Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 22 Subordinates, You Should Follow the Boss' Arrangements

"Madam, that Xia Nuan stayed again..."

The maid Ah Hui took the mobile phone and quietly reported the situation here to Luo Dai'er who was far away in Modu.

Luo Daier over there whispered something, but Ah Hui kept saying yes.

Ke De didn't know when he came over, blocked Ah Hui's way, and forcibly confiscated her mobile phone.

After finding out that Ah Hui and another nanny, Susan, had been in touch with Lauder, Cod reported the matter to Yesichen. After Yesichen found out, he worried that the two nanny were introduced by his mother. Yes, they sent them to the garden to work as gardeners, specializing in pruning flowers and plants.

Wuyou and Nianci have been together for five months. Xia Nuan takes good care of the two brothers and sisters every day. The two little guys are becoming more and more dependent on Xia Nuan. Sometimes Xia Nuan will take them out to play, in order not to cause those For the attention of the paparazzi, she put them in a stroller with a curtain hanging on it, and she herself had to dress up as a pregnant woman, so that people would think she was a mother with a baby and would not think of a relationship with her. Ye Sichen has something to do with it.

Xia Nuan would take them to the children's amusement park and tell them to see the outside world.

Wuyou pointed at the various toys sold outside through the car curtain, and when Nianci saw her brother pointing outside, she also pointed outside, babbling and saying something she couldn't understand.

But Xia Nuan knew their intentions, they wanted those cute and novelty toys.

"Boss, how much is this?"

"It's not expensive, only 50 yuan."

"Isn't 50 yuan expensive? It's cheaper. I'll buy two."

Xia Nuan began to bargain for the stall owner.

"Madam, it's really not that much cheaper. You don't look like a poor person. Can't you afford 50 yuan?"

Xia Nuan curled her lips: "It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I don't think this toy is worth the money. It costs 80 yuan a pair, so let's just forget about selling it."

Xia Nuan made a gesture to leave.

Seeing this, the stall owner called Xia Nuan over and promised to give her the price.

Xia Nuan took two toys and handed them to Wuyou and Nianci.

Sit there with a "pregnant belly" and play with them.

About 10 minutes later, Xia Nuan was pushing the stroller to go back, and it was already evening. If he didn't go back, he might be worried, even though he had sent two bodyguards to protect them secretly.

Xia Nuan always felt that someone was following her behind her, which made her more vigilant. When she turned around, she saw a man wearing a peaked cap walking behind. When Xia Nuan wanted to look at him, he pretended to look at the scenery and looked away. Open, the man was wearing a checkered shirt, a black coat around his waist, and a bushy beard.

Xia Nuan quickened her pace, intending to shake him off.

But he is like a piece of brown sugar, no matter how you shake it, you can't get rid of it.

Xia Nuan suspected that it was a tabloid reporter who wanted to secretly photograph Wuyou and Nianci, so she closed the curtain so that the outside world would not see anything.

Walking to the lush boulevard, the man followed Xia Nuan all the time, Xia Nuan finally couldn't help it, turned around to meet the man aggressively with his personal mobile phone, but the man didn't dodge, and stood there with his hands in his trouser pockets , looking at Xia Nuan.

"Why are you following me? What do you want to do furtively? Let me tell you, if you dare to take a step closer, I won't be polite!" After she finished speaking, she took out an electric baton from her bag and pretended to be vicious. look.

The man continued to approach, with a smile on his lips.

Xia Nuan froze for a moment, feeling familiar.

When he was approaching, she finally recognized him: "Mr. Ye?"

He was so disguised that she barely recognized him.However, if you look closely at his good figure with the golden ratio, you can actually recognize it, but she is too nervous, thinking about how to deal with the follower.

"Are you surprised?" Ye Sichen walked over, looked at the electric baton in her hand, and smiled warmly: "I admire Ms. Xia's courage, but..."

He stretched out his hand and held the electric baton: "If you push this button back, you will be shocked. Be careful in the future."

Seeing that he was holding the electric baton, Xia Nuan shyly let go of his hand: "Okay, I will remember."

Ye Sichen looked at her swollen belly, curious: "What's stuffed inside?"

Xia Nuan chuckled: "It's a pillow."

"I'll try it some other day, and see if I can disguise myself as a fat man." Ye Sichen lifted the curtain of the car, and was relieved to see the two children sitting in the car playing with the newly bought toys.

"No one will recognize Mr. Ye." Xia Nuan knew that when he came out, he would be mobbed by reporters and fans. In order to live an ordinary life, he would pretend to be someone else.

Yesichen seemed satisfied with his disguise: "My camouflage skills are not bad." He opened the car curtain again, turned around and looked at her: "Are you hungry? Let's go eat?"

"Let's go back, what if we are recognized?" Xia Nuan didn't want to get too close to Ye Sichen, because she kissed him by mistake last time, so that every time she met him, she felt awkward .

"I won't recognize it." He pushed the cart and moved first, Xia Nuan could only follow behind.

When the boss spoke, Xia Nuan naturally didn't dare to refuse. Ever since Ye Sichen used the non-disclosure agreement to embarrass her last time because she was about to resign, she had already seen his coldness.

 Xia Nuan walked slowly behind, Ye Sichen seemed a little impatient, so he stopped and waited for her.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The two went to a Chinese restaurant. The name of this Chinese restaurant was Zhongshan Cuisine, which was opened by Zhongshan people.

Ye Sichen looked at the recipes. Although they were all home-cooked dishes, the dishes were exquisite and rich, and could easily arouse people's taste buds.

"This is your hometown dish, order whatever you like." Ye Sichen handed the recipe to Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan shy away with some embarrassment: "Sir, please order, I can do anything."

She didn't understand why Ye Sichen would go out to eat with her. After the last confidentiality agreement incident, she was a little afraid of Ye Sichen.

Is it because of my mother's medical expenses?

Yesi took a sip of tea: "I need you to introduce which cuisine is the most delicious."

Xia Nuan had no choice but to take the recipes and flip through them one by one: "This stir-fried shrimp is good, and this, this..."

"Well, I have everything."

Yesi's deep smile swept the ground like a spring breeze, even with a beard, it still couldn't hide his magnificence.

After ordering, Xia Nuan suppressed her nervousness, took a sip of tea, and said cautiously: "Sir, I will pay you back my mother's medical expenses, but please give me some time. There is also the issue of liquidated damages. And assured you that the postman didn't know that the address was yours." So why would he have to make things difficult for her?
Ye Sichen's eyes darkened slightly, he held his teacup and stared at her: "I don't care about that little money."

"I know, but the money I owe you is a fact. If I don't pay it back, I will always feel a lump in my heart..."

"Besides being a nanny, what else would you do?" Ye Sichen interrupted her conversation, obviously he didn't like to mention things related to money.

"Oh, I like... I like fashion design." If it weren't for Xia Yan's debts and her mother's illness, she should be working as an intern at the Fashion Institute now.

Yesi Chen nodded: "You can try to learn."

"Let's talk about it later." Xia Nuan sighed. Without money, she can't do anything. How can a big star like Ye Sichen understand the distress of ordinary people without money?
"Go after your dreams. Don't wait until your gray hair turns gray to reflect on your life of mediocrity and regret it." Ye Sichen said it lightly, but it was surprisingly moving.

Through those black pupils, Xia Nuan saw the pure soft light that could cleanse the soul.

Xia Nuan nodded awkwardly.

After a while, all the dishes were served.

Xia Nuan introduced these cuisines to Ye Sichen one by one, and Ye Sichen listened carefully, holding the chopsticks unfamiliarly.

"Sir, chopsticks should be held like this." Xia Nuan smiled lightly.

Ye Sichen held the chopsticks like Xia Nuan did, but the two chopsticks turned into an X cross shape.

"No, fix it here with your thumb." Xia Nuan leaned over and shook her head.

"Is that so?" Ye Sichen asked Xia Nuan, "Where is it fixed?"

Xia Nuan stood up, went to sit next to Ye Sichen, reached out and covered his thumbs little by little on the two chopsticks, pressed them down, and fixed them.

"I was not used to it at first, but if you eat Chinese food often, you will get used to it, just hold it like this, and then add vegetables. No, no, it should be like this." Xia Nuan now seems to be teaching an elementary school student who is not enlightened. Completely forgetting Ye Sichen's identity, but teaching him hand in hand.

Finally successfully caught a piece of shrimp, Xia Nuan smiled happily: "Yes, that's it."

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was very close to Yesichen. Her hand was covering the back of his hand, almost touching his chest. on her.

When she looked up, she found that Ye Sichen was looking at her.

Xia Nuan let go of her hands in a panic, and the chopsticks fell to the ground. She hurriedly lowered her head to pick them up, but Ye Sichen held her arm and said, "I'll pick it up."

There was something wrong with the atmosphere, Xia Nuan only felt her heart beating violently, she lowered her head, and ate in silence, not even daring to look at Ye Sichen.

Xia Nuan swore that she would never be alone with Ye Sichen again.

After leaving the restaurant, it was already dusk, and the night lights shone brightly on the whole city. Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen strolled in the bustling street with Wuyou and Nianci.

"I'm going back to Modu next week. Come with me with Wuyou and Nianci." He said in a low voice, a little more serious than before.

The night market at the beginning of the lanterns adds a touch of melancholy.

"Actually, sir, Ah Hui and Susan were invited by your mother. They will return with Wuyou and Nianci. Your mother must be happy. As for me, I will stay here to take care of my mother."

Luodai'er is in Modu, and Luodai'er always misunderstands what she has with Yesichen, so she doesn't want to go there.

Once Luodai'er and Ye Sichen got into a fight, it would be extreme.

"As a subordinate, you should follow the boss's arrangement."

"..." Xia Nuan was choked and speechless.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly shouted behind them: "Wei Shi! Wait for Mom, Mom has been looking for you so hard!"

Ye Si frowned deeply, and turned around subconsciously, only to see an old lady pushing a wheelchair chasing him.

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