This sentence worked, the guard went in and reported to Raymond.

Xia Nuan squeezed her hands and looked at the fortified iron gate ahead.

Even if she wanted to leave, she still had to tell Yeshen everything. When she thought of Luodaier's smug face in front of her, she felt a little unwillingness to encourage her.

"Come in."

At this moment, the guard came out and said to Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan recovered and walked into the villa.

Xia Nuan saw Raymond, the housekeeper in Philadelphia. Raymond took an electronic detector and scanned Xia Nuan's body. After finding out that there were no dangerous or harmful items, he led her into Ye Sichen's study.

Xia Nuan knew that everyone here was guarding against her. Before, Ye Sichen believed her, but now, even Ye Sichen didn't believe her at all.

Inside the other door, she heard Wuyou and Nianci playing with An Sheng, Xia Nuan's heart softened, she stopped and looked into the bedroom.

She wants to go in and get to know Wuyou and Nianci again, Wuyou and Nianci are her children...

"Go in, sir is inside." Raymond's expression was calm, but guarded.

Xia Nuan entered the study room filled with the smell of violets. Yesi sat down beside the desk and flipped through the books. When she saw Xia Nuan coming, she threw the book aside: "Threat me with pregnancy, in order to get more Benefits, this is your trick."

Xia Nuan stepped forward and met his melancholy and angry eyes: "Can you listen to me explain the ins and outs of the whole thing?"

"Isn't your handwriting and your actions enough to explain everything? I don't need to explain now. If Laudera wronged you, please show the evidence to refute her." Ye Sichen's voice was cold and cold. Xia Nuan's heart.

"I went to that island that time because the other party said that they would sign a non-disclosure agreement for me, because when I was a surrogate, I signed a non-disclosure agreement. The last time I said that the contract expired and I was asked to renew it, and , I have also read that agreement, and I signed it after confirming that it was a surrogacy confidentiality agreement. At first, I didn't understand why my handwriting appeared on the so-called property division agreement. I didn't even know that the other party was Luo. Dai'er, I don't even know that it was with you... After you left the island before, Luo Dai'er told me that she printed my signature and forged the contract..." Xia Nuan choked up: "I didn't do the surrogacy on purpose. hide from you..."

"Where's the confidentiality agreement you signed? Show me." Yesi Chen interrupted her.

If she had the so-called surrogacy confidentiality agreement, then maybe he would trust her a little bit.

"It's in my bag." When Xia Nuan said, she wanted to open the bag to get the agreement renewed last time.

Not in the bag.

Only then did Xia Nuan remember that after renewing the contract last time, in order to forget about her surrogacy, she tore up the contract and threw it into the sea. She always wanted to get rid of this shadow from her heart, so how could she have a backup?
"You're lying to me again?" Ye Sichen sneered.

Xia Nuan explained: "No, I tore it up and threw it into the sea that day..."

"That's enough, don't justify yourself." Yessichen's last sliver of hope was stifled again. He took a pen and wrote an astronomical figure on a check: "Aren't you pregnant? Go to Mi Ke's place." After the examination, come here after the examination, as long as you are sure that you are pregnant, the money is yours, and you can't spend it all your life, but you don't want children. Because you are not worthy to be their mother."

His unfeeling and coldness broke Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan stepped forward and shook his hand: "Believe me, I just wanted to forget the terrible past of surrogacy, so I threw away the agreement."

Ye Sichen shook off her hand, his pupils were red: "From now on, don't touch me again." He hated being deceived and was fed up with the calculations around him. He thought that Xia Nuan was not the kind of greedy person, However, he was wrong.

Yes, he was wrong. He thought too well of everyone, always tried to see the good side, and selectively ignored the evil in them. When he tried to influence the evil, the evil was destroying him at the same time.

Perhaps, he was born a loner.

Xia Nuan took a step back, looking at his cold face, her heart was torn apart, and her tears became more and more violent, but Ye Sichen didn't look at her once, and stood by the desk with his back to her.

At this time, Lei Meng came in and stood behind Xia Nuan: "Sir, Dr. Mi Ke is not here."

Only then did Ye Sichen remember that Mi Ke and Lacey...

He turned slightly sideways and looked at Lacey: "Then send her to the hospital for an examination."

"No need, I'm not pregnant, I lied to you." Xia Nuan sneered, making herself stronger: "Because I was born to be a liar."

After speaking, he turned around and rushed out the door.

Ye Sichen clenched his fist and slammed it on the case fiercely.

A drop of tear fell and fainted.

She is a liar, a born liar, she has climbed to the top, and she can't get rid of the fact that she once sold her body for money!

In her mind, Ye Sichen's words and Luo Dai'er's words echoed in turn, she was frozen there like a ghost, and her cloudy eyes suddenly became firm.

Her ordinary background and the huge disparity in status between her and Ye Sichen inspired her determination to climb higher.

One day, she will make the people around Ye Sichen admire her, and then stand in front of Lauder and expose the plot to frame her.

Above her head, the sound of the wind intensified, and Xia Nuan almost fell down when it blew, and she went against the wind.

Xia Nuan quickened her pace.

Behind him, a black car moved slowly following Xia Nuan's sight.

"She's gone."

"Well, very good, follow her first, and report to me if there is any situation."

The owner of the car hummed, quickly hung up the phone, and continued to follow Xia Nuan.

Lacey and Mi Ke have been locked inside for three days and three nights. Mi Ke has been holding Lacey tightly and never letting go, even when he was sleeping, Lacey was holding Lacey. Hugging her tightly in her arms, she revealed a gentle smile.

Unexpectedly, Ye Sichen's move was quite effective...

At least, this woman is willing to take the initiative to hug her.

Lacey felt that he could live here forever with Mi Ke in his arms.

When Mi Ke woke up and saw Lacey looking at her, she was more than half awake at once, left her embrace, and saw the Tibetan mastiff behind her looking at her, she leaned towards Lacey's embrace with some fear, unintentionally Yes, she touched something soft, and she took a closer look, and she actually touched Lacey's lips.

At first, it was slightly cool, but soon it became a little warm. Mi Ke's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he was about to keep a distance from Lacey, but unexpectedly, Lacey pressed hard on the back of his head, deepening the gap between his lips and teeth. Touching, Mi Ke pressed his hands against Lacey, but Lacey kissed hard, grabbing her tenderly and deeply, trying to melt her heart with a lingering deep kiss.

It has to be said that Lacey's kissing skills are top-notch, and he knows women's weaknesses. Soon, Mi Ke's body became weak, and there was always some kind of electric current running deep in his heart, and his mind was turbulent.

With her eyes closed, she imagined Lacey as Ye Sichen, with both hands actively clasping Lacey's neck.Seeing her becoming more active, Lacey became restless with her hand, unbuttoned her clothes gently, and then poked inside with ease.

Mi Ke was startled, and saw a hand moving restlessly on her body, raised her eyes, and bumped into Lacey's blurred handsome face, she got angry, raised her hand and slapped Lacey on the face .

Lacey's hand that hit her retracted immediately.

"Lacey, you are really shameless, we are already divorced."

Mi Ke squeezed his hands and gritted his teeth to emphasize.

Lacey looked foolish, but smiled instead: "Yes, we are divorced, but you took the initiative to hug me. I am a man, so I will naturally respond when I touch a woman, and if I remember correctly, it was you who took the initiative first." touch my mouth."

Mi Ke retorted speechlessly, pushed Lacey away, and stood up.

The Tibetan mastiff rushed towards her directly, Mi Ke turned pale, and hid in Lacey's arms again in fright, but Lacey didn't take the initiative to hug her this time.

"Look, you posted it upside down again." Lacey teased Mi Ke.

Mi Ke gritted his teeth, but did not dare to let go of him, and gave him a hard look: "We must find a way to get out of this ghostly place, Mr. Ye must be worried about my safety."

Lacey snorted lightly: "I don't think he's worried."

Mi Ke glared at him again, looking at the door outside. At this time, he heard the voices of two men outside the door. Soon, the two men came in with food.

Miko and Lacey looked at each other, then back at them.

The two men said nothing and left after delivering the food.

However, due to negligence, Mi Ke found that the door was not locked tightly.Mi Ke squeezed Lacey's arm: "We have a chance to escape."

Lacey nodded: "Actually, I found out a long time ago, don't worry, I'm running away after eating."

Mi Ke didn't know that the reason why the two men were negligent before leaving was because Lacey secretly ordered them...

Mi Ke and Lacey ate something hastily and started to prepare to leave.Lacey quickly opened the door and escaped with Mi Ke.

After walking out, the two kidnappers were discovered, and hurriedly chased Lacey and Miko. Lacey took Miko into the car, started the engine and accelerated the speed of the car, while the two kidnappers behind him were also driving a car. Chase over.

Seeing that he was about to chase him, Mi Ke was very anxious.

Lacey stopped the car, locked Mi Ke in the car, got out of the car, and started fighting with the two "gangsters".

Mi can see that Lacey was knocked down on the ground and kept knocking on the glass: "Stop it, stop beating! I have already called the police!"

When the two men heard that Mi Ke had called the police, they got into the car and fled, kicking Lacey before leaving.

Lacey's arm was scratched, and drops of blood flowed out. He stumbled into the car, and Mi Ke hurriedly found a tissue to wipe the blood for him.

Lacey took a roll of paper towels from the vehicle, and bandaged it up. Miguel was clumsy, so he hurriedly took the paper towels and bandaged it for him.

"I think I still need to go to the hospital."

"No, it's just a skin injury, let's get out of here quickly." Lacey tried to drive while enduring the pain.

Mi Ke told him to lie on the back seat, and she went to drive.

"Then drive carefully and go back to my place first."

After listening to Lacey's words, Mi Ke nodded, speeded up the car, and drove towards Lacey's villa.

When driving to a pier, Mi Ke saw Xia Nuan, and she couldn't help frowning.

Shouldn't Xia Nuan be with Ye Sichen at this time?How come here?

Without thinking too much, she rolled up the window and drove towards downtown Philadelphia.

Xia Nuan boarded the cruise ship, stood on the deck, looked at the place where the sea and the sky meet, feeling lost.

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