Leng Yan crossed her hands, silently waiting for Qiu Qiu's voice.

The tuner was ready and played a prelude to adjust the singer's senses and emotions.

Qiu Qiu listened to the humming of a piano in the monitor earphones, and his head rose and fell with the melody of the music.

This is the melody she listens to every day, even before going to bed at night, she will listen to these melodies with headphones to fall asleep.

The sound of broken cellophane came through the device. Leng Yan looked up and saw Qiu Qiu picking up a mint candy to moisten his throat, so he couldn't help smiling.

This is the small candy that Qiu Qiu stuffed for her before getting into the car. I didn't expect her to use it before singing.

Leng Yan immediately took out the same candy from his pocket and stuffed it in his mouth. The sweet and cool feeling made his heart tremble. Coupled with Qiu Qiu's voice in the earphones, he felt a sense of something that didn't belong to him for no reason. Happiness in his emotional domain.

What touched his heart even more was the ghostly voice that seemed to quietly escape from hell when Qiu Qiu opened his voice to hum.

You can hear the extreme pain hidden in the calmness of the voice, Qiu Qiu's plasticity is really extraordinary.

She can be a healing angel who rekindles the desire to live after hearing it; or a depressing sea monster who haunts her heart with sorrow.

More than a minute had passed since the prelude, and Qiu Qiu had found his condition, and raised his eyes to give the director an "OK" gesture.

Leng Yan saw the seriousness in Qiu Qiu's eyes, like the prelude to a storm.

At this point the prelude is officially recorded into the track.

Qiu Qiu closed his eyes, and added a low humming in the middle of the prelude, as if a person who sees through the world is dying.

"noin, nosorrow.
You live, you grow.
it's too far to be long..."

The first half of the lyrics describe a seemingly heavenly world to people.

There is no pain and sorrow, and people live happily there.

However, the phrase "it won't last long" at the beginning of the lyrics implies that this is not a normal world.

The style of painting is also gradually weird. People do not suffer anymore, but they also no longer laugh or cry.

The first protagonist of the lyrics yearns for such a world, but also resists such a world. This extremely contradictory state makes the protagonist even more insane.

But it was obvious that this was her imaginary world. A monstrous fire from the outside world burned her dreams, and countless dark eyes were watching her in the firelight, and the painful reality full of scars tortured her physically and mentally.

The protagonist finally made a choice and submerged herself in the ocean (bathtub). She felt that the claws of hell were pulling her down, but she did not resist, but gradually sank with a smile, and finally swore "it'scanbelong" With the protagonist's ending.

Reality is much crueler than death.

It is not difficult to infer the background of the story from the lyrics. A little girl who has suffered domestic violence for a long time ended her life in despair.

The purpose of Qiu Qiu's song is not to encourage people to commit suicide, but to criticize the devil's fault from the victim's point of view, to make people care about the theme of domestic violence, and not treat it as a family dispute.

Qiu Qiu did not choose to express the protagonist's inner emotions with intense singing, but interpreted the song with a flat, almost narrative tone.

This seems to be the girl who has become a ghost, lost her emotions, lost her ability to suffer, and quietly explained her life to the god of death.

This kind of impact is more difficult to calm down than roaring. When Leng Yan heard Qiu Qiu sing, he couldn't help but empathize with him.

He also suffered violence. Compared with physical violence, the cold violence from his family made him unbearable. He wrapped his heart tightly and did not let anyone get close.

It was Qiu Qiu who made him feel the joy of life and made him feel that people can still live so happily.

Even when he was driven to a dead end, the desire to survive was still there.

He admitted that he was influenced by Qiu Qiu, and her optimism and positivity bit by bit pushed aside his hard heart and softened his heart.

Leng Yan was moved, his eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were full of complicated emotions.

The other staff present were also shocked by Qiu Qiu's expressiveness. They had to sigh that Qiu Qiu's singing skills are extremely mature now compared to three years ago.

The skillful control of the song is not only in the singing skills and emotional shaping, but also in her control of the artistic conception.

"Beauty" is a very subjective feeling, and "beauty of music" requires certain attainments to hear it.

But those present, whether they participated in the creation of this music or not, all felt the beauty of this "devil from heaven", mixed with healing and depressing, rich in meaning, and worth savoring carefully.

After singing, Qiu Qiu's drooping eyes suddenly shed two lines of hot tears.

Leng Yan frowned, restraining his inner urge to hug her.

Fortunately, Qiu Qiu's professional quality is top-notch. She quickly collected her emotions and made a cheering gesture for herself.

She didn't dare to look up at Leng Yan's expression, for fear that Leng Yan would think she was too emotional, but the voice in her heart kept calling her to see Leng Yan's reaction.

Cold Banquet Like this song?What expression will he make...

Driven by his heart, Qiu Qiu raised his eyes to look at Leng Yan, and saw Leng Yan staring at her, his frowning brows unfurled, revealing a beautiful smile like an epiphyllum.

Qiu Qiu clutched his heart, tears flowed from his big and round bright eyes again, combined with the background music, he actually gave birth to a feeling of weakness that I still feel pity for.

Great, he loves the song.

Leng Yan's thin lips were tightly pursed, she was still so inconspicuous, why couldn't she keep looking into her eyes?Why did he want to comfort her so much and give her a hug?

When did he hug her?When did he wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes?Leng Yan didn't want to ask himself any more.

"Don't cry, you cry so ugly."

"It's ugly when you cry!" Qiu Qiu laughed through his tears, and hit Leng Yan's chest with his small fist.

The people outside the glass wall were stunned.

"Well, director, should we avoid it for a while." The sound engineer in a baseball shirt turned his head and asked.

"What do you think?" The fat director's face turned green, and a scratch was scratched on the chair under his hands: "It's rare to find a confidant in life, and Mr. Leng is really quick to strike."

The music director, who knew the director's thoughts, mourned for the director for three seconds.

But after all, they are all adults, and they can switch emotions freely. Soon Qiu Qiu entered the recording of the next song.

Qiu Qiu named this album "Realm", and recorded four songs in total, namely "Human World", "Heaven", "Hell", and "God".

The one recorded just now is the opening track "Human World".

If the first three poems are just like Dante's "Divine Comedy", then "Gods" is the world view, method and theory of this fantasy space, and it is a superego realm.

It has no lyrics, and Qiu Qiu's humming is more complicated than the calmness of "Human World".

Everyone who hears this song will hear different voices in their hearts, and there is a sense of thoroughness that goes directly to the soul.

When the recording of the four songs was finished, the mood of the people present could not be calm for a long time.

Before Qiu Qiu's accident, the producer had also heard Qiu Qiu's singing. At that time, her realm was far from being as refined as it is now. It can be said that the predicament hurt her, but also shaped her.

"It seems that I have a new inspiration for someone who has traveled back from the underworld." The director commented.

"First-class production, mature technology, singer of the soul. This album, it will be difficult if it is not popular!" The producer nodded in satisfaction.

Qiu Qiu took off the earphones and nodded with satisfaction.The final result of the recording is very good due to the excellence of her work.

Leng Yan didn't take it off, he listened to the heavenly voice in the earphone repeatedly, feeling relieved in his heart.

"Can I record another song? This one I just wrote in the hospital."

"Of course!" The sound engineer smiled openly, "Do you want to include it in the new album?"

Qiu Qiu smiled mysteriously: "No, this song will not be recorded for the time being." Seeing Leng Yan's curious and awkward expression, Qiu Qiu pushed Leng Yan out and said, "Don't accompany me on this song."

Leng Yan's eyes were resentful, seeing that Qiu Qiu refused to let him listen, he could only "hum", and then left in annoyance.

The recording ended soon, Qiu Qiu took his own achievement and carefully put it in his bag.

Qiu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly turned the wheelchair with both hands, sweating profusely.

As soon as he came out, Qiu Qiu saw the extremely conspicuous long legs in the crowd.

When Leng Yan saw Qiu Qiu coming out, he quickly got into the car and sat in the driver's seat angrily without driving, ignoring Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Qiu struggled to turn the wheelchair with his chubby hands, and finally supported his abdomen, showing a look of pain.

When Leng Yan took a look, it was obvious that his expression was a little flustered, and his knuckle hands were tightly clutching the steering wheel, neither taking it off nor putting it on.

Looking at Leng Yan's worried look, Qiu Qiu couldn't help feeling a little sweet in his heart.

She secretly laughed at Leng Yan's temper as a child, and did not give in to coax him, so she just stood outside the car window and watched Leng Yan with her stomach covered.

The pain was in Qiu Qiu, the pain was in Leng Yan's heart, how could he bear the pain of his little pet, so he snorted coldly, got out of the car, and hugged Qiu Qiu into the car without saying a word.

Silence is the theme tonight.

On the way, the two of them didn't say a word, Qiu Qiu stared at Leng Yan with his chin propped up, as if he wanted to see the flowers on Leng Yan's face.

Leng Yan pursed his lips tightly and looked serious like a flower of Gaoling.

As soon as the two arrived at the villa, Leng Yan stretched out his hand, and Qiu Qiu leaned in his arms, everything seemed logical.

Pushing Qiu Qiu through the garden, the gentle breeze is very refreshing.

But the wind couldn't smooth Leng Yan's brows, he always looked at Qiu Qiu with a suggestive look, and when Qiu Qiu turned to look at him, he turned his head arrogantly and snorted coldly.

Qiu Qiu understood his unhappiness, suppressed a smile in his heart, and still ignored him.

When he was pushed to the bottom of the stairs, Leng Yan let go of the wheelchair, deliberately let go in front of Qiu Qiu, ignored whether Qiu Qiu could go upstairs by himself, turned his back and prepared to go upstairs.

Seeing that Leng Yan was really furious, Qiu Qiu quickly stopped Leng Yan who was about to go upstairs.

"I have a gift for you!" Just such a sentence successfully stopped Leng Yan, and an unpredictable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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