"We are participating in the auction, not auctioning items." Leng Yan glanced at Qiu Qiu expressionlessly.

Qiu Qiu was a little dazed, but it was because of Qiu Qiu's expression that people saw it, and he really couldn't help wanting to rub it.

"Ayan, I'm here to see you." Before Qiu Qiu could react, a voice came from the door.

Xi Nai walked in and wanted to hold Leng Yan's hand, but Leng Yan avoided it deliberately: "What's the matter?"

In the past few days, Xi Nai's complexion has recovered a bit. Looking closer, it is not as pale as before, but a little more rosy.

"I'm really bored staying in City H, so I can only come to see you. I think Miss Qiu won't mind!"

Xi Nai's eyes glanced at Qiu Qiu intentionally or unintentionally, trying to find a look of annoyance on Qiu Qiu's face.

Qiu Qiu held Leng Yan's hand and sat on the sofa, not intending to ask Xi Nai to sit down and talk.

"What's the relationship between Ms. Xi and my boyfriend?" Qiu Qiu looked at Xi Nai, with a particularly brisk tone, making it sound like he was not asking a hostile question.

Xi Nai wanted to be by Leng Yan's side on his own, Lin Fu just saw this scene when he came down from the stairs, speeded up, and sat beside Leng Yan with a circle in his arms.

"Auntie, aren't you in City H?" Lin Fu blinked his eyes wide, giving a harmless impression.

The servants in the villa covered their mouths and sniggered when they heard Lin Fu's auntie, and at the same time made Xi Nai ashamed.

"Xiaofu, remember to call me sister next time we meet."

Xi Nai sat awkwardly on a single sofa, all eyes were on Leng Yan.

"Miss Xi doesn't seem to have answered my question just now." Qiu Qiu seized the opportunity and wanted to squeeze Leng Yan's waist, but no matter what, he couldn't catch the meat.

"Of course Ah Yan and I are friends, otherwise what does Miss Qiu think it is?" After saying this, Xi Nai raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiu Qiu, as if she was embarrassing Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Qiu sat upright and looked at Xi Nai, looking at her from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. This action really made Xi Nai very uncomfortable.

"Those who don't know think this is your home, and think you are my boyfriend's girlfriend."

Qiu Qiu's aggravated tone was no different from the powerful appearance in the previous few scenes of the cold banquet. Xi Nai suddenly thought of the angry face before the cold banquet.

"Miss Qiu really knows how to joke. Now everyone knows that you are Ah Yan's girlfriend. I come from a family of generals, and my father is an officer. It is impossible for me to make such small moves to seduce men."

"Really? But don't you know that it is against the law to break into a private house? It stands to reason that your brother and your father are both soldiers, sacred and inviolable, and they are soldiers who understand the law. Could it be that there is nothing between them?" taught you what the law is?"

Qiu Qiu's air pressure gradually decreased, and some people felt oppressed and out of breath. Although Qiu Qiu's movements were extremely elegant, and no one could pick out any faults, Qiu Qiu's gloomy face was enough to show that Qiu Qiu was already very angry. .

"A Yan is my friend, what's wrong with me going in and out of his house casually?"

Xi Nai felt a little unreasonable, but in terms of momentum, she thought that she would never lose to Qiu Qiu, and could only contradict him as a living doctor.

Originally, the purpose of the cold banquet was to let the servants throw Xi Nai out. Qiu Qiu naturally knew the meaning of the cold banquet, so he resisted the cold banquet and said, "Then let's wait for the police to come and argue?"

Qiu Qiu made a gesture to hug her tightly, which startled Xi Nai for a moment.

Xi Nai immediately stood up and lowered her head: "Ayan..."

The voice was delicate, as if she was asking Leng Yan for help, but Leng Yan ignored her.

Lin Fu stood up and grabbed Qiu Qiu's sleeve: "Auntie, I can't forgive this auntie. If you forgive her, maybe this auntie will do something wrong in the future."

Lin Fu's words were meant for Xi Nai, and Xi Nai's face was almost distorted.

Leng Yan called the servant over: "Which one of you let her in?"

The extremely cold voice condemned all the servants to death.

The servant lowered his head and said nothing, and finally a weak female voice appeared: "President...it's me. At that time, Miss Xi said that she is your future wife. If we don't let her in, when she gets married in the future, she will marry you." Make us look good." After the timid voice finished speaking, his eyes drifted to Xi Nai.

Xi Nai never expected that this maid would betray her so quickly: "Shut up, when did I say such a thing?"


There was a loud sound in the living room, and in a blink of an eye the maid covered her right face, her eyes were red, and Xi Nai was already standing in front of her girlfriend, looking at her hand in disbelief.

"Whoever lets her in in the future will leave voluntarily."

The meaning is obvious, the reason why Xi Nai was able to spoil in front of Qiu Qiu was entirely to tell Qiu Qiu that he was the most important person around Leng Yan, and as a result, stealing a chicken was not enough to lose money, and he was slapped in the face so quickly up.

"A Yan, don't forget that you promised my father!" Xi Nai looked at Leng Yan, as if wanting to bring up the past again.

Qiu Qiu stepped forward and took a look, the contempt in his eyes made Xi Nai take a step back.

"He doesn't owe you anymore? From the beginning to the end, you always feel that Leng Yan owes you a life, but he doesn't owe it at all. Even if your father doesn't block a bullet for Leng Yan, Leng Yan still has enough time to kill the prisoner."

"Have you read the surveillance records? If you don't know, don't say it here. Leng Yan owes our family a life. My father Jiushi is lying under the cold ground because of him."

Xi Nai's voice was almost going crazy, and the servants in the villa all lowered their heads tightly, not looking at the ferocious face.

"I've read the monitoring records. With Leng Yan's skill at that time, he can definitely escape, [-]% possible, but you always thought that Leng Yan owed you, since you were young, you forced Leng Yan to accomplish what you wanted to do but he didn't want to do. Things, your father is quite scheming, thinking that this way he can get funding from the cold banquet..."

Before Qiu Qiu finished speaking, Xi Nai came up and hugged Qiu Qiu, trying to throw Qiu Qiu to the ground, but Qiu Qiu was not someone who easily let others get his way.

Leng Yan stepped forward and hugged Qiu Qiu into his arms.

Turning Qiu Qiu around, he found a slight bloodstain on Qiu Qiu's face. Although it was only as long as a fingernail, it really worried Leng Yan.

"Send Miss Xi back to City H. Without my permission, you can't come to Ye City again." Leng Yan's voice was like imposing a death sentence on Xi Nai.

"Leng Yan, you promised my father that you would take care of me for the rest of your life. You can't break your promise." Xi Nai began to snark, hoping that Leng Yan would keep her, but no one would know how powerful the background of Leng Yan was, let alone That oath was made by Xi Nai's father.

At that time, Leng Yan was just a fledgling boy, and he had just taken over Leng's Group not long ago, so naturally he could not have much authority in his hands.

"When did you watch the monitoring records?"

Leng Yan hugged Qiu Qiu in his arms, and carefully helped Qiu Qiu deal with it. There was only a scar the size of a fingernail on his face.

"When Xi Nai spoke before, out of curiosity, I went to check the surveillance records."

"Then how did you analyze that I was able to dodge that bullet?"

Qiu Qiu thought about the scene at that time, and replayed the scene in his mind.

"If the bullet is fired towards you, the distance of the bullet should also be affected by the wind speed, so when it comes to you, as long as you turn your body slightly, you can easily avoid the bullet."

Qiu Qiu lay down in Leng Yan's arms, and said in a low voice, "Are you really going to send Xi Nai back?"

"If I don't send her back, am I going to let her stay here?" Leng Yan asked back.

"I haven't played enough..." Qiu Qiu's voice was very cautious, for fear of a cold banquet, he knew he would be angry.

Leng Yan rubbed Qiu Qiu's head: "For her brother's sake, it's already enough for her brother not to send her to the beast forest."

"Why don't we let her stay for a while longer? Let's play first, no, there's a charity party, and I'll find a solution then!" Qiu Qiu rolled his eyes in surprise, his big eyes It shines like a hidden star inside.

"Listen to you, but I want a reward.

After Leng Yan said this, she lowered her head and kissed Qiu Qiu's mouth, plundering the sweet taste in Qiu Qiu's mouth.

Qiu Qiu is like a poppy, if you touch it, you will be fascinated.

Lin Fu also went upstairs early, for fear of disturbing Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan. After all, they both wanted to create a younger brother or sister for themselves.

After being thrown out, Xi Nai went back to the hotel angrily, and smashed it when she saw something unpleasant.

Because Xi Nai was the one who was arranged by the cold banquet, no one dared to say anything wrong with Xi Nai, but they couldn't let Xi Nai go down like this.

The management staff of the hotel tried to knock on the door: "Miss Xi, it's almost over..."

"Go away, don't bother me, what's wrong with you if I smashed things? After all the things I smashed, you can settle it afterward, why bother me like this."

Xi Nai was in a particularly bad mood when he was kicked out. At this time, someone happened to come to let him vent his anger, so he naturally threw all his anger on him.

"But...Miss Xi, I'm in business, so why do you make it difficult for us, not to mention we have higher-ups on top of us, if you want to keep making trouble like this, how can we explain to our boss!"

The manager was also too angry to speak, so he had no choice but to report the matter to Leng Yan.

"You can dispose of it as you like."

All he got was a few cold words from Leng Yan, which gave the lobby manager enough determination, and immediately sent the police over to ask the police to comment.

The police stood outside and knocked on the door: "Miss Xi, we are the police, please open the door."

Hearing the voice of the police, the mood that was originally Sapo calmed down again.

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