Aunt Lian walked over, and Roland lay on the ground in pain, clutching his stomach, and howling.Seeing this, Aunt Lian hurriedly put down her work and walked towards Roland.

"Ms. Luo, what's the matter with you?"

Roland looked at Wuyou and Nianci, but he looked painful: "I'm fine, the child is naughty, it's nothing, you must not tell Ye..."

Upon hearing this, Aunt Lian knew that Roland's fall was related to the Wuyou brothers and sisters, so she hurriedly helped Roland up: "Ms. Luo, children are a little naughty when they grow up, so I hope you can understand."

Roland walked towards the sofa with difficulty, and then sat down on the sofa: "Well, it's okay, I can understand, children, it is inevitable that they are a little naughty, but to be honest, I really love you Their."

After Roland finished speaking, he looked at Wuyou Nianci and An Sheng with a doting expression on his face.

Wuyou and Nianci looked at Roland with hostility.

"You were the one who wanted to hit brother, and you fell on purpose!" Nian Ci held Wuyou and An Sheng's hands.

An Sheng also looked at Roland, imitating Nian Ci's words: "Beat brother."

When Roland heard this, he actually burst into tears: "I love you so much, you can't lie, I'm going to give you some fruit, it's fine if you don't eat it, and you even knocked the fruit plate on the ground..." Speaking of which, Roland There was another burst of sad crying.

Seeing her being so wronged, Aunt Lian was sure that the three children must have made Roland unhappy, so she turned around and looked at the children helplessly: "Ms. Luo loves you so much, you shouldn't be so rude."

"She's lying." Wuyou looked at Roland coldly. At such a young age, those eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Roland's heart was terrified when he was seen.

"Wuyou, it's not good for children to lie. I love you so much, you can't tell my sister to open her eyes and tell lies." Roland's throat choked.

Aunt Lian also looked embarrassed, and kept apologizing to Roland. You know, this Roland is the person Mr. Ye cares about the most. If she is upset, Mr. Ye will not be happy either.

She said, this Roland didn't even want to die to save her husband. If she loves him so much, she will naturally love her house and her children, so Aunt Lian naturally chooses to believe in Roland.

"Wuyou, when you grow up, you should learn to be sensible." Aunt Lian tried to persuade Wuyou, but Wuyou snorted and took her younger siblings upstairs.

At this time, Ye Sichen came back.

Roland wiped away the tears on his face, and walked forward to meet Ye Sichen, but he didn't expect that the three children who were about to go upstairs threw themselves into Yesichen's arms first.

Roland's eyes darkened.

Yesi looked at the three children fondly and lovingly, stroking their heads.Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked at Roland.

"Father, can you tell this woman to leave?" Wuyou cut straight to the point.

"Yes, Daddy, she's going to put poison on your lipstick to hurt you, and she's pulling brother's ear."

After Nian Ci finished speaking, An Sheng also nodded, looked up at Ye Sichen with his small face, and complained to Yesichen: "Yeah, I'm still pulling my ears."

Ye Sichen frowned.

When Roland heard the three children complain to Yesichen one by one, the roots of their teeth were itchy with hatred, but she didn't dare to explode in front of Yesichen, so she looked at Yesichen with teary eyes: "Ye, this is not the case. , I peeled the fruit for them to eat, they didn’t accept it, they overturned the fruit plate, and pushed me to the ground, it’s okay for children to be naughty, so I can understand this.”

"Father, she lied." Wuyou continued: "I don't care, I want my mother back, I don't want this woman to stay here."

The three children were determined.

Aunt Lian stood aside and helped Roland speak: "Yes, sir, what Ms. Luo said is the truth."

When Roland heard Aunt Lian help her speak, his tense heart could not help but relax a little.

Ye Sichen let go of the child and walked to Roland's side: "Are you okay?"

Roland looked at Ye Sichen gratefully, and shook his head: "I'm fine, the kids are just being naughty, Ye, you must not punish them. Even if I beg you, okay?"

"Aunt Lan is a witch!" Nian Ci raised her voice and said to Roland.

Roland turned pale.

Ye Sichen immediately turned serious: "Nianci, you're going too far!"

Nian Chi was frightened. Dad had never yelled at her like this before, but today he yelled at her just because of this bad woman!Nian Ci's nose was sore, tears flowed out, and he began to cry.

Wuyou pulled Nian Ci over and wiped away tears for Nian Ci. An Sheng hugged his sister, burying his little head on her belly.

"Father, you speak for the bad woman, you don't know what to do!"

"Surely you want to see mom too?" Yesi Chen softened his tone, his eyes were still serious and frightening.

"Yes, we want to be with mother, and father should be with the bad woman." Wuyou looked at Ye Sichen stubbornly.

Yesi snorted coldly: "Okay, I will fulfill you."

Wuyou and Nian Ci Ansheng looked at Ye Sichen, and suddenly felt that this father had become so strange.

Yesi stood up and told Aunt Lian: "Pack up the clothes of these children, I will send them to Xia Nuan."

Nian Ci stopped crying and looked at Ye Sichen.

Aunt Lian thought that Ye Sichen was talking angry, so she was stunned for a long time before going upstairs.

Seeing Ye Sichen's resolute attitude, Roland secretly rejoiced in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be reluctant to stop Ye Sichen: "Ye, what are you doing, the three children can't leave you, do you want them to have no father?" ?”

"It's okay, they miss their mother, I'll just send them there."

Yesichen didn't listen.

Roland also stood up and looked at Ye Sichen: "Ye, are you going to Xia Nuan's place?"


Roland was a little worried again: "Then are you coming back?"

"Well, come back." After Ye Sichen finished speaking, he hugged An Sheng and walked out of the villa with Wuyou and Nianci.Immediately, several bodyguards followed him into the car.

After getting into the car, the three children ignored Ye Sichen, who hugged An Sheng, but An Sheng refused to ask him to hug him, and insisted on getting off.

"I know you're angry with Dad, but Aunt Lan is a patient, so you shouldn't be so ignorant." Yesi sighed deeply.

Wuyou and Nianci looked out the window, but there was still no response.

Ye Sichen held Nian Ci's hand, but Nian Ci stubbornly shook it off, Ye Sichen felt a little helpless.These children's tempers are really the same as Xia Nuan.

"Daddy trusts you and knows you'd never lie."

Only then did Wuyou and Nianci move, and they turned to look at Ye Sichen, looking a little surprised.

"Then why do you still say that we are going too far? That Aunt Lan wants to sleep with Dad. She wants to buy that kind of poisonous lipstick. She wants to poison Dad. My brother and I heard her say it on the phone." Nian Ci said.

Ye Sichen nodded: "Father will guard against her in the future, but she has kindness to daddy, and I must repay this kindness, understand? Now you must miss mom too, so daddy will take you to mommy first."

Nian Ci nodded half understanding, and then looked at Wuyou again, but Wuyou asked Ye Sichen sharply: "Is Dad going to send us to Mom and leave?"

Yesi Chen had no choice but to nod: "Yes."

Wuyou didn't say anything, but Nianci asked Ye Sichen: "Can't you stay together forever?"

"We will be together, but father and mother have a lot of things to do, and we can't..."

"But you are so busy and you are still with that bad woman, Aunt Lan, why can't you be with your mother?" Nian Chi asked again.

It seemed that the question went to the depths of the soul, and Ye Sichen couldn't answer it. How should he answer it?Tell the child the truth?

He didn't want to upset them.

"You have to ask your mother about this." Yesichen looked out the window.

Nian Ci wanted to ask something, but Wuyou grabbed her hand and told her to stop.

Ye Sichen took the three children to Ye Enchen's villa. Xia Nuan had been waiting for a long time, and when she saw Ye Sichen bringing the three children, she went up to meet them.

Seeing Xia Nuan, the three children called their mother in unison. Xia Nuan smiled gently and took them into her arms.

Only in front of her children would she shed her coldness like ice.

Ye Sichen looked at Xia Nuan, and for a few seconds, his gaze shifted elsewhere.

Xia Nuan took the child into the villa, followed by Ye Sichen.Ye Sichen looked around, but he didn't see Ye Enchen's figure, but the living room was full of Xia Nuan's people, including the female bodyguards transferred from the Australian market, and two attendants sent by the Yuezhaohui.

Yesi frowned deeply.

"Give me all the videos." Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan spoke in a low voice when they sat down at the same time.

Xia Nuan smiled slightly, and ordered the bodyguards to take the three children to the bedroom first.

After the three children looked at each other in blank dismay, they went upstairs obediently.

"That is to say, you have completely given up the custody of the child?" Xia Nuan asked Ye Sichen, her legs crossed, with a lean posture.

Ye Sichen looked at the entourage of the two-month note beside him, and smiled faintly: "Yes, it's hard to say whether these three children belong to me, so since you want to raise them, I'll let you, I don't care. "

He said this on purpose in order to prevent the people from the monthly notice from beating the three children again.

However, according to the current situation, it is safest for the child to follow Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan is now a member of the Yuexinhui, so there should be no danger for the child to follow them.

Xia Nuan smiled coldly and snorted softly: "I really hope the child is not yours."

"As long as the child is brought up by you, it is indeed not mine." Ye Si's calm voice was devoid of any emotion.

Xia Nuan held back the anger in her heart, and immediately took out the USB flash drive and put it in her hand. Ye Sichen wanted to get it, but Xia Nuan cleverly avoided it.

Yesi frowned deeply: "You want to go back on your word?"

"No, I'm afraid you will go back on your word. I want you to make an agreement to ensure that you will not fight for the custody of the child in the future."

While talking, the entourage behind Xia Nuan took out a draft agreement and asked Ye Sichen to sign it.

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