Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 305 What Should I Do If I Don’t Know You

Yesi nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the woman on the bed: "I've already left."

"Did she sedate you?" The woman in the white coat asked Yesichen again.

"Yes, it hit the fake skin I put on my arm, she couldn't see it." Yesi Chen handed the fake skin that was the same as the skin to the woman in the white coat: "Mi But, you can test whether there are other drugs in this sedative."

The white coat took the layer of fake skin that Ye Sichen handed over, and prepared to test it according to Ye Sichen's instructions.

This woman, just as Ye Sichen said, was Mi Ke. When she was almost killed by Romy, she jumped into the sea in time. When she thought she was about to drown, it was Ye Sichen who sent someone to rescue her. After killing her, Yeshen knew that Roland did all of this, but he kept pretending to be kept in the dark, in order to see what kind of tricks Roland was playing.

Ye Sichen walked to the edge of the bed, and asked the woman on the bed with concern: "How do you feel? Does your chest still hurt?"

He sat there, casually holding the woman's slender hand.

The woman was none other than Xia Nuan. She did not die because of the body armor she was wearing, but was injured in her chest. Ye Sichen wanted Xia Nuan to sever ties with Yuezhao, so he announced Xia Nuan's death to the public. information.

This was also done to prevent Roland from having the opportunity to frame Xia Nuan. Xia Nuan covered her eyes and ears and put on a mask, but fortunately there were only Mi Ke and Ye Sichen here, so she simply took off the mask gently.

"I'm fine, otherwise, I wouldn't be so energetic and tell them stories." Xia Nuan looked at the three children lovingly, and then shifted her gaze to Ye Sichen's face, smiling affectionately.

Ye Sichen held her hand tightly, and kissed her on the cheek: "You can take care of yourself here, and I will protect you, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"Madam Baili sent Roland to deal with you, how do you deal with it?"

"I'll see what she's going to do first, and then adapt accordingly."

"Then you must be careful, otherwise, it will be very dangerous."

"Don't worry, even for the sake of the child and you, I have to be careful." Ye Sichen's strength tightened slightly.

"Dad, don't show your affection, okay? I'm still waiting to hear my mother tell us stories."

Nian Chi seemed a little impatient.

Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Mi Ke came over, holding the test result: "It was found out, there are a lot of special drugs in this sedative."

Mi Ke's face was serious.

"What kind of drug is it? Is it a fatal drug?" Xia Nuan's heart sank, and she knew that Roland was uneasy and kind.

Mi Ke shook his head unexpectedly: "No, it's a drug that controls the brain. As long as someone takes it frequently, the brain's nerve tissue will fail and cause memory loss."

After Yesi listened deeply, he was a little puzzled.

Why didn't Roland have any plans to kill people?To make him lose his memory so that he can carry out another conspiracy?
Xia Nuan thought about it, and looked at Ye Sichen: "I think Roland is still reluctant to part with you, after all, you still have feelings."

Yesi Chen frowned: "I don't have any relationship with her anymore."

He didn't want Xia Nuan to misunderstand him and Roland.

"At least she is not willing to let you die."

Yesi was silent, Mi Ke nodded slowly.

"It's probably possible. In fact, Roland did pay a lot for Mr...." Mi Ke sighed.

Yesi Shen concealed the guilt in his eyes, and changed the subject: "I want to see what she is going to do?"

Xia Nuan was silent, but she was preoccupied.

Mi Ke echoed Ye Sichen's words: "Yes, sir, you must see her true face clearly."

Yesi sat silently for a while, and left the bedroom. There were only Mi Ke, Xia Nuan and three children in the bedroom. Mi Ke looked at Xia Nuan and saw that she was frowning solemnly, so he comforted her: "Don't worry, even if Roland has In a big conspiracy, the husband will not let her succeed, how clever the husband is, she is not the opponent of the husband at all. "

Xia Nuan nodded: "I know, I hope Roland doesn't really want to target him."

"I hope, I hope her conscience finds out that although she has paid a lot for her husband, he has made up for her. She and her husband are inseparable, so don't pay too much attention to her."

"Well, I don't care." Xia Nuan recovered, opened the fairy tale book, and began to tell stories to the three children.

Mi Ke sat on the side silently, stroking his stomach subconsciously.

No one knew that she was pregnant, and the child in her stomach belonged to Lacey, but Lacey didn't know where it was now, Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan had been secretly sending people to look for it, Lacey seemed to have evaporated from the world , There is no news at all.

Mi Ke heard Yesi Chen say that Lacey must still be alive, and told her not to worry, but the more indifferent she was, the more worried she was about Lacey's situation.

"Later, the princess and the prince lived a happy life, but the vicious queen fell into the cliff because of a slip..."


After hearing Xia Nuan's story, Mi Ke frowned even deeper.

Could it be that Lacey jumped into the cliff and fell to his death?

Thinking of this, Mi Ke was even more worried.

Xia Nuan closed the book, noticing the abnormal expression on Mi Ke's face, she handed the book to Wuyou: "Take your younger siblings there to see the pictures."

Wuyou obediently led Nian Ci Ansheng to the sofa.

Xia Nuan lifted the quilt and got up, and walked up to Mi Ke: "Are you thinking about Lacey?"

Mi Ke withdrew his thoughts and pretended to be calm: "No, why did I miss him? Maybe he really eloped with a girl as Roland said. Since he doesn't care about my life, Why should I care about him?"

There was a touch of anger in his tone.

"Roland's words are unbelievable. In fact, both Ye and I suspected that Lacey's disappearance had something to do with Roland, and there was a trace of him on the mountain that Lacey went to that night, but no one was found. I think Lacey must have lost his way." , don't worry too much."

After hearing Xia Nuan's words, Mi Ke's worries eased a little. He held Xia Nuan's hand and sighed again.

Xia Nuan encouraged her: "Ye has been looking for him secretly, maybe he will be found soon."

Mi Ke couldn't pretend in front of Xia Nuan, tears welled up, "I hope."

The two women embraced each other.

The next day, Roland injected Yesichen with a sedative again, and Yesichen cooperated with her as before. When Roland left, Yesichen took off the fake skin that had been injected with the sedative, and Roland didn't know it at all. .

After Roland left, Xia Nuan came out of the bedroom.

The thoughtful Ye Sichen saw Xia Nuan, went up to her and sat her on his lap: "Why did you come out? You should rest more on the bed."

He put his warm hand on her chest, touching it slowly and meticulously: "Is it better here? I'm always worried about your injury recurring."

Xia Nuan hugged his neck and shook his head: "I'm fine, I've almost recuperated, did Roland just leave?"

Yesi nodded, "Yes."

"After injecting this drug, you should react. If you keep acting normal, Roland will become suspicious instead." Xia Nuan reminded him softly.

Ye Sichen pushed back the hair on her forehead: "I don't want to forget you, what should I do?"

"Didn't you pretend to have amnesia to show her? You really forgot me." Xia Nuan touched his forehead, and the tenderness in her black eyes was like water.

Yesi Shen pecked her lips, and the corner of his mouth condensed slightly: "A Nuan, what if I really lose my memory and don't recognize you?"

Xia Nuan was taken aback for a moment: "Then I will try my best to make you remember me."

"What if I can't remember anything?" Yesi stared at Xia Nuan with eyes full of pain.

"Then let's start again, I want you to get to know each other again." Xia Nuan said firmly.

Ye Sichen didn't say anything, just smiled, his eyes full of emotion.

Xia Nuan couldn't help kissing him on the chin, and then moved his hands restlessly below his neck: "Ye, I love you, even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the land is cracked."

Yessichen's heart was once again stirred up by her teasing. He hasn't been intimate with her for a long time. In order to let her rest well, he has been controlling his needs all the time. However, tonight she seems to be A little restless, always teasing and teasing.

Yesi took a deep breath and adjusted his breath, but his breath became more and more orderly: "Your body is too weak, if you don't have that physical strength, don't do it."

"Don't you miss me?" Xia Nuan asked Ye Sichen eagerly.

Ye Sichen's eyes became deeper and deeper, and she firmly pressed her ever-moving hand on her chest: "I want to, but I want you to recover more."

"I've recovered." Xia Nuan gently broke away from his hand, smiled sweetly, and pulled off his white shirt, extremely enchanting.

Ye Sichen's restraint was on the verge of breaking out, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, his fiery lips burned her little by little.

The long-lost happiness filled each other's hearts, as fierce as a flood, and as soft and warm as a trickle.

Ye Sichen looked at Xia Nuan who was lying on the table, and his passion was even more lively. The kiss was delicate and fierce, every inch of his heart.

Lingering all night, when Xia Nuan woke up, it was almost noon, Yesi Shen was not there, only Mi Ke was beside him, and there were three children.

Ye Sichen was invited by the music company to participate in a guest performance. Ye Sichen originally refused to perform, but the music company asked him to participate on the grounds that he was bankrupt. Before leaving, Yesichen only brought Roland.

Xia Nuan was a little worried, and wanted Aken or Di Luke to accompany Ye Sichen, but Aken and Di Luke were nowhere to be found, and their whereabouts were unknown.

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