Du Li looked at Leng Yan and stopped talking.

Seeing that Du Li was sitting still, Leng Yan frowned, and said with a serious face: "Why, do you have something to say?"

Du Li glanced at Leng Yan, hesitated for a while and said, "Mr. Leng, we have already brought Miss Qiu back, so let's forget about it." 
Leng Yan looked at Du Li with wide eyes, and said with a sneer, "Do you think I will be afraid of them?"

"No, it's just that his father, Hua Tiankuo, and the young master of the Fahrenheit Group, Hua Jun, are too despicable. If you help Hua Jian, the second young master of the Fahrenheit Group, it may be detrimental to the future development of the Leng Corporation." Du Li said timidly. .

For Du Li, Leng Yan is simply a cold-blooded animal. Every time he disagrees with him, he always does this, making Du Li dare not look directly at him, but for the long-term development of the company, he has to Don't face realization.

"He's attacking Qiu Qiu this time, he's trying to show me his power. If he doesn't succeed, then he will definitely do it next time, so you do as I say, I have my own measure." Leng Yan did not hesitate Said.

In fact, it's not that he hasn't considered these issues, but as long as Qiu Qiu's safety is involved, in order to prevent Qiu Qiu from being hurt again, he is willing to do anything.

"Okay, then I'll contact him now." Knowing that Leng Yan had made up his mind, Du Li didn't say anything else.

Leng Yan came to Qiu Qiu's bedroom. At this time, Qiu Qiu was still in a dream, and sometimes showed a sweet smile from time to time.

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu who was not dreaming affectionately, it turned out that she was still beautiful when she was quiet, at least she was perfect in his opinion.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" Leng Yan said to herself, a long-lost smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It was rare for Leng Yan to look at Qiu Qiu quietly like this. It can be said that this was the first time the two of them realized that he had shown his tender side blatantly in front of her.

Qiu Qiu turned over, and naturally wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand.

It was only then that Leng Yan noticed that Qiu Qiu was drooling in a dream. Leng Yan's eyes unconsciously looked at the place where Qiu Qiu turned over. The saliva had already soaked the pillowcase, and then looked at Qiu Qiu's hand, which still had the saliva that he wiped just now.

Leng Yan sneered, she was only looking at Qiu Qiu just now, and didn't notice that she was drooling.

Leng Yan shook his head, he took a tissue from the side, and gently wiped the dream saliva on Qiu Qiu's hand.

Then he lifted Qiu Qiu's head carefully, and replaced her with a new pillow.

Qiu Qiu shook her head unnaturally, but after a while, she began to mutter to herself again in her sleep.

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu, rolled his eyes helplessly, and then picked up the novel next to him to read.

"Wake up, did you sleep well?" Leng Yan put down the book in his hand and said softly.

"Well, what time is it?" Qiu Qiu asked curiously, she didn't expect to hear Leng Yan's voice when she woke up.

"Eleven o'clock." Leng Yan deliberately said loudly.

"Ah? But now, day and night are the same for me." Qiu Qiu said sadly.

"Don't be so negative, you are only temporary, believe me, you will be fine soon." Leng Yan comforted.

Qiu Qiu closed his eyes and looked listless, ignoring the cold banquet.

Leng Yan didn't know why Qiu Qiu was suddenly angry. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't say anything wrong just now.

Leng Yan scratched his forehead nervously, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Guess what I heard you talking about in your sleep just now?"

Qiu Qiu still ignored the cold banquet.

Leng Yan said unhurriedly: "A certain person kept calling my name in the dream, and even confessed to me. Alas, it's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone, otherwise..."

"Impossible, just keep lying to me." Qiu Qiu said with a flushed face when he interrupted the cold banquet.

"Why lie to you, I even wiped your drool." Leng Yan continued.

"Well, Leng Yan, why don't you go to work today?" Qiu Qiu knew that he couldn't talk about Leng Yan, so he simply changed the subject.

"I will accompany you today, and I won't go anywhere." Leng Yan said.

Leng Yan felt that he was becoming more and more glib, especially after being with Qiu Qiu, his temper also restrained a lot.

Qiu Qiu pursed his lips and smiled.

"Put your head over here, we're going to start exercising." Leng Yan said with a smile.

"What kind of exercise?" Qiu Qiu asked inexplicably, and suddenly she became nervous for no reason.

"Look what are you thinking? Am I that cruel?" Leng Yan saw through Qiu Qiu's thoughts at a glance, and said dissatisfied.

Qiu Qiu didn't say anything, and moved his head very consciously and slowly.

"The doctor said, massage your eyes every day, it will help you recover faster." Leng Yan said while starting to massage Qiu Qiu's eye points.

"Is it comfortable? Did it hurt you?" Leng Yan asked with concern.

"No, it's quite comfortable." Qiu Qiu said with a smile.

"If it hurts, just tell me, I can't control the strength." Leng Yan was afraid of hurting Qiu Qiu, and carefully massaged the eye points.

"This strength is enough, Leng Yan, I really want to get better soon, and I will give you a massage when the time comes." Qiu Qiu thought it was very beautiful.

"Okay, I will remember what you said today."

"However, I feel that I am so happy now. I can see or not, as long as I have you by my side, I don't care." Qiu Qiu enjoys the present time very much.

"As long as you're happy, I can press it for the rest of my life." Leng Yan didn't know why, but she was very patient in front of Qiu Qiu today.

Qiu Qiu showed a happy and sweet smile.

The morning sun, not warm, shone through the glass in the room, Qiu Qiu felt warm in his heart and body.

In the past few days, as soon as Leng Yan finished her work, she immediately helped Qiu Qiu massage the eye points.

"Thank you, Leng Yan, for not disliking me for what I am now." Qiu Qiu closed his eyes and said sadly.

"What are you talking about? You are not allowed to talk nonsense in the future. Qiu Qiu, whether you see it or not, I will be your eyes, protect you and spoil you forever."

Over the past few days, Leng Yan has become completely familiar with the operation and intensity of eye massage.

Qiu Qiu was very moved, but in order to prevent Leng Yan from discovering her fragility, she just nodded lightly, trying not to shed tears.

During the period of blindness, to be honest, Qiu Qiu was already discouraged, but in order not to let Leng Yan worry about herself, Qiu Qiu did not tell Leng Yan what was on her mind these days.

But after living peacefully with Leng Yan for the past few days, the ambiguity between Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan continued, and their relationship was much deeper than before.

It was another bright morning, Qiu Qiu lay on the massage chair and continued to enjoy Leng Yan's eye massage.

"Okay, this morning's massage is over, let's continue in the afternoon." Leng Yan clapped her hands and said.

"Thank you the masseuse." Every time after Leng Yan's massage, Qiu Qiu felt that the eyes were particularly relaxed.

"Get up and slowly open your eyes and move your muscles." After Leng Yan finished speaking, he slowly pulled Qiu Qiu up from the chair.

Qiu Qiu slowly opened it, but for the first time, it was still pitch black.

Qiu Qiu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared to open them for the second time.

Leng Yan watched Qiu Qiu intently from the side, expecting a miracle to happen to Qiu Qiu.

As soon as Qiu Qiu opened his eyes, he quickly covered them with his hands.

"Ah, Qiu Qiu, can you see it?" Leng Yan said excitedly.

"It's shadowy." Qiu Qiu was also very happy.

From insomnia to now, she finally saw new hope today.

Leng Yan was even more excited than Qiu Qiu, jumping and screaming beside him, very happy: "I said you will definitely see it, haha, I am really happy today..."

Although Qiu Qiu couldn't see it very clearly, she could feel that Leng Yan was really happy, and Qiu Qiu also felt very happy.

"Qiu Qiu, I'm going to attend a banquet later, can you do it alone at home?" Leng Yan fed Qiu Qiu and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I can do it." Qiu Qiu said indistinctly with rice in his mouth.

Leng Yan likes to see Qiu Qiu like this the most, it's so cute.

"The main reason is that this banquet cannot be postponed, otherwise I can accompany you." Leng Yan said regretfully.

"I'm full, go get ready, or you'll be late later." Qiu Qiu said, patting his stomach.

Well, just be careful at home, sit quietly and wait for me to come back, and don't go anywhere. "Leng Yan exhorted worriedly.

"Understood." Qiu Qiu responded loudly impatiently.

Leng Yan glanced at Qiu Qiu who was on the rocking chair, then turned and left.

Leng Yan was not at home, and it was too early to go to bed, Qiu Qiu was really too leisurely.

So Qiu Qiu wanted to use his memory to find Ai Nuan, but when she slowly moved into the wheelchair, Qiu Qiu accidentally fell to the ground because she couldn't sit still.

The scar from previous surgery on Qiu Qiu's forehead had just scabbed over, but because of Qiu Qiu's fall, the wound popped open again, and blood flowed out little by little.

But Qiu Qiu didn't care about the wound on his forehead, but pulled up the wheelchair beside him that had fallen on the ground.

When Qiu Qiu groped for the wheelchair and tried to get up slowly, she was suddenly picked up by someone.

From this person's breath and body smell, Qiu Qiu's intuition told her that this person must not be a cold feast.

"Who are you, let me go." Qiu Qiu shouted loudly.

"Gu Bai." Gu Bai put Qiu Qiu on the bed and said in a low voice.

"Why did you appear here?" Qiu Qiu asked curiously.

"Leng Yan called me and asked me to come and take care of you. He doesn't worry about you being alone at home." Gu Bai saw the wound on Qiu Qiu's forehead bleeding non-stop, and said worriedly: "Don't move, I'll go Find a doctor to bandage the wound on your forehead, it's bleeding."

"Thank you." Qiu Qiu felt the pain after the wound popped open at this moment, so he had to lie down obediently without moving.

Gu Bai's sudden appearance really scared her.

After a while, the family doctor came, and he quickly bandaged Qiu Qiu's wound, and told her to be careful next time, otherwise the wound would become infected.

After Gu Bai sent off the family doctor, he quietly called Leng Yan.

"Thank you just now, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." Qiu Qiu said gratefully.

"Fortunately, I came early, otherwise I wouldn't know how to explain to Leng Yan!" Gu Bai said.


Leng Yan hurried back, and said anxiously as soon as he entered the door: "Qiu Qiu, how are you?"

"It's okay, I've already asked a doctor to bandage her wound, but next time I have to be careful not to let the wound open again," Gu Bai said.

"Okay, I will pay attention." Leng Yan said.

"Then you take care of her, I'll go back first." Gu Bai felt that he was not suitable to be present now, and wanted to leave quickly.

"I send you."

"No, you take care of her. I came here by car." After finishing speaking, Gu Bai exited the room and left the Leng's villa.

"I told you to stay still and not move, why are you disobedient?" Leng Yan said while checking the wound on Qiu Qiu's forehead.

As soon as he got close, Qiu Qiu smelled the unfamiliar perfume on Leng Yan.

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