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Chapter 154 I want to take a shower with you

But after he realized it quickly, he picked up the USB flash drive, put the USB flash drive in again, and Leng Yan took Qiu Qiu back to the villa under pressure.

At this time, in the villa, in the bedroom on the second floor, Qiu Qiu was unwilling to take a bath no matter what.

Looking at Qiu Qiu's appearance, Leng Yan felt a little headache.

"Hello everyone, that's right, I am Qiu Qiu, the invincible Sailor Moon who everyone loves and whose flowers bloom everywhere. Next, I will bring you a song called Two Tigers!"

Qiu Qiu took the cup, then stood on the bed and played drunkenly.

Leng Yan sat on the sofa and watched Qiu Qiu, and didn't forget to take a mobile phone to record a video for Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Qiu stood on the top and looked down at Leng Yan: "I want a very handsome little brother to sing with me, okay?"

"Yes, that's right, it's you, it's you, that's right, little brother, come up quickly." Qiu Qiu got out of bed to hold Leng Yan's hand, but Leng Yan knocked it off.

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu, who was crazy about drinking, and asked, "When did you agree to take a bath with me?"

"Huh? What? Take a bath? I won't take a bath unless you agree to wash with me." Qiu Qiu said, blinking her big eyes.

After hearing these words, Leng Yan pressed his temples, then took Qiu Qiu's hand to take a bath.

But Qiu Qiu was restless when taking a bath: "Oh! Why don't you take off your clothes! Take off quickly, or you will feel uncomfortable if you get wet." After saying that, Qiu Qiu went to take off Leng Yan's clothes .

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu, feeling a little dumbfounded.

Until the two were naked and frank, Qiu Qiu began to sing: "I love taking a bath, my body is good..."

After the bath was finally finished, Qiu Qiu was carried to the bed by Leng Yan, and then Leng Yan went into the bathroom and took a cold shower.

Qiu Qiu, on the other hand, slept soundly in a daze.

After the cold banquet came out, he walked towards Qiu Qiu, glanced at the woman on the bed, his eyes softened: "Good night." After saying this, he hugged Qiu Qiu and fell asleep.

The next day, when Qiu Qiu woke up, it was past ten o'clock. She looked at the empty seat beside her, feeling a little empty in her heart.

She held her forehead and found that her forehead was a little painful. She knew that she had become like this after drinking two glasses of wine last night.

But soon, after she seemed to think of something, she went to look for her handbag, but she didn't see it at all. She went downstairs: "Did you see where my handbag went?"

The maid picked up the clutch bag from the sofa and handed it to Qiu Qiu: "Is this it? Miss Qiu."

Qiu Qiu took the clutch bag, and went upstairs with a nervous expression on his face.

Upstairs, Qiu Qiushou sent a text message, it was a video sent by Leng Yan, and the font below it read: No more drinking in the future.

Qiu Qiu clicked on the video, and after seeing the content, he rubbed his temples, then continued to watch the video, his face darkened.

As the saying goes, being drunk is not scary, the scariest thing is when you are sober, and someone helps you recall the way you were drunk, and that is the scariest thing when you see yourself acting like a drunk.

After watching the video, she wrote back to Leng Yan: I promise, I won't drink such a high concentration of alcohol next time!
Leng Yan held a meeting on the other side, and when he heard the news, he curled his lips into a smile, then edited another message and sent it to Qiu Qiu: If you drink indiscriminately in the future, I won't be a gentleman like last night.

Everyone looked at Leng Yan and knew that it must be the message from Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Qiu looked at the message and blushed. She vaguely remembered that she wanted to take a bath with her: Okay, I get it, I will definitely not drink like last night again.

This is good, tell me what you want and I will bring it home to you later, stay at home and wait for your husband to come back.

Leng Yan sent out the news again.

Qiu Qiu looked at his mobile phone and showed a sweet smile: "I hate it, I don't really want anything too much, but as long as you come back with peace of mind, you don't need to bring me food."

Leng Yan looked at the message from his daughter-in-law, and after replying a single word, the meeting resumed.

This also made the originally oppressive and tense meeting a little warmer.

Those managers also dared to raise their own questions boldly. According to the past, they didn't even dare to raise their voices. But since the president smiled this time, it proves that he is in a good mood now. Will blow up again.

After reading the news sent by Leng Yan, Qiu Qiu smiled happily, then connected the USB flash drive to the computer, opened the file, and found a sentence from Shumi: Be careful of the following people, if you don’t Be careful they might kill you.

Qiu Qiu continued to pull down, and then looked at those beautiful ladies, and felt ashamed in his heart.

But after scrolling down to the bottom, Qiu Qiu found the pictures of the famous ladies after removing their makeup, and started to laugh out loud.

To be honest, there is a famous lady who is from a scholarly family. Although she is the third child in her family and is not from the main family, she still looks good, but after removing her makeup, she looks 30 years older.

Qiu Qiu continued to pull it down, but the only thing it didn't understand was why, because of these women?
But none of them seemed to do much harm.

But I didn't have much communication with them, so how could I provoke them?

Since you can't mess with them, why should you be careful about them?

Qiu Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Shumi. As soon as the call was connected, Qiu Qiu said, "Why should I be careful about them? I haven't seen them before, and I'm not familiar with them, but why should I be careful about them? "

Shumi was sitting in the cafe at this time, drinking tea, looking out the window: "Forget it, you come to the cafe on Caijing West Road, I'll wait for you, let's meet and talk." After finishing speaking, he mercilessly hang up the phone.

In desperation, Qiu Qiu had no choice but to prepare to rush to the cafe, but just as she was about to leave the house, the maid stopped her: "Miss Qiu, ask the driver to take you off. There are many reporters around now, you still need the driver to take you off." You."

"Okay." Qiu Qiu felt that one more thing is worse than one less thing, not to mention that now that he has been searched several times on the Internet, and now he is going to meet Shumi at the coffee shop, it will definitely be bad if he is late.

Therefore, Qiu Qiu asked the driver to drive him directly to the coffee shop.

As soon as I arrived outside the coffee shop, I saw Shumi sitting by the window waving to me. After I walked in and took a look, I realized that Shumi was sitting in a private room.

Qiu Qiu walked over and sat down and said, "I'm here, why didn't you tell me on the phone, but why did you want me to come out and talk to you face to face?

Shumi looked at Qiu Qiu in front of him, and then called the waiter: "What would you like to drink?"

Qiu Qiu looked at the waiter: "Just give me a glass of orange juice."

After the waiter left, Schumi asked, "Have you read the contents of the USB flash drive I gave you?"

"I finished reading it when I got up this morning, but why did you give me such a USB flash drive?" Qiu Qiu asked.

Schumi snapped his fingers: "That USB flash drive is all about your rival in love, don't you care?"

"You don't even know what they look like after taking off their makeup? You didn't give me the USB flash drive after you helped me investigate, did you?" Qiu Qiu asked.

In fact, Schumi didn't finish reading it, Schumi stroked his hair, and said with erratic eyes: "How is it possible, I did all these investigations for myself before.

But now that Leng Yan has chosen you, I don't think it's necessary for me to stop the two of you, not to mention that I won't destroy other people's families like the enchanting female supporting role in the novel. "

"Actually, the first time I saw you, I thought you liked cold banquets, but as the saying goes, don't tell the truth, so I didn't say anything about it." Qiu Qiu said.

Shu Mi looked at Qiu Qiu, but he was very straightforward: "Is there anything I can't pick up and let go of a dignified daughter of the Shu family?"

"But love is the kind of thing you really can't afford." Qiu Qiu joked.

"Yo, what you said is not the same, why don't you give me the cold banquet, and I will give you my life experience and all my money? Let's try to switch identities?" Schumi had a smirk on his face.

After Qiu Qiu heard it, he quickly waved his hands: "No, no, I'm afraid that we will switch back after the two of us, and the cold banquet will screw me to death."

"Let me tell you, a man who cheats on women is not a good husband. If he dares to cheat on you, you can go back and fight back, especially when dealing with cold banquets. Don't be soft-handed. If you are soft-handed, he may I’ll come back to attack you, so you must make him suffer.” Shumi came up with an idea.

But Qiu Qiu didn't care about this question, he directly diverted from the question, took a sip of the juice served by the waiter, and asked: "You have given up the cold banquet now, so what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about me, a big beauty like flowers and jade! Wherever I go, sometimes a bunch of men will chase me."

"But then why do you care about me so much?"

Shumi was taken aback for a moment, but turned to speak: "As a cold banquet woman, you must become outstanding, so that you won't be given and looked down upon.

To put it simply, I just don't want you to hold him back. You are old now, and you have to try to grow up, otherwise you will be held back by others, and others will look down on you. "

After hearing what Shumi said, Qiu Qiu suddenly felt that he was enlightened.

But then, what Shumi said made Qiu Qiu a little confused: "This is the last time I'm reminding you, it's up to you whether you listen or not, and I won't remind you like this again in the future .”

"Why?" Qiu Qiu asked puzzled.

Schumi's eyes dodged a little: "How can there be so many reasons?"

But Qiu Qiu asked persistently: Maybe you tell me and I can help you solve it.

"Okay, let me tell you, someone warned me, and I'm scared." Shumi said, looking out the window.

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