According to Luo Mi's order, she entered the bedroom where Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen were staying on the pretext of cleaning the bedroom.

Xia Nuan has never been on guard against Aunt Lian, so she doesn't care.When Yesichen went to Roland, she didn't want to guess, because Yesichen said that since they are husband and wife, they must trust each other, so from now on, she must trust Yesichen.

She believed that Yesichen loved her, and she couldn't forget the time Yesichen said he loved her, and he looked at her affectionately.

Thinking of Ye Sichen, the suspicion in her heart also disappeared with the wind, disappearing without a trace.

"Wow..." An Sheng burst into tears.

Xia Nuan hurriedly took a closer look, An Sheng was covering his hand, frowning in pain.

"Mom, my hand is bleeding! It hurts!"

Xia Nuan held An Sheng's hand and checked it. Sure enough, there was a long cut on the back of An Sheng's hand. It turned out that An Sheng scratched his hand on the train track model because of his playfulness.

Xia Nuan blamed herself for a while, hugged An Sheng, and hurried to see a doctor.If it was before, she would treat An Sheng's wound at home. However, An Sheng has a serious illness and she cannot be negligent.Immediately, Xia Nuan ordered the bodyguard to drive to Mi Ke's place.

When we arrived at Mi Ke's place, Mi Ke was not there. Xia Nuan called Mi Ke, but Mi Ke still didn't answer. Xia Nuan didn't want to wait any longer, so he drove to the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia.

The blood on the back of An Sheng's hand stopped the bleeding, bandaged the wound, and carried him out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, is his condition under stable control?" Xia Nuan hurriedly asked the doctor.

The doctor looked a little surprised, adjusted his glasses, and looked at Xia Nuan, because Xia Nuan was wearing glasses and a mask, he didn't know it was Xia Nuan, he just regarded it as an ordinary mother.

"An Sheng is not sick, it's just a skin injury. This mother, please don't worry, just clean up his wound on time after returning home."

After hearing what the doctor said, Xia Nuan was equally surprised: "My son has severe anemia and needs a transplant operation. Doctor, are you right?"

The doctor shook his head and said affirmatively: "There is nothing wrong with it. Because we were worried that the wound would be infected with the virus, we specially took a blood test on the child. The test results showed that everything was normal, very healthy and without any symptoms. I think The attending doctor who was there must have made a mistake."

Xia Nuan took the test sheet from the doctor and looked at it suspiciously.

"If this mother doesn't believe it, she can go to another children's hospital for an examination." The doctor suggested.

Xia Nuan took the medical examination form and went to another hospital to do a blood test for An Sheng. The results of the test were the same as those of the children's hospital. It also showed that there was no disease and no adverse regenerative anemia. Same as any other healthy child.

That means Miko was wrong.

Although it was a good thing, she always had some doubts that could not be answered. Mi Ke's medical skills were very high, and she had never made any mistakes. Why did she make a mistake about An Sheng's case?

With this doubt, Xia Nuan took An Sheng's blood test and went to Mi Ke's place, but Mi Ke was still not there. She called Mi Ke several times in a row before Mi Ke answered.

"Hello? Who are you looking for?" Over there, Mi Ke's voice was a little vague.

"I'm Xia Nuan, Dr. Mi Ke, where are you now? I have something to do with you."

Mi Ke's voice immediately sobered up: "Oh, I'm at home, you just come over here, I'm really sorry, I overslept."

Soon, Mi Ke opened the door and came out to greet Xia Nuan.

"Sorry, I fell asleep and didn't know you kept calling me."

Mi Ke said a little sorry.

Xia Nuan hugged An Sheng, and smelled the smell of alcohol in the space, and Mi Ke's body was also full of alcohol. Xia Nuan immediately knew that Mi Ke had drunk, and fell asleep after being drunk, so, this is The reason why she didn't answer the phone.

Mi Ke got drunk and locked himself at home because of breaking up with Lacey.

"Are you okay?" Xia Nuan asked Mi Ke with concern.

Mi Ke rubbed his eyes pretending to be relaxed, tied up his messy hair casually, put on a white coat, and then sat next to Xia Nuan pretending to be relaxed: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

But her expression was full of loneliness and sadness.

Seeing her like this, Xia Nuan didn't want to disturb her at first, but she wanted to find out about An Sheng's affairs.

"Lacey is entangled with other women. It's different from the past. I think he has something to hide. Mi Ke, maybe, you've been waiting for a while..."

"Okay, don't replace that scum with me. Mentioning that kind of person is simply polluting our language. I'm really fine. I drink because I'm happy, because I can finally break up with Lacey. ; "When Mi Ke said this, he showed a bold laugh to cover up his sadness.

Xia Nuan couldn't help but feel sad for her, but only if she didn't mention Lacey, Mi Ke's mood would be better.

Xia Nuan handed the bottle of collected blood to Mi Ke, but she did not say that it was An Sheng's: "Mike, I came here today not to ask you to see a doctor for An Sheng, but to help me test the blood samples here. .”

Mi Ke took the bottle of blood and asked Xia Nuan, "Whose is this?"

"I tested it for a friend. He was afraid that he had some incurable disease. He knew your medical skills are excellent, so he asked me to send a blood sample and asked you to do a blood test for him."

Mi Ke nodded, took the bottle of blood sample, and stood up: "Okay, wait a moment."

Xia Nuan nodded, and sat there holding An Sheng, waiting for Mi Ke to get the result.

Mi Ke came over, holding a list: "The test results came out, there is no disease, very healthy, tell your friends not to worry."

Xia Nuan looked at Mi Ke, Mi Ke was a little flustered, and couldn't help touching his face: "What's wrong with my face?"

Xia Nuan frowned, and said lightly, "Dr. Mi Ke, what you tested just now was An Sheng's blood."

Mi Ke panicked and felt guilty.

"Of course I don't believe that your diagnosis is wrong, so I want to know, why did you lie to me? Lied to me that An Sheng had dystrophic anemia?"

Mi Ke had no choice but to say apologetically, "I'm sorry, it was indeed my mistake."

"I don't believe this is your mistake."

Mi Ke looked up, looked at Xia Nuan, and had to say frankly: "Well, let me tell you, it was my husband who told me to do this, because my husband wanted to be with you..." She paused, a little embarrassed: "I want to be with you..." You have a relationship, so I started with An Sheng."

After Xia Nuan heard Mi Ke's words, a trace of sullenness flashed in her eyes.

Therefore, Ye Sichen and Mi Ke jointly deceived her, using An Sheng to trick her into bed, cheating her into sleeping and marrying her!
Xia Nuan hugged An Sheng back to the villa, feeling a little depressed.At this time, I ran into sisters Romi and Roland. The two sisters seemed to have just come out of the villa and were about to get in the car and leave.

When passing by Xia Nuan, Roland snorted coldly, arrogantly.

Xia Nuan felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't want to argue with Roland, so she carried An Sheng directly into the villa.

Seeing Xia Nuan, Aunt Lian hurriedly whispered something to Wuyou and Nian Ci, but just after giving the advice, Nian Ci ran to Xia Nuan and said to Xia Nuan, "Mom, Aunt Lan came over just now and said that Moved here to live, but my brother and I drove her away!"

Aunt Lian covered Nianci's mouth and told her not to speak, but it was too late.

Xia Nuan looked at Aunt Lian, and Aunt Lian explained to Xia Nuan with some embarrassment: "Madam, don't listen to the nonsense of children, Ms. Luo is here to get clothes."

Xia Nuan didn't make a sound, and took the child upstairs to the bedroom.

Yessichen hadn't come back yet, she fed An Sheng, bathed the three children, and put them to sleep.After the child fell asleep, Xia Nuan opened the closet and was about to take a bath in her pajamas. When she opened the closet, she found that all the clothes inside were gone. She rummaged on the bed, and there was a woman's pants under the pillow.

It's not hers.

Xia Nuan's face turned pale, and she trembled all over. The inside of the closet was full of photos. In the photos, there were scenes of Ye Sichen and Roland together, and the screenshot of the video that Roland sent her with his mobile phone last time. It was Yesi A screenshot of Shen and Roland sleeping together.

Xia Nuan's head buzzed, and the anger in his chest ignited little by little.

"Mom, Aunt Lan came in here just now, and she took all the clothes away, saying that Dad bought them for her." Wuyou said.

Xia Nuan pretended to be calm, silently cleaned up the room, and threw all the things Roland deliberately left behind into the trash can.Then he ordered Aunt Lian to clean up all the garbage.

While cleaning up, Aunt Lian said, "Ma'am, don't misunderstand, this Roland is trying to provoke you on purpose, but she has indeed slept with Mr. here before..."

Aunt Lian deliberately did not continue.

Xia Nuan smiled coldly: "So what, now I am Ye Sichen's wife."

Aunt Lian didn't say anything, but there was a trace of unwillingness in those eyes.Silently took the trash and backed out.

Looking at that bed, Xia Nuan didn't want to stay there for a moment, and went to sleep with the child in the inner room, but she couldn't let go of Ye Sichen's deception in her heart.After the child fell asleep, Xia Nuan tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, got up alone and sat on the sofa.

As soon as Ye Sichen turned on the light, he saw Xia Nuan sitting alone on the sofa. He took off his coat and walked over.

"Why haven't you slept yet? Waiting for me?" Yesi sat beside her, holding her in his arms.

Xia Nuan opened his hand and looked at him: "An Sheng didn't get sick, you lied to me, you and Mi Ke lied to me, didn't you?"

Yesi was taken aback, but he didn't seem to be surprised, because Mi Ke had already called him to tell him.

"Yes. An Sheng is very healthy and doesn't have any symptoms." Ye Sichen held her shoulders: "But I want to be with you."

"So you use the child's body to restrain me? You lie to me to sleep with you, to marry you, you can do whatever you want, but why do you use An Sheng's health to deceive me?" Xia Nuan was a little annoyed : "Aren't you very happy when the child is sick?"

"Nothing, I love Ansheng so much, why do I want him to be sick? Ah Nuan, I want to be with you and marry you, that's why I did this. If I don't do this, you will be unwilling to be with him because of so many considerations." I'm married and don't want to be with me, please understand my good intentions." Yesi Chen patiently explained.

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