The news of Lin Fu's disappearance was found out after a while watching Qiu Qiu's cold banquet in the hospital.

After learning of Lin Fu's disappearance, Leng Yan's face was gloomy like dark clouds descending.

"Isn't Ah Fu usually in the villa? Why did he disappear?" It was just nonsense.

The person who reported the news said: "Miss went to the villa and said that she was going to take the young master out to shop and buy clothes, so we let the young master go out. On the way shopping, a noble lady satirized the young lady for giving birth to a mentally retarded son, and then the young lady was very angry. I threw the young master to the driver, but the young master broke away from the driver and went to find the lady, and then the young master disappeared."

Leng Yan said coldly: "Send everyone to search, and we must find the young master at any cost."

A cruel light flashed in Leng Yan's eyes, "There is also someone to lock Leng Qingchen into the villa, and she will be grounded until the young master is found."

Since he doesn't even advise his own children, don't blame him for being cruel!

After the subordinates went down, Leng Yan still held Qiu Qiu's hand, and said softly: "Qiu Qiu, a cold-hearted woman like Leng Qingchen has lost A Fu, and I have sent someone out to look for it now, you must be very worried now." Worried about Afu's whereabouts? Then you wake up quickly, okay?"

Most of Leng Yan's men went to look for Lin Fu's whereabouts, and a few went to catch Leng Qingchen and return to the villa.

Leng Qingchen, who got rid of Lin Fu and went shopping happily, was taken back to the villa before he knew what happened.

Leng Qingchen looked angrily at the dumb people who didn't say a word, "Why did Leng Yan ask you to arrest me?" She was shopping well, but Leng Yan came to arrest her with these people?

The people under Leng Yan have always been silent, no matter what Leng Qingchen said, they just guarded Leng Qingchen and did not communicate with Leng Qingchen.

For the elder sister of their president, they only have one thought in their minds, to be a bitch.

Childish and innocent, tiger venom doesn't eat children, this woman actually lost her son, and the most important thing is, after losing her son, she was still wandering the streets heartlessly!
Leng Qingchen and a few "dumbs" talked dryly, and they didn't respond in the slightest. Leng Qingchen was so angry that he gave them a hard look.

Then he called Leng Yan, but was hung up the first time, Leng Qingchen didn't give up, and continued to call, until the third time, Leng Yan answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Leng Qingchen yelled angrily: "Leng Yan, why did you ground me? Do you know that it is illegal for you to do this?"

Leng Yan smiled indifferently, "Illegal? Leng Qingchen, what is it that you are breaking the law in your own home? At most, I sent a few people to protect you."

Leng Qingchen laughed wantonly, "Leng Yan, I've been shopping well, why do you put me under house arrest?"

Damn, what is this man going crazy about?She didn't mess with this lunatic, did she?

It's good that Leng Qingchen didn't say this, but when he said this, Leng Yan hated Leng Qingchen even more, and said eccentrically: "Leng Qingchen, you really have a big heart, you lost your son, and you can still go shopping as if nothing happened? Do you know how to be a mother?"

The information in Leng Yan's words directly froze Leng Qingchen's brain, and he didn't respond to what Leng Yan said.

"Leng Yan, please speak clearly, what do you mean by losing your son?"

Didn't she put Lin Fu well with the driver?How could it be lost?
"It literally means that Afu was lost by you! You put him with the driver, but after you left for a while, Afu broke free from the driver and went looking for you, and now his whereabouts are unknown!" Leng Yan said unequivocally. Show mercy to puncture Leng Qingchen's last fluke fantasy.

Leng Qingchen panicked and said, "How is this possible?"

Leng Yan sneered, "What's impossible? Don't you think that in A Fu's heart, your mother is not as good as a driver? In that case, if you throw him to that driver, you will undoubtedly lose A Fu. Okay. ! You should stay in the villa and reflect, and stay there until Afu finds you!"

After a brief shock in Leng Qingchen's heart, he said very ruthlessly: "Leng Yan, even if you don't want me to take away your company, you don't want to use my son's guise! Leng Yan, you hypocrite!"

Leng Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he really didn't know what to say, he felt that he was talking about chicken and duck!A woman like Leng Qingchen will always put her own interests first!
Leng Yan hung up the phone directly, let Leng Qingchen think whatever he wanted, but after Ah Fu got back, Leng Qingchen couldn't be in frequent contact with him in the future.

Leng Yan hung up the phone and sat back in front of the hospital bed. Looking at Qiu Qiu's still pale face, there was obvious melancholy on his face. Three or four hours had passed, and Qiu Qiu still didn't show any signs of waking up. Had to worry him.

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu in a daze, and suddenly felt a slight tremor in the hand he was holding Qiu Qiu. Waiting for Qiu Qiu, waiting for Qiu Qiu to wake up.

Qiu Qiu slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was Leng Yan's worried eyes, his heart was slightly touched, "Leng Yan?"

The moment Qiu Qiu woke up, Leng Yan felt infinitely moved, his girl finally woke up.

"Well, you lie down first, I'll go to the doctor."

Qiu Qiu watched Leng Yan leaving the ward gently. Although she had been unconscious for the past three or four hours, she could still hear the sounds around her, so she knew that Leng Yan had been by her side for these few hours.

Leng Yan brought the doctor back soon, and the doctor gave Qiu Qiu a simple examination.

"The patient is basically fine now, but still needs bed rest and can be transferred to a general ward."

The doctor's words reassured Leng Yan and Qiu Qiu a lot.

After the doctor left, Leng Yan and Qiu Qiu suddenly laughed. It seemed like two centuries had passed since she was killed in the mountains and now she woke up, but in fact it was only a few days.

Qiu Qiu said with a faint smile, "It's finally over."

Leng Yan held Qiu Qiu's hand and smiled lightly. After this incident between the two of them, it seemed that something was changing.

Qiu Qiu suddenly thought of what Leng Yan said about Lin Fu's disappearance when she was in a coma, "Leng Yan, where is A Fu? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

Isn't Lin Fu usually raised by them at home?How could it be missing this time?
When Leng Yan mentioned this matter, he thought of a ruthless woman like Leng Qingchen.

"Leng Qingchen took A Fu to go shopping, and felt that A Fu was mentally retarded and caused her to be looked down upon by others, so he handed A Fu to the driver, turned around and left, how could A Fu leave Leng Qingchen in that situation , as soon as Leng Qingchen left, A Fu also followed. Then A Fu disappeared."

Qiu Qiu frowned before and after hearing the incident, "Has Leng Qingchen always been a mother like this? Knowing that A Fu is mentally retarded, he actually handed A Fu to another stranger outside."

Leng Yan said in a strange way: "Who knows what Leng Qingchen is thinking in his heart."

Qiu Qiu shook his head and was very displeased with Leng Qingchen's behavior, but the most important thing right now was Lin Fu's whereabouts, "Leng Yan, is Ah Fu gone?"

Leng Yan shook his head regretfully, since he knew of Lin Fu's disappearance, there was no other news.

Qiu Qiu was very worried about this situation, that poor child Lin Fu, how could he be like this?Lin Fu is also pitiful for such a mother on the stall.

"I hope that child will be lucky."

Leng Yan waited for the news with Qiu Qiu, and the two of them didn't wait long before they heard the good news from their subordinates, and they already knew the location of Lin Fu.

After Lin Fu lost his way, he walked slowly alone, and walked to a bakery. At this time, Lin Fu was hungry. He stood outside the bakery and looked at the cakes, wanting to eat but afraid of eating.

Lu Xue, a clerk in the shop, found this strange little boy. Looking at the boy in extraordinary clothes, Lu Xue asked softly, "Little friend, do you want to eat the bread here?"

Lu Xue's gentle voice was the same as Qiu Qiu's talking to him. Lin Fu felt very friendly when he heard it, and nodded involuntarily, but he just nodded without saying a word.

Seeing Lin Fu's gentle eyes, Lu Xue looked at it in her heart. It seems that this is some rich disciple who ran away from home. Children nowadays really like the trick of running away from home.

Lu Xue took out bread from the cupboard and gave it to Lin Fu, "Little friend, you can eat it if you want. If you don't have money, my sister will help you with it first."

Lu Xue took Lin Fu into the bakery to take care of her, and was trying to coax Lin Fu into telling her some basic information before sending the child back.

In the end, I accidentally swiped my phone and saw a piece of news, a missing person notice, and a missing person notice from Lin Fu. Lu Xue compared it carefully, and after confirming it, she called the contact number on the missing person notice and explained the situation. .

Within 10 minutes, the person who picked up Lin Fu came over. Four black Lamborghinis stopped in front of the small bakery. A dozen people in black got out of the car. The moment an old housekeeper saw Lin Fu, he burst into tears. , "Young master, we finally found you."

Lin Fu knew the old housekeeper and smiled obediently.

The old butler led Lin Fu and said thank you to Lu Xue, then got into the car.

A man in black put more than a dozen red photos of Grandpa Mao in front of Lu Xue, "Girl, thank you for taking care of our young master. This is a small thing."

Lu Xue returned the money back with a faint smile, "I think this kid is cute and that's why I took care of him, not because of that."

The man in black probably didn't expect Lu Xue to be like this, and he hesitated for a while: "Girl, you took in our young master. It's reasonable and we all want to thank you."

Lu Xue said with a smile: "In this case, please give me your contact information. When I have any difficulties in the future, you can help me."

The man in black probably felt that this was reasonable, so he left his contact information very readily, and then took everyone away.

The bakery returned to its initial calm, as if nothing had happened, but Lu Xue looked at the contact information on the phone and smiled inscrutablely.

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