Ye Sichen brushed away Xia Nuan's loose hair, kissed her on the cheek, and then whispered in a low voice.

Xia Nuan was surprised at first, and then asked Ye Sichen: "Will this work?"

Yesi nodded deeply: "Let's try it, maybe we can find some clues."

Xia Nuan nodded: "Okay."

There was a little disappointment in her eyes.

Ye Sichen raised her chin and looked at her: "What's wrong with you? Are you worried that I will change my mind?"

Xia Nuan shook her head: "No, I was worried about your safety. Ye, why didn't you ask me to participate? Could it be that you don't want to involve me?"

Yesi was stunned for a moment: "Didn't it be agreed before that your task is to take care of the safety of the three children, and I will handle the rest."

"Okay." Xia Nuan had no choice but to dispel her doubts.

Ye Sichen smiled slightly, and kissed her on the cheek again.

Xia Nuan wanted to get up, but Ye Si hugged her into her arms: "It's still early, I'm sleeping for a while."

Xia Nuan gave him a helpless look: "If you stay inside, Ge Li may doubt the authenticity of our divorce."

"That's right." Ye Sichen let go of Xia Nuan.

The two woke up at the same time.

Ye Sichen came out in a suit and leather shoes, while Xia Nuan stayed inside, taking the last step to go downstairs.

Xia Nuan's hair was disheveled, and her face was full of anger.

"Yeshen, this villa belongs to me, and so does the child, you take your group and leave quickly!" Xia Nuan spoke first.

Ye Sichen straightened his suit without looking at Xia Nuan: "Okay, this place belongs to you, I'll just go."

After Ye Sichen finished speaking, he left.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Sichen's several bodyguards and Aken also left with Yesichen.

Ge Li looked at Xia Nuan, raised her eyebrows, smiled triumphantly, and then left.

Xia Nuan looked at Ye Sichen's back, thoughtful.

"Sir, are you really divorcing your wife? Have you decided yet?" Ge Li asked Yesi Chen when she got into the car.

Yesi's face was gloomy: "Yes, I've decided."

Ge Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded: "Actually, divorce is fine. If you don't divorce, I'm afraid she will continue to spy on Mr.'s privacy. At that time, she will sell it to the tabloids for money, and betray him."

Yesi nodded solemnly, "That's right, you're right."

Ge Li lowered her voice at this time: "Sir, do you still remember Xia Nuan's use of the moonlight to send jade pendants to help you out?"

"Yes, of course I remember, it was because she saved me from the siege at the beginning, so I tolerated her all the time."

"Then does sir know why she has that jade pendant?"

Yesi said flatly: "At the beginning she said it was a forgery."

"She is lying to you, even if she forged it, why does she know the shape of the jade pendant, why can she forge the jade pendant so realistically, and can easily deceive those people in the Yuezhaohui, the only possibility is that she is the Yuezhaohui at all She is still one of the top leaders of the Monthly Notes Society. So sir, you must keep a distance from her."

When Ge Li said this, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

Yesi Chen nodded: "Yes, you are right, so I divorced her. I will not allow people from the monthly note to get involved and act recklessly under my nose."

Ge Li was suddenly agitated: "Sir, actually, I have always wanted to take you to meet someone, but at that time, I kept avoiding Xia Nuan, and I didn't dare to ask or say anything. Now that you and Xia Nuan Divorce, then I might as well take you to see that person."

When Ge Li said this, Ye Sichen seemed a little vigilant, but he still pretended to be calm.

"Who is that person? Does it have anything to do with me?" Yeshichen said.

Ge Li nodded: "Yes, it has something to do with you."

Ye Sichen didn't make a sound, and Ge Li took him to a place.

Ye Sichen already knew that as long as he severed ties with Xia Nuan, Geli would reveal his true colors. He didn't expect that Geli would tell him everything so soon.

At that time, he suspected Ge Li's abnormality. After Aunt Lian was fired, Ge Li often reminded him to pay attention to Xia Lian Guo and the monthly note, and also told Yesi Chen that as long as Ye Sichen divorced, he would tell her what she knew. He told Ye Sichen some things about him, so he expressed his doubts to Xia Nuan, and Xia Nuan came up with a way to divorce him.Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan created this divorce to test Ge Li.

Because Ge Li was somewhat repulsive towards Xia Nuan, she always hoped that Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan would break up.Therefore, in order to separate Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen, Ge Li used Xia Nuan's video camera as an excuse to say that Xia Nuan was spying on Ye Sichen's privacy, and tried to test whether Ye Sichen believed her or Xia Nuan. It turned out that Ye Sichen believed it. It's still her.

This also means that Ye Sichen has always regarded her as someone who he trusts

Ge Li is very pleased with this.

Since Ye Sichen chooses to believe her, then she is not afraid of digging her heart and soul out of Ye Sichen. It is time to tell Yesichen some truth.

According to Ge Li's address, Yesichen drove to an unusually remote place. After passing through the remote place, he came to a small town. The town was extremely quiet, and the road was lined with street vendors, including fish sellers. The butchers are very lively.

Yesichen and Ge Li passed by these stalls, and then came to a rental house.

"She's inside." Ge Li said softly.

Ye Sichen walked in and looked around. There was a simple room with a table and a bed in it. On the table were thermos bottles and teacups full of age.

Apart from these, there is no one.

Ye Sichen couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Ge Li: "Who is that person?"

Ge Li searched around, saw no one, went outside to search again, still no one.

"Sir, that person is very important to you. I didn't lie to you. She's been here all the time. I didn't lie to you. I don't know where I went today. Why don't we stay here and wait a little longer?"

Gerry said.Yesi listened to Ge Li's words and was willing to stay here and wait for that person. However, after waiting for several hours, the owner of the room still did not come back.

Ge Li became a little worried, so she told Yesichen to stay here by herself temporarily, while she went outside to search around.

"Sir, I'm so stupid, I should send someone to protect her at all times." Ge Li looked anxious.

Yesi frowned solemnly, and looked at Ge Li: "Is there no news of her in the town?"

Ge Li shook her head: "No."

Ye Sichen asked Ge Li for the person's appearance, and then sent someone to help Ge Li search for it...

Xia Nuan drove the three children to the amusement park. Because she was worried that someone would know her, she put on a mask with the children and went to the amusement park with them. In the amusement park, the three children had a great time. , Xia Nuan accompanied them, riding the slide and the Ferris wheel. Originally, Xia Nuan had a fear of heights, but because the child wanted to sit, she had to forcefully overcome her fear of heights and stayed with the child.

Because the children were hungry, Xia Nuan decided to accompany them to eat fried chicken drumsticks. At this moment, a woman was being chased by someone in the crowd. The woman with disheveled hair was running desperately in the crowd. While walking, she kept yelling for help. .

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd.

When Xia Nuan was about to take the child away, she found that woman was kneeling at Xia Nuan's feet, holding Xia Nuan constantly: "Help me, someone is going to catch me!"

Looking at this terrified middle-aged woman, Xia Nuan couldn't help feeling a touch of pity.

She helped the woman up, and got into the car: "Put this on, and change into this dress as well."

According to Xia Nuan's instructions, the woman put on a suit of clothes, and then put on the same mask as Xia Nuan.

"No one can recognize you when you go out." Xia Nuan said.

The woman looked at Xia Nuan gratefully, and nodded: "Thank you."

"Where is your home, why don't I take you back." Xia Nuan said.

The woman looked at her warily.

Xia Nuan felt the woman's defense, so she said sincerely: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just saw that you are in trouble, so I want to extend my hands to help you, if you don't need my help, now You can get off."

The woman was a little moved and didn't get out of the car: "Then please help me send it back, my address is in the suburbs..."

The woman's voice seemed a little old and weak.

Xia Nuan then ordered the driver to start the engine, and drove over to the address given by the woman.

Xia Nuan asked another female bodyguard to stay with the three children in the amusement park, and return after she sent the woman off.

Xia Nuan parked the car in the small town, the woman got out of the car, thanked Xia Nuan continuously, and then walked towards her rental house.

After Xia Nuan said goodbye to her, she ordered the driver to drive towards the amusement park.

At this moment, she saw Ge Li and Yesi Chen in the woman's rental house.

Ge Li was crying constantly, but Ye Sichen kept comforting her, handed her a tissue, and asked her to wipe away her tears.

Ge Li kept crying, and threw herself into Ye Sichen's arms.

Xia Nuan felt a little uncomfortable. Although she knew that Ye Sichen was just acting in front of Ge Li, but seeing the scene of the bill, Xia Nuan's jealousy grew little by little.

Thinking of Ye Sichen, she suppressed this jealousy deep in her heart, and immediately ordered the driver to leave the town.

"Sir, it's all my fault. I didn't take good care of her with all my heart. It's all my fault!" Ge Li blamed herself while crying.

Ye Sichen comforted: "Just wait, maybe she will come back soon."

Geli just shook her head: "Sir, I beg you, you must find her, because she is your biological mother!"

Ye Si Shen's heart shook, and he looked at Ge Li.

At the same time, the woman who was sent to the town by Xia Nuan was shocked when she heard Ge Li's words, and froze there.

The woman happened to be face to face with Yesi Chen, and Ye Sichen looked at her, and she happened to look at Ye Sichen, the moment the two eyes intertwined, a feeling of familiarity swept over her heart.

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