Counterattack live room: hot search queen cute

Chapter 80 The clues left before death

The search has been going on, because the unfamiliarity of the environment in the no-man's land made the search proceed extremely slowly.

After several days of no news, Li Dan was about to give up.

Leng Yan proposed several times to bring people in to search in person, but was stopped by the secretary with various reasons.

As a result, Leng Yan's temper became extremely irritable, and every time the secretary came out of Leng Yan's room to report his work, he would be scolded in disgrace.

On the fifth day, Leng Yan couldn't wait anymore, and wanted to enter the no-man's land after a little preparation.

"President, no man's land is not just for fun, you just went in like this..." The secretary was still struggling for the last time, and originally wanted to say "what if I can't get out", but it didn't feel right, so she changed her mind and said: " What if I miss the news from Miss Qiu Qiu?"

"If you are worried about the company, you don't have to. After I die, someone will take over." Leng Yan has no regrets about Leng's company.

The secretary's thoughts were exposed, and he could only watch helplessly as Leng Yan led people into no man's land.

After Leng Yan walked in for a while, the rain gradually became heavier, and his subordinates began to persuade him.

Instead of listening to them and walking back, Leng Yan quickened his pace. The expensive clothes on his body were quickly torn by the plants on both sides, and Leng Yan didn't even frown.

Thanks to Leng Yan's usual exercise, he didn't have much difficulty walking such a mountain road, and his speed was not much slower than those of his subordinates.

Leng Yan felt that if she was slower, Qiu Qiu would be in more danger. Leng Yan still believed that Qiu Qiu was alive.

On the fifth day, the two staff members of the program team were also going to attack Qiu Qiu.

Because Qiu Qiu had seen their atrocities before, they no longer hid anything, and walked towards Qiu Qiu holding stones.

Qiu Qiu hadn't had a drop of water for five days, and his whole body was so thin that he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, and he could only speak out of breath: "Brothers, I think it's necessary for me to remind you that I have AIDS."

Those two people froze for a moment, and one of them quickly realized: "Hehe, who are you scaring? If you have anything to say, hurry up and say it now?"

Qiu Qiu's mind was spinning rapidly, looking for a reason to be believed: "I really didn't lie to you, I am also a dying person now, there is no need for this, right?"

Another person became impatient: "What time are you delaying, do it quickly."

"Wait!" Qiu Qiu tried to move on the ground, "Aren't you very hungry now? Why don't you stay with me for a while longer and let me starve to death before sucking my blood? Please, I'm afraid pain."

Qiu Qiu spoke with sincerity, and his eyes were full of pleading: "All of you can grant my last wish."

The two staff members hesitated, looked at each other, and asked each other for their opinions.

Leng Yan happened to come here during this time, and vaguely heard the voice of someone talking, followed the voice, and the voice became clearer, making him immediately sure that it was Qiu Qiu, and his steps quickened a little.

When he got closer, he was blocked by those huge rocks. After Leng Yan led people around, what he saw was the two men holding the rocks facing Qiu Qiu, and Qiu Qiu curled up there with a pale face.

"Stop!" The same words came out of Leng Yan's mouth with a lot of momentum, and the two people who were planning to make a move were frozen in place as if they had been immobilized.

And Qiu Qiu's eyes lit up when he saw Leng Yan's figure, the string that had been stretched all the time broke when he saw Leng Yan, and fell into a coma.

Seeing that her heart tightened, Leng Yan didn't care that she was still in a cold war with Qiu Qiu, so she stepped forward and hugged Qiu Qiu horizontally.

When the two staff members saw a large group of people behind Leng Yan, they knew that Leng Yan was not easy to mess with, and their legs were weak, but they also knew that this was their only chance to escape, so they immediately dropped the guns in their hands. Shitou knelt down with a "plop" and said, "Brother, please, take us out."

Seeing how they looked just now, Leng Yan didn't know what they were going to do.

He is not a soft-hearted person, but Qiu Qiu's body is like a furnace in his arms, which makes him very worried. He has no time to deal with these two people, so he simply lets them die here.

"Let's go." This is what he ordered his subordinates.

Accompanied by a loud bang, a rock on the top of the mountain suddenly rolled down rapidly. The two staff members couldn't dodge and were directly run over by the boulder.

The boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms on the body was absolutely uncomfortable. Both of them had despair in their eyes. The bones on their bodies had been smashed to pieces, and they were hanging with only one breath left.

Qiu Qiu didn't know when he opened his eyes again in Leng Yan's arms, and this was what he saw.

Leng Yan covered Qiu Qiu's eyes immediately after seeing it: "Good boy, don't look."

The warm breath blew into Qiu Qiu's ear, and Qiu Qiu blushed suddenly—speaking of it, this was the first time they had such close contact.

"Let go, I'm fine." After all, they are people who have worked together for a while. Although they have done inhuman things, Qiu Qiu doesn't want to argue with the dying person.

Leng Yan couldn't hold back Qiu Qiu, so she went with her, so Qiu Qiu saw the two staff members hesitate to speak.

There must be some last words to say, Qiu Qiu thought to himself.

"Do you have anything to say?" Qiu Qiu asked them, and at the same time, asked Leng Yan to take out a mobile phone to record the video, "I will let your family members see the video."

Those two people were very ashamed.

They treated Qiu Qiu like this before, but Qiu Qiu didn't care about them at all, so he became more determined to tell Qiu Qiu about those things.

"Miss Qiu Qiu, I want to say those words to you alone." The staff said and looked at the cold banquet holding Qiu Qiu.

To her alone?What could it be?Qiu Qiu was really surprised.She is not very familiar with these two staff members, is she?
Leng Yan didn't mean to let her go. After all, these two people wanted to be unfavorable to Qiu Qiu a few minutes ago, so he was worried.

Qiu Qiu signaled Leng Yan to put herself down. She had a premonition that what the two staff members were going to say next was very important to her, not to mention that both of their bodies were pressed under the boulder and could not move, and they would do nothing to her. no more.

Those two people had already started to vomit blood because their internal organs were being crushed, and they were gasping for breath when talking to Qiu Qiu.

"Miss Qiu Qiu, you may not know that when you first entered the entertainment circle, this circle is much more chaotic than you imagined." They still don't know that Qiu Qiu is Luo Jin.

Qiu Qiu didn't have much strength to speak anymore, so he simply listened quietly.

"There is an internationally renowned drug lord who has been smuggling all kinds of drugs into the entertainment circle. Now many famous stars in the entertainment circle are glamorous on the surface, but they are actually addicted to drugs." Speaking of this, the man was also very tired. Yes, gasping for breath.

Another person followed his words and said: "You also know that drug addiction, when you don't commit it, looks like an ordinary person, but once you commit it, you can't control it at all. And those stars always appear in front of the camera, there is no such thing as a drug addiction. Time for them to detox, only to be ruled by addiction."

"But don't people with drug addiction look very listless?" Qiu Qiu asked her doubts.

"This is the horror. The drug lord has developed a large number of new drugs that control people's minds, which can make actors more involved in acting and bring inspiration to singers, so many singers are willing to try."

Hearing this, Qiu Qiu gasped. The entertainment industry is a place where fame and fortune are competed for. The benefits brought by this drug are self-evident, so many people cannot resist the temptation.

These two staff members have been in the entertainment industry for quite a long time, so they know so many things that Qiu Qiu doesn't know.

"Do you know Luo Jin, the former FN lead singer?" Qiu Qiu was caught off guard when he heard his name.

"Speaking of which, her voice is quite similar to yours. She was hailed as the number one talented singer and songwriter at that time, but she was exposed to the scandal of being injected with ipt at a banquet."

ipt? Is this the name of the drug I was injected with?Qiu Qiu silently wrote down the name.

"It's a pity to say that, she's such a nice little girl, I liked her quite a bit before, and those songs are really well written." This person's topic got off track.

What made Qiu Qiu dumbfounded was that this person was still her fan.

"Then do you know the name of that drug lord?" Qiu Qiu asked a crucial question.

"This drug lord is notorious. He has fought wits with anti-drug police from all over the world but has never been caught. It is a headache. No one knows what he looks like. They call him the person who smuggled drugs into the entertainment industry." Catwoman', but the real mastermind should be someone else."

Catwoman?Qiu Qiu chewed the name carefully, is it a woman?Will it have anything to do with Ai Nuan?

Things seemed to be more complicated than she had imagined, and the legendary drug lord seemed to have intricate relationships in the circle.

Either way, that catwoman must be an important part.

"Ahem." The person who had just talked to Qiu Qiu vomited another big mouthful of blood. After talking so much, it was almost his limit.

"There are quite a few people who know about these things, and we only know a little bit about it. If you are in the circle, you will definitely understand these dark things that cannot be seen.

We didn't tell you these things to ask you to do anything. How can you, a little girl, have the ability to fight those vicious drug lords?We just want to remind you that it is better not to touch drugs. "

These two staff members spoke very sincerely, probably because they were moved by Qiu Qiu's previous behavior, so they confessed everything.

Qiu Qiu nodded silently. The amount of information was a bit large. She could only write down the key parts of it, and she had to analyze the details later.

"Then... do you have any last words?" Qiu Qiu finally asked.

The two staff members shook their heads with a smile, and both swallowed their breath.

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