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Chapter 78 Shooting in No Man's Land

Qiu Qiu closed his eyes and brainwashed himself: "Qiu Qiu, you can't be greedy, you can't be greedy, you can't be greedy, you know?"

He opened his eyes and looked at the computer again. Although he was a little calmer than before, he still couldn't analyze rationally, so he simply washed his face with cold water.

"Sister Li, for each resource, how many should I choose?" To be on the safe side, Qiu Qiu still wanted to ask Li Dan for advice.

"Anyway, the company asked you to pick first, and didn't say how many to pick. It doesn't matter if you want them all. Of course, I don't suggest you take too much. You must have a bottom line in your heart." This is Li Dan's reply, obviously without words Full.

Qiu Qiu thought over and over again, and told Li Dan the finalized resources before going to bed.

Li Dan was surprised by her speed: "Are you sure you read it all carefully?"

"I'm sure and sure. If I read more, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it anymore." The temptation of these resources is really too great.

Qiu Qiu's life as a salted fish at home is not long, and the entertainment program is about to be recorded again.

This time is different from usual, the program team will shoot in a famous no man's land.

Such a program is novel and exciting enough, and obviously can cause a greater amount of topics, but the risk factor is also directly proportional to the benefit.

Before recording this program, the MC signed relevant agreements.

Although the places to be photographed have been explored in advance, there are still many uncontrollable factors.

To be on the safe side, the program team invited professionals in this field to teach you some necessary skills.

Most MCs sneered at this, and their attitudes were not correct. In their view, no man's land is just a place where no one has no signal. What danger can there be?
At the beginning, the director couldn't help but remind a few words, but he didn't care about it later, anyway, the agreement that should be signed was also signed, and most of the stars had bought insurance, so if something happened, it wasn't his fault.

On the contrary, Qiu Qiu listened very seriously, which made the director feel very relieved, and his favorability towards Qiu Qiu also increased "slowly".

Qiu Qiu knew that this no-man's land was famous, so many people entered it, and there were no major incidents in recent years.

But no matter how it is, it is also a no-man's land, and human beings still don't know enough about it. Qiu Qiu has always maintained a heart of awe for nature.

In Qiu Qiu's opinion, the emergency measures mentioned now are also very useful, so it is considered that he has learned one more skill, and he may use it someday.

Of course, Leng Yan knew that Qiu Qiu was going to shoot in that no man's land.

The day before the official filming of the show, Leng Yan followed his heart and went to the hotel near the no-man's land to open a room, but he didn't alarm anyone.

Leng Yan didn't know the significance of what he did, maybe it was just to get closer to Qiu Qiu.

Early the next morning, the entire crew officially marched into the no man's land.

Well, no man's land, it must be in the mountains. Although the road has been opened in advance and there are special personnel to lead it, the program team has a lot of equipment, and it is still very difficult to travel.

The rugged mountain road is also a big challenge for MC, and many people complained.

The weather itself is not hot, and there is still a cool breeze blowing, but such strenuous exercise still makes people sweat easily.

Where have those big stars suffered such hardship?Overtly and secretly began to satirize the program group.

The director himself felt a little uncomfortable because of climbing the mountain, so he was completely annoyed by such agitation: "It's okay, if you don't want to shoot, you can go back by yourself, remember to pay the liquidated damages!"

"Cut, what are you dragging, just leave." The person who said this was a popular niche. Although the liquidated damages were not a small amount, he didn't take it seriously.

The director sneered: "You can go back on your own, I hope you can still know the way back."

If the words just now did not threaten some MCs, they would have to weigh it after hearing the director's words.

They had been walking for several hours, and it was impossible to remember that getting lost in such a no-man's land was not just for fun.

The popular Xiaosheng who just refuted the director's words was not without brains, so he closed his mouth resentfully.

No one dared to speak out anymore, a large group of people hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at the shooting destination.

Some time ago, Qiu Qiu heard the sound of loud water, but he didn't expect that their destination was actually next to the waterfall.

The [-]-foot waterfall, which was only described in ancient poems, is right in front of you, and the scene is quite spectacular.

Most of the MCs were shocked by the beautiful scenery here, and the director smiled with satisfaction seeing their expressions.

Look, coming here is not without reward.

The formerly popular niche came back to his senses after just a glance, and his words still had a sour taste: "I thought why is there a wonder in the world, isn't it just a waterfall? Where is there no other place?"

When Qiu Qiu saw such a scene, she had already decided to write these into her next song, and now she was busy recording her inspiration in the small notebook she carried with her.

No-man's land means that there is no human destruction here, and it is a real uncanny workmanship of nature, which is incomparable to those scenic spots.

The lush woods provide the best protection for the birds here, and the chirping of birds that Qiu Qiu has not heard for a long time is here one after another.

so good!Qiu Qiu sighed, if possible, I really want to live here forever.

Seeing such scenery every day, the mood will unconsciously improve, right?Maybe it can really live a hundred years!Qiu Qiu laughed as he thought about it.

"What are you laughing at? You're so happy." Qiu Qiu was in a daze when he heard someone talking to him. He turned around and saw that it was the photographer of the program group.

Because the photographer had to carry the equipment up the mountain, along the way, the photographer was already sweating profusely. Qiu Qiu saw it and quickly took out a tissue from his bag: "Uncle, wipe it off quickly."

The uncle froze for a moment, took it, and put a smile on his face: "Thank you."

"Everyone is ready to prepare, we understand the script, let's try to go through it." The director ignored the popular niche this time.

"What the hell is this place? There's no mobile phone signal." The MC who said this obviously didn't think about it.

There are benefits to having no signal. When preparing to record, some people always had to wait to play with their mobile phones for a while, but now the efficiency has improved a lot.

During lunch, the director was obviously very satisfied: "Everyone is great today, keep it up, we can finish it in half a day tomorrow."

The original plan of the program group was to film in no man's land for two days, and live in tents at night.

Qiu Qiu has never really camped in the wild since he was a child, so he is looking forward to it.

It's just that in the end, for some reason, Qiu Qiu was assigned to a tent with Liu Yue, which made her very uncomfortable.

Liu Yue still had a white lotus smile on her face, and said to Qiu Qiu: "What a coincidence, Qiu Qiu, we are in the same tent."

Because of Qiu Qiu's previous warning, Liu Yue did not continue to call her sister.

Qiu Qiu couldn't do too much in front of the camera, so he kept smiling.

The tent needs to be set up by MCs under the guidance of special personnel, which is also part of the shooting content.

When setting up the tent, Liu Yue acted very hard, fiddling here and there, but in the end she yelled: "Oh, this is so difficult, I don't know how to do it?"

Then he hurriedly went to find a special person or dragged Qiu Yue over.

Qiu Yue rolled her eyes wildly in her heart, wouldn't you insult your IQ by doing some very simple things?
The end result was that Liu Yue didn't do anything, Qiu Yue fiddled there alone, and then the director couldn't stand it anymore and came to help.

After the tent was set up, Liu Yue thanked the director very sincerely, saying that she would not hit the smiling person with her hand, so the director probably felt very helpless.

After entering the tent, Liu Yue wanted to chat with Qiu Qiu, but Qiu Qiu turned around and ignored her, pretending to be asleep.

Liu Yue talked there for a long time by herself, and finally stopped when Qiu Qiu was about to get impatient, and Qiu Qiu's ears were cleared.

Qiu Qiu really didn't know where Liu Yue's energy came from, she was so exhausted during the day, yet she could talk to herself for so long at night.

Qiu Qiu was really tired. Even though she was sleeping in a somewhat uneven sleeping bag, she still fell into a deep sleep. This had something to do with her usual quality of sleep.

The weather was still clear during the day, and at night it suddenly started to rain lightly, and the rain was gradually increasing.

The professionals hired by the program team were light sleepers, and they were the first to wake up, so they quickly woke up the director in the tent next door.

When the director saw the torrential rain outside, his brain hurt suddenly. This rain put them in an extremely unfavorable state.

What is the situation now when it was clearly found out that it will not rain for these two days?
"I think we need to move the place, otherwise it will be very dangerous." The specialist's face was solemn. After all, he had rich experience and quickly judged the current situation.

"But we are already at a high place?" The director still understands the reason why water flows to a low place.

"Yes, the terrain here is high, but the nearby mountains are not solid and heavy rain can easily cause mudslides." The specialist analyzed.

The director no longer had doubts, and quickly asked the program team to wake up all the MCs.

Without further ado, it must be transferred immediately.

Although the awakened MC complained quite a bit, but at this moment, the most important thing is to save his life, regardless of the mud on the ground, he ran desperately to a safe zone.

Qiu Qiu's tent was far away from the director's side, and they were the last ones to be notified. In addition, Qiu Qiu's sleep quality was really good, so he didn't wake up from such a big noise.

Tragedy happened at this time.

The special person's prediction was very accurate, and the mountain over there had a landslide at this time.

What the director saw when he turned his head was this scene: driven by the water flow, the sand and soil on the entire hillside rushed down like a beast, sweeping away everything that blocked them, and the tents of Qiu Qiu and several other staff members happened to be right next to them. on the only way.

The director could only watch helplessly as Qiu Qiu and the others were swept away, and the outstretched hand was powerlessly put down.

No matter who it is, there is no ability to compete with nature, and the rest can only be resigned to fate.

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