with me." Monzo interrupted Nan Zhentian's sight with a cold face.

Only then did Nan Zhentian shift his gaze away from Xia Nuan, and followed Monzo to the study.

In the study, Nan Zhentian met Ye Sichen again.

Ye Sichen was wearing a black tunic suit, looking even more dignified than last time.

Nan Zhentian sat across from Ye Sichen, and directly explained his intention for coming: "Mr. Cong, I am from the Ni family, and I am naturally willing to rehabilitate the Ni family. I admit that I have the tape that can prove Ni Feng's innocence." , but I want to keep it for myself to rehabilitate the Ni family, since Mr. Cong is all about rehabilitating the Ni family, we are naturally of one mind."

Of course Ye Sichen would not believe him, he just smiled lightly and kept silent.

Monzo stepped forward and retorted Nan Zhentian: "Second Young Master, I don't believe what you said at all. If you really wanted to rehabilitate the rebellious president, you would have been rehabilitated long ago, and you wouldn't wait until now. So, don't talk nonsense to us, or Just hand over the tape, or leave."

Yesi echoed Monzo's words: "Your Excellency, you heard it too, what Monzo means is what I mean."

"Azuo, what I'm saying is my truth. Over the years, I've been working hard to gain Xiao Chi's trust, and I've been looking for opportunities to vindicate Ni Shi, but because I'm single and weak, I don't have a chance ..."

"I don't want to know how hard you worked, I just want to know the result." Ye Sichen interrupted Nan Zhentian.

Nan Zhentian held a black box in his hand, and made up his mind: "To express my sincerity, I am willing to give you this tape. As long as you are willing to rehabilitate my elder brother and the Ni family, I don't need anything. , not to mention the so-called oil monopoly.”

Nan Zhentian's words were righteous without any hesitation, which surprised Ye Sichen and Mon Zuo.

Monzo looked at Nan Zhentian, trying to find some clues of conspiracy in Nan Zhentian's eyes, but there was no conspiracy, only sincerity.

"Ah Zuo, I will give you this tape. Here is the evidence from that year. As long as this evidence is released, those who framed Ni's back then will be brought to justice."

Monzo took the cassette tape slowly and looked at Nan Zhentian.

"Second Young Master, could it be you pretending to be an ambush here?" Monzo said a little worriedly.

Nan Zhentian smiled coldly: "Since you are worried, then I will open it myself."

When he said that, he personally opened the tightly packed black box, took out the tape inside, and then opened the tape: "There are not only tapes here, but also a precious video, which I can show to Mr. Cong and you." have a look."

Monzo took the video tape in his hand, put it on the DVD disc in the computer, and clicked on it.

A bloody video appeared in it. In the video, a man was severely tortured, his skin was torn apart, his hands and feet were handcuffed with iron chains, and he could not move at all.

There was a man standing beside him. The man looked very young, and there was a trace of cruel killing in his eyes.

Monzo shouted excitedly: "It's against the president!"

Ye Sichen looked at such a bloody scene, and his memories of his childhood were completely restored. He knew this tortured man, and he was his father, Nifeng.

He vaguely remembered this scene. At that time, when he was young, he was locked in a dark and damp dungeon with his mother, Mrs. Ni. However, one night, someone took Mrs. Ni away, and he was left alone. In the dungeon, the prisoners sympathized with him for his young age, so they all tried to rescue him, and lied to the warden that he had an infectious disease and was already dying. In the end, he was thrown out by the warden...

Yesi frowned, feeling more and more heavy.

The clearer that memory is, the deeper his feelings for his biological parents will be, and the stronger his shame and anger will be.

Seeing the horrific torture of Ni Feng in the video, his heart clenched.

"Xiao Chi, you beat me into a trick, I won't let you get what you want, even if you are a ghost, I won't let you go!" Nifeng's miserable and angry voice sounded, revealing an inviolable stubbornness.

Xiao Chi, who was dressed in a black politician's suit, slapped Ni Feng severely with his hand, and then, he took a red-hot iron iron and burned it viciously on Ni Feng's chest, and Ni Feng screamed continuously.

"Headwind, now you are a terrorist, and you are my prisoner. What right do you have to shout here? Let me tell you, if you don't confess your crimes, I have plenty of ways to deal with you. Don't forget, Your son and your wife are in my hands."

Xiao Chi smiled triumphantly: "By the way, do you want to see how they are doing?"

"Xiao Chi, why are you targeting me? What kind of skill is bullying women and children?"

"That's right, I just bullied them. I will kill your son and take your woman as my own. Why do you always not cooperate with me?"

Xiao Chi was a little proud.

"Why should I admit to something I didn't do? I didn't blow up the Emperor Tower, but you deliberately framed me!"

"That's right, I did it. I planned everything, but you have no evidence. Now all the evidence shows that you did it." After Xiao Chi finished speaking, he laughed.

Seeing the scene in the video tape, Ye Sichen squeezed the bone in his hand, and the bone made a rattling sound.

Monzo clenched his fists, eyes blazing with anger.

"Xiao Chi did all of this. Xiao Chi framed my elder brother. What's more, he insulted my sister-in-law. There is evidence here!"

When Ye Sichen heard this, his face turned pale.

On the screen of the video tape, a young woman with disheveled hair appeared and was framed out.

That woman Ye Sichen could recognize was his biological mother, Mrs. Ni...

Immediately afterwards, Ye Sichen's eardrums continued to be filled with horrific screams, and he endured it, his eyes filled with endless hatred.

Ni Feng yelled as if collapsing, and begged Xiao Chi for mercy, but Xiao Chi was unmoved.

"Shut it down." Yesichen told Monzuo.

Monzo turned the tape off, and the room fell silent.

He didn't expect Mrs. Ni to suffer such humiliation...

"I accept the video and audio tapes, but I will do what I say, and I will hand over the oil monopoly to you." Ye Sichen spoke to Nan Zhentian in a deep tone, his voice hoarse.

Nan Zhentian nodded, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Cong, Zuo, if you want to target Xiao Chi, I have a way."

"What way, please tell me."

Nan Zhentian revealed his plan: "Don't release these audio and video tapes, I will find a way to gain Xiao Chi's trust, and then, after I have found all his criminal evidence, we will join forces to attack him .”

Monzo nodded.

Yesi Chen said, "That's it."

The most important thing now is to bring down Xiao Chi and let the truth come to light. No matter what Nan Zhentian's intentions are, he can indeed help him now.

After Nan Zhentian and Ye Sichen reached an agreement, they shook hands and started a sincere cooperation.

After sending Nan Zhentian away, Ye Sichen stood by the window, thinking.

"Sir, we still have to be careful, Niyuan might just use us." Monzo reminded.

Yesi Chen nodded: "I know, he uses us and we use him."

Only then did Monzo breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ye Sichen had already taken precautions.

Mi Ke has been imprisoned in this bedroom for a long time. She sits by the window and watches the sunrise and sunset outside every day, and her days feel like years.

Every time he tried to find a chance to escape, he ended in failure.

Through the window, she saw the figures of Lacey and Xiaomei. Lacey and Xiaomei hugged each other and walked to the side of the car. After the two whispered, Lacey got into the car and left. It landed in the bedroom where Mi Ke was upstairs.

Mi Ke immediately blocked his cheeks with the window curtain.

Lacey was stunned for a moment, got into the car, and left.

Mi Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought about it, decided to find a way from Xiaomei, and then escaped.

However, as soon as this plan was formed, Xiaomei soon came to her bedroom. Not only Xiaomei, Xiaomei also brought two strange men.

Mi Ke's heart sank, and he had a premonition that something was wrong.

"Xiaomei, what are you going to do?"

Xiaomei came over and smiled coldly: "Mike, if you don't tell Xia Nuan's whereabouts, I will find these two men to torture you."

"Actually, you don't need to treat me like this. I'm just looking for something with you." Mi Ke said with a smile.

"What kind of trick do you want to play?" Xiaomei was dubious.

Crossing his arms, he took a step forward.

"Xia Nuan is indeed dead, but I know Xia Nuan's sister, Xia Yan. I will take you to find Xia Yan, is that okay? If you have anything, you can tell Xia Yan." Mi Ke said.

But Xiaomei didn't like her: "I know Xia Yan, but she is not Xia Nuan, what's the use of me looking for her? My intuition tells me that Xia Nuan is definitely not dead. If you don't tell me where Xia Nuan is today , I will torture you hard!"

Mi can see that Xiaomei was not fooled, and she felt a burst of fear.

Now that Lacey is gone, Xiaomei is likely to call these men to bully her. Mi Ke's heart becomes more and more flustered, and he doesn't know what to do.

No matter what, she would never tell Xia Nuan's whereabouts.

Otherwise, Xia Nuan will be harmed. Seeing that this little beauty is obviously malicious towards Xia Nuan...

"Xia Nuan is dead, how many times do you want me to say it?" Mi Ke was firm again.


Xiaomei raised her hand and slapped Mi Ke.

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