Counterattack live room: hot search queen cute

Chapter 151 As long as Qiu Qiu is happy

"It's okay, just keep an eye on everything, don't trust anyone too much." Leng Yan said.

Qiu Qiu looked at Leng Yan and blinked his big eyes: "Then do you think I should be careful with you?"

"For me? It's not necessary, but for people other than me, you have to be more careful." Leng Yan stroked Qiu Qiu's soft hair.

Qiu Qiu's words were naturally a joke, but she felt that what Leng Yan said was right, she had to be careful with people, otherwise she might not even know that she was cheated someday.

"Okay, I'll definitely be careful with everyone except you, but I'm going to the company now, so I won't chat with you anymore." Qiu Qiu picked up his bag and prepared to go out.

Leng Yan was a little puzzled, took her hand and asked, "What are you doing in the company?"

"I need to discuss with the company about the promotion of my album." After explaining, Qiu Qiu walked out of the room.

At this time, Qiu Qiu's company was downstairs.

Qiu Qiu stood at the gate, took a look at his company, and walked in confidently.

Qiu Qiu walked to the elevator door, pressed the elevator button, and entered the elevator after waiting for a few seconds. This time, there were quite a lot of people in the elevator.

But Qiu Qiu didn't mind, so he went in, and when he reached the floor he was about to go down, he saw Li Dan standing at the door waiting for a long time.

Qiu Qiu didn't speak, but nodded out of good intentions.

Li Dan saw Qiu Qiu and came over: "Qiu Qiu, let's go to the office to discuss the promotion of your album."

"Okay." Qiu Qiu came out after chatting with Li Dan in the office for a while, but this time, although Qiu Qiu was working on an elevator.But this time the elevator was surprisingly weird, only Qiu Qiu was sitting there.

When the elevator descended to the fourth floor, Qiu Qiu had an ominous premonition, but she didn't expect what it was.

Suddenly, all the lights in the elevator went out, leaving only one emergency light on there, emitting a faint light.

Qiu Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed the staff, but found that there was no signal at all.

Standing in the elevator, Qiu Qiu was calm in his mind, but his heart was in a mess.

"What to do? What to do?" Qiu Qiu kept thinking.

"I'm still so young, my new album hasn't come out yet, I haven't seen Leng Yan yet, and I haven't accomplished what I want to accomplish in this life, so I can't just die without knowing why."

Qiu Qiu kept tapping on the elevator door, trying to let others hear: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

I don't know who passed by here, heard Qiu Qiu's voice, and called someone immediately.

After Qiu Qiu stayed in the elevator for a while, he started calling Leng Yan again.

Finally, there was a signal for a while, and after a while, Qiu Qiu just said a word, and there was no signal.

Moreover, Qiu Qiu felt that the elevator was sinking all the time, and now her body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Leng Yan on the other side didn't know the current situation of Qiu Qiu, but when he connected the phone, he heard Qiu Qiu's voice slightly crying, and heard the sensitive word "elevator", so he immediately understood the matter the reason.

He is on his way to Qiu Qiu's company now, and he is afraid that Qiu Qiu will leave him just like that.

When he arrived at the company, he took another elevator to the building that was being repaired.

Leng Yan looked at the elevator, many people were rushing to take it away: "What's going on?"

"President... Qiu Qiu was the only one in the elevator, and the elevator seemed to be stuck upstairs, but it happened to be falling at this moment, so we calculated the time and place where it fell, and are rushing to repair it."

After someone reported, they went to help again.Leng Yan was sitting outside the group of people, watching the group of people rushing to repair the elevator, and kept praying in his heart that Qiu Qiu was fine.

"Okay, the elevator has been repaired, and you can use it with peace of mind." At some point, a maintenance worker said suddenly.

After that, Qiu Qiu came out of the elevator, and many people dispersed, waiting for Qiu Qiu to come out.

But for some reason, this kind of spread has become a road leading to Leng Yan.

Looking at Leng Yan, Qiu Qiu felt very sour in his heart
He ran over and hugged him: "Leng... Lengyan, I almost thought I would never see you again, I still have new songs to release, and I haven't done a lot of things in this world, I really almost thought that I'm going to say goodbye to you and the world."

Leng Yan looked at Qiu Qiu who was crying in his arms, stroked her soft and silky hair, and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay, this kind of thing won't happen again."

With such an intimate act, many people present were instantly petrified.

But someone still took such a scene, and then posted it to their circle of friends, and even the title said that he was a little unbelievable.

In less than three hours, this photo was on the hot searches on major news.

The titles are particularly attractive, "The Legendary President Bingshan Opens Up, Since She Is His Girlfriend", "The Secret of Qiu Qiu, President of the Leng Group and Singer".

These headlines attracted the attention of many people as soon as they came up. After that, many people were divided into passers-by, black fans, brainless fans, and die-hard fans, and began to go to the two Weibo accounts.

It didn't take long for Qiu Qiu's Weibo to gain more than 1000 million fans, and even the cold banquet gained more than 2000 million fans.

But at this moment, the two of them still don't know.

After Li Dan saw the news, the water he just drank in his mouth spewed out all at once, and the water was completely sprayed on the phone.

Because I was too hasty to wipe the phone with paper, the phone fell to the ground without warning, and then the screen shattered.

In desperation, Li Dan went to buy another mobile phone, put the SIM card into it, and dialed Qiu Qiu's number.

After Qiu Qiu received the call, Li Dan asked, "Grandma, where are you now?"

"I'm on my way home now, what's wrong?" Qiu Qiu glanced at Leng Yan beside him and said.

Li Dan looked at his watch: "You don't even know about such a big news, come to the company quickly, I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh, okay, I'll go back to the company now." Qiu Qiu nodded on the other side.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Leng Yan: "I need to go back to the company again."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Qiu Qiu was very moved by the short words.

When they arrived at the office, Qiu Qiu and Leng Yan went to the floor where Li Dan was. As soon as they entered the office, Li Dan closed the door tightly.

Li Dan picked up today's hot search on his new phone, and then handed the phone to Qiu Qiu.

"Qiu Qiu, what do you think when you see such news?" Li Dan asked.

Qiu Qiu didn't watch the news, but when he saw Li Dan's cell phone, he smiled a little: "Have you changed your cell phone?"

Because Qiu Qiu never expected that a stingy person like Li Dan would think of changing his phone.

Li Dan pointed to the news on his mobile phone, and then said: "You paid attention quite accurately, why, you want to reimburse me?"

"No, no." Qiu Qiu quickly waved his hands.

"If not, just read the news for me, and only watch the trending ones." Li Dan pinched his waist and said.

Qiu Qiu clicked on the hot search, and was a little surprised: "What is this and what! How can it be..."

Li Dan looked at Qiu Qiu's expression, and was furious: "How can you do something? This is not something the reporter made up. This is the photo of you when you came out of the store stairs just now."

"So... what should I do?" Qiu Qiu looked at Li Dan.

Li Dan tapped Qiu Qiu's head: "You ask me? Who do I ask? Now your new album is about to be released. Although the current news is beneficial to you, some reporters will make headlines and make things serious."

"So, you mean that as long as I don't clarify with him, it's possible to recruit gangsters?" Qiu Qiu pointed to Leng Yan who was sitting in a wheelchair and asked.

Having said that, Li Dan came up with an idea: "You read the comments before talking!"

As he said that, he turned his phone to the comment point and asked Qiu Qiu to check it.

Qiu Qiu looked at the comments and wanted to laugh: "What is this? These netizens are weird enough!"

"You still know it's strange? What do you think we should do now?" Li Dan asked.

At this time, Leng Yan, who had been silent all this time, spoke up: "What did you say on the Internet?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Dan was startled, she never expected that Leng Yan would speak.

Li Dan began to report the situation: "Some say that Mr. Leng and Qiu Qiu are lovers, some say that you took care of Qiu Qiu, and some are passers-by.

In general, now netizens are divided into 40.00% who say you are a couple, 50.00% who say Qiu Qiu is taken care of by you, and the remaining 5.00% are passers-by who have not figured it out yet. "

"50.00% are black fans, so should I clarify it?" Qiu Qiu looked puzzled, because she knew that even if she clarified it herself, it would not be beneficial.

But as soon as these words came out, Li Dan disagreed a little: "Now you have only two choices, use this to open your relationship with Mr. Leng, or... you can just admit that you two are lovers, anyway, now There are countless stars in the entertainment industry who are supported by financial owners, and one more is nothing."

"Will that cause trouble for the new album?" Qiu Qiu hit the point.

Li Dan rubbed his chin, and nodded vaguely: "There will definitely be troubles, but don't worry, at least this can promote the new album! But you have to ask Mr. Leng's willingness."

Li Dan's eyes are full of treachery, because as long as her good CEO agrees, she can say anything.

Leng Yan glanced at Li Dan, then gently took Qiu Qiu's hand: "It's okay, as long as Qiu Qiu is happy, it depends on Qiu Qiu's wishes."

Now Qiu Qiu is also in a bit of a dilemma, but after hearing what Leng Yan said, she was also taken aback, what does she think is good?She doesn't know what to do now!
Li Dan focused his eyes on Qiu Qiu again, but Li Dan's gaze made Qiu Qiu feel a little nervous.

After 10 minutes, Li Dan looked at Qiu Qiu: "Have you decided?" She looked at Qiu Qiu's expression as if he had made up his mind and asked.

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