Looking at the pile of things, Qiu Qiu turned his back and couldn't help sobbing.

The fifth child who looks unscrupulous, the fifth child who is so careful and selfless, the fifth child who illuminates her darkness, the fifth child who lures people away in order to give her a chance to survive.Just left, leaving nothing but this little thing.

"Why isn't his identity revealed, it's not fair."

"Not all heroes can get the honor they deserve. Since he chose to be an undercover agent, he should have already thought of it." Leng Yan could only comfort her in this way.

When the two came out of the funeral home, Qiu Qiu's crying eyes were red and swollen.

"If you have no objections, the burial will be the day after tomorrow. I think it's a good day, and the cemetery has already contacted you."

Qiu Qiu had nothing to refute and nodded.

"According to your arrangement, but I want to visit the place where he lives."

Leng Yan did not refuse to let Du Li drive the two of them.

Lao Wu's home is in an old community in the suburbs, the building is a bit dilapidated, and there are a few old men and women sitting in the shade of the trees at the door to enjoy the cool.

Seeing several strangers in Leng Yan, they all looked at him curiously.

Leng Yan has the key of the fifth child, holding the key to open the door easily.The furnishings in the room are very simple, with all the furniture neatly placed there.

Maybe it was because no one had been back for a long time, and the house was covered with dust.

In the center of the living room hangs a family portrait of a family of three, the fifth child on it is a little immature, about fifteen or sixteen.

Qiu Qiu walked into a bedroom, and there was only an empty bed in it, not even a quilt on it.There is a wedding photo hanging on the head of the bed, which should be the room of the fifth parent.

Qiu Qiu opened the door of another bedroom, and there was a double bed inside.There is a table in the room, the table is a bit big, and it is old, and the paint on it is a little mottled.

"This is Lao Wu's room." Leng Yan said.

Qiu Qiu went in.

There are many books on the desk, mostly business and etiquette.There are several pens inserted in the pen container, and several notebooks are stacked beside it.

Qiu Qiu's hand passed over those things one by one.

"Actually, he looks like a rascal, bohemian. It's hard to imagine that he would actually read these books."

"When I investigated before, many of his teachers were full of praise for him. He is a polite and studious person." Leng Yan said.

"He studied business administration in college, and suddenly signed up to join the army when he was a junior."

"Suddenly?" Qiu Qiu looked at him questioningly, "Is there no reason?"

The expression on Leng Yan's face was a bit subtle: "It's not that there is no such thing. The findings are not very accurate. We found out that in his sophomore year, his economics teacher died of an overdose of drugs, and later he joined the army."

Seeing that Qiu Qiu was still a little confused, Leng Yan went on to explain: "He never had any girlfriends in college, and later he got very close to his economics teacher, who was also single all the time, so some people said they..."

Leng Yan didn't go any further when he said this, but Qiu Qiu already understood what he meant.

Homosexuality is no longer a taboo topic now, and although the country does not allow marriage, the society is very tolerant of this phenomenon.

"He performed very well in the army. As a soldier, he made a second-class military service. His superiors asked someone to transfer him to the police academy. After graduation, he went directly to the police station."

Qiu Qiu listened quietly.

"It's a pity that such a good young man." Leng Yan sighed at the end.

"The people in the police station refused to give him the honor he deserved, so what about the Emperor Nightclub? How many were found?"

"The owner of the Emperor Nightclub died unexpectedly in prison, and the police department has announced that the case has been closed."

Seeing Qiu Qiu's surprised expression, Leng Yan could only touch her shoulder to comfort her: "This is the final result announced by the police station. The drug industry in the entertainment industry has come to an end."

"But where did the drugs come from? Didn't they check?" Qiu Qiu asked a little excitedly.

"This matter involves too much, they can't find out, and they don't want to get involved in this muddy water."

Qiu Qiu was trembling with anger: "Then don't investigate?"

"The police refused to investigate thoroughly, and I didn't find any clues. The owner of the Emperor Nightclub died too hastily."

Qiu Qiu interrupted him: "He's dead, what about the Emperor's financial staff?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lao Wu said that Cai, a financial accountant in the nightclub, is the boss' lover, and the relationship has been going on for several years. I think she should know about some problems."

Surprise flashed across Leng Yan's face: "I'll let someone investigate."

"Wait a minute." Qiu Qiu pulled Leng Yan who was about to leave, and because of his anxiety, he accidentally knocked over a stack of books on the table.

Qiu Qiu quickly squatted down and picked up the things.

"Leng Yan, what do you think this is?" Qiu Qiu asked holding a stack of A4 papers.

"what happened?"

Leng Yan squatted down, took the paper in her hand, it was densely marked with black pen.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on.

Leng Yan counted a total of ten, the middle one is the owner of the Emperor Nightclub, radiating outwards, marked with many names.It took Leng Yan a long time to realize that this was the person the owner of the Emperor Nightclub had contact with every day.

"He actually did this." Leng Yan sighed, holding a few pieces of paper and reading them over and over again.

Although these can't explain anything, but in contact with so many people, one of them must be weird, or at least one of them is related to their drugs.

"This is very important?"

Leng Yan took a deep breath and handed the things to Du Li who was on the side: "Mark the people and frequency here, and then secretly investigate each one to see which one has a problem."

"Understood." Du Li took the papers.

"If you still can't find his previous family, then you probably won't be able to." Leng Yan embraced Qiu Qiu, "Let's go, if I remember correctly, the finances of the nightclub are in jail for making false accounts. "

When the two came to the prison, there was a cold banquet, and they saw that Miss Cai without waiting long.

She was wearing a ponytail, a lady's prison uniform, and a slim figure.Oval face, big eyes, fair skin, even without makeup is also very beautiful.

Ms. Cai didn't know Leng Yan and Qiu Qiu, and when she saw them turn around, she wanted to leave.However, prison guards stopped her and told her to sit down.

She could only sit down unwillingly, and picked up the phone: "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who we are, we just want to ask Miss Cai some questions." Leng Yan said.

"Just ask."

"Who is the boss of the boss of Emperor Nightclub?"

"The owner of the Emperor Nightclub is the owner, where can there be another owner." Miss Cai pretended to be stupid.

"I heard that you have been in an underground relationship with the owner of the nightclub for three years. I don't know if your boyfriend knows about it."

As soon as Qiu Qiu finished speaking, Miss Cai's face changed slightly: "What do you want to do?"

"We've already said that, we just want to know who he usually contacts and who is his boss?" Leng Yan looked at her coldly.

"I admit that I have an improper relationship with him, but I know very little about him. He basically doesn't tell me about the nightclub. If you don't believe me, you can ask him about it."

Looking at her determined look, Leng Yan said, "Don't you know? He's already dead."

The person on the opposite side suddenly stood up: "Dead? Impossible!"

Seeing the calm expressions of Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan, Miss Cai's tears overflowed from her eyes: "How could he die?"

He repeated one sentence over and over again, covering his face and weeping uncontrollably.

Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan looked at each other: "He died in prison, so we suspect that someone is going to kill him. If you really love him, you should tell us everything about him."

"I don't know, I have no other connection with him except the physical relationship." Miss Cai shook her head.

Some people cry beautifully even when they cry, Miss Cai is that kind of person.

"Miss Cai, it's not good for you if you keep some things secret." Qiu Qiu persuaded.

"I really don't know. If I wanted to know, I would have said it. I am a financial accountant who usually makes reports."

Seeing that Ms. Cai did not cooperate, the two had no choice but to leave.

After leaving the police station, Qiu Qiu looked at Leng Yan: "Do you believe what she said?"

"Do not believe."

"Hey, I don't believe it either." After being an actor for so long, Qiu Qiu can basically tell at a glance whether the other party is crying for real or fake.This Miss Cai's crying is really fake.

"It doesn't matter if she doesn't say anything, let's see if Du Li can find anything." Leng Yan was relieved.

Back to the company after a cold banquet in the afternoon, Qiu Qiu planned to take a tour of the company.

The previous reality show Qiu Qiu disappeared after filming the first episode. Because the show was in a hurry, another guest had to be replaced, and it was said that Qiu Qiu was sick and quit filming.

At the beginning, there was a commotion on the Internet for a few days, but under the company's public relations, this matter was quickly forgotten.

Qiu Qiu walked to the entrance of the company building, and an interview video was playing on the screen of the shopping mall opposite.The person in the video is no stranger to her, it is the chairman of Hengyu Group, Jiang Hengyu.

"Hello Chairman Jiang, you have donated hundreds of schools to impoverished mountainous areas so far and helped countless impoverished children go to school. May I ask why you did this?" the interviewer asked.

The man in the picture has a smile on his face: "If you are poor, you will benefit yourself; if you are rich, you will benefit the world. I just do my best to make a little contribution to the society. Charity is a social public welfare undertaking, and we need the whole society to contribute our strength. ..."

The people on the screen talk to the camera.

Qiu Qiu didn't want to see his hypocrisy, so he turned around and entered the company.

Before entering the door, I heard the people behind me sigh, this man is really a good man.

nice guyQiu Qiu sneered, because he didn't see other faces of him.Donating to these schools is nothing compared to what he earns.

"Miss Qiu, you are back, are you feeling better?"

As soon as you enter the door, there are many people asking questions, whether they are familiar or unfamiliar.

Facing everyone's concerned or hypocritical inquiries, Qiu Qiu answered them all much better.

Although Qiu Qiu is the second largest shareholder of the company, he generally does not interfere in the company's operations. This time he came here to listen to Li Dan talk about the company's situation and learn about the latest announcement arrangements.

When it was almost time to get off work, Qiu Qiu was in a daze with his mobile phone, hesitating whether to call Leng Yan back to pick him up from get off work, but Leng Yan had already called first.

"Hello." The phone rang and was picked up, and Qiu Qiu's happy voice sounded.

"So fast." Leng Yan chuckled.

"It's a coincidence that you came, I was going to call you."

"Are you still in the company? I just picked you up after get off work." Leng Yan asked softly.

"Then I'll wait for you at the company."

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