Zeng Guihua was brought over by Baili like a sinner who made a mistake. Zeng Guihua seemed trembling, more nervous than last time.

Xia Nuan's heart sank involuntarily, and she stopped in her tracks.

"Ma'am, I found the culprit! It was this woman who put the fuse on me!" Baili said angrily, throwing Zeng Guihua to the ground.

Xia Nuan wanted to help Zeng Guihua up, but was stopped by Mrs. Baili's subordinates.

Xia Nuan was a little puzzled, hadn't her mother, Zeng Guihua, been moved to a safe place by her?Moreover, Xinzi and Jiani were specially asked to protect her closely. How did Baili find it?
She looked at Zeng Guihua, her eyes became more serious.

"Baili, don't talk, tell this woman to speak." Mrs. Baili's cold eyes swept across Zeng Guihua's face: "I ask you, did you put the remote control fuse on Baili's body? "

Zeng Guihua raised his head in fear, a trace of timidity flashed in his eyes: "Yes, ma'am."

"Who told you to do this?"

Baili Fu gritted her teeth angrily, and asked Zeng Guihua aggressively.

"Yes..." Zeng Guihua glanced at Xia Nuan, and a look of timidity flashed in his eyes: "If I say so, I beg my wife to let me live."

"Speak up. I promise to let you live." Madam Baili became gentle.

"It was my daughter Xia Nuan. She made the fire, set the timer in advance, and asked me to put the timing remote control fuse on Baili's body..."

Zeng Guihua accused Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan's face was pale.

She didn't expect that her mother betrayed her anyway.

"Xia Nuan, your accomplices have confessed, don't you admit it?" Bai Lixue said seriously.

Xia Nuan looked at Zeng Guihua as if seeing a stranger, she always felt that something was wrong with her mother Zeng Guihua.

There was a mole on Zeng Guihua's neck, but this neck was extremely fair, without that mole.And Zeng Guihua's voice was not like this, Xia Nuan couldn't help but began to doubt it.

Xia Nuan slowly approached Zeng Guihua, Zeng Guihua dodged, as if unwilling to face Xia Nuan face to face.

"Ma'am, I don't admit it, this woman is not my mother Zeng Guihua at all!" Xia Nuan's voice was a little sharp.

Madam Baili was stunned, including the three elders.

Baili frowned, looking a little flustered, and then went up to Xia Nuan angrily: "You don't even know your mother? Xia Nuan, you really do everything you can to justify yourself!"

Xia Nuan sneered: "Of course I know my mother, it's because I am too familiar with my mother that I doubt the woman in front of me. If you are really my mother, tie your face and make me recognize her." Take a closer look at you!"

Zeng Guihua's entire face was full of panic: "Ah Nuan, what are you talking about? I'm your mother! You can't just make up nonsense about me and question me just because you want to protect yourself!"

"You are not my mother. My mother would never call me Ah Nuan, only Xiao Nuan. You are still wrong about this, so you should show your true colors, otherwise, I will do it myself!"

Xia Nuan smiled coldly.

Zeng Guihua got up from the ground and looked at Baili as if asking for help. Of course, Baili was on Zeng Guihua's side: "Xia Nuan, don't make something out of nothing here! This woman is your mother Zeng Guihua, don't deny it! Don't try to get rid of the fact that you framed Mrs. Baili."

"Why, you are afraid, afraid of showing your feet?" Xia Nuan said deliberately: "It seems that you are guilty."

"Baili, tell her to wash her face." Mrs. Baili also wanted to find out the truth, so she said impatiently.

There was obvious panic in Baili's eyes: "Madam, this... this is not very good..."

"What's wrong? Isn't it just to wash her face? It's not to tell her to take off her clothes!" Madam Baili looked a little sullen.

Zeng Guihua bit her lip, and retreated a little bit: "Okay, where is the bathroom, I'll go by myself."

"No need, I personally brought a basin of water and a bottle of cleansing cream for you." Xia Nuan walked over with a basin of water: "Come here and wash it, be sure to wash it clean."

Zeng Guihua looked desperately at the basin of water that Xia Nuan brought over, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes.She had an idea, covered her stomach, and frowned: "I'm a little uncomfortable, and I can't see the water."

Mrs. Baili winked, and two people came up and grabbed Zeng Guihua forcibly, and pushed her over to the water basin. Zeng Guihua still wriggled uncooperatively, and kept resisting: "Ma'am! I really can't see the water... ..."

Before she finished speaking, someone pinned her head and pressed her directly into the water basin.

Xia Nuan clenched her hands behind her back.

Zeng Guihua groaned in pain, and was pressed several times in a row, only to see that a layer of skin suddenly fell off her face, Xia Nuan stepped forward, and tore off the thin layer of skin.

Zeng Guihua blurted out a scream.

When the layer of skin was peeled off, Xia Nuan still saw a familiar face, and this face was not Zeng Guihua, but... Roland!
Xia Nuan suddenly realized that the person who disguised the three children as Wuyou Nian Ci Ansheng was also Roland.

Xia Nuan stared at Roland angrily, pinching the layer of skin that was peeled off Roland's face: "So it was you?"

Roland was speechless and just lowered his head.

"Baili, what's going on?!" Mrs. Baili was furious.

Baili was tied up again.

"Ma'am, I couldn't find Zeng Guihua, so I asked this woman to pretend to be Zeng Guihua. It is too much for me to deceive you in this way, but it is an indisputable fact that Xia Nuan ordered Zeng Guihua to put the timing fuse on me. If I If I can find Zeng Guihua, I have already brought Zeng Guihua here to confront Xia Nuan, but I can't find her, so I can only find this woman instead." Baili looked wronged.

"Baili, I don't believe what you said! You cheated me by acting with this woman. I'm really disappointed! Also, the last time I went to the secret room to take the three children away was also done by this woman. She disguised herself Cheng Xianuan took the child away!" Mrs. Baili didn't want to give Baili any more chances, so she raised her voice: "Come on, lock Baili and this woman up!"

When Roland heard this, his whole body went limp, and he kept begging for mercy: "Madam Baili, I'm just using money to do things, and I didn't mean to deceive you, please let me go!"

Xia Nuan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Madam Baili's words. It seems that Madam Baili had already determined that Roland Yirong did it when she went to the secret room to rescue the child last time.

Baili also kept begging for mercy, but Mrs. Baili waved her hand without the slightest hesitation.

The subordinates directly took Baili and Roland down.

There are rules for the monthly photo session, and anyone who dares to go against the president, Mrs. Baili, will die.

Roland was unwilling to die like this. Baili locked her into a dark dungeon and asked Baili to find a way to let her out. However, Baili couldn't protect himself, so how could he help her out.

Roland suddenly remembered that there was still a mobile phone in her clothes, so she took out the mobile phone without thinking about it, and wanted to contact the outside world. Seeing this, Baili also had a flash of hope in his eyes.

But Roland's mobile phone signal is not very good, but despite this, she kept calling.

Yesichen was bathing the three, and Ge Li wanted to come in.

"Sir, you'd better go to rest, the second concert will be held tomorrow." Ge Li said.

Yesi Chen refused: "I'm not tired, I will take care of the three children from now on, you don't need to intervene."

In the end, he still remembered what Xia Nuan told him, he was worried about Ge Li, and even became defensive.

Ge Li seemed a little disappointed, and silently withdrew.

When she was walking out, she heard Ye Sichen's cell phone ringing, so she stepped forward to answer it with the cell phone.Ye Sichen came out with An Sheng in his arms: "Ge Li, go and rest first."

He held An Sheng in one hand, and took the phone with the other.

Ge Li smiled bitterly, and left silently.

An Sheng heard the phone ringing, and went to get it happily: "Mom is calling."

Ye Sichen just smiled, put An Sheng on the bed, sat with Wuyou Nianci, and then pressed the answer button.


"Ye, it's me, I'm Roland, I have to make a long story short now, I was arrested by the people from the monthly notice, and now I'm locked up in the dungeon of the old castle, it was Xia Nuan who did it, she blamed me for telling you that the child didn't die , So you keep trying to get revenge on me, I beg you, tell my sister Romi, I can't get through to her just now." Roland hung up the phone after saying this.

In fact, Roland didn't call Romy, she was just looking for a reason to call Yesichen.By the way, he also talked about his current situation, hoping that Ye Sichen would come to save her, and besides, only Ye Sichen could come to save her.

Roland squeezed the phone, quickly deleted the call, and hid the phone again, hoping that Ye Sichen would come to rescue her.

Here, Yesi listened to Roland's words, frowning thoughtfully.

How did Roland get into the moonlight meeting by Xia Nuan?

"Is it your mother calling?"

"Does she want Dad to pick her up?"

"I want mom."

The three children looked at Ye Sichen eagerly.

"Well, you go to bed, and bring mom back when dad is done with these things." Of course, Ye Sichen would not tell the child that he is now estranged from Xia Nuan, and he also decided to try to keep Xia Nuan from contacting the child as much as possible in the future.

He didn't want to tell his children these things, for fear that they would feel sad.

Xia Nuan and Mrs. Baili tried every means to get the child away, so that he would never see the child. What they did made him really angry.If Roland hadn't told him this fact, he would have thought the child was dead...

For this, Ye Sichen is grateful to Roland, so he will not watch Roland being taken away by the Moonlight Society, but ignore it.

Yesi settled the child down, and after the child fell asleep, he called Di Luo.

"You go and tell the monthly note that I want to talk to Mrs. Baili about something. Make arrangements." Yeshichen said.

Tillock thought for a while, then nodded and left.News came from Tillock soon.

"Mrs. Baili refused this interview. She said that the most urgent thing right now is to ask you to go on tour."

After hearing what Di Luo said, Yesi smiled coldly: "It seems that we are not sincere enough. Let's go, let's go together."

"Sir, what if she plots against you? I'm worried that you're in danger."

Akon came over to stop him.

Yesi said confidently: "Don't worry, I'm giving her benefits, and she won't want me to die just yet."

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