"Ah! Mom, don't leave me, I will be very good!" Lin Fu's shout suddenly came from upstairs.

Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan immediately went upstairs when they heard the yelling, and it was too late to care whether the game was finished or not.

Leng Yan opened the door of Lin Fu's room first.

It was very distressing to see Lin Fu's small body huddled up against the head of the bed.

"Little Fu." Qiu Qiu ran over to hug Lin Fu.

Lin Fu was overly frightened, so dense sweat oozed from his forehead.

Qiu Qiu didn't know what to say, so he could only coax him first: "Little Fu, did we have a nightmare just now?"

Lin Fu didn't nod or shake his head, but just sat there blankly.

Leng Yan sat on the other side of Lin Fu: "Xiao Fu, you have to tell me about the nightmare you just had, so that we can help you solve it."

Lin Fu didn't want to say anything to them, but just kept staring at the quilt on the bed, Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan couldn't make him speak, the room suddenly became silent.

Apart from the sound of the alarm clock on the bedside and the breathing of the three people in the room, there was no other sound.

After a long time, Lin Fu suddenly spoke: "I...Auntie, my mother didn't want me yesterday."

Lin Fu was in Qiu Qiu's arms, crying so much that his nose was full of tears, which made Qiu Qiu feel really distressed.

"I don't want you. Your mother just went to a place to learn how to restrain her anger. I won't be mean to you. She will come back after learning." Qiu Qiu said, patting Lin Fu on the back.

But Lin Fu suddenly caught an important point: "Aunt, didn't mother go to the Magic Academy to study? Why did she go to another place?"

"She has already graduated from the Academy of Magic, so naturally she is going to another place to study." Leng Yan immediately rescued Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Qiu nodded: "Yes, she went to another school to study. As long as she performs particularly well, she can graduate early, and then you will be able to see your mother."

Qiu Qiu explained patiently, and when Lin Fu's mood calmed down, he cried, "Auntie, I can't sleep tonight."

"Then how can you sleep? If you can't sleep at night, if your mother comes back suddenly one day, and you sleep during the day, you will definitely not see your mother!"

"Then can my aunt stay and sleep with me?"

When Lin Fu said this, Leng Yan immediately turned cold: "No."

"Why? Auntie just stay with me for one night, okay? I really can't sleep tonight." Lin Fu began to hold Qiu Qiu's hand and said coquettishly.

Qiu Qiu was really overwhelmed with maternal love, and felt that the child's acting like a baby was very cute, but Qiu Qiu, who had no resistance to cuteness, nodded in agreement.

"Let me sleep with Xiaofu tonight, so that he won't have nightmares later." Qiu Qiu looked at Leng Yan with consoling eyes, and Leng Yan saw that Qiu Qiu had said so, and then looked at Lin Fu Facing the red eyes, he could only nod in agreement.

In the end, Leng Yan couldn't sleep soundly all night, his mind was always thinking about Qiu Qiu's figure.

At around six o'clock the next morning, Leng Yan closed his eyes for a while, but he still looked so energetic, without any trace of dark circles left.

When Lin Fu woke up the next day, he was already playing with the circle.

"Uncle, aunt is already cooking in the kitchen, and there is an uncle cook next to him directing, so the two of us just wait to eat."

Lin Fu held the cold banquet and sat on the sofa, with circles lying on Lin Fu's lap.

Leng Yan rubbed Lin Fu's head: "No, uncle is going to see how aunt cooks, lest she blow up the kitchen." After speaking of Leng Yan, he walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, three or four chefs were directing and Qiu Qiu was cutting vegetables, not nervous at all.

"What are you doing?" Leng Yan hugged Qiu Qiu's waist from behind Qiu Qiu.

The three or four chefs just pretended not to see it.

Qiu Qiu turned around and pushed Leng Yan out of the kitchen: "This is a secret, you will find out later."

After Qiu Qiu finished speaking, he realized that his little oily hands hadn't been washed clean. As for the shirt Leng Yan wore this morning, there were already two greasy handprints.

Qiu Qiu smiled awkwardly, then closed the door.

After a while, the smell of rice came from the kitchen.

Leng Yan and Lin Fu were already sitting at the dining table waiting for Qiu Qiu's food.

This time, because of the guidance of three or four chefs, although Qiu Qiu's cooking was a little worse than those chefs, he was still able to handle it.

Looking at the pizza already served on the table, Lin Fu licked his mouth first, took a piece, and put it in his mouth.

"How is it?" Qiu Qiu asked expectantly.

Lin Fu licked his small mouth, and said with unsatisfactory meaning: "It turns out that the food you cook is so delicious, you should cook more next time."

Leng Yan also took a piece of pizza and took a bite. Suddenly, his expression was a little strange, but he quickly realized that Qiu Qiu didn't see Leng Yan's expression, so he didn't say anything.

Leng Yan also praised: "Indeed, it's still edible."

Looking at the expressions of one big and one small, Qiu Qiu picked up a piece of pizza he made and put it in his mouth with some anticipation: "This... bah!" The salty Qiu Qiu spat out all the pizza in his mouth.

"Why don't you tell the truth and keep eating pretending to be calm?"

Qiu Qiu put the pizza on the table and stared at the two of them angrily.

Leng Yan smiled and said, "You can't blame us, it's you who want to eat your own pizza."

"It seems that this pizza still has some deficiencies. I will try to make it next time." After Qiu Qiu finished speaking, he brought the pizza into the kitchen, and then asked someone to serve the prepared fried eggs come up.

"So you have already prepared a spare breakfast." Leng Yan looked at the fried eggs on the table, and looked at Qiu Qiu helplessly.

The time for breakfast is over like this.

After dinner, Qiu Qiu planned to take Yuanquan and Lin Fu out for a trip.

But because of the scare Lin Fu had received recently, he didn't want to go out.

Qiu Qiu could only take the circle out for a walk, and just as he was about to go out, Qiu Qiu's cell phone rang.

"Pick me up at the airport."

Gu Bai's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Qiu Qiu held the circle in his arms, looked at the time, and nodded: "Then you wait for me at the airport, and I will pick you up later." After speaking, Qiu Qiu went to the airport by car.

After arriving at the airport, Qiu Qiu did not see Gu Bai.

I wandered around the airport alone with a cat in my arms.

Because there was no mask or hat, Qiu Qiu was recognized by the fans.

The airport was immediately besieged, and Qiu Qiu could only maintain an elegant smile.

"Ah! Qiu Qiu! I actually saw a real person. I didn't expect the real person to look better than the one on TV. She is truly worthy of being a goddess."

"That's right, when Qiu Qiu was fat before, who said Qiu Qiu was not good-looking, you were very good-looking when you were fat, but if you are thinner, how can you not be good-looking."

Fans' comments gradually became overwhelming in the airport, and some boarders were unable to catch up with the plane.

"Everyone give way, don't come around to take pictures of me anymore. I'm here to pick up people. It's not good for you to surround me like this. Other boarders will be anxious."

The fans who were close to Qiu Qiu heard Qiu Qiu's words and spread the word to the outside world, after which order was restored at the airport.

Qiu Qiu wandered around the airport, but did not see Gu Bai.

Just when Qiu Qiu was about to leave, someone patted her on the shoulder from behind Qiu Qiu.

"Who?" Qiu Qiu turned around and saw a wrapped face.

According to Qiu Qiu's impression, this person's figure is very similar to Gu Bai: "Gu Bai?"

"How did you recognize it? So many fans at the airport didn't recognize it, how did you recognize it?" Gu Bai covered Qiu Qiu's mouth, asking Qiu Qiu not to shout.

Qiu Qiu nodded: "You just saw me surrounded by so many people, why didn't you come and save me?"

"You also know that there are many fans of mine in this airport. If I go in, it will definitely cause a bigger sensation. The airport will be completely surrounded. I think this is what you don't want to see. ?”

Qiu Qiu heard that what Gu Bai said made sense, then nodded.

"Then if that's the case, you can see where you want to go to play, and I will reluctantly take you there today."

Qiu Qiu raised his chin proudly and walked forward.

Gu Bai saw Qiu Qiu with the cat in his arms, walked up to Qiu Qiu, and snatched the cat away.

"When I watched your live broadcast before, there was a cat. This cat looks good, and it looks very tender. If it grows up, it will probably be as fat as an orange cat."

Yuanquan could understand human speech, and after hearing Gu Bai say that he had gained weight, he took advantage of Gu Bai's inattention and ran into Qiu Qiu's arms.

Qiu Qiu hugged the circle: "If you want to talk about it, the little friendship that was about to be established just turned over like this. Sure enough, the boat of friendship will turn over as soon as it says it will turn over."

Qiu Qiu walked ahead on his own, and Gu Bai went up: "You have to give me a place, otherwise you have a cat in your arms and I have luggage, how can I go to play?"

Gu Bai motioned Qiu Qiu to look at the luggage in his hand. After Qiu Qiu finished reading, he picked up his mobile phone and searched for a hotel.

When Qiu Qiu took Gu Bai to the hotel, he happened to meet Nan Yanxue who was in a hurry to come out.

Nan Yanxue glanced at Qiu Qiu angrily: "Yo! Isn't this our Miss Qiu, who actually brought a pretty face to the hotel!"

"Keep your mouth clean, or you will be slapped in the face sooner or later." After Qiu Qiu finished speaking, he was about to pull Gu Bai in.

Nan Yanxue was a little annoyed by Qiu Qiu's words: "What's the matter? Why don't you let us talk about it?"

"How can you tell that he is a little boy?"

"In terms of height, it doesn't look like a woman's height at first glance. It must be a man."

After Nan Yanxue finished speaking, she reached out to take off Gu Bai's hat.

Gu Bai knocked Nan Yanxue's hand off, took off his hat and glasses on his own.

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