After Zhang Song lost his temper, those people never dared to mention the acquisition agreement to him again.

"Chairman, there is a problem with the issuance of new shares." Just when Zhang Song thought that even if Leng Yan could buy it, he would lose a layer of skin, the assistant suddenly reported the news.

"What do you mean?"

"The China Securities Regulatory Commission suddenly wants to investigate us, saying that it suspects that there is something wrong with our company." The assistant said cautiously.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Song frowned. He knew that this was just an excuse for the China Securities Regulatory Commission to obstruct him. It was not difficult to guess who was behind the scenes.

"What should I do?"

"Cooperate with their investigation and let the chief financial officer not show his feet." Zhang Song urged.

After the assistant went out, Zhang Song stared at the phone for a few minutes before dialing a number.

The phone rang twice and was answered.

"I thought you wouldn't call me."

Listening to the familiar voice on the phone, the expression on Zhang Song's face was a little loose.

"I thought you wouldn't answer my phone."

"Are you blaming me?" The other party asked suddenly after hearing his paused tone.

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

There was a loud laugh from the other party, "Of course I don't believe it. You have a clear distinction between likes and hates. I know that the moment you know that I use you, you will hate me in your heart."

Hearing the sigh from over there, Zhang Song smiled indifferently, "So what can I do if I know, I won't do anything to you, not to mention that you were kind to me back then, now my family is with you I don't dare to do anything to you."

The other party was silent for a moment, "You are a smart man."

Then he said, "I heard that you have been looking for your little lover who was raised outside. You don't need to look for it, it's here too."

"You!" Zhang Song only said this one word, and suppressed all the anger.

"It's too much, but I remember the first day you joined me, I told you that there are two sentences to remember in this circle, one is to be ruthless, and the other is to be steady. I don't even remember."

The person on the other side seemed to be a little sorry.

To be ruthless is to achieve the goal at all costs.Even family members can give up when necessary.To be stable is to be smart enough to treat everyone as your pawn.Looking at the overall situation, no matter what happens, we must be stable and win.

If Zhang Song can do anything, he can live a better life than now.

"You are really ruthless, even your own son..." Zhang Song was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"If you can't hold on, you can give up."

"Do I have a chance to choose?" Zhang Song asked with a smile.


"Is it you who exposed all the entertainment venues under my control?" Zhang Song asked suddenly.

Even if the police wanted to crack down, there would still be fish that slipped through the net. He said why it was so bad, and there was not one left.

"I'm just going with the flow."

Zhang Song's hand holding the phone kept tightening. "You are really ruthless."

"The country is going to crack down on the black forces this time, and Leng Yan contacted the people above to put pressure on the city. I can only find someone to replace me."

"So I became that scapegoat. When did you start planning?" Zhang Song asked.

"I don't think it's useless for you to worry about this now."

Zhang Song's face changed slightly.

"You are a fairly smart person, so a smart person knows what to do next. Don't play tricks on you, you can't play cold banquets, and naturally you can't play me. I will take care of your family, and I have to remind you , stop struggling." After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

"Even if I, Zhang Song, were to die, I would have to hold back a few backs." Zhang Song held the microphone and said through gritted teeth.

Leng Yan stayed at home all day today.Although he stayed in the study room most of the time, he occasionally spared half an hour to stay with Qiu Qiu for a while.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy these days. After the acquisition is completed, Zhang Song will also be arrested. I will take a vacation to accompany you." Leng Yan said while sitting on the sofa with Qiu Qiu in his arms.

【Is the company going well? 】

"It's going well. Zhang Song is at the end of the road now, and the forces below him have almost hit him. The police station has been suppressing the trial because they are worried that his sudden accident will involve too much. When his company is acquired, the other side will also Start the trial."

Leng Yan explained to her.

[Zhang Song is poison? 】

Seeing what Qiu Qiu typed, Leng Yan fell silent.

Seeing Leng Yan's frown slightly, Qiu Qiu reached out and stroked his forehead.

Leng Yan came back to her senses and put her hand in the palm of her hand.

"It should be. Although there is no direct evidence to prove it, Vichai said that he participated in the drug lord conference, it should be poison." Although he said this, he didn't have a bottom line in his heart.

Seeing his absent-minded appearance, Qiu Qiu smiled at him, 【Go to work, I'm a little sleepy. ] After she finished speaking, she yawned.

Leng Yan sent her to the bedroom before going to the study.

Leng Yan read Zhang Song's documents that Du Li transferred from the police station again, and found no flaws.Then he checked Zhang Song's experience in the past few years that Du Li had investigated, and found many suspicious points.

He seems to be a person who popped up out of nowhere, expanding territory in the city, with connections at the top and contacts at the bottom.But judging from his experience, growing up in a village in the city, he was bullied a lot since he was a child, and his personality was extreme, and he caused troubles when he grew up.

Nothing out of the ordinary except for almost two years of disappearance 12 years ago.

After returning from his disappearance, his personality changed drastically. He first ran bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, engaged in some illegal industries, and then acquired Hexin Real Estate.

Leng Yan dug out the information of the police station and found that the experience inside was blank.

So where has he been for the past two years?
Leng Yan flipped through all the materials investigated by Du Li, and finally found some clues in a corner. Because of a life lawsuit, he hid in the direction of Vietnam.

With only this sentence, everything seems to make sense.

Because he hid in Vietnam, he got involved with drugs, and it is possible that he got to know Hei Tower from there and started his drug trafficking career.

Leng Yan looked at that sentence over and over again, trying to convince himself that, no matter whether he admits it or not, the matter seems to have ended here.

Leng Yan glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was only one o'clock.

He rubbed his aching temples, put down the materials in his hands, and planned to go to the bedroom for a lunch break.

The moment he stepped out of the door, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Things seemed to be going too smoothly, but he clearly remembered that the bureau chiefs and directors kept their thoughts on his in-depth investigation secret, how could they suddenly start eradicating them so quickly with a thunderbolt.

This thought was so fast that he had no time to grasp it.

Leng Yan frowned and walked towards the bedroom.

It may be that the company has been too busy recently, so he behaved like this.

Qiu Qiu fell asleep on the bed.

Without Leng Yan to hold her, she was lying on the side of the bed, curled up into a ball.

According to psychology, this is the sleeping method that only people who have no sense of security will have.

Leng Yan adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the room, then went to bed, and hugged him into his arms.

Qiu Qiu opened his sleepy eyes and looked at him. After watching for a long time, he realized that it was a cold banquet. Then he automatically found a comfortable position in his arms to lean against, and put one hand on his waist.

Leng Yan smiled, hugged her and closed her eyes.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when Qiu Qiu opened her eyes. She glanced at Leng Yan who was still asleep, and quietly withdrew from his arms.

Leng Yan opened his eyes and saw that Qiu Qiu had already woken up.

Qiu Qiu kissed him on the forehead, then closed his eyes with his own little hands, and said silently, "Go to sleep."

Leng Yan really fell asleep.

Qiu Qiu looked at his exhausted look and sighed. Leng Yan had lost a lot of weight recently, and she had already fallen asleep when he came back these few nights, so she must be very busy.

When I got up and went downstairs, my aunt was watering the flowers in the garden.

Leng's family has a dedicated gardener, but Auntie likes these flowers and plants, so she takes over the task of watering the flowers herself.

"Miss Qiu is up."

The aunt saw her and greeted her warmly.

Qiu Qiu nodded, and then watched her busy in the garden.

After the auntie finished watering the flowers, she was about to go shopping with her bag, but Qiu Qiu stopped her.

[I want to go with you. 】

"I can do the grocery shopping myself, so I don't need to bother you." The aunt thought that Qiu Qiu wanted to help, so she refused.

Qiu Qiu shook his head, looked at her with wide eyes, and then looked outside.

The aunt slapped her head, "Do you want to go out for a walk?"

Qiu Qiu nodded.

"The supermarket is in the community, not far away. If you want to go, let's go."

Seeing that the aunt agreed, Qiu Qiu happily ran to change the shoes.

Seeing that Qiu Qiu's clothes had been changed, Auntie looked happy, as if she was so happy when she led her son out to the market when she was a child.

The supermarket is in the community, and it takes seven or eight minutes to walk there.

Qiu Qiu followed her aunt to watch her choose vegetables.

One picks, while explaining what kind of fresh vegetables should be chosen.One listens carefully.

After they finished choosing the dishes, they went out to pay the bill. The auntie found that she had bought something short, so she asked Qiu Qiu to wait at the door and go buy it by herself.

Qiu Qiu walked along the white line of the suede road at the entrance of the supermarket, step by step like a child walking on model steps, when suddenly the roar of a car came from behind her, she subconsciously took a step back, and just as she was about to turn around, she heard a cry from the side Voice.

"Qiu Qiu be careful!"

Before Qiu Qiu could react, his body was suddenly grabbed by a force.

Then they both fell to the ground at the same time.

A car drove straight past where she had been standing, crashing into the glass of the supermarket.

The glass shattered all over the place.

"Qiu Qiu, how are you?" Leng Yan ran over a few steps, helped her look up and down and asked.

Qiu Qiu shook his head and looked at the car.

The car door opened, and four people with baseball bats got out of it.

Leng Yan protected Qiu Qiu behind him, and punched the first person who rushed over.Then he took his wrist and bent it forcefully, kicked him in the waist, and the other party lay on the ground with his arms covered.

Everything happened too fast.

There were many people on the other side, and Leng Yan didn't dare to delay, so he swung a baseball bat and hit the other people.

Two people clung to Leng Yan, and the other hit Qiu Qiu.

Looking at the stick that was about to hit Qiu Qiu's back, Leng Yan only had time to say a word of caution, and then knocked down the person next to him twice.

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