After the recording ended, Li Dan walked over: "Today's performance is very good, did you encounter any happy things?"

"No, but do you think I've changed much in the past few days?" Qiu Qiu asked happily.

"It's true that I've lost a lot of weight in the past few days. Keep working hard." Li Dan praised without hesitation.

Leng Yan gently opened her thin lips: "That Chang Wan, what is your relationship with her?"

"Her mother and my mother are classmates. When you called me to arrange staff that day, her mother happened to be next to my mother, so his mother said that her daughter is also a fitness trainer and can be sent to try one time.

It turned out that I did not agree with this matter, but because of her mother's endless requests, I promised her to let her try it for a few days. Has anything happened these days? "

Li Dan frowned, she knew that Chang Wan had no good intentions, and she would not have let her go if she had known.

"Nothing happened. Keep an eye on the songs you are responsible for these few days. I will send some people to Du Li to pay attention to the leakage of the music source. I don't want this to happen again. " After Leng Yan finished speaking, he dragged Qiu Qiu out of here.

After they were photographed by the reporter, the reporter spread the word, saying that Qiu Qiu had lost weight.

After seeing the photos, many netizens also became confused, because Qiu Qiu's face was so similar to a former female singer.

When Nan Yanxue saw this photo, he always felt that there was something suspicious about the photo, but he just didn't know where the similarities were?

"Don't you think this person is suspicious? Think about where you met him before." Nan Yanxue threw the phone in front of Na Rong.

Na Rong looked at the photo on the phone: "She... Isn't this Qiu Qiu who has lost weight? What's so strange?"

"In the past few days, I have always had an ominous premonition. I always feel that she looks like a person, but as for who that person is, it is very vague in my memory, but my brother should know, but my brother is abroad these days. I'll ask him when he comes back in a few days."

Nan Yanxue rubbed her chin, looking at the photos on her phone in confusion.

On the other side, Qiu Qiu just got home when he received a call from Li Dan: "Qiu Qiu, come to the company quickly, this time..."

"What's wrong? Could it be that my song was released earlier by someone else?" Qiu Qiu's bad premonition gradually spread to his limbs.

Li Dan shook his head anxiously on the other side: "It's not about this. The sound source leaked again this time. There was an insider in the company. The one we caught last time was just a scapegoat. I didn't expect that this time the real The mole came out."

"Leaked again? Let's take a look at the reactions of those netizens. I'll make a record later. I'll go and have a look."

After the last audio leak incident, Qiu Qiu was extraordinarily calm this time, no one could know what she was thinking right now.

Li Dan nodded over there, and quickly ordered other people to do this.

Due to the leak of the sound source this time, although it caused public indignation among fans, many people think this song is very good.

"What should we do this time?" When Qiu Qiu arrived at the company, Li Dan came to ask with concern.

He didn't care about the banquet behind Qiu Qiu at all.

Qiu Qiu ordered these things calmly: "Then release this song, don't worry about what will happen to those fans.

Because I sang this song, and I wrote the lyrics. Even if the source of the sound leaked out, no one said that it was the lyrics or the music he composed. By the way, I sent the record of my lyrics to the Internet. Then make it public. "

"If you disclose such a serious matter directly, won't the company's insider be caught?" Li Dan anxiously walked around the room.

Qiu Qiu sat there and thought for a while: "No sound sources of my other songs have been leaked, but only this one has been leaked, so the main purpose of this traitor is to target me alone, and the music he chose It was the most important one, the other songs were obviously unknown to him."

"Yes, I didn't tell anyone about the other little songs. Only those who were in charge of recording were present, so this mole is an employee in the company who is in charge of external affairs." Li Dan clapped his hands.

But when she turned around, she began to feel annoyed again: "But, what about the remaining five songs, we have already decided beforehand, and those five songs were released together."

"You don't have to worry about this, you release this song, and then tell my fans that there will be other songs to be released, so prepare the second song I prepared, and we will wait for it tonight."

Qiu Qiu's calmness at this moment is comparable to that of Leng Yan.

People have been with each other for a long time, and it turns out that the abilities of the two people can influence each other.

Leng Yan looked with admiration at the woman standing in front of him with her back turned to him who was already capable of being alone.

She is indeed the woman he taught by cold banquet.

After Li Dan received the order, he was still hesitating: "But what if that person has already noticed and doesn't come tonight?"

At this moment, there are only three people in this room, Li Dan Lengyan and Qiu Qiu, and the room is also soundproof, so no one knows what happened inside.

"Then notify everyone to work overtime and not to ask for leave tonight." Leng Yan said coldly.

After Li Dan heard it, he had a mournful face: "Why tonight?"

"Let's see who dares to ask for leave tonight, and send me his leave list. Remember, it's everyone's leave list. If someone leaves the company without asking for leave, send it to me too. We will work step by step. Put a long line to catch big fish.”

Qiu Qiu looked out the window at the buildings under construction and already completed.

She remembered that Leng Yan once said a word to herself, if you don't want your emotions to be noticed, then look away, look elsewhere, or lower your head.

After Li Dan received the order, he immediately went out to order others.

"Notice, due to tonight's audio leak, the boss is very angry. He arranged for everyone to work overtime tonight. Overtime pay will be paid, but it is twice as small as usual."

The Leng Group's overtime pay was three or four times higher than that offered by others. Although it was doubled this time, many people were willing to work overtime.

This time everyone signed a confidentiality contract, but the sound source was leaked suddenly, so they had to work overtime to make up for their mistakes.

But some employees are not convinced at all, but they can only hold back in their hearts. After all, the overtime pay of the Leng Group is very expensive.

If you leave this job, it is impossible to have such a good treatment.

"Why work overtime? I have something to do tonight. My husband is still waiting for me at home tonight."

"That's right, my best friend invited me out to play tonight. This is a rare best friend. She just came back from France, so she said she was treating guests to dinner today. I didn't expect it to turn out like this today. "

Some employees were discussing quietly in private, but when some supervisors came over, they immediately quieted down and started busy with their own work.

No one knows how many people are asking for leave tonight?
No one knows where the few people who asked for leave have gone.

In short, these few people who asked for leave did not show up again the next day.

Qiu Qiu has been composing music for the past few days, because Qiu Qiu has been inspired a lot these days.

I don't know how it came about. Ever since she experienced so many things, she felt that there were too many inspirations. After writing more than a dozen songs, Qiu Qiu selected the most exquisite six songs as the ones to be released recently. song.

Other songs can only be temporarily treasured first, to see if it can be changed at some time, and then released this song.

"In the past few days, you have become thinner and thinner, but you really look like a former artist, and that artist doesn't know where she is now.

She is the most talented singer in the music world besides you. She can compose and sing songs by herself, she is like a god, but for some reason, she suddenly disappeared, and no one knows where she went. You Do you know that person? "

Li Dan began to fantasize with adoring eyes, and looked at Qiu Qiu while asking.

Qiu Qiu shook his head on the other side, and then said with a little concealment: "This senior must be very talented, but who is she?"

"She is the lead singer of FN. At that time, I wanted to sign her, but when I was about to sign her, she disappeared."

After hearing the words "FN lead singer", Qiu Qiu was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses.

"She, maybe she hid somewhere to write lyrics, maybe she wanted to give us a surprise, maybe, I also admired her before, but I haven't heard her name in the past few years, I thought Everyone forgot about her."

Qiu Qiu lowered his head in embarrassment, Li Dan flipped through the documents, and said proudly: "How is it possible, he has so many fans, it is impossible for us to forget him.

As long as she is still alive, it proves that she still has many fans, just because she disappeared, so the fans just keep her name in their hearts. "

When it comes to the combination of FN, it is indeed an indelible memory for Qiu Qiu.

But after getting along with Leng Yan these days, Qiu Qiu gradually saw many things.

That's just the past tense. What she has to do now is to live well in the present, do what she wants to do, and carry forward her songs. Even if she changes her identity, it's worth it.

After thinking about it, Qiu Qiu came back to his senses, and handed the list of songs in his hand to Li Dan: "Look at these first, I will change a few more songs, and I will go back later."

After finishing speaking, I took out the rest of the dozen or so songs I had made, and looked at them seriously.

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