Chapter 278 I Will Not Make It Easy For Them

"Tomorrow is your birthday, tell Dad what you want." Ye Sichen hugged An Sheng, fondling the cheeks of the two children.

Nianci and Wuyou said in unison: "I want my mother."

Ye Sichen paused his fingers and looked at the three children.

An Sheng was afraid that his father would not agree, so he raised his face and looked at his father: "I want my mother."

Ye Sichen's usually serious expression became a little gentle at this time, and the three children looked expectant, and he couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay, I want mom."

Ye Sichen did what he said, stood up, looked at the woman who was still standing outside the window, his eyes froze for a few seconds, slowly picked up the phone, and called back.

Xia Nuan, who had been waiting outside, heard the phone ring, took it out, and found that it was Ye Sichen calling, her dejected and sad eyes lit up, as if a ray of hope had been ignited, and she immediately pressed the answer button.

"Go back and rest first, come over tomorrow morning." Ye Sichen said briefly, his voice low and hoarse.

Xia Nuan frowned and pinched the phone: "Are you at home or outside? If you are at home, can you allow me in? I have something to tell you."

There are all kinds of pleading in Xia Nuan's tone.

"It's very late, please go, I will call you tomorrow."

Xia Nuan had to hang up the phone.

No one can change what Ye Sichen has decided, so Xia Nuan didn't want to provoke him anymore, so she stopped begging for a meeting, but silently hung up the phone.

Ye Sichen allowed her to come and meet tomorrow morning, which proves that there is still hope, so she can only bear with it for a while.

Xia Nuan looked up at the lights of the villa, stood there for a while, and then left.

It wasn't until her figure was completely gone that Ye Sichen withdrew his gaze.

Di Luo stood behind Yeshen, and looked out the window at the same time: "Sir, I don't think my wife intends to target you. She must have joined the monthly note meeting to pave the way for you, but she didn't expect to be self-defeating and become a so……"

Yesi fell silent.

Tillock said again: "I think she is doing it for my husband's benefit. Her forged [-]-concert signing agreement can be used. The signatures below are all the same. There shouldn't be any problems. Or you can follow the Do what she says. Two hundred concerts will break you."

Yesi shook his head deeply: "If it was before, I would have trusted her unconditionally, but now, I can't figure her out more and more." Yesi sighed deeply, looking a little distressed.

Tillock looked at Ye Sichen with some doubts.

Ye Sichen continued: "Mrs. Baili told me that Xia Nuan was her long-lost daughter. At first I didn't believe it, but the jade pendant in Xia Nuan's hand is real, not fake. Think about it, then A piece of jade pendant is the symbol of the highest authority of the Moonlight Festival, but it is in Xia Nuan's hands..."

Tillock finally understood the reason why Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan kept their distance.Ye Sichen suspects that Xia Nuan is the daughter of Mrs. Baili.

"But sir, what Mrs. Baili said may not be true, maybe she just wanted to drive a distance between you and your wife, and said so on purpose."

"Lock, do you still remember the crescent-shaped cinnabar mole I branded on her arm to protect her?"

Tillock nodded: "Yes sir, of course I remember."

"Actually, she has always had that crescent-shaped cinnabar mole, but it just faded away. In order to protect her, I branded the same crescent moon on top of the cinnabar mole, which aggravated the mark."

In order to protect Xia Nuan and prevent Xia Nuan from being hurt by the people of Yuezhaohui, Ye Sichen deliberately branded a crescent-shaped logo on Xia Nuan's arm when Xia Nuan was not paying attention. No one would hurt Xia Nuan, but no one knew that there was a faint crescent-shaped mole on Xia Nuan's arm at first. That faint crescent shape was imprinted with an identical crescent shape. In the end, Mrs. Baili had a conversation with him, talking about her lost daughter, who had a crescent-shaped cinnabar mole on her arm.

Ye Sichen thought of the faded cinnabar mole on Xia Nuan's arm, and his heart was heavy.

The implication of Mrs. Baili's words was to warn him not to associate with Xia Nuan.

What's more, he has always disdained Yuezhaohui, so how could he still be entangled with Xia Nuan when he knew Xia Nuan's life experience?

After hearing these words, Di Luo was shocked: "Sir, do you mean that the wife is the daughter of Mrs. Baili?"

If that's the case, she won't be able to get rid of Yuezhaohui even if she wants to get rid of it, even for a lifetime.Not only that, but he may also be the successor of the monthly note. No wonder Ye Sichen is unwilling to associate with her, nor is he willing to ask her to associate with the three children. The reason is this...

Ye Sichen continued to remain silent, with a trace of sadness hidden in his deep eyes.

Tillock didn't ask any more questions, and thought for a while: "Anyway, she is sincerely for the husband. If the husband doesn't want her to help, it's fine. At that time, he can only hold on. After all, there are two hundred concerts. The body will definitely be overwhelmed, sir should pay more attention to the body."

"Well, I have my own opinion on this, so you don't have to worry." Ye Sichen tidied up and walked into the secret room.

In the secret room, Mrs. Ni sat there, looking at the three children with relief. Geli was taking the train for them. After taking the train, Geli arranged the Barbie dolls for Nian Ci, but the three children were depressed and had no interest Play with train driving and barbie dolls.It wasn't until they saw Ye Sichen that the three children's eyes lit up.

Yesi Chen walked in, holding the hands of the three children: "Go, Dad allows you to go out once."

"Really? So, is there mother with us?" Wuyou asked happily.

"En." Yesi Chen nodded.

"That's really great!" Nian Ci and An Sheng couldn't help but clapped their hands and danced happily.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Ni frowned involuntarily, and looked at Geli. Geli looked a little embarrassed, lowered her head, and remained silent.

Seeing that Ge Li was embarrassed to speak, Mrs. Ni spoke first: "Ah Chen, it's good for the children to be here. If you really want to do it for the sake of the children, then don't allow them to leave here."

"Don't worry, I will protect them." Yesi Chen said with certainty.

Madam Ni was still a little unhappy: "Are you going to take them to meet that Xia Nuan?"

"Xia Nuan is my mother, can I see my mother?" Nian Ci tilted her head and spoke first.

When Mrs. Ni heard this, the anger in her eyes became more and more obvious. Immediately, she forbeared it very well: "Ah Chen, don't forget, she is a member of the Yuexinhui. Be careful that the child falls into the hands of the Yuexinhui."

Ye Sichen's gentle eyes sank slightly: "Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen with me."

Ye Sichen took the three children by the hand: "You stay here with peace of mind, and I will notify you if there is a need to transfer."

"Ah Chen, ask Ge Li to accompany the child too. I don't worry if Ge Li is here. You are busy too, and you don't have time to take care of the child."

"No need, ask Ge Li to accompany you." After Ye Sichen finished speaking, he left the secret room.

Madam Ni looked at Geli, looking very unhappy: "If you follow him, he won't refuse."

Ge Li shook her head: "It's still not possible, ma'am, sir, sir asked me to stay here to take care of you, so I'll stay here, sir. I'm always cautious, and there should be nothing wrong with three children."

Madam Ni sighed, and shook her head helplessly: "Well, if you don't want to go, I don't want to force you either."

Ge Li didn't make a sound, but silently poured water for Mrs. Ni.

Madam Ni looked at the exit door of the secret room, as if she was planning something.

Ye Sichen personally cooked and cooked nutritious food for the children, but the three children looked at Ye Sichen eagerly.

"Where's mom?" The three children said in unison.

Yesi smiled deeply, and served dishes for the three children: "Eat obediently, and mother will come over after eating."

Wuyou Nianci and An Sheng heard Ye Sichen's words, and immediately obediently took the tableware and began to eat.

Although Wuyou and Nianci were dubious, Ye Sichen had never lied to them, so the brothers and sisters chose to believe Yesichen after thinking about it.

I believe Xia Nuan will definitely come to celebrate their birthdays.

With excitement, Xia Nuan got up early in the morning, didn't even bother to eat breakfast, and went out to pick out birthday gifts for Wuyou Nianci.

She knew that Wuyou likes Transformers, and Nianci likes Barbie dolls and other dolls, so she bought the most expensive and most exquisite toys in one go, and then ordered a double-layered big cake, which she bought for the three children After several sets of clothes, he came to Yesichen's residence again with a large bag.

Because of the agreement with yesterday, Xia Nuan was quickly brought in by the bodyguards at the door.

However, Xia Nuan's two female bodyguards were blocked outside the door, and only Xia Nuan was allowed to enter alone.

The female bodyguard had to stop there, waiting for Xia Nuan to come out.

At this time, a car stopped in a hidden place, the window was rolled down, revealing the faces of Luo Mi and Ye Linshen, Ye Linshen looked at Xia Nuan's back and smiled coldly.

Luo Mi looked at Xia Nuan's back and gritted her teeth.

"If it wasn't for Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan, your sister wouldn't be what she is now. All of this is caused by them." Ye Linshen said in a low voice.

Romy looked away, looking at Roland who was lying in her arms and muttering softly, with a flash of pain in his eyes.

"Yes, this pair of dogs and men, I won't make it easy for them."

Luo Mi's eyes were hardened, and he gritted his teeth.

"So, what are you going to do?" Ye Linshen asked Luo Mi.

Luo Mi snorted: "Just do as you said just now."

Ye Linshen nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, let's start." Ye Linshen put on a mask.

Romy comforted Roland, started the engine, accelerated the speed, and disappeared at the end of the boulevard.

When Xia Nuan walked in, Ye Sichen was sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper. Today he seemed very relaxed.

Before Xia Nuan came to take a closer look at Ye Sichen, the three children had already rushed forward.

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