Counterattack live room: hot search queen cute

Chapter 212 This is a career I love

When Qiu Qiu entered the door, Zheng Yun was leaning on the head of the bed, probably because she was not covered by cosmetics, her face was extremely pale, and she was not energetic.

Zheng Yun's manager, Sister Hong, was sitting on a stool by the window, staring at the scenery outside the window.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two turned their heads together.

"Qiu Qiu?" The two words were spoken in unison, without hatred or resentment, just a surprised voice.

"Where did you go? We thought you were killed after you disappeared for the past few days." Zheng Yun's voice was very calm, and she seemed to be explaining only one fact.

"I was taken away by a fan, but she didn't let me out and confiscated my belongings." Perhaps because of her influence, Qiu Qiu also calmed down and sat down not far from her.

"You found out that day. In fact, Sister Hong and I didn't want to do anything to you, but just wanted you to keep it a secret. But I didn't expect so many things to happen later." Zheng Yun looked at her and explained.

"Later I figured it out, I'm already like this, why do I care about those things! To be honest, I've been in pain every day since I contracted this thing. I'm afraid that I will be found out, and then my reputation will be ruined, and I have to endure it. My various additional pains."

"I thought about quitting, but it was too painful and I couldn't stand it. Every time I failed, this caused me to live in guilt and self-blame every day. In this state, my temper became more and more irritable. Emotions are also moody."

Qiu Qiu listened quietly to what Zheng Yun said.

"I'm sorry when I was on the set. At that time, my feelings for you were complicated. I know that you have been exposed to drug use, but you are just like a normal person now, so I am jealous of you, but you are very good. I can't help but want to get closer to you."

"How did you get this?" Qiu Qiu asked, judging from what Zheng Yun meant, she probably didn't take drugs on her own initiative.

"I don't know the details." Zheng Yun said after a while.

"I have also recalled that it was a party about half a year ago. It was held by people in the industry. At that time, many celebrities attended. I drank a little too much. After I went back, I became lethargic and sensitive to light. But at that time, I didn't know why I was like this. .”

"I'm to blame for this. She was not in a good state of mind during that time. I thought it was because she was tired from catching up with the announcement, so I just let her have a good rest. Later she said that she would go for a checkup, but I refused because there were too many paparazzi."

"Sister Hong doesn't blame you. I was quite famous at that time, and there were too many paparazzi surrounding me. You also thought about me. If I went to the hospital, I wouldn't be sure what they wrote about me. If I was found to be a drug addict, Then I'd be ruined."

"But I have completely ruined you now." Sister Hong looked at Zheng Yun and sighed, "I wanted to wait a few days to go and take her for a checkup, but there were too many notices and I was too busy to forget. Later, when I realized that something was wrong with her, it was already late."

"Why? What happened the second time?" Qiu Qiu looked at Zheng Yun and asked.

Taking drugs for the first time or taking drugs by mistake is what Zheng Yun showed, photophobia and drowsiness. If you don’t continue to use drugs and you don’t know it, this phenomenon will disappear after a while.

But Zheng Yun is addicted, there must be a second, or even a third chance to be exposed to drugs.

"I don't know." Zheng Yun had a painful expression on his face.

"During that time, I was busy answering notifications and making money for the company. In order to grab resources, the company asked Sister Hong to arrange a lot of dinners and parties for me. I don't know when I got infected."

"Then how do you know you're infected?"

"After being addicted, I was very miserable. I didn't touch this kind of thing, but I heard about it. Combined with my own symptoms, I knew I was addicted to drugs." Zheng Yun's face was full of remorse.

"In the beginning, Sister Hong wanted to send me to detox, because I was just starting out, so it was easy to quit. But during that time, I just took on a new movie, which was the last one. I didn't want to give up that opportunity, so I just finished filming this movie. Go again. I was addicted when I was filming, I asked Sister Hong to make some for me, and I only smoked when I couldn’t help it.”

"Later, I found that this thing was refreshing, and it allowed me to better integrate into the role. Gradually, I became dependent."

"That drama raised my popularity to a higher level. Director Shen also took a fancy to me and asked me to act in his new drama, so I gave up my original plan to quit drugs and came here to film, but my temper began to get worse. Getting more irritable."

Zheng Yun told Qiu Qiu all her experiences.

After Qiu Qiu listened quietly, her heart was very complicated: "Then are you planning to quit drugs?"

"Of course. But I want to secretly go abroad to rehabilitate drugs after the filming of this film is finished. I don't want to give up my dream of acting, and the last film has not finished, and this one has not been released yet. I don't want to ruin it because of me. Yes. I chased you because I wanted to talk to you about this."

"I know you were also framed for taking drugs, so you should understand me. If I were anyone else that day, I would know that my life would be ruined, so I hope you understand me, even if it is exposed, wait for the drama After the show."

Qiu Qiu pondered, and believed most of Zheng Yun's words.

But we can’t wait for drug rehab. If it’s a day later, the pain and risk of quitting will be greater.And she knew that taking drugs, which was illegal in China, could not be condoned.

"Qiu Qiu, you know how much effort the crew has put in for this drama, as well as you and Gu Bai. There are many people who are looking forward to the release of this drama, and it is less than a week before it is finished. If I have a problem at this time, All the hard work of the crew was in vain."

Zheng Yun looked at her and said anxiously: "I'm not just for myself. If you don't believe me, I can give you evidence of my drug use. You can expose it after the show is over."

"I know what you mean, but it's not good for you to drag it on."

Qiu Qiu believed in Zheng Yun's love for acting, and knew that she really didn't want to ruin so many people's efforts because of herself.

"I'm fine."

Qiu Qiu looked at Zheng Yun, in a dilemma.

"Eh, maybe I have a solution." Xu Man, who had been silent all this time, said.

"any solution?"

All of them looked at her.

"I can contact foreign drug rehabilitation experts and ask them to give her a simple treatment first. It may not achieve much effect, but it can be controlled. Specifically, it will only be effective after you officially start drug rehabilitation."

Xu Man looked at her after finishing speaking: "If you are interested, I can contact you."

"I agree." Zheng Yun agreed almost as soon as she finished speaking.

"Also, the cost of treatment may be a bit expensive, but it shouldn't be a big problem for you."

After Zheng Yun agreed, Xu Man began to contact friends abroad.

"I have another question." Qiu Qiu looked at the relieved Zheng Yun and her manager.

"Where did your drugs come from?"

Zheng Yun looked up at the agent on the side. Sister Hong did this kind of thing for her, so she didn't know the source of the drugs.

"It was from a friend."

Sister Hong hesitated and said, "You know that managers generally have contact with a lot of people and things, so it's not surprising that they can get this."

"Can you tell me it's that friend?"

"This..." Sister Hong looked puzzled, "He is also a consignment agent. You know that when someone buys this kind of thing, someone sells it. He is also a small character and has no access to higher levels. Sorry, I can't disclose his information. .”

Qiu Qiu nodded without forcing it.

"Do you remember who hosted the party you attended?"

"I don't remember." Zheng Yun recalled shaking her head for a long time. "He was a very charismatic senior. I remember that there were many celebrities at that time. I only went there on the recommendation of a friend. I didn't pay attention to the host's name."

"Think about who was there that day, the more famous ones?" Qiu Qiu was persuasive and persuasive.

"There is actress Zhang Lan, actor Su Mo, and my friend..."

Qiu Qiu frowned: "Su Mo?"

"Well, I like him better, so I was excited for a long time when he appeared."

Qiu Qiu nodded: "You should rest first, the crew has already asked for leave, and we can go back tomorrow."

"it is good."

Zheng Yun was very grateful to Qiu Qiu and Xu Man for their help, and kept thanking them all the time.

When Qiu Qiu returned to the bedroom, Leng Yan had already taken a shower and was leaning on the bed waiting for her.She was wearing a white bathrobe halfway up, revealing her beautiful collarbone. Her black hair was slightly disheveled just after blow-drying, not as meticulous as usual, and she looked a little lazy.

"Why don't you sleep?" Qiu Qiu ran to the bed a few steps, threw himself on the bed, looked up at the man on the bed and asked with a smile.

"Wait for you."

Leng Yan looked at her with a smile on her brows, and raised her hand to gather the broken hair around her ears behind her ears.

"How did you ask?"

"It didn't work. She became addicted to drugs for no reason, and the agent refused to disclose the source of her drugs, so it was equivalent to not asking anything."

"If you want to know I can look it up."

"Really?" Qiu Qiu looked at Leng Yan and asked in surprise.

"of course."

Leng Yan agreed to check for herself, and Qiu Qiu was very happy.

Although she wasn't sleepy, Leng Yan hadn't slept well for a few days, so Qiu Qiu also took a bath and lay on the bed with Leng Yan, planning to sleep with him for a while.

Suddenly a body of Xinxiang slipped into his arms, Leng Yan smiled slightly, stretched out his arms to hug him tightly.

"Come back with me tomorrow?"

Qiu Qiu frowned: "I can't go back with you, my filming hasn't finished yet."

"You continue after so many things happened? Zheng Yun's drug use has not been exposed yet. If it is exposed, the movie will either be killed or someone else will be re-shooted. No matter what, it's not good, so you don't have to. Stay here." Leng Yan frowned.

What he was worried about was that once Zheng Yun's matter was exposed, the matter of Qiu Qiu being framed back then would also be used as a fuss, and then there would be serious cyber violence again.

"Zheng Yun has promised to quit drugs, and no one will find out, and it will not be exposed." Qiu Qiu explained.

"There is no airtight wall in the world." Looking at Qiu Qiu's frowning disapproval, Leng Yan explained, "Even if you don't say it, someone else might say it. You know that society and the country are strictly controlling this aspect. Once you find out, This drama will definitely be criticized, it's only a matter of time."

"Even then I'll finish it, it's my career."

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