Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 186 Missing the Child, Missing You Too

Xia Nuan's nose was sore, she snuggled into his arms, nostalgic for the brief embrace.

Gently breaking away from him, Xia Nuan looked out the window: "Even if I stand tall, I'm still humble in front of you."

"I have a lot of things to settle, and I don't want to burden you." It's impossible for this case to just go away.

What's more, he was surrounded by intrigues, and he didn't want to involve her.

Just like at the beginning, after Xia Nuan was with him, everyone opposed and created invisible barriers to isolate her from Xia Nuan. He was destined to not be peaceful.

"Okay, thank you for your kindness, I should catch the flight." It was just an excuse to say that he didn't want to involve her.

Xia Nuan didn't want to mention how uncomfortable it was, but thinking that he could explain it to her in such a tactful manner, the discomfort seemed to ease a little.

Ye Sichen had no choice but to let go of her, wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

He watched Xia Nuan's back move away from his line of sight little by little, and he didn't look back until it disappeared.

After a while, the bodyguard Bill called: "Sir, Ms. Xia has boarded the plane safely."

"Well, protect her secretly."

Yesichen hung up the phone, stared ahead, started the engine, and left the airport.

At this time, the phone rang again, and it was Aken calling.

"Is that Ah Wen still unwilling to admit it?" Ye Sichen asked Aken.

"Sir, Ah Wen surrendered himself to the police station, but he died suddenly when he was arrested. The police are going to give him a forensic examination..."

Aken's words hit Ye Sichen's fighting spirit.

Ah Wen killed Su Weiwei. According to the results of his investigation, it was Ye Linshen who instigated him. He hoped that Ah Wen would tell the truth about all this and confess to the police. In other words, all evidence is broken.

Ye Sichen was a little depressed and accelerated the speed of the car.

Back at Mi Ke’s apartment, Aken called Ye Sichen again to tell Ye Sichen the news that the police had finished Su Weiwei’s case. Awen felt guilty for killing Su Weiwei, so he committed suicide and the case was closed. up.

 The outside world began to say that this Ah Wen was Ye Sichen looking for to replace the dead ghost, and that Ye Sichen wanted to clear his innocence, so he directed and acted such an act himself.

Ye Sichen returned to Ye's house that night.

He took the opportunity of visiting the old lady Ye to secretly investigate Ye Linshen and Ye Enchen.

From it, he discovered that Ye Linshen and Ye Enchen had contacts with a mysterious gang, and Yesichen was sure that this gang was not the Rock Group.

Yesichen felt that his behavior was being watched.

Whether he was at home or going out, he had to search his room and clothes several times, and he didn't feel relieved until he felt that there was nothing unusual.

As for the three children, he protected them even more closely.

Xia Nuan's brand has re-emerged at the top of the fashion design list, and she has also become busy, attending parties and press conferences on various occasions, dealing with high-society ladies and nobles, from them, she learned about their taste and The hobbies are clearly understood.

Previously, Xia Nuan lost a part of her shares because of a sky-high settlement fee. In order to make up for it as soon as possible, Xia Nuan was busy with socializing and pulling resources every day. However, the personnel in the circle said that the biggest resource was Rockwell's Well, Rockwell can also control Ye Sichen's album sales, not to mention the fashion industry.

As soon as Xia Nuan heard about Luo Shi, she thought of Luo Dai'er.

She interrupted the idea of ​​flattering Luo Shi.

However, because Xia Nuan didn't want to have anything to do with Luo Shi, the sales of the brand suddenly dropped, and her peers began to isolate her. She knew in her heart that this incident should be caused by Luo Shi.

"Mr. Xia, this is not the way to go. If we want to enter the international market, we must have a good relationship with Rockwell. Otherwise, our brand will stagnate." Alan and several company managers walked into Xia Nuan office.

Xia Nuan is also feeling troublesome about this matter, but she has never thought about using Rockwell to internationalize her brand, she wants to find another channel.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Xia Nuan reassured her.

"We were supposed to be at the top, but we were inexplicably accused of a trumped-up crime, and our reputation plummeted. If this continues, I'm afraid it will not be good for the development of the company's brand." A manager said.

Xia Nuan nodded.

She knows all this.

At the catwalk a week ago, during the model's catwalk, the clothes accidentally slipped to the ground because of the fried thread, and the model fled the scene naked in public with a face of embarrassment, but accidentally fell down and is still lying in the hospital. Started bashing her brand, saying her clothes were rough and chaotic.

Xia Nuan knew that these were done on purpose.

In the view of Alan and the others, only with the approval of Rockwell can their reputation improve.

But Luo Daier won't make her feel better, even if she flatters Luo Shi, it's useless.

"We don't need to gain such a great reputation, as long as we have our own circle." Xia Nuan felt that it was enough for him to maintain his own brand if he was a Buddhist.

Seeing that she couldn't make any sense, Alan had to leave silently.

After the company fell for three days, Xia Nuan suddenly received a big deal...

Xia Nuan made an appointment with Lan Qing.

Besides Lan Qing, there was also Helen.

"Xia Nuan, I'm the best at publicity, so don't worry, sign the contract first."

Lan Qing seemed impatient, and handed the drafted contract to Xia Nuan. Xia Nuan looked at it, showing a touch of astonishment.

Lan Qing was actually willing to sign a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars with her. She wanted to provide him with clothing, and he paid for it, which was still a huge sum.

"Director Lan, you drafted the contract correctly, right?" Xia Nuan was incredulous.

Lan Qing smiled and nodded: "Of course not."

Helen took Lan Qing's arm and echoed Lan Qing: "Don't worry, as long as you sign this contract, he will help you publicize it and make you famous, and you can make a lot of money, isn't it the best of both worlds?" Is it? Nuan, I don't know why you are hesitating."

"If that's the case, some of the profits should be returned to Director Lan." Xia Nuan was a little embarrassed.

Lan Qing quickly waved his hand: "The profit has been deducted separately, and it has been clearly stated in the contract. If you don't understand, you can take it back and read."

Lan Qing frivolously pinched Helen's face.

Xia Nuan looked at Lan Qing, then at the contract, and always felt that Lan Qing's attitude was casual and perfunctory.However, the contract did not contain any fraudulent elements, and Lan Qing himself did not drink too much.

Facts have proved that Lan Qing is indeed cooperating with her in a serious manner.She made more money from this cooperation than what was stated in the contract, and following that, her brand awareness created a whirlwind in the entertainment industry.Many big-name stars asked Xia Nuan to customize limited edition personalized fashion for them.

"Director Lan, thanks to you this time, in order to express my gratitude to you, I would like to toast you a glass of wine." Xia Nuan poured a glass of wine for Lan Qing, Lan Qing took it, and clinked glasses with her.

The two drank.

"The cooperation must be mutually beneficial, and there is no need to thank me."

"Speaking of which, you still have a vision, so please ask Director Lan for advice."

"I don't have any foresight. I just learned some tricks in this circle."

Xia Nuan saw that he didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't ask, maybe it was Lan Qing's business secret, and she didn't like asking people to keep asking.

On the way, Helen called and asked where Lan Qing was and wanted to find Lan Qing, but Lan Qing only said that he was driving on the road and told Helen not to come.

At this time, Lan Qing was already drunk and staggered.

In order to prevent him from falling down, Xia Nuan ordered the staff to support him, but Lan Qing shook off the staff.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first." After Lan Qing finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Xia Nuan sent staff to wait there.

"You are really annoying, always rushing, can you not tie me so tightly!" Lan Qing answered Helen's call in the bathroom.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the call, walked out, and threw the phone away.

Xia Nuan saw this scene, picked up Lan Qing's cell phone, and chased towards the parking lot.

At this time, Lan Qing's cell phone rang again, and it was Helen calling.

The phone rang so quickly that Xia Nuan had no choice but to answer it.

"Lan Qing, don't you intend to be responsible to me? What did you mean by that just now?" Helen's question came from over there.

In order to reassure Helen, Xia Nuan said, "Sister Helen, it's me. I'm Xia Nuan. Director Lan will be back soon..."

"Xia Nuan, are you lying to me with him?" Helen interrupted Xia Nuan.

"He does want to go back."

"Xia Nuan, you treat Lan Qing like a benefactor like this, shouldn't you agree with him? In fact, when you lied to me with him, he also lied to you."

There was a touch of jealousy in Helen's tone.

However, Xia Nuan didn't understand the last sentence.

"Sister Helen, Director Lan and I are just friends, you should be clear."

"Do you know what he lied to you? It was the contract. On the surface, he signed the contract with you. In fact, it was Brother Shen behind the scenes! Brother Shen asked him to come forward to help you become famous. Besides signing the contract with you, Lan Qing, Didn't do anything, all of this was done by Brother Shen behind the scenes! The first payment was also prepaid by Brother Shen, he spent an astronomical amount to help you get out of the bottleneck, you should be most grateful to Lan Qing , but Brother Shen!"

Xia Nuan couldn't hear the next words, and her mind was full of Ye Sichen.

It turned out that Ye Sichen did all of this for her...

Xia Nuan's nose was sore, looking at the void in front of her, tears welled up.

Xia Nuan returned home, sat on the sofa, took her mobile phone, and called Ye Sichen.

"Hello?" came a low voice from over there.

Xia Nuan's heart skipped a beat, and she clutched her chest: "Why did you do that?"

Yesi remained silent, knowing Xia Nuan's question, "What time is it, and you're still awake, do you miss your child?"

There was a pause over there: "Call me during the day, the children are all asleep at this time."

"I miss my child, but I also miss you." Xia Nuan's gentle voice can melt people's hearts.

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