Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 175 I promise to accompany you and let him go

When Su's father and Su's mother saw Xia Nuan coming, they immediately wiped away their tears, and led their relatives and friends to block Xia Nuan outside.

Xia Nuan frowned, and stood outside the door with Shen An somewhat awkwardly.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, I'm here to express my condolences." Xia Nuan said gently and deeply.

Mother Su looked at Xia Nuan coldly, and snorted softly, "Stop crying like a mouse here, you and Ye Sichen are in the same group, and Ye Sichen killed Weiwei, and you can't get rid of it !"

"Xia Nuan, you and Ye Sichen are the most sinister and vicious people I've ever met! Please get out of here, you don't deserve to see Weiwei!"

Su's father and Su's mother looked filled with righteous indignation, as if they had some deep hatred with Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan patiently explained: "Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, there must be some misunderstanding. Based on what I know about Ye Sichen, he will never hurt Weiwei. Have you ever thought that Weiwei got sick? In the past few years, Yesichen has been spending money to treat her with the best medical level, who is Yesichen, I think the two of you should know better than me, right?"

Su's father and Su's mother were taken aback when they heard this.

Xia Nuan thought that the husband and wife were moved with sympathy, and continued: "Before the matter is investigated, you should not convict him. If you wrong a good person, you will have uneasy consciences for the rest of your life..."

"Stop pretending to be a virgin here. It's Weiwei who was murdered by Yesi. He is a big star, rich and powerful. Why do you spend all that time on Weiwei? Isn't it because you see Weiwei's good looks? Are you having evil thoughts? We have evidence, and I believe that the law will be just, and my Weiwei will be justified!" When Su's mother was hesitating, Su's father interrupted Xia Nuan angrily.

What else Xia Nuan wanted to say, Shen An secretly reminded Xia Nuan: "Mr. Xia, it doesn't make sense to tell them these things depending on the situation. Let's leave and make a long-term plan."

Xia Nuan frowned solemnly, looked at the stubborn Su couple helplessly, and had no choice but to leave with Shen An.

After getting into the car, Xia Nuan held her forehead, puzzled.

Before Su Weiwei died of illness, the couple were grateful and respectful to Ye Sichen, but after Su Weiwei's death, the couple's attitude took a 180-degree turn. Something must have happened in between, That's why their attitude has become so bad.

Maybe it has something to do with Ye Enchen?
Xia Nuan thought about it.

Shen An sighed and looked at Xia Nuan: "Mr. Xia, maybe the couple really discovered something, that's why they are so angry."

Although he didn't say it clearly, he already told Xia Nuan on the sidelines that Su Weiwei was framed by Ye Sichen.

After listening to Shen An's words, Xia Nuan shook her head immediately, and retorted firmly: "No, Ye Sichen is not that kind of person. He has a generous nature and a kind heart. He will never hurt Weiwei."

Shen An didn't say anything.

But he was thinking in his heart that the previous assault case was full of excitement, and the target of the assault was Ye Sichen's younger brother. As the saying goes, where there is no wind, there are no waves, so it is impossible for his own younger brother to falsely accuse him, right?
It's just that the woman who is infatuated with Ye Sichen is too crazy, she doesn't believe in anyone except Ye Sichen, and Xia Nuan is no exception.

Xia Nuan looked out the window and called Mi Ke. She wanted to inquire about the child's condition through Mi Ke, but Mi Ke didn't answer the call when she got through.

Xia Nuan asked Shen An to inquire about Ye Enchen's movements, and she drove to Mi Ke's place alone.

Mi Ke was not at home, Xia Nuan asked Mi Ke's servant to tell her to stay and wait for Mi Ke, but the servant told her to wait outside very politely.

Xia Nuan had no choice but to sit in the car, and when it was nearly ten o'clock in the night, she saw Mi Ke's car slowly driving towards the front.

Xia Nuan hurriedly got out of the car and met Mi Ke who got out of the car.

Seeing Xia Nuan, Mi Ke paused for a moment, then walked into the apartment with a cold face, pretending not to see her, and Xia Nuan couldn't help following behind.

"Doctor Miko, how are the children doing?"

"Don't worry, they're safe." Mi Ke turned around with a calm expression, walked into the apartment, and closed the door. Seeing this, Xia Nuan stretched out her hand to stop her from closing the door.

"Xia Nuan, are you here to see Mr. joke?" Mi Ke sneered.

"You completely misunderstood me."

"The reason why Su Weiwei's parents turned against each other and betrayed Mr. Ye, I suspect it has something to do with you." Mi Ke said bluntly.

Xia Nuan was a little puzzled.

"Stop pretending to be innocent. Who doesn't know that you spent money to get Ye Enchen out of the prison in Country S? Ye Enchen has a grudge against Mr. Ye, and he dealt with him as soon as he was released from prison. You have already dealt with him. I've thought about it, but you like to see two men get hurt because of you, so as to show off your superiority."

"Ye Enchen's release from prison has nothing to do with me, it's him talking nonsense in front of the media." Xia Nuan explained.

However, Mi Ke didn't believe it: "Stop quibbling, you and Ye Enchen join forces to deal with Mr., once Mr. is convicted, you can take away the custody of the three children, and then you can justifiably seize Mr. Xia Nuan, you have been a greedy woman from the very beginning. If you were not greedy, how could you have grown from a nanny at the bottom to today? If you were not greedy, how could you have conspired with Lauder to give birth Children? These are all your schemes!"

"Well, it's all my conspiracy." Xia Nuan felt that there was no need to explain anything to Mi Ke, even if she wanted to work with Mi Ke to help Ye Sichen through this difficulty, Mi Ke would not I will agree, because Mi Ke, like Yesi Chen, rejects her so much.

Xia Nuan left Mi Ke's house and drove alone in the bustling metropolis.

The car window was rolled down, and the cold wind blew on her neck, but she didn't feel it at all.She drove to the police station, parked the car in a hidden place, and looked over there without blinking.

Unknowingly, Xia Nuan fell asleep, and after a long time, she heard a commotion coming from outside.

Xia Nuan opened her eyes, and saw groups of reporters outside the isolation fence, taking pictures of the man in black and using spotlights.

There are also fans around.

The man in black was detained by two police officers and got into another police car. Xia Nuan recognized at a glance that the man was Ye Sichen.

Yesi was thin and haggard, even though it was tens of meters away, Xia Nuan still felt the sharpness of those eyes.

There is a trace of emptiness in the sharpness, as if seeing through the mundane world.

Xia Nuan's heart twitched, excruciatingly painful.

She slowly started the engine and followed the police car that Ye Sichen got into.

Xia Nuan thought that the police car was heading for the prison, but she unexpectedly discovered that the route of the police car was somewhat familiar. After looking at the sign outside, she realized that it was heading for the manor.

Xia Nuan followed immediately.

When they arrived at Yesichen's manor, the police took Yesichen out of the car and walked in with Yesichen, along with several prosecutors and lawyers.

Xia Nuan felt that Ye Sichen didn't feel like returning to his home, but as if he was in prison.

She had a bad feeling.

Xia Nuan got off the car and went to the manor in a panic.

In front of her, a figure blocked her. When she took a closer look, it was Ye Enchen.

The anger in Xia Nuan's eyes sprang up little by little, and he tried his best to push Ye Enchen away, but Ye Enchen wrapped his arms around her waist when she was running forward, he pulled Xia Nuan's shoulders, Xia Nuan raised his hand to She slapped him, but he grabbed his hand.

"Do you know what those policemen are going to do?" Ye En smiled evilly, and squeezed Xia Nuan's hand tightly: "The police are going to strip him for inspection, because according to the information left in Su Weiwei's death note, There is a birthmark on Ye Sichen's body, and that birthmark is there, you have had sex with him many times, you should know what I'm talking about..."

"Su Weiwei didn't leave notes, even if he did, he wouldn't write some words that slander Ye Sichen! These are all forged!" Xia Nuan angrily yelled at Ye Enchen.

"But, he does have a birthmark, doesn't he? Otherwise, you wouldn't have heard that he was asked to undress for an examination, and he seemed so nervous." Ye En smiled smugly.

"You did this? Right? Ye Enchen, how long are you going to kill him?" Xia Nuan trembled all over, her voice broken.

Ye Enchen's expression was wronged and innocent: "Why did I harm him? It was Su Weiwei's parents who sued him for infringing on Su Weiwei. What does it have to do with me? Xia Nuan, Ye Sichen is a beast in clothes, look, He wouldn't spare even a poor girl with a terminal illness."

"You bought Su Weiwei's parents, don't think I don't know."

"You can't talk nonsense without evidence. How can I be so capable as a reform-through-labor prisoner who has just been released from prison?" Ye En wanted to put her in his arms, but she threw her away fiercely.

"However, although I am not capable of dominating Su Weiwei's parents, I am capable of dominating you." Ye Enchen clapped his hands, and three people sprang out from the woods in front of him.

Xia Nuan took a step back.

One of the three was knelt on the ground by the other two, and that man was tied into a rice dumpling.

Under the light of the street lamp, Xia Nuan recognized the kidnapped person, that person was Shen An.

Xia Nuan's heart sank.

Ye Enchen winked, and Shen An was picked up by two of his subordinates and carried into the car.

"You sent someone to monitor me, Xia Nuan, you really have the potential to be a spy, but your subordinates are too weak to be my opponent at all."

"Ye Enchen, he is a male model of our company, and he is not spying on you. You'd better let him go." Ye Enchen is insane and cruel, and he will definitely hurt Shen An.

"Xia Nuan, if you promise to stay with me for one night, I will let your male model go, how about it?"

"As you said, you can't talk nonsense without evidence, so why do you think I sent him to spy on you? Be careful, I will sue you for defamation." Xia Nuan sneered, trying to calm herself down.

"Because I found the confidentiality agreement he signed with you." Ye En said confidently, "You can sue me for defamation, but I will also sue you for violating my privacy."

"Okay, I promise to accompany you. You let him go." Xia Nuan thought for a moment, and finally made up her mind.

"I'll stay with you." Ye Enchen dragged her into his arms domineeringly.

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