Xia Nuan watched Zeng Guihua leave, and slowly looked away.

Madam Baili's voice sounded: "Whether you are my missing daughter or not, I value you equally, because in my heart, I have always treated you as a daughter."

Mrs. Baili is full of voice and emotion, and she is still amiable to Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan looked at Mrs. Baili, her eyes slightly moved.

Thinking of the three children, the wavering became firmer a little bit.

Under Baili's leadership, Zeng Guihua left the castle with his head down, looking timid.

Baili sent Zeng Guihua to the car and gave Zeng Guihua a check: "You performed very well just now, this is your reward, take it, remember, I don't allow you to mention this to anyone."

Zeng Guihua quickly stretched out both hands, and took the check from Baili.

What she said to Mrs. Baili just now was actually ordered by Baili to say it.

After an in-depth investigation, Baili worried that Xia Nuan was really Mrs. Baili's missing daughter, so he bought Zeng Guihua in advance and told him to cooperate with him.

Regardless of whether Xia Nuan is Madam Baili's own daughter or not, Zeng Guihua must veto the relationship between Xia Nuan and Madam Baili.

Baili has always hated Xia Nuan, and even hoped that Xia Nuan would fall out of favor in front of Mrs. Baili. Of course, she would not hope that Xia Nuan was Mrs. Baili's daughter.If Xia Nuan becomes the successor of Yuezhaohui in the future, will he still have a bright future?
"Don't worry, Mr. Baili, I won't tell anyone."

Baili smiled coldly: "That's good, if the fact that I bribed you is really leaked, then you will be out of luck."

Zeng Guihua looked horrified, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "There won't be that day."

After sending Zeng Guihua away, Baili returned to the old castle.

The thing that Xia Nuan gave her in Zeng Guihua's hand has been put into Baili's pocket at Xia Nuan's request, and she doesn't know what that thing is for...

Zeng Guihua thought all the way and was puzzled all the way.

Yesi sat in the car deeply, made a good disguise, and silently looked at Zeng Guihua who was going away.

He didn't look away until Zeng Guihua walked away.Yesi got out of the car silently, and then walked towards the castle in silence.

In a lifetime of bang, the castle suddenly burst into flames, and the flames dyed the gradually approaching twilight red.Inside the castle, all the members of the Moon Notes Club panicked. Several people protected Mrs. Baili and went to the secret room.

The underground was full of bombed corpses. Madam Baili and those who survived stomped on those corpses and fled in haste.

Xia Nuan hurriedly stopped her and supported Mrs. Baili: "You can't enter the secret room. Madam, have you forgotten? The underground secret room is full of electronic equipment. What if the secret room is opened and the explosives destroy the underground secret room?"

Xia Nuan's words immediately reminded Mrs. Baili.

"You're right." Madam Baili saw that the whole building was surrounded by fire, and ordered Baili loudly: "Contact the Baili family and send a helicopter over."

This kind of thing happened just after Baili returned to the castle. Before he could react for a moment, he heard Mrs. Baili say that he would send a helicopter, so he hurriedly called the Baili family.

Xia Nuan took Mrs. Baili and ventured to a warehouse at the corner of the secret passage. Because this warehouse is made of iron, it is difficult to be eroded by fire.

Mrs. Baili was placed here, and finally Diamond was out of danger. Not only Mrs. Baili, but all the subordinates who did not die stayed here with Mrs. Baili, because the walls on all sides were made of iron, and the fire surrounded it. It wasn't burned, but the space inside was as if roasted by fire.

Most of the people were not breathing well, they were sweating profusely from being scorched all over, and some had even begun to show a state of collapse.Mrs. Baili has been holding on. After all, she is the backbone here. If she falls down, those subordinates will have no strength to support them.

She was supported by two female subordinates, who also frowned in discomfort.

Seeing this, Xia Nuan said, "Ma'am, Mr. Baili hasn't come, so we can't just wait here. If we go on like this, we might be burned to death."

Madam Baili nodded and squeezed Xia Nuan's hand: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I have to call the fire department. You can't go out after staying here." After Xia Nuan finished speaking, she left.

Madam Baili looked at Xia Nuan's back, feeling a little defensive.

"Ma'am, Xia Nuan shouldn't betray us, right?"

Mrs. Baili also seemed a little tangled: "What can we do, we can't wait to die. You should go and see the situation first."

The female subordinate nodded and followed silently.

Xia Nuan knew that Mrs. Baili didn't trust her completely, she had already hid in a place, and when she saw Mrs. Baili's female subordinate quietly following her, she suddenly knocked the female subordinate to the ground from behind, and immediately I dragged her into a place where she could not be found. After everything was settled, Xia Nuan went to the warehouse silently, locked the warehouse, then went to the secret room, and opened the secret room with the key stolen from Mrs. Baili. The door, and then, walked in.

The staff inside were a little surprised to see Xia Nuan.

Every time Mrs. Baili came together, but this time Xia Nuan came alone.

"Madam said that I will come down to learn some experience in the future so that I can work for Madam in the future." Xia Nuan said to the staff.

The staff in the underground secret room didn't know what happened in the castle, and Xia Nuan had always been valued by Mrs. Baili. The staff believed in Xia Nuan's words, so they enthusiastically began to explain the work here to Xia Nuan program.Xia Nuan listened absent-mindedly, but kept staring at the three children over there. The three children were safe and sound in the glass room, and Xia Nuan breathed a sigh of relief.

She walked over, looked at Wuyou Nianci and An Sheng, and kept waving at them.

The three treasures soon saw her and ran over happily, but because of the barrier of the glass, Xia Nuan couldn't hold the child, let alone take the child away.

So she lied, saying that Mrs. Baili wanted her to take her three children out for dinner, but the staff readily believed it. In the eyes of the staff, Xia Nuan was the most important person to Mrs. Baili. Allowing to come to the secret room alone shows that Mrs. Baili trusts her so much.

The thick transparent glass was invented according to the advanced technology. Therefore, the staff used electronic high-tech mechanisms to open it easily. The three children seemed to rush out of the bondage and threw themselves into Xia Nuan's arms. Hugging them tightly, there was a sense of joy that was lost and found again. She didn't have time to interact with the three children, took them by the hand, and successfully left the secret room.

The fire outside was smaller than before, but there was still no sign of extinguishing it. In order to protect the safety of the children, she put her fireproof jacket on the three children, squatted down, and walked towards the exit she had planned. go out.

Because of the thick smoke, even if someone passed by, they couldn't see Xia Nuan and the three children clearly. Moreover, they were all busy running for their lives now, so they had no intention of guessing Xia Nuan's side at all.

"Mom, are you taking us out of here?"

Wuyou asked Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan responded worry-free: "Yes, you have to leave here, Dad misses you, I want to take you to see Dad."

She was the one who pushed the three children to the moonlight meeting, so she wanted to bring them back and let Ye Sichen know that they were still alive.

When Nian Ci heard her father, she said happily, "Yes, we all miss Dad very much." Speaking of this, Nian Ci looked forward.

"Dad!" An Sheng was the first to call out.

Xia Nuan's heart sank, and she looked forward, and found a figure looming in the thick fog, and her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Leading the three children, they walked slowly forward.

Because she was worried that she was a member of the Moon Notes Club, she touched the weapon at her waist defensively.This weapon was prepared by her in advance, just for self-defense.

That thin black shadow approached Xia Nuan little by little, the closer she got, the more excited Xia Nuan's heart became, until Ye Sichen completely appeared in front of her eyes.

"Father!" the three children said in unison.

Ye Sichen looked at Wuyou Nianci and An Sheng, and the coldness in his eyes was instantly melted by warmth. He strode forward and stretched his arms, hugging all three children in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Xia Nuan was extremely pleased, but she turned around and looked at the gradually extinguished fire, and stepped forward to urge Ye Sichen: "Get out of here first."

Only then did Ye Sichen raise his eyes to look at Xia Nuan, and looked her over. At this moment, he noticed a black deadly weapon pinned to Xia Nuan's waist, and the gentleness in his eyes dropped little by little. , and returned to the previous coldness.

Xia Nuan's heart couldn't help but take a step back.

Ye Sichen didn't say anything, but left with the three children. To ensure the safety of Ye Sichen and the three children, Xia Nuan took cover behind him.Until she left safely, Xia Nuan thought of Mrs. Baili who was trapped inside. She knew that she couldn't leave.

"You take the three children and leave, I want to stay here." Xia Nuan said to Yesi Chen.

Yesichen carried the three children into the car one by one without looking up: "I didn't ask you to come with me."

This sentence really hurt people, Xia Nuan felt very uncomfortable after hearing it.

"Xia Nuan, I don't know what conspiracy you and Mrs. Baili are planning, but if you come after me, I will never allow you to hurt the child."

"You think I'm planning a conspiracy?"

Xia Nuan found it ridiculous and nodded: "Yes, I planned this conspiracy because I wanted to save the child, and I didn't want to cause you pain."

"Really? You are really selfless. You and Mrs. Baili created the illusion of the child's tragic death in order to sever ties with me. Now that the castle is on fire, you take the three children out and hand them over to him. I'm playing another trick. How could I trust you?" After Ye Sichen finished speaking, he closed the car door and got ready to get into the driver's seat.

"Yeshen, I absolutely didn't mean that. After I found out that the child was not dead, the first thing I did was to let you know that I planned this fire to save the child." Xia Nuan argued.

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