The life in the crew was still so ordinary, even though Nan Yanxue had a little bit of fun in life, she couldn't resist the present ordinary life.

Nan Yanxue tried every means to find Qiu Qiu's faults, but Qiu Qiu gave her a pissed off. In the end, she could only film there peacefully. Now the director's impression of Nan Yanxue has also declined very quickly.

The only thing I can remember is that Nan Yanxue's appearance in filming was really bad.

For one episode, it took about 20 cuts to slow down.

"Pay attention to the sense of the camera. What are you doing? Do you understand the sense of the camera? What we want is the sense of the camera. You look a little fake now."

Duan Che was on the side, looking at Nan Yanxue, feeling helpless in his heart.

Originally, I was dissatisfied with this Nan Yanxue, but there was no way to fire her. Now that the official announcement has been broadcast, it is definitely impossible to change actors temporarily.

If it is changed to a small player, it is still possible, but if it is changed to a female fourth, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction.

"I don't have a camera sense. Now you need to improve your acting skills. I suggest you learn from Qiu Qiu. Qiu Qiu has only filmed the first few films and has already achieved such results. Filming is not because it is fun for a while. Although I am interested in artists The requirements are high, but sometimes I turn a blind eye, don't think that I can't see anything you do."

Duan Che made a pun, on the one hand, he was pointing to Yanxue's acting skills, and on the other hand, he was referring to those people talking about Qiu Qiu's behavior in private.

"Director, I will continue to work hard. I will definitely film well and find out how I feel. I have practiced hard in private, but I just can't do it. Although I can't change the heroine in this drama now, it's still better to change a small role." Yes, but I can’t change that I’m female number four.”

Nan Yanxue's first thought and Duan Che's thought of a theory.

Seeing Nan Yanxue's wronged appearance, Duan Che felt even more irritable.

"So? If you don't want to do it, then get the hell out of here. If you want to do it well, just shoot it for me here. Once I molested you, I made you NG more than 20 times. I didn't let you use a double. It's enough to give you face. The double is acting now They are all better than you, if you use a substitute, you can definitely do it, but the substitute also needs money, you can’t become famous just because you are famous, the substitute can’t be famous!”

What Duan Che said was so weird that Nan Yanxue was dissatisfied, but she had to keep her mouth shut.

"Director, I will definitely work hard." Nan Yanxue can only make amends first. Although her brother is the president, it is not her brother who invested in this film, but President Leng. With her current appearance, He definitely couldn't ask his brother to help him out.

"Okay, okay, practice hard in private, don't let me say it a second time, otherwise, I will definitely make you feel overwhelmed by then."

Duan Che's irritability is nothing but irritability, but filming can't waste time, just talking a little time has already wasted an hour, if he continues to talk, then his film will be cancelled.

Qiu Qiu was drinking herbal tea on a chair beside him, looking at the crowd who were filming, his eyes were drowsy and he wanted to sleep.

Ai Nuan moved a chair and sat next to Qiu Qiu, looking at Qiu Qiu: "Are you uncomfortable? If I remember correctly, your part of today's scene has already been filmed."

Qiu Qiu's current appearance is like a graceful rich lady, sitting on a recliner, fanning herself, and enjoying the time freely, but Qiu Qiu is indeed sick.

"I can hold on for a while longer. After a while, the cold banquet will come to pick me up. I'm watching other people acting for a while."

Ai Nuan looked at Qiu Qiu like this, touched Qiu Qiu's head, it was hot, rolled his eyes, and then ran to Director Duan: "Director Qiu Qiu is sick and needs to be sent to the hospital right away, otherwise we will go to the hospital if it is too late." That's too late."

Duan Che was still concentrating on filming, but after hearing Ai Nuan's words, he walked to Qiu Qiu's side in doubt, and touched Qiu Qiu's forehead, but he didn't know that this scene happened to be photographed by a reporter not far away.

"It's true that we should be sent to the hospital. Let's stop filming today's drama. Sending Qiu Qiu to the hospital is the most important thing. Also, remember to inform Mr. Leng, so that Mr. Leng won't find anyone after a while."

Duan Che walked up to a car, put Qiu Qiu in the car, and then went around to the driver's seat and drove the car to the hospital at high speed. He ran through several traffic lights at the intersection, and he didn't even notice it. .

Qiu Qiu was sent to the hospital to ensure that no one was alive. After only a slight fever, everyone calmed down.

But a reporter not far from them took pictures of this scene, and immediately published an article.

"The director is not good. A reporter took the picture of you sending Ms. Qiu to the hospital just now, and published a large article. I have already sent the content of the article to your mailbox."

The assistant called Duan Che, and asked Duan Che to open the mailbox immediately.

After Duan Che opened the mailbox, he found the documents inside, read the article carefully, and felt a little more annoyed in his heart.

"Damn, I didn't expect this group of people to be like this. I really underestimated this group of people."

The contents of the above article are written clearly and plainly, it is to maliciously slander Qiu Qiu and Duan Che.

As for its purpose, I don't know why.

Qiu Qiu has been in a coma. When Leng Yan came to the hospital, Qiu Qiu was still in a coma and didn't react at all.

Although the fans have always been on Qiu Qiu's side, they will inevitably be surprised when they see the news about Qiu Qiu and Duan Che.

"I don't think my family, Qiu Qiu, should be such a person. Qiu Qiu usually loves cold banquets so much, so it is definitely impossible for him to do such a thing."

"What, these pictures are puppet at first glance, and they are not worthy of attention at all. The editor is too good at talking. We believe in official announcements. As for other things, we don't believe them at all."

Duan Che is a young director in the entertainment industry, and he is also the most handsome director in the entertainment industry. Naturally, he is also very popular. Duan Che's fans, some of them with brainless fans, have already started to play tricks on Qiu Qiu's Weibo.

Du Li would reveal these things in front of the cold banquet, and then he closed down the newspaper.

Fans originally would not make a move on Leng Yan, but the news that Leng Yan had closed down a media company for Qiu Qiu was soon broadcast on the Internet.

"I will definitely protect you and prevent you from being hurt." Leng Yan came to Qiu Qiu's hospital bed, held Qiu Qiu's hand, and said in a low voice, for fear of disturbing Qiu Qiu's clear dream.

The fans became more and more troubled because of this matter, and became more and more fraught.

As for Qiu Qiu, he has been on the hot searches these days, so the fans nicknamed Qiu Qiu: Queen of Hot Searches.

The purpose is to commemorate Qiu Qiu, this thing that has been on the hot search, even the q version of the cute picture has been drawn.

Of course, Qiu Qiu, who was in a coma, didn't know about it.

When Global woke up from sleep in a daze on the second day, he found that there were many people standing around him, and he was also wearing a hospital gown.

"What's wrong with me?" Qiu Qiu said, his throat became hoarse.

Leng Yan walked up to Qiu Qiu and looked at Qiu Qiu: "It's okay, it's just a short-lived cold, and it will be fine after a few days of observation in the hospital."

The words of comforting Qiu Qiu made Qiu Qiu feel even more frightened.

"What's wrong with me? Am I suffering from some incurable disease?" The hoarse voice coupled with Qiu Qiu's pitiful face made everyone feel distressed.

Duan Che stood up and looked at Qiu Qiu: "No, it's just a small cold. The doctor said that in order not to contagious, it is recommended to stay in the hospital for observation."

"I hope you don't lie to me."

There is no pungent smell of disinfectant in this room. You can tell that it is the top VIP suite of the hospital. The facilities of this hospital are all complete, even the bedrooms are connected. It doesn't look like a hospital at all. On the contrary It's more like the decoration style of a hotel. If it weren't for the hanging water shelf around him, Qiu Qiu would really think this is a hotel.

"How long have I slept?"

"It has been about ten hours since yesterday."

Ai Nuan stood up and looked at Qiu Qiu, and beside her was Xie Taoran who was pregnant, perhaps because of the pregnancy, Xie Taoran's face looked particularly good.

"Eh... I don't know why I had a fever, maybe I didn't have a good rest at night." Qiu Qiu glanced at Leng Yan, as if he was expressing some indelible emotions.

"You still have the face to say, you don't know, and you're going to scare the two of us to death. If the doctor didn't diagnose it as a small cold, and you were afraid that it would cause a small infection if you went out, would you really continue to pass out? Or Lead a bunch of people to pass out."

As soon as he heard the word infection, Qiu Qiu's eyes panicked, and he looked at Xie Taoran: "Of course you..."

"I'm fine. I've had an injection when I came in. It's an antibiotic that fights the cold in your body."

Xie Taoran could leak out the pinhole on his hand and let Qiu Qiu take a look. Only after seeing it did Qiu Qiu feel relieved.

"That's about the same. You should all have had injections, right?" Qiu Qiu looked around.

After Leng Yan found out that Qiu Qiu had ignored him, his face turned dark.

"You all go out." A deep voice sounded from the room, the voice was cold and without warmth.

Ai Nuan could only look at Qiu Qiuxie with sympathetic eyes, Tao Ran and Ai Nuan had exactly the same expressions.

After everyone went out, Leng Yan sat on the bed and put his arms around Qiu Qiu: "How dare you ignore me? Huh? How dare you ignore your husband and me."

"Aren't there so many people here? We have to entertain outsiders first, and all visitors are guests. How can there be any reason to ignore the guests and chat with the host?"

When Qiu Qiu said the word "outsider", Leng Yan's heart gradually became more balanced.

"Children's temper, huh, are you still being fierce to me? If you keep being fierce to me, I won't be your cutie anymore, I'll be someone else's cutie."

Qiu Qiu used the reason of his anger to seduce Leng Yan openly, but he didn't want to see another scene in Leng Yan's eyes.

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