Mi Ke's face was even uglier than before, so the assistant closed his mouth sensibly, and picked off the petals of those roses according to Mi Ke's instructions, and put them in a big box, which was full.

When it was full, the assistant asked Miko what to do next.

Mi Ke wrote out an address and handed it to the assistant: "Send it to this address."

The assistant felt curious, but seeing Mi Ke's serious look, he didn't say anything, and just followed what Mi Ke said.

Lacey was depressed at home, but after receiving the mail from Mi Ke, he suddenly became energetic. Looking at the big box Mi Ke sent, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

He was thinking, did Mi Ke choose to forgive him, so he packed himself in a big box as a gift and gave him a surprise?

Thinking of this, Lacey couldn't wait to open the box, but after opening it, she found that it was a box of flower petals.

These petals are the roses he gave to Mi Ke, but Mi Ke returned it to him in this way, Lacey felt a bit of loss, and fell down on the sofa dejectedly, her eyes became more and more melancholy up.

Lacey knew that Mi Ke still chose not to forgive him.

Lacey felt a little annoyed.

"Call and do as I tell you." Lacey dialed a phone number and then gave orders there.

He hung up the phone, a sneer that was inevitable crossed the corner of his lips, and then he lay down on the sofa, brewing, and moved the box full of petals up.

Mi Ke was packing up the documents when he suddenly received a call: "Dr. Mi Ke, I am Mr. Lacey's agent. Mr. Lacey has skin allergies, so you must come to see him. Otherwise, if Mr. Lacey is injured If the situation gets worse, then we will charge you with intentional wounding."

Opposite is Lacey's agent.

Mi Ke frowned when he heard these words: "What does his skin allergies have to do with me?"

"You sent him a box of flower petals. He is allergic to flowers, so he got a rash all over his body. Isn't that your responsibility?" Over there, Lacey's agent said plausibly.

Mi Ke feels weird, when did Lacey become allergic to flowers?If he was allergic to flowers, why wasn't he allergic when he sent her flowers?
While Mi Ke was guessing Lacey's intentions, Lacey's agent spoke again.

"This is your responsibility, Dr. Miko, so you must be responsible to the end. Otherwise, I will sue you for intentionally hurting Mr. Lacey. At that time, I believe the law will cancel your medical qualification certificate."

Mi Ke gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger deep in his heart: "Tell him to be patient, I'll come over later."

After Mi Ke finished speaking, he hung up the phone, thought about it, and finally drove to Lacey's place.

When she arrived at Lacey's place, she was introduced to the villa by Lacey's agent, but Lacey was nowhere to be seen. Mi Ke glanced lightly and asked where Lacey had gone.

The agent said that Lacey took a bath in the swimming pool, hoping to clean up the allergic area.Mi Ke sat there and waited for Lacey.

 "Doctor Mi Ke, you are here to treat Mr. Lacey, not just sitting here." The agent meant to ask Mi Ke to go to the swimming pool.

Mi Ke followed the agent and went to the outdoor swimming pool behind the villa.The swimming pool was blue and clear, and the scenery was infinitely beautiful. Lacey lay on the bench on the bank of the swimming pool with some discomfort, scratching her back non-stop.

Mi could see this, frowned, and walked over slowly: "Where are you allergic?"

When Lacey saw Mi Ke, her eyes lit up, but she quickly hid it: "You gave me a box of petals, I thought you wanted me to take a petal bath, so I soaked myself in the petal water, but I didn't think I'd be allergic to pollen, and in the end, I had pimples all over my back, believe me or not."

Lacey looked a little aggrieved, and showed Miko his lean back. Miko took a closer look, and sure enough, as Lacey said, his back was covered with dense pimples, and Miko frowned involuntarily. , stepped forward, and took out the medicinal wine.

"Don't move or scratch, I'll give you a skin anti-inflammatory."

Lacey didn't move, and according to Mi Ke's request, she turned her back to Mi Ke. Mi Ke took a cotton swab, dipped it in some medicinal wine, and wiped it slowly for Lacey.

Lacey looked sideways at Mi Ke.

Mi Ke felt uncomfortable being stared at, so he lowered his eyes and refused to look at Lacey.

"Mi Ke, why did you give me flower petals?" Lacey asked Mi Ke suddenly.

"If you send me flowers in the future, I will send those flowers to you. So, you'd better not waste your time here." Mi Ke said.

Lacey looked a little innocent: "Why? I just want you to have a good mood every day."

"But, seeing your things, my good mood has long been gone, Lacey, stop making such boring entanglements, we can't go back." Mi Ke said very frankly and ruthlessly.

Lacey's eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at Mi Ke: "Well, I don't force you, but my skin is allergic now, and it was caused by you, so you have to cure it for me."

"I'll help you deal with it." Mi Ke smiled lightly: "I can't offend people and ruin my job."

Lacey looked at Mi Ke silently, allowing her to treat his wound.

The day after Mi Ke treated Lacey's wound, Lacey's agent still called Mi Ke to go and treat Lacey's wound. But the time to stay is getting longer and longer.

Mi Ke seemed to be unable to cure Lacey's allergies no matter how he treated him. After the treatment that day, when he came back to look, he found twice as many pimples on his body as before.

In addition to accepting Mi Ke's wound treatment, Lacey provided three meals a day for Mi Ke. She was very careful and thoughtful. Each meal was carefully selected with ingredients and nutrition. Most of the time, Lacey did it herself.Mi Ke always felt that something was wrong, and wondered if Lacey was pretending to be allergic in order to keep her here?However, when she checked Lacey's body, it was indeed allergic skin, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Dr. Miko, I think you should swim with me. Otherwise, if I have an allergic reaction, you can treat me in time, right?" Lacey has already taken off her shirt, revealing her strong body, standing The shore of the swimming pool, ready to swim.

Mi Ke sat not far away, closed the book, shifted his gaze away from him, and then looked elsewhere: "If you are afraid of allergies, you can choose not to swim, it's a very simple matter."

"No, I have to swim, because if I don't swim, my body will be uncomfortable, painful and itchy, so I have to rely on swimming to distract myself." Lacey said for granted.

With a dark face, Mi Ke ignored it: "Then you go on your own, and talk about it when you feel uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Lacey didn't make a sound, and jumped into the swimming pool with a splash, and the water splashed all over the place.

Mi Ke continued to hold the medical book and looked it up not far away.

I don't know how long it took, but found that Lacey was not in the swimming pool. Mi Ke looked around, but still couldn't see Lacey.

Maybe he went back to his room to change clothes.

Mi Ke stood up with the medical book and was about to leave, but at this moment, she found a person floating in the swimming pool. Her heart sank, and she walked over, but it was Lacey, who was floating face down in the swimming pool, without anyone movement.

Mi Ke didn't even think about it, took off his shoes, jumped in with a plop, supported the unconscious Lacey, and swam a little bit to the shore. Just as he was about to go ashore, Mi Ke felt a strong force to stop him. When she went up, she was so suffocated by her ribs, she thought it was the resistance of the water, but in the end, she found that there was a big hand stretched around her waist, grabbing her tightly, not allowing her to escape even a little bit.

Only then did Mi Ke realize that it was Lacey who was holding her.

"Lacey, you're pretending to be dead!" Mi Ke beat Lacey's shoulder angrily, Lacey hugged her, broke the resistance of the water, and then swam to the other end of the swimming pool.

Mi Ke beat Lacey non-stop, but Lacey hugged him tighter and harder.

Mi Ke was panting tiredly, wet all over, and his exquisite body loomed in front of Lacey's eyes, and Lacey's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Mi Ke was terrified by being stared at. Looking at Lacey, his breathing became a little difficult, and his face became more and more red, and he clung to Lacey's shoulder.

Lacey hugged her, bullying her a little bit, and then, when Mi Ke was not resisting, she bit her lips.

Lacey made a little temptation at first, and then went from slow to violent, wishing to devour Mi Ke, while kissing Mi Ke, while speaking touching words of love in Mi Ke's ear.

"Ke Ke, give me another chance, okay? Just once, I swear, I will always only have you in my heart, nothing happened to me and Yu Manli." Lacey said vaguely, because the force was too crazy, the water splashed are everywhere.

Mi Ke was fascinated by his love, and all the accumulated resistance was easily destroyed.

In the sky, the sun was getting stronger and stronger, and Lacey's demands became more and more frenzied. Mi Ke only felt that it was abnormally hot. Her whole body seemed to be on fire, and even the surrounding water was scorched hot.

Lacey was like a wild beast, enjoying the familiar pleasure that Miko gave her.

Xia Nuan never expected that when Ye Sichen was about to return, Ge Li's behavior really angered her.When Ye Sichen was flying to Philadelphia, he contacted Xia Nuan and said that he would be back in the afternoon. Xia Nuan and the child were extremely happy, looking forward to Ye Sichen's return, but something happened to Ge Li.

Ge Li said that Xia Nuan was suspected of exposing Ye Sichen's privacy.Xia Nuan found it ridiculous.

She is Ye Sichen's wife, how could she expose his privacy?But Ge Li didn't believe it, and kept saying that Xia Nuan had ulterior motives for approaching Ye Sichen.

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