Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 156 Reality is still reality after all

Ye Sichen's words were like a knife, piercing Xia Nuan's heart with a dull pain.

Xia Nuan took a step back subconsciously, looked at him again, and felt that he had become strange.

"Ye, I'm with you. It's you I'm going to marry, not your property. Why do you want to be as material as I think? If I'm really only with you for money, I'll be like Xia Yan like that..."

"Every mother will pave the way for her child so that he will not suffer when he comes to this world, and he will have no worries about food and clothing. Bottom line stuff, that's intolerable for me."

"Well, everything you say is right. Since you think of me so extreme, I don't want to explain it, because you never believed me from the beginning to the end." Xia Nuan smiled coldly: "Ye, I don't want to explain it to you." Blame you, and I don't blame you. If I were you, I would have doubts. After all, this identification is written with my signature and my handwriting. No matter how I explain it, it will be useless. Since you I have been worried that I will harm Wuyou and Nianci, I can take Ansheng away, I will not ask for your money, I will not ask for a cent."

Xia Nuan angrily picked up An Sheng who was sleeping soundly on the shaker, and was about to leave with her bag.

"Xia Nuan, if I really wronged you, you should prove it to me instead of leaving in a fit of anger." Ye Sichen squeezed her hand and stopped her from walking.

"In your heart, I am already a sinner who touched your bottom line. No matter how I prove it, it will be useless. Ye, we are not favored together. The media, team, company, and family are all rejecting me because I am not worthy of you , I originally thought that I could go forward and face you bravely regardless of other people's eyes, but I was wrong, the so-called Cinderella and Prince Charming are only found in fairy tales, reality is still reality after all."

Xia Nuan suspected that this incident had something to do with Ye Sichen's team, because of the previous detonator incident, except Ye Sichen, everyone in the manor suspected her, and because of that incident, she was guarded against and hoped that she would leave as soon as possible.

"I won't let you go." Ye Sichen rejected her with one word.

He carried An Sheng from her arms, put her back on the rocker, and immediately grabbed her wrist: "You have to prove to me that you are wronged, even if you want to leave, you have to make it clear. "

There is endless domineering in his words.

Xia Nuan frowned helplessly, and sat back on the sofa silently.

Yesi Chen glanced at her: "Think about the face of that old lady, and then find her."

When Xia Nuan turned around, Ye Sichen had already left the bedroom and walked out.

Xia Nuan sighed.

Where did she go to find her? If someone wanted to frame her, she must have prepared in advance.

Xia Nuan felt tired.

Ye Sichen walked out of the bedroom and went to the recording room alone. At this time, Lei Meng came over and told Yeshen that Lacey was coming to visit him.

Ye Sichen asked Raymond to lead Lacey into the recording room.

Ye Sichen drank his sorrows away, sitting alone by the mixer, thinking about what Xia Nuan had said to him before.

They don't look good together...

What Xia Nuan said was right, since he announced the relationship between them, all the pressure followed, but, in order to form a complete family with her, he chose to bear everything.However, those greedy vultures around him repeatedly put pressure on him, urging him to remarry with Laudera, because only by remarrying can he get more benefits.

Could the explosives and the testimonial be caused by the people around him?

Yesi pondered this and stopped drinking.

As soon as he let go, the goblet in his hand was taken away. He recovered and saw that it was Lacey.

Lacey took his glass of wine and drank it down.

"Why do you want to come to my place?" Yesi Chen asked Lai Xi, pouring another glass of wine for Lai Xi.

Lacey snorted and looked haggard: "Yeshen, what can I do to get Mi Ke to give up the idea of ​​divorce? Damn, that bitch can never forget you, I just want to know what you gave her Ecstasy?"

Yesi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the angry Lacey: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lacey squatted down the goblet heavily on the stage, and pulled Ye Sichen's collar: "What are you pretending to be, Mi Ke has always loved you, don't you know? Even when he was with me, he yelled Your name, I can't get angry, I hit her, Ye Sichen, I beg you, leave Philadelphia quickly."

Yesi Chen frowned: "I don't know about Mi Ke..."

"She has always wanted to divorce me, but I won't let her do so, and you, Ye Sichen, don't even think about greening me." Lacey let go of him and stumbled away.

Yesi fell into deep thought. If it wasn't for Lacey's words, he wouldn't know Mi Ke's thoughts at all.

Ye Sichen was a little uneasy, drank the last glass of wine, and asked Uncle Xiang to prepare the car.

He went to Mi Ke's clinic overnight.

There were eye-catching paw prints on Mi Ke's red and swollen face, which showed that Lacey was right, he hit Mi Ke.

Yesi sighed deeply, took an ice pack and applied it on a towel, and handed it to Mi Ke: "What's the matter with you and Lacey? Can you tell me?"

Mi Ke looked at Ye Sichen, his eyes were red.

But he shook his head obsessively: "It's nothing. Sir, are you here to see Wuyou and Nianci? They are already asleep."

When Mi Ke spoke, he poured Yesi a glass of water.

Yesi smiled gently: "I'm here to see you."

Mi Ke's heart trembled, she raised her eyes, and met Ye Sichen's eyes. In an instant, she really wanted to hug Ye Sichen, lie in his arms and feel the warmth of his body, even if it was only for a minute. good.

"I'm fine, why did you come here to see me all of a sudden?" Mi Ke said.

"Mike, I have always regarded you as my best friend. I admire your dedication and courage. Sometimes I feel that I am too cowardly and too evasive, so I will learn from you. Excellent quality." Yesi Chen said from the bottom of his heart.

Mi Ke had a resentful expression on his face, and said jokingly, "I'm so nice, why didn't my husband marry me, but gave me to Lacey instead?"

And Yesichen heard endless sadness and melancholy from her joking tone: "I'm sorry, Mi Ke, at that time I thought you liked Lacey, and it was all my fault. I avoided Xia Nuan from marrying Lacey, so I matched you up..."

Mi Ke's tears welled up: "But sir, you planned the wedding back then, but there was no bride at the wedding, the wedding was a failure, I don't want to embarrass you in front of the media, so I I am willing to marry Lacey. I agreed at the beginning that after the wedding, I will get a divorce. It’s just that Lacey didn’t keep his word. Now he’s looking for flesh and skin behind my back and messing around everywhere. I really can’t stand this kind of man. "

Hearing what she said, Ye Sichen's eyes were even more guilty. He stretched out his hand and wiped away her tears: "I'm sorry, if you don't love him, then I support your divorce. I will take responsibility for my previous wrong decision. "

When Mi Ke heard this, he couldn't help throwing himself into Ye Sichen's arms: "Sir, I don't blame you. I will do whatever you ask me to do without hesitation. You don't have to be responsible. It's just, can you help me take care of it?" Divorced?"

"Well, don't worry, I'll talk to Lacey."

"That bastard won't listen to you, you have to give him a hard time." Mi Ke suggested.

"Well, just leave it alone." Ye Sichen patted Mi Ke on the shoulder, thinking about it.

Xia Nuan stood there with An Sheng in her arms, seeing Ye Sichen and Mi Ke hugging each other, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

 Because An Sheng had a high fever, Xia Nuan took An Sheng to Mi Ke's clinic overnight by car, but when he came in, he saw a scene that he shouldn't have seen...

Xia Nuan felt a little uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable, hugging An Sheng, but didn't have the courage to move forward.

When she turned around, she saw the bodyguard Paul standing there, Xia Nuan said in a low voice, "Paul, let's go to the hospital, Dr. Mi Ke is busy."

Paul didn't say anything about it, so he took Xia Nuan into the car and left Mi Ke's clinic.

And here, Ye Sichen didn't even know that Xia Nuan had come, but just comforted Mi Ke.

After a long time, Mi Ke was told to go to rest, and he went next door alone to accompany Wuyou and Nianci.

The next morning, Ye Sichen settled down without worries, explained to Mi Ke, and drove away.

Ye Sichen went to Lai Xi's place.

When he arrived at Lai Xi's place, Ye Sichen went straight to the point: "Let's divorce Mi Ke first."

Lacey was still dazed at first, but when he heard him say this, she suddenly became sober, and pointed at Ye Sichen: "What did you say, are you saying it again?"

"I said, divorce Mi Ke first." Yesi said slowly.

Lacey immediately lost his mind, like a raging wild beast, punched Ye Sichen with a punch, Ye Sichen dodged, squeezed his fist, pushed, and Lacey took a step back unsteadily.

"Sit down first, and listen to me." Yesi sat on the sofa and motioned for Lacey...

Xia Nuan stayed with An Sheng in the hospital overnight, An Sheng was on an IV drip, and the fever slowly subsided in the morning.After paying the medical expenses, Xia Nuan took An Sheng away.

But she bumped into someone head-on, and she took a closer look, and it turned out to be the old lady who gave her the book last time.

Xia Nuan suddenly realized that she quickened her pace to catch up with her, but the old lady quickened her pace and kept running forward.

Xia Nuan chased after her.

The old lady flashed into a ward, and Xia Nuan followed. However, there was a child lying in the ward. It was a thin little boy. The little boy was as big as Wuyou, with an oxygen tube inserted, and his hands were hanging on the bed. , his face was sallow and sallow, without any vitality, it made people feel distressed.

Standing there with An Sheng in his arms, his footsteps seemed to be rooted.

But the old lady wiped her tears and held the boy's hand, heartbroken.There were two nurses standing behind the old lady. She accidentally saw Xia Nuan, and she seemed not guilty anymore. She stood up calmly and walked out of the ward.

At this time, Xia Nuan wanted to ask about the appraisal certificate, but she didn't know what to say when she saw her tears streaming down her face.

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