That thing fell beside Xia Nuan inadvertently, but Xia Nuan didn't notice at all because she was preoccupied.

Now she only thinks about the safety of the three children, and has no intention of responding to Roland's appearance.

The car window was rolled up, Roland stopped cursing, stood there, looked coldly at the car where Xia Nuan was in, a smile could not help but muttered to himself: "Xia Nuan, I just want Ye Sichen to doubt you, I just want to tear you apart."

Roland's eyes were full of hatred, and his hands clenched tighter.

Although she sometimes has nervousness, it's not that serious. It's not that she has a mental illness, but a nervous breakdown. In order to leave the prison as soon as possible, she bribed the doctor in the hospital through Aunt Lian, and asked the doctor to issue a medical certificate to prove that She was severely mentally ill and eventually, was released early.

Of course she will not stop there, so the purpose of her release from prison is to make Xia Nuan feel better.

Roland smiled coldly again, looking at the car, the hatred in his eyes became more and more obvious.Immediately, he walked into the hiding place silently.

Ye Ranni took off her sunglasses, looked at Roland's back, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

She followed Ye Linshen and Luo Mi secretly, and found that Ye Linshen and Luo Mi bought the owner of the cake shop and put a dangerous detonator in the cake customized by Xia Nuan. The villa, let alone Xia Nuan, the lives of the three children and Ye Sichen will be affected. Ye Ranni didn't want the detonator to hurt Ye Sichen, so she quietly replaced the detonator while no one was paying attention. In this way, Ye Sichen can be avoided from being hurt.

Ye Ranni had been guarding outside the villa, and found that Ye Sichen was not injured, so she was relieved. When she was about to leave, she found Roland appeared.

This Roland has been neurotic since he came out of the prison, so he probably wouldn't engage in any conspiracy like Romy did.

Seeing that Roland had gone away, Ye Ranni thought about it and left.

Xia Nuan's eyelids kept twitching, her palms were sweating, and she felt uneasy.

I hope that the three children will be brought back safely by Yesi Shen. If the children are really controlled by the Alliance or the people in the monthly note, then she will never forgive herself and hate herself forever.

There was a touch of sadness in Xia Nuan's eyes.

The two female bodyguards looked towards Xia Nuan, and then took out the weapons from their waists. Beside them, sat Ye Sichen's subordinates. They were ordered by Ye Sichen to monitor Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan's two female bodyguards wanted to help Xia Nuan escape their surveillance, so they decided to fight hard.

"Xinzi, Jiani, you are tired too, sit down and rest at ease." Seeing that her two female bodyguards were about to attack Ye Sichen's subordinates, Xia Nuan stopped them in time.

The female bodyguards Xinzi and Jiani had to give up the idea of ​​fighting hard, adjusted their mentality, obeyed Xia Nuan's words, sat in the car obediently, and dismissed all thoughts.

They knew that Xia Nuan was soft-hearted, no matter how Ye Sichen treated her, she would not make any resistance.Thinking about it instead, love is really helpless.

As time passed by, Xia Nuan felt that she was suffering. She hoped to see the scene where Ye Sichen came back with the three children.The long wait is as long as a century.

When twilight fell, a thin figure appeared under the dim streetlights.

Xia Nuan took a closer look and saw that it was Ye Sichen, and Ye Sichen came back alone, with no children around him, only Di Luo.In an instant, Xia Nuan's heart sank into the ice abyss, and her whole body was soaked in ice.

Yesichen did not find the three children.

There was endless self-blame in Xia Nuan's eyes.

By the way, Mrs. Baili, she is going to find Mrs. Baili. Only Mrs. Baili can tell her the whereabouts of the child.

Xia Nuan was about to get out of the car, but Ye Sichen's subordinates stopped her, took her arms, and brought her directly in front of Ye Sichen.

With her arms loosened, Xia Nuan fell to her knees unsteadily, raised her eyes, and saw Ye Sichen's pair of black patent leather shoes.

The moment Xia Nuan raised her eyes, her throat was pinched by a strong force. At this moment, she only saw a hand tightly pinching her throat.A sense of suffocation spread all over her body along with the pain. She tremblingly looked at the owner of that hand, opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Did you premeditate? Tell me, where did you take the child?" The anger in Ye Sichen's eyes could burn Xia Nuan to ashes.

Xia Nuan was restrained by him and couldn't say anything, but shook his head slowly.

Ye Sichen didn't believe it, and stepped up his strength again. When he thought of her relationship with Mrs. Baili, the anger in his eyes was even stronger than before.

A tear flowed down his cheek and burned on his fingertips, and he couldn't help but loosen his strength.

Xia Nuan finally had a chance to breathe: "I won't do that, I will never do that..."

"You gave the child to those two eyeliners with your own hands, Xia Nuan, how do you want me to believe you?"

"I really didn't do it on purpose. When the situation was urgent, I just wanted to send the child to a safe place." Xia Nuan squeezed Ye Sichen's arm: "Give me a chance, and I will definitely bring the child back. The Confederates took them, and I'll ask Mrs. Baili..."

"You are all in the same group!" Ye Si let out a low growl, pushing Xia Nuan away.

Xia Nuan backed away, fell against a solid human wall, turned around, and saw Shen An, who pinched her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and looked at Ye Sichen angrily.

"Yeshen, don't blame Mr. Xia for everything. Mr. Xia loves children so much, how could he push them into the pit of fire? You doubt her so much, it's not fair to her at all!"

Shen An complained and yelled at Ye Sichen.

Yesi smiled coldly: "Man after man, Xia Nuan, you are so slutty in your bones, I should have seen you clearly. In your eyes, men are the most important, and you never care about the life or death of children."

Xia Nuan's tears fell one by one like beads with broken threads, and looked at Ye Sichen with hazy eyes.

"You can think what you want about me, but you can't misunderstand me like this. Even if I have sex with countless men, I still love children. You have no right to accuse me! Don't forget, it is you who have been preventing me from seeing children. !" Xia Nuan was also angry, and retorted against Ye Sichen angrily.

Ye Sichen was also very angry, and tightened his loosened hand a little bit: "You have to know, you pushed the child out. As a mother, you are extremely irresponsible. I blame me for all this, and I shouldn't blame you. You are allowed to come and visit the children. I should continue to prevent you from seeing them, so that they will be safe. I believe you time and time again, and you disappoint me time and time again."

When Ye Sichen said this, his face was full of pain, as if he had aged ten years: "Why did I soften my heart and let you in to meet the child?"

He muttered to himself, his expression becoming more and more painful.

Xia Nuan was so choked up that she couldn't speak, while Shen An blindly protected Xia Nuan: "Ye Sichen, you are an indifferent and selfish person, and when something happens, you push the blame away! Boss Xia is not wrong, he is wrong It's you! Your surroundings have always been a mess, but you have repeatedly dragged Mr. Xia into the water..."

"Shen An, stop talking." Seeing Ye Si's face sinking like water, Xia Nuan was afraid, and tried her best to interrupt Shen An's words.

However, it was too late, Ye Sichen's two bodyguards set up Shen An like chickens.

Shen An's resistance was ineffective and he was eventually taken away.

Ge Li came out and stood behind Yesi Chen: "There are two explosions, one is a newly bought puppet toy, and the other is inside the cake music box." Ge Li said this and looked at Xia Nuan said slowly, "The toys and cakes are bought by my wife."

She seemed to be emphasizing it deliberately.

Ye Sichen's eyes twitched, and he looked at Xia Nuan. At this time, Xia Nuan looked at him neither humble nor overbearing.

 The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Ye Sichen finally said, "Xia Nuan, I'm asking you, did you put the explosives on? I want to be honest."


Xia Nuan smiled coldly: "Yeshen, instead of wasting time here to question me, it's better to continue to find the child."

"I have been increasing my manpower to search, but I also have to find out the truth." Yesi opened his lips slowly: "If you are really innocent, you shouldn't mind searching."

Xia Nuan looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "You have searched, it's not like you haven't searched before."

Before Ye Sichen could speak, Ge Li stepped forward and searched Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan looked at Ge Li suspiciously, and felt that she seemed to be premeditated, so she took a step back: "I will search by myself."

She laughed with tears.

Yesi Chen looked away and acquiesced.

A look of disappointment flashed in Ge Li's eyes, but Ye Sichen didn't allow her to go up and search her body, so it was hard for her to walk past.

Xia Nuan searched through her coat, but there was nothing suspicious, Ye Sichen looked at her with a frown, not letting go of any detail.

Xia Nuan reached into her trouser pocket, but touched something hard, her hand stopped inside, and she frowned.

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong." Ge Li said from the side.

Yesi's gloomy face became more and more gloomy.

"What's inside, take it out. If you are frank, don't hide."

After hearing Ye Sichen's words, Xia Nuan's movements were a little stiff, and she took out that hand little by little, with a look of unwillingness flashing in her eyes.

Ge Li, on the other hand, looked at Xia Nuan with an attitude of watching the show.

Xia Nuan took out an object, and Ge Li stepped forward and handed the object in Xia Nuan's hand to Ye Sichen to look at.

"Sir, this is a switch timing button, please take a look."

Ye Sichen took it, and slowly withdrew his gaze from Xia Nuan's face, and landed on the hard electronic product.

He observed for a while, and the anger in his eyes condensed a little bit again.

This electronic product is a timing detonation switch remote control, and it was found from Xia Nuan's body...

Ye Sichen wanted to crush the electronic remote control, he took a step forward, pinched Xia Nuan's chin: "What is this?"

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