I don't know if it's the illusion of the cold banquet, but he always feels that Qiu Qiu seems to have lost weight recently.

"Go back and eat more." Leng Yan hugged Qiu Qiu in front of the mirror and whispered in her ear: "I seem to be hungry and thin recently."

Qiu Qiu: ...

She looked at herself in the mirror speechlessly, where was she thin?Where is thin?You only look good when you are thin, why does Leng Yan always want to get fat?Does he like fat people?
Qiu Qiu put his hands on Leng Yan's chest: "Leng Yan, do you like fat ones?"

She seems to need to ask some questions, what if she loses weight and Leng Yan doesn't like her.

"Huh?" Leng Yan was a little puzzled by her question, and it took a while to react, pinching her face with a smile, "As long as it's you, I like it."

Qiu Qiu's face was deformed by his pinching, and he slapped his hand, "It hurts, let go."

With so many people watching, she doesn't want to lose face.

"Fat and comfortable to hold. Qiu Qiu, you don't need to change anything for me, as long as you are happy." Leng Yan looked at her with an unusually gentle voice.

The smile on the corner of Qiu Qiu's mouth couldn't help but widen, he took his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go, doesn't it mean that the banquet is about to start!"

The two entered the banquet hall, and many people had already arrived.

Countless businessmen and noble ladies chatted at the banquet, no matter how they fought in private, they were all in harmony on the surface.

Qiu Qiu has no interest in this kind of banquet, and has no acquaintances, so he quietly follows Leng Yan.

Along the way, there were many people who chatted with Leng Yan.Leng Yan just greeted him a few times indifferently. Today he just came to watch the show and had no intention of making friends with others, so Bingshan's aura was fully on display.

Seeing that he was not keen and there was a beautiful woman by his side, everyone consciously didn't go up to bother him.

There were a few who were blind and wanted to take advantage of the cold banquet, but were also frightened by the cold eyes of the cold banquet, and dared not go forward.

At the banquet hosted by Hua Tiankuo, all members of the Hua family were naturally present.

Liu Chun behaved like a hostess, shuttled gracefully around a group of celebrities and ladies, and chatted loudly with them.

In the northwest corner of the banquet, Hua Jian in a royal blue suit leaned lightly on the white jade railing, holding a glass of red wine and looking at Liu Chun in the banquet, with unabashed ridicule and contempt in his peach eyes.

"Pretentious!" Hua Jian couldn't help but sarcastically looked at Liu Chun who was trying to maintain his ladylike demeanor.

Hua Jun, who was about to come over, heard Hua Jian's words and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's the hen with swan feathers in the middle." Hua Jian looked at Hua Jun's lips slightly raised.

Hua Jian's arrogant tone made Hua Jun a little annoyed, "Don't forget, she is the mistress of the Hua family now, whether you admit that she is your mother in name, you have to be respectful and respectful when you worship your ancestors. If she calls mom, your short-lived mother won't have a chance to hear you call mom again."

Hearing him mentioning his mother, Hua Jian couldn't help tightening his fingers, "Oh, she deserves it too? Hua Jun, your head fell on some woman's bed, right? Do you think she dares to agree even if I call her? ? Is she destined to agree?"

"Whether it's you or Liu Chun, the evil you have done, one day I will make it impossible for you to survive or die." Hua Jian walked a few steps forward and said in Hua Jun's ear.

"It's up to you?" Hua Jun sneered.

Hua Jian gave him a meaningful look, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Take it lightly recently, don't lose your mind someday, remember, it, I have already reserved it."

"You!" Hua Jun looked at him with dark eyes.

"I searched for a long time just now, so you two brothers are here!" Liu Chun looked at Hua Jian and Hua Jun and walked over with a smile.

"Hua Jian hasn't seen you for a long time, why don't you go home to see your dad recently, I ask my aunt to prepare your favorite meals every week, and you don't come back to eat." Liu Chun scolded with a loving mother.

"Don't be busy working all day, go home and have a look more often, so that the servants can make you some delicious supplements. You see that you have lost weight recently." Liu Chun walked a few steps and looked at Hua Jian carefully. , Distress written all over his face.

The smile on the corner of Hua Jian's mouth deepened, "Are you sure you are cooking for me, not poisoning me?"

The smile on the corner of Liu Chun's mouth froze, "You kid is really good at joking, anyway, I am your mother in name, how could I harm you."

"I'm not in the habit of treating Xiao San as my mother." Hua Jian drank the last sip of red wine in his glass.

There were already many spectators around, and the smile on Liu Chun's face could not be maintained. If Hua Tiankuo hadn't asked her to be more generous at the banquet, at least to let outsiders see that their family was harmonious, she would not have come over.

Now she is a bit stuck, if she just leaves, she may become the laughing stock of the whole circle tomorrow, so she can only change the subject with a dry smile.

"You're old too, you should think about your own marriage."

"Just now I saw a lot of daughters, no matter in terms of family background or appearance, they are all good at learning, do you want to go and see?"

"Are you sure? What if I find someone with a good family background, what if the marriage takes away Fahrenheit?" Hua Jian looked at her with a half-smile.

"Hehe, you're not that kind of person." The smile on Liu Chun's face was cracked, and the fist hidden behind his back couldn't help but clenched tightly.

"You should really look in the mirror now. This look is really ugly. I don't know how my dad slapped you. Another thing to say, put away your hypocrisy, your face is just as ugly. Lied to my dad, lied to me, I feel disgusting just looking at it."

After Hua Jian finished speaking, he shook his head seriously, as if he wanted to get rid of some disgusting picture in his head.

Liu Chun was a little dizzy from his anger, and almost couldn't stand upright. A woman hurriedly stepped forward to support her, whispering something in her mouth.

Leng Yan and Qiu Qiu stood not far away watching the play, and basically heard a general idea.

"I've heard that Second Young Master Hua does whatever he wants, but I didn't expect that he would be so disrespectful to those two people." Qiu Qiu whispered while standing beside Leng Yan.

Leng Yan frowned slightly, "What kind of face do you give to that kind of person?"

"What is that star doing?" Qiu Qiu looked at the woman and asked, which seemed to be a thread.

"Hua Jun's female companion." Leng Yan said lightly.

Qiu Qiu nodded, it's okay to look at Hua Jun with bad eyes, but he still leaned in when Liu Chun was so embarrassed, he probably had something wrong with his brain.

"Hua Jian, I didn't ask you to come here to act wildly here!" A calm and sullen male voice sounded.

Qiu Qiu raised his head and saw Hua Tiankuo walking in front of those three people at some point.

"Father really flattered me. Now there is no place for me to play wild in the Hua family. I don't even know how much I owe you for coming to this banquet." Hua Jian said casually, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him.

Hua Tiankuo looked around and seemed to be chatting together in twos and threes, but the eyes of those who kept their ears here were even more hostile.

He lowered his voice and reprimanded: "You can stay at today's banquet if you can, and get out if you can't!"

"Just say no, do you think I still want to come to this kind of place?" Hua Jian stood up straight and rubbed his sore neck.

"Hua Jun, can you grow taller? It doesn't matter if your mother is short, but you are also so short. My neck hurts when I quarrel with you."

"Pfft!" Qiu Qiu couldn't hold back a sip of wine, and this Second Young Master Hua really satirized Hua Jun when he got the chance, without any sympathy.

Hua Jun's face was a little gloomy, but there were so many people around who couldn't bear it.

After watching the excitement, Leng Yan took Qiu Qiu and was about to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he ran into an acquaintance, Lan Meng.

"I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be you." Lan Meng stepped on a height of more than ten centimeters and looked at Qiu Qiu condescendingly.

"Really think that letting Leng Yan take you to a few banquets, you will be able to squeeze into the upper class and become a wealthy wife?"

As soon as Lan Meng's words fell, Leng Yan's face changed, looking at her gloomyly like a black cloud.

Qiu Qiu patted the hand wrapped around her waist and gave him a comforting look.

Lan Meng was a little scared, but she still held back, "Qiu Qiu, what else can you do besides relying on men? Do you think Leng Yan will really marry you? You can't even pass his sister's test."

Qiu Qiu couldn't help laughing at her arrogant look.

"My man is willing to let me rely on it, so what if I rely on it? At least I don't suffer from relying on it. Miss Lan, don't you rely on men? Don't you have photos of you and those production bosses? They are here today Not a lot."

After Qiu Qiu finished speaking, he looked around, "There are enough mahjong tables for several tables. I don't know what their wives will think when they see those photos."

"What do you mean? What photo?" Lan Meng's voice was a little nervous.

She believed that Qiu Qiu didn't have that ability, but she was surrounded by cold banquets. If that man asked someone to take pictures... Lan Meng felt a little cold.

"It literally means, Miss Lan, don't hang around in front of me all the time, I'm an eyesore. If you do something impulsively, your stardom will be in jeopardy."

After Qiu Qiu finished speaking, he ignored Lan Meng, who had changed his face, and left with a cold banquet.

"Why don't I know what photos are there?" Leng Yan asked with raised eyebrows.

"You lied to her." Qiu Qiu rolled his eyes.

Leng Yan laughed.

After watching the Hua family's play, it was meaningless to stay in the banquet, so the cold banquet took Qiu Qiu away.

When the car drove halfway, a white Land Rover suddenly stopped in front of the two cars.

Hua Jian, dressed in a royal blue suit, came out and knocked on the window of Leng Yan's car.

The car window was lowered, and Hua Jian's ruffian voice sounded, "A cold banquet, why don't we have a drink together on such a beautiful day?"

"No time."

"Don't be so cold, isn't it Xiao Qiuqiu?" Hua Jian looked at Qiu Qiu on the other side, "He is so cold, how did you, my little sweetheart, fall in love with him?"

Leng Yan glanced at him sharply and was about to roll the car window.

"I really don't want to go." Hua Jian stretched his waist, said that he was bored and wanted to leave.

Leng Yan didn't know what to think of, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Hua Jian brought the two of them to a nearby bar. As soon as Qiu Qiu entered, he was shocked by the hot atmosphere inside.

Leng Yan embraced Qiu Qiu and walked straight inside.

"Xiao Qiuqiu, this is not your first time here, is it?" Hua Jian looked around, and Qiu Qiu, who couldn't hide his excitement, asked curiously.

Qiu Qiu nodded, and opened his mouth wide in surprise when he saw the men and women in hot clothes dancing close to each other on the dance floor.Some men even take off their shirts directly.

Leng Yan covered her eyes and led her to the bar.

"It looks so lively." Qiu Qiu broke away from his hand and looked at the crowd excitedly.

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu who was eager to try, his face turned dark, "Don't even think about it, just stay here obediently."

Qiu Qiu's face couldn't help but collapse, it was rare to come to the bar, and she was not allowed to play, it might as well not bring her here.

Leng Yan looked at Hua Jian who was watching the excitement, "There is something you might be interested in." After speaking, he handed him a photo.

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