Counterattack live room: hot search queen cute

Chapter 18 Reproduce the rivers and lakes

For the next two days, Qiu Qiu's survival was limited to the bed and the bathroom.When I wake up, I play games and watch TV. When I’m hungry, I get something to eat. When I’m sleepy, I continue to sleep. I’m living a very uneasy life.

As for the fact that she would definitely be attacked if she didn't live broadcast these two days, she had long forgotten about it.

Is it okay to be drunk today if you have wine today? Why do you have to force yourself to face life when it is so difficult.

The warm yellow light gently illuminated the head of the bed. On the last day of the event, Qiu Qiu went to bed early, with half of her round face buried in the quilt, and her slender eyelashes fluttered from time to time, showing that she had not slept well. Not stable.

Suddenly, the phone rang in the silent bedroom.

Qiu Qiu frowned delicately, shrank under the quilt sleepily and uncomfortably, stretched out his hands to cover his ears in a daze.

But the bell rang again and again persistently. Four or five minutes later, Qiu Qiu finally resigned himself to his fate like a hibernating snake, closed his eyes limply, and touched the phone: "Hey, where... who... ah..."

The soft tone is vague and cute, like a sugar cake just out of the oven, it will be sweet to your heart with one bite.

The voice on the other end of the phone paused, "It's me, Space."

"Oh, space... huh?"


Qiu Qiu's brain was instantly sober as if struck by lightning.

She jumped up from the bed suddenly, straightened her clothes, scratched her hair, and wiped the drool from the corners of her lips by the way. After finishing, she remembered that he was on the phone, and she couldn't see what she looked like, so it was useless to do it. ah.

Foolishly belatedly, Qiu Qiu rubbed his face to make himself more sober, hesitated for a long time, and sat on the bed without daring to say a word.

Blank seemed to sense her nervousness, and took the initiative to say, "Turn on the live broadcast."


It's so late, what are you doing live broadcasting?
Qiu Qiu was still very confused, until he said the blank again, and then stepped on his slippers and walked to the corner of the bedroom specially decorated for the live broadcast.

Suddenly, seeing from the full-length mirror at the side that he was sleeping in a mess, Qiu Qiu stopped in his tracks. The live broadcast in this state would not have a good effect.

But if you think about it carefully, who really likes yourself? Those trolls and black fans don't care whether they broadcast well or not, even if they are dressed neatly, they will be hacked to pieces.

Wearing the fluffy pajamas he bought for 35 yuan during a discount last spring, Qiu Qiu pulled out a chair and started the live broadcast.

I don't know if these sailors stayed here all night without sleep. Just 2 minutes after the broadcast started, the clean screen was already covered with barrage, covering Qiu Qiu's face almost invisible.

Qiu Qiu was about to tap to block the bullet screen so as not to affect his mood, when suddenly, a golden system message came out:
Turn on the ban in this live broadcast room, except for the host and administrator space, no barrage can be sent.

"..." After live broadcasting for so long, Qiu Qiu, who never knew that the Maomao live broadcast platform had this function, was dumbfounded.

However, this is really cool.

Thinking of those navy black fans who wanted to scold her but couldn't scold her, she happily hummed a song, sleeping with a strand of hair curled up here and a bunch of hair curled up there swaying with the arc of her body.

Just when she couldn't stop laughing at herself, the activity interface whose charm value was almost emptied was suddenly displayed in the challenge.Qiu Qiu thought it was EVA's white lotus calling again, but when he looked closely, it turned out to be her challenge to EVA.

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