Xia Nuan stared at the ringing phone, but didn't have the courage to answer it.

It was also at this time last time, when Si Nanyin called her...

Xia Nuan didn't want to think about it, let alone answer it, but there was an invisible force bewitching her, forcing her to reach out and pick up the phone.

Deep in her heart, another Xia Nuan wanted to reconfirm whether the man who was with Si Nanyin was Ye Sichen.

Although Si Nanyin had already put on the engagement ring Ye Sichen gave her, and even though he often stayed out at night and might have a private meeting with Si Nanyin when he went to the hotel, the humble luck in her heart was always at work.

"Hello?" Xia Nuan held her breath, subconsciously clutching her tense chest.

"Is Xia Nuan?" Yesi's deep and soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

It wasn't the wanton cry that Si Nanyin made, Xia Nuan's nervous heart relaxed a little.

"What's the matter?" Xia Nuan wanted to ask Ye Sichen where he was now, and why he didn't come back so late, but thousands of words were swallowed into his stomach, and he only asked three simple words.

Over there, Yesi was silent for a few seconds: "I have to tell you something."

Xia Nuan's hand holding the phone trembled a little, she was holding on all the time: "Is it about you and Si Nanyin? I know, I know, don't worry, I will leave, I will not stand between you ..."

She didn't give him any chance to speak, and said what she thought was self-knowledge first.

Ye Sichen was silent again, extremely quiet.

"Ye, tell her quickly, you can't always procrastinate like this." Si Nanyin's impatient voice came from over there.

Xia Nuan's hand covering her chest was replaced by her tightly covering her mouth, she was afraid that Ye Sichen and Si Nanyin over there would hear her crying.

"I'm going to marry Nanyin. We'll hold a wedding in Morocco after the concert. It's not convenient to take you there. Of course, if you are willing to attend my wedding, I welcome it very much. However, I think you should use the name of my sister-in-law. join."

Ye Sichen's voice was soft, but it was ruthless and indifferent. What he said was like a knife that pierced Xia Nuan's heart inadvertently.

"As for An Sheng... I believe Nan Yin will be a good mother."

"Okay, I wish you all the best." Xia Nuan said hoarsely after a long time.

"Well, I hope you forget about the past between us. I have already called Akon, and he will drive to the villa to find you." Yesi Chen did not explain, but the meaning in the words was already obvious, he wanted to Xia Nuan left in Aken's car.

Xia Nuan couldn't digest Ye Sichen's words, and before she could speak, Ye Sichen hung up the phone.

Xia Nuan held the phone and stood there for a while, her head was dizzy, but she kept comforting herself in her heart, that she would definitely be able to overcome this hurdle.

She walked slowly to An Sheng's shaker, turned on the desk lamp, fixed her sad eyes on An Sheng's face, kept looking at An Sheng, and kissed his pink cheek.

"An Sheng, mom is gone, don't miss me, your father will protect you in the future, and will give you a happy and complete family." Xia Nuan whispered beside An Sheng, with endless love in her eyes.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a steady knock on the door outside.

Xia Nuan knew that it was Aken who came to urge her.

She opened the door, and Aken stood there with a dignified face, clasped his hands, showing a professional and capable posture.

"I'll be fine soon, wait a minute."

Aken frowned even deeper. Looking at Xia Nuan, whose face was full of tears, he felt a little pity in his heart, but Ye Sichen called just now and asked him to send Xia Nuan away overnight. live together.Aken was very surprised at the time. After all, Ye Sichen had always had Xia Nuan in his heart. After Xia Nuan left, Ye Sichen fell into a slump. Now the two are finally together, but suddenly they want to break up again...

"Perhaps, sir, I'm angry with you..." Yesi Chen is not the kind of angry man, let alone arrogant, he will think carefully no matter what he does, and, to be honest, his words don't sound like angry words, he is determined to He Xianuan broke up.The reason why he said that was because he couldn't find any other reason to comfort Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan shook her head and smiled lightly: "No, we didn't argue, it was decided calmly."

Aken didn't say anything about it, but just walked over to help Xia Nuan clean things up.

Xia Nuan packed all her clothes into a box, carried the box and prepared to leave, when she was about to leave, she turned to look at An Sheng who was sleeping soundly, concealed the reluctance in her eyes, became ruthless, and left.

Xia Nuan sat in the car, watching the bustling lights outside, and covered up the sadness in her heart with her calm expression.

But the calmer she is, the more distressed she is.

"I'll arrange a place for you first, and I believe that my husband will definitely look for you tomorrow." Aken still didn't believe that Ye Sichen would sever ties with Xia Nuan. The two of them had been entangled together for several years. Up to now, except for Xia Nuan, there is really no woman who can win Ye Sichen's heart.

"No need, I will find a hotel to rest for a while, after tonight, I will leave here." Xia Nuan politely rejected Aken, pretending to be relaxed: "Finally I can be free, and I don't have to watch my child every day, I can do whatever I want alone."

Aken looked at Xia Nuan, still worried: "I will help you find a hotel. After all, I am worried about you alone. What if Ye Enchen comes to you? Although the husband told you to leave, but the teacher told you to be safe." leave."

Xia Nuan was really worried when she thought of Ye Enchen.

After getting out of the car, Xia Nuan found a hotel under the escort of Aken. After Xia Nuan was safely sent in to rest, Aken left with peace of mind and walked out of the hotel. He was going to call Yesi Chen and tell Ye Si Shen Xia Nuan has left the villa.

He dialed the phone twice, but Ye Sichen never answered. Aken gave up calling for the time being, looked around, and realized that there was no one from Ye Enchen wandering around, so he left in peace.

It is estimated that Ye Enchen would not have thought that Xia Nuan had left Ye Sichen, so he did not have to worry that Ye Enchen would come here to harass Xia Nuan.

Akon got into the car, started the engine, and disappeared into the night.

Xia Nuan started to book air tickets and planned to leave early tomorrow morning. She would not go to Modu, nor would she go to Philadelphia or Zhongshan. She was going to a strange city. When she went there, she would forget everything.

That kind of process was painful. In fact, she hoped that there would be so-called love-forgetful water in the world. In that case, she would drink the water for forgetting love and forget her relationship with Ye Sichen in an instant.

Xia Nuan lay on the bed, tears flowed down the corners of her eyes and onto the pillow, watching the moonlight outside the window, her heart twitched.

Inside the crack of the door, a trace of smoke suddenly lingered, spread out, and filled the room.

Xia Nuan became dizzy, but she, who had been awake at night, suddenly fell asleep with heavy eyelids...

Ye Sichen locked himself in the rehearsal room, training until two o'clock in the morning, and he needed to work to numb himself.Every time he calms down, he will recall what Xia Nuan said to him, as well as the scene where Xia Nuan and Ye Enchen blatantly met under his nose during the day.

He is not the kind of narrow-minded person. If Xia Nuan was with him wholeheartedly, he would not care about her and Ye Enchen's past, but he has never understood her heart.

Sweating profusely, he stopped, drank a bottle of mineral water, leaned against the wall, and looked at himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, Xia Nuan appeared. She was sitting beside An Sheng's shaker, showing a gentle smile.

She put her arms around his waist, and told him with a glance that she loved him forever...

Ye Sichen picked up his clothes and suddenly wanted to return to Xia Nuan's side at this time.

Walking out of the rehearsal room, he took out his switched off cell phone, turned it on, and found that Akon had made several missed calls to him.

Ye Sichen frowned and called back.

"Akon, what's the matter?"

"Sir, I have sent her away as you said. She is currently living in a hotel temporarily, and I will send someone to protect her until she leaves."

"Who left?" Yesichen was extremely puzzled by Aken's sudden words.

"Xia Nuan left, you asked me to send her away."

Yesi's eyes darkened, and the gentleness in his eyes suddenly froze: "Akon, you have been tricked. Tell me her address."

Startled, Aken hurriedly told Ye Sichen where Xia Nuan was.Ye Sichen didn't have time to change, so he put on his wet white shirt and got in the car and drove away.

He has always been impeccable in everything he does, but this time something went wrong, Aken blamed himself, got in the car and turned back to the hotel where Xia Nuan was.

Xia Nuan was not there, so I asked the hotel staff, the service staff said that Xia Nuan and a man left, before leaving, Xia Nuan was awake, but the man was in a coma.

Ye Sichen immediately investigated the monitoring, and the monitoring showed the opposite. Xia Nuan was wearing a man's clothes and was helped out by the man, but the man who was supporting Xia Nuan was wearing Xia Nuan's clothes and pretending to be Xia Nuan.

Ye Enchen, Ye Enchen must have done it!
Ye Sichen was furious like never before, started the engine, and drove directly to Ye Enchen.

"Sir, I'm sorry, it was my momentary negligence. That man's voice is exactly the same as yours, and what's more, he called you with your mobile phone number." Find out the phone number where Xia Nuan was sent away, and show it to Ye Sichen.

"What did he tell you?" Yesi asked in a low voice.

"He let Si Nanyin live in the villa in your name, Xia Nuan can't stay there, and told me to send Xia Nuan away immediately." Aken explained in detail the phone call imitating Ye Sichen's voice.

The corners of Ye Sichen's eyes twitched violently, revealing endless anger.

Undoubtedly, it was Ye Enchen.Ye Enchen would imitate his voice since he was a child, imitate his voice, trick Xia Nuan into bed, and pretend to be him to hurt Xia Nuan!Imitate his voice and sever ties with Xia Nuan in his name!

He has endured to the extreme, if he can, he will kill him!

Ye Si Shen's eyes were burning red, and he accelerated the speed again.

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