There are constant malicious comments on the Internet, and the company's public relations team has been giving Qiu Qiu public relations non-stop.

The company manager talked to Qiu Qiu and Li Dan.

The online comments endangered Qiu Qiu's development, and also affected many other artists in the same company.

Many artists were canceled due to Qiu Qiu's reasons. Managers and artists all came to make trouble with him. The manager had no choice but to put pressure on the public relations team and brought Qiu Qiu and the others to talk.

"You all know the comments on the Internet now." The manager only said this sentence after deliberating for a long time, and then he didn't know how to continue.Looking at Li Dan and Qiu Qiu sitting across from him, he only felt a toothache.

If this happened to another artist, he would just hide it in the snow, but this person is Qiu Qiu, who can't be beaten or scolded.

Seeing the bitter and bitter face of the manager, Qiu Qiu just wanted to laugh. She knew that if it wasn't for the cold banquet, the manager might just slap the table and tell her to get out.

After thinking for a long time, the manager decided to skip those irrelevant words, and looked directly at Li Dan: "You are her manager, what do you think should be done?"

Since he couldn't do anything to Qiu Qiu, he could only concentrate on solving the problem.

"I'm already in public relations, but now because of Leng's affairs Qiu Qiu is implicated, and someone secretly punishes Qiu Qiu's affairs is a bit big. But it doesn't matter, as long as Leng's image can be restored as soon as possible, Qiu Qiu can reduce the pressure. "

"You also know that Qiu Qiu has been hacked since his debut, but he has also gained a group of true fans. The number of these black fans is still to be verified. As long as the public relations are good, it will not be difficult to solve."

As long as it can be resolved, this is what the manager is waiting for.

"You can use the company's public relations team as you please, as long as it can be resolved as soon as possible." The manager said in a deep voice.

"Presumably you also know that many artist announcements in the company have been canceled recently, and it is difficult for me to do it. Some people are already ready to move and want to change the development of the company. I can't delay the development of the entire company because of one person. I hope you can hurry up."

After the manager finished speaking, he said a few words of encouragement to them and asked them to leave.

After leaving the office, Li Dan looked at Qiu Qiu: "Did you see it?"

"A change in the manager's attitude?" Qiu Qiu asked.


"I know that the Leng Corporation is now negative and the news is constant. While weighing my value, he is looking at the life and death of the Leng Corporation. As long as the Leng Corporation does not fall, he will not dare to do anything to me."

"Actually, it's nothing. If there was no cold banquet, I might still be the Qiu Qiu who hides in the rental house, overworks every day, and is oppressed by others. Compared with those trolls on the Internet, his attitude is simply irrelevant."

"This time, someone is trying to slander you. I'm afraid the company's public relations team alone won't be able to deal with it." Li Dan looked at her and said hesitantly.

"So what do you mean?" Qiu Qiu looked at Li Dan and told her instinctively that the next sentence might not sound good.

"So, I want to contact Leng Yan and ask him to help you solve it." Li Dan looked at her with questioning eyes.

"No." Qiu Qiu flatly refused.

"Mr. Leng is already in trouble because of the problem in the western suburbs. Leng Yan is so busy that he can't even go home. I don't even know whether he will take a rest every day or how many hours he sleeps. I definitely can't tell him at this time. "

"Sister Dan, since you asked me, it means that you are thinking about it. If you really have one heart with me, you can't tell him. Isn't it just being attacked by a group of black fans? I can bear it." Qiu Qiu watched quietly Li Dan's gaze implied oppression.

"I'm just saying, after all, if the cold banquet is to be resolved, it may be over soon." Knowing that Qiu Qiu would not agree, Li Dan said in a relaxed tone, also wanting to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere between the two.

"Sister Dan, I also want to show you my attitude. I don't mean any disrespect." Now that Li Dan has retired, Qiu Qiu also apologized.

"You are my manager. If we are not in agreement, how will we cooperate in the future?"

"Okay, I see, why did you persuade me instead." Li Dan said helplessly.It is really uncommon for her to be educated by a junior.

"Although you are just a small star now, you are similar to a big star in one thing."

"Where?" Qiu Qiu asked.

"Ability to withstand stress." Li Dan spat out four words.

"No way, it's all due to black fans." Qiu Qiu shrugged.

Li Dan has brought many stars, including first-tier and second-tier stars, and even small stars in the [-]th tier.But no one is as likable as Qiu Qiu.There is always something special about her that draws you in.

It turned out that she didn't know what it was, but later she realized that it was the purest kindness, optimism and bravery of human nature hidden in her.She would rather bear the burden and work hard on things that can be easily solved by others.

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry had these characteristics when they first set foot in the industry, but they were smoothed out by the rules or setbacks in this industry over time, but Qiu Qiu grew up day by day. Angular.

After chatting with Li Dan, Qiu Qiu planned to go home. After all, it was useless to stay here for a day, and there was no need for public relations.

In the car, Qiu Qiu sent two messages to Leng Yan, asking him how his work was going and telling him to take a good rest.

"Sister Qiu Qiu, we seem to be being followed." Leng Qing said, staring at a black van in the rearview mirror.

"Is it the paparazzi?" Qiu Qiu frowned. The most likely person who could follow her at this time was the paparazzi.

"Not sure, I'll dump it first." Leng Qing said and stepped on the accelerator to speed up.

Regardless of whether the other party was a paparazzi, did not report, and was aggressive, it was certain that the person who came was not kind. To be chosen by Leng Yan as Qiu Qiu's personal assistant and bodyguard, Leng Qing's ability cannot be doubted.

It would be easy to get rid of a following car, but she underestimated the power of traffic jams.

After more than 30 minutes of deserted stop-and-go driving, the cars behind kept a close distance.

If it wasn't for the fact that the cars behind were also very dense, Leng Qing had no doubt that the other party could catch up with him.

"Sister Qiu Qiu, the traffic jam is a bit serious, I can't get rid of it." He said coldly and weakly.

Holding the steering wheel, driving a car with the highest configuration, because the environment does not allow it, so I can't have a good time, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Qiu Qiu glanced at the crowded cars outside and frowned slightly.

"If you can't shake it, don't shake it first, wait until you drive to the suburbs, and then speed up when there are fewer cars, safety first." Qiu Qiu urged.


However, Qiu Qiu put safety first, and the car behind him didn't think so. When the traffic light at the intersection ahead changed, that car suddenly rushed towards Qiu Qiu's car.

"Sister Qiu Qiu, be careful!"

Leng Qing didn't expect the other party to make this move, but the action was faster than reason, and he turned the steering wheel to the other side.

With a loud noise, Qiu Qiu's car slammed into the car in front hard, the front of the car was dented, and the car behind also chased after the rear of the car.As three vehicles broke down, a chain reaction occurred on the road, and dozens of vehicles rear-ended in a row.

Qiu Qiu subconsciously grabbed the seat belt to protect his head when Leng Qing said to be careful. After the impact, Qiu Qiu felt that his internal organs were shaken all over, especially his stomach was rolling violently.

I was deserted at the front because of the protection of seat belts and airbags, so I was just a little dizzy.

After waking up, he quickly checked Qiu Qiu's condition, "Sister Qiu Qiu, are you alright?"

"No, nothing." Qiu Qiu shook his head and said in a difficult tone.

"I'll call an ambulance right away, you hold on." Seeing Qiu Qiu's painful expression, Leng Qing immediately dialed the emergency number.

In fact, she didn't need to call the police, the serial car accident outside had already attracted the traffic police, and the ambulance was also rushing over.

Leng Qing wanted to take Qiu Qiu down, but when the ambulance arrived, he got in first, but only after moving did he realize that the roof of Qiu Qiu's car had been dented due to the strong impact, Qiu Qiu's hand was stuck inside, and his fingers had been deformed.

Lonely was so frightened that his voice was hoarse.

Qiu Qiu was calmer than her, so Leng Qing asked someone to rescue her.

Leng Qing called for emergency personnel, and when they rescued Qiu Qiu's hand, the ambulance had already arrived.Leng Qing followed Qiu Qiu to the hospital.

While the expert was examining Qiu Qiu's hand, he went to the corridor coldly and told Leng Yan about Qiu Qiu's car accident.

"A car accident? Is it serious? How is Qiu Qiu?" Leng Yan asked hastily.

"I don't know about other places, but hands..." Leng Qing's throat tightened a little, and before he could finish speaking, he saw Qiu Qiu standing at the door.

"How's your hand?"

"Hands are still looking." Leng Qing looked into Qiu Qiu's eyes, and the sentence that had reached his mouth was injured and deformed, and it became this sentence.

"Still watching? Is it serious or not?"

Looking at Qiu Qiu coldly, she was obviously still the same person, but she just saw the threat in her eyes.

"No, it's not serious."

"Really?" Leng Yan was suspicious of her words.

There was a voice calling Leng Yan for a meeting from the phone. Qiu Qiu heard it and stepped forward, took the cold phone and said, "Of course it's not serious, it's just scratched."

"Why did that cold voice change?"

"The car accident was a bit serious, the kid was scared out of his wits." Qiu Qiu replied.

Leng Yan obviously didn't believe this sentence, Leng Qing was definitely not the kind of guy who would get weak when he saw a car accident.Something must have happened.

"Otherwise, what do you think I can do? If I'm going to be seriously injured, can I still shout at you in anger?" Leng Yan let go of her worries a lot.

"I'm going to see you now."

"No, hurry up to the meeting. I'll just ask the hospital for some Band-Aids. This car accident is a bit serious and many people were injured. I won't waste medical resources here." Qiu Qiu replied in a relaxed tone.

"Then bandage it well. If I go back and find that you have a problem, I won't let you go."

"I know, I know, hurry up and go home after work, I'll wait for you for dinner." Leng Yan hung up the phone, Qiu Qiu immediately threw the phone to Leng Qing, bending over in pain.

It is said that ten fingers connect with hearts, Qiu Qiu really understood the meaning of this sentence this time.

"Sister Qiu Qiu, are you okay?" Leng Qing quickly stepped forward to support her.

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