"You did all of this?"

Under the quiet bedroom, Ye Sichen's gloomy face was covered by smog. He stood at Xia Nuan's feet, flipping through Xia Nuan's phone.

All the photos saved on the phone are Si Nanyin's nude photos, and there are also pictures of Si Nanyin being raped by a man in a coma. All the photos are from Xia Nuan's hands!
Ye Sichen threw the phone in front of Xia Nuan, who prostrated herself on the ground, looked at the phone screen, hesitated for a long time before shaking her head with certainty: "I didn't do it."

She came here after receiving a call from Lin Meng. Lin Meng said that today was her birthday, so she bought a birthday cake for Lin Meng. After the two drank, she couldn't remember the next thing.

Xia Nuan looked at Si Nanyin lying unconscious on the sofa, feeling a little confused. Thinking of Lin Meng, her heart sank, and she said again: "Lin Meng did it, she stunned me..."

"Your methods of framing people are not clever at all. You were entangled with that man in bed just now, and now you say you are in a coma. Xia Nuan, when will you tell the truth?" Ye Sichen interrupted coldly. Summer is warm.

"I didn't lie to you, why don't you believe me, what I said is the truth..."

"You only believe my eyes, Xia Nuan. I have only discovered that you are a hypocrite until today." Ye Sichen smiled coldly, and sat opposite Xia Nuan.

"Tell me, why did you kidnap Lin Meng and Si Nanyin, and tell me your reasons?" Yesi sat down on the chair, looking down at Xia Nuan, looking down at Xia Nuan, as if Xia Nuan was heinous.

"I have no reason to hurt them, I didn't!" Xia Nuan desperately shook her head, looking at Ye Sichen, she suddenly felt that he was colder and stranger than before.

Lian Kang pushed Nan Xiu out of the bedroom, Nan Xiu glanced at Xia Nuan, lowered his head, with a look of embarrassment.

"Tell me everything you know."

Nan Xiu nodded and knelt at Ye Sichen's feet: "Mr. Ye, I'll tell you everything, please don't send Xia Nuan and me to the police station, it was Xia Nuan who took Si Nanyin's photo and sold it to the media , because the long-term intimate relationship made me a little tired, so she kidnapped Lin Meng, saying that she wanted to find something new for me... At first I was against it, but Xia Nuan was very strong and didn't allow me to refuse, he Tricked me into infringing on Lin Meng, saying that it would be filmed and released as a pornographic film, and I could make money..."

"I don't know you at all, why did you frame me like this?!" Xia Nuan interrupted Nan Xiu sharply.

Nan Xiu calmly and affirmatively emphasized: "I didn't frame you, did you forget what we were doing in the bedroom just now? We have always maintained that kind of intimacy! Xia Nuan, tear off your veil in front of Mr. Ye, Although your face is innocent, I know that you pretended it! I don't know who you are! Have you forgotten Ye Enchen? When Ye Enchen had a relationship with you, he deliberately Call me, the two of us will fuck you together..."

"That's enough." Ye Sichen couldn't listen any longer, and severely interrupted Nan Xiu's words.

Every time he heard a sentence, Ye Sichen's heart's ability to withstand it would weaken a bit, and he felt that he was about to go crazy, and those dark eyes were filled with endless fire, wishing to incinerate Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan didn't want to explain anymore, she looked at Ye Sichen's eyes full of distrust, she didn't want to say anything, because she knew that the more she explained, the more Ye Sichen thought she was sophistry.

Xia Nuan tightly grasped the sheets on her body, feeling ashamed: "Yes, I did everything, are you satisfied now? Ye Sichen, what do you think of me, I am what I am. not give a damn about."

Xia Nuan smiled, raised her face, looked at Ye Sichen, and kept mumbling: "I killed Si Nanyin and kidnapped Lin Meng, I am despicable."

Yesi Chen looked away: "Temporarily ground her here."

After the words fell, Lian Kang was going to set up Xia Nuan.

"Mr. Lian Kang, do you want to see me naked?" Xia Nuan spread the bed sheets little by little, ignoring Ye Sichen's cold gaze.
Lian Kang and another bodyguard hurriedly turned their backs, not daring to touch Xia Nuan anymore.

Xia Nuan walked hard alone, like a wandering soul.

Ye Sichen took a glass of water and sprayed Si Nanyin's face. It took a long time for Si Nanyin to wake up.Si Nanyin clutched her forehead, not knowing what happened, but excitedly slipped into Ye Sichen's arms.

Ye Sichen pushed Si Nanyin away and sent someone to send Si Nanyin back, but Si Nanyin kept pestering Ye Sichen.

"Brother Shen, I'll take Miss Si back." Xun Mochi appeared at some point, dragged Si Nanyin over, and stuffed him directly into the car.

"Sir, Xia Nuan jumped from the upstairs window!"

Lian Kang ran out of the apartment in a hurry.

Ye Sichen's heart sank, he quickened his pace, and walked downstairs.I found the place where Xia Nuan was jumped off, but I couldn't see Xia Nuan's figure. There was a river behind the apartment, and the place where she went down was the center of that river!

With his head buzzing, Ye Sichen took off his clothes and went into the river. His lean body pushed away the resistance of the water and wandered to the center of the river.

Yesi sank in the river and called Xia Nuan's name. He stood there with a suffocating pain in his chest.

Soon, the entire river was blocked, and Lian Kang called firefighters to start salvaging Xia Nuan in the river.

There was heavy rain in the sky, and Ye Sichen was like a drowned rat, swimming in the river continuously, calling Xia Nuan's name numbly.

"Sir, let's go ashore first, there are firefighters searching, don't worry."

Lian Kang reminded cautiously from the side.

Ye Sichen seemed to be in a daze, went down to the deepest part of the river, and pushed Lian Kang away: "But they never found her, why did this happen? It's all my fault! Why didn't I listen to her explanation? I knew she didn't Might do that!"

"Perhaps, she didn't jump into the river and ran to other places." Lian Kang comforted Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and squeezed Lian Kang's shoulder: "Lian Kang, call Uncle Xiang to block the exits of the entire Modu, immediately!"

Naturally, Lian Kang did not delay, and immediately followed Ye Sichen's instructions.

The firefighters searched for a long time, but there was still no trace of Xia Nuan, but they found the bed sheet that Xia Nuan had worn.

Ye Sichen held the bed sheet and squeezed it tightly, the blood kept gushing up, and with a wow, he spat out a lot of blood, and passed out immediately.

In the bedroom of the apartment, the woman watched the scene downstairs. In the rain, Ye Sichen's fallen back was deeply imprinted in her heart.

"Hehe, does it hurt to see him working so hard to find you?" The man's schadenfreude sneered in his ear: "But, he never believed in you, you can only prove yourself by dying." clean."

Xia Nuan's mouth was covered by him, unable to utter any sound, only watching the scene on the river bank, tears blurred his vision.

The man was Ye Enchen. He sneaked into the bedroom through the window while Ye Sichen was leaving.Immediately, Xia Nuan was restrained.When Lian Kang came in, he hid Xia Nuan behind the bed curtain and threw the bed sheet down, creating the illusion that Xia Nuan jumped off the building for Lian Kang.

"Nuan Nuan, you are mine, come with me." Ye Enchen possessed Xia Nuan like crazy, possessed her from behind, and rubbed hands with her fiercely.

Xia Nuan shed tears of humiliation and kept struggling.

The more she struggled, the tighter Ye Enchen's restraint became. Her hands were firmly fixed by Ye Enchen, each time getting heavier.

"Xia Nuan, do you know? Seeing Ye Sichen in such pain makes me very happy. Although I am not as good as him in career, it is a kind of comfort that I can snatch his most beloved thing. Xia Nuan, give me Listen, as long as I live, you and him will never be together." Ye Enchen's ghostly and vicious voice rang in Xia Nuan's ears, as if it came from hell!
After the madness was over, Ye Enchen hugged Xia Nuan in his arms, and he couldn't get enough of it: "Baby, you fascinate me."

Xia Nuan looked like a walking dead, with empty eyes.

"Ye Enchen, you think too highly of me, what is your favorite? I am a substitute in Ye Sichen's heart."

Xia Nuan pushed Ye Enchen, just wanting to get rid of his entanglement, but Ye Enchen was tall and Xia Nuan was just 1.6 meters tall, so how could he be his opponent.

"He cares about you very much. I can tell that besides Roland, he cares about you the most. The more he cares about you, I will take you away. As it turns out, I did." Ye Enchen pinched Xia Nuan Chin, deep and clear blue eyes revealing a hint of a successful smile.

Seeing that smile, Xia Nuan wished she could stab Ye Enchen to death!
Ye En stared at Xia Nuan, and gently brushed her loose long hair: "With that key, I want to start my treasure hunt, Xia Nuan, follow me, you will not treat you badly. "

Xia Nuan avoided his touch: "I won't go with you, you should give up your heart."

Ye En's eyes darkened, and she grabbed her waist, wanting to crush her: "Do you mind if I tell you a story?"

"I'm not interested in listening, Ye Enchen, even if I don't want fame, I still have to sue you, you can't threaten me." Xia Nuan had had enough.

Ye Enchen raped her twice, and now she just wants Ye Enchen to go to jail.

"However, if you leave me, Si Nanyin will not let you go. Your mobile phone is full of indecent photos of her. Now that the media is making a fuss about these photos, Si Nanyin's reputation has been ruined. Do you think Will she let you go?" Ye En said proudly.

When Xia Nuan heard it, she felt indignant.

She did not do these things, but all the evidence points to her. If Si Nanyin sues her, she will definitely win.

And Ye Sichen wouldn't believe her either...

Ye Enchen was right, Ye Sichen would only believe her if she died.

A tear slipped down quietly and burned on Ye Enchen's palm. Ye Enchen frowned and wiped away the tears for her.

"Xia Nuan, you don't need to leave with me, but Ye Sichen has a secret, if I reveal this secret, what do you think will happen to him?"

Xia Nuan came back to her senses, her heart kept sinking, and pinched Ye Enchen's collar angrily: "Ye Enchen, he is your younger brother, why do you always make things difficult for him?"

Ye Enchen didn't answer her, but just squeezed her hand and said word by word: "I have videotapes of you together, and I recorded them with a high-tech monitor, hehe, cousins ​​are together, It's really exciting, if the media finds out, it only takes a moment to destroy Ye Sichen's reputation, and by then, he, the king of music, will become the king of perverts."

Xia Nuan slapped Ye Enchen hard, shaking with anger.

Ye En lost her temper, and slapped Xia Nuan backhandedly, Xia Nuan retreated unsteadily and fell on the bed.Before Xia Nuan got up, Ye Enchen pulled her long hair fiercely: "You feel sorry for Ye Sichen, so you must be worried that I will expose these video tapes, and if you don't want me to expose them, just obediently follow me."

Xia Nuan tightly clenched her hands, revealing endless hatred, but had to compromise.

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