Counterattack live room: hot search queen cute

Chapter 15 No one's money is blown by the wind, except for the blank

Shaking his head happily, Qiu Qiu, who didn't know if Space wanted to go to work, didn't start the game right away: "Quan, are you still playing?"

"It's time for the meeting, you play first."

"Oh okay, then you can go to work first, bye, mua!"

After saying goodbye to him, Qiu Qiu, who resumed solo queuing, had such a poor gaming experience that he almost fell into a box.

Originally, the 10 people who were still in the blank space turned out to be only [-] in the end, and [-] of them were still unknown, so the mobile fans who clicked in and immediately clicked out, inexplicably, made Qiu Qiu feel like he was ruining her husband's family property .

bah bah bah.

what husband.

That's Big Brother Tuhao!

Even without touching his face, Qiu Qiu could feel how hot it was.She quickly grabbed the water glass and took a big gulp, patted the little fat face to calm down, and continued to play the game.

Without those troublesome things, the day passed very easily, and before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock in the evening.

Qiu Qiu glanced at the VIP seats and saw that the first one was an unknown duke. He lowered his eyes and stretched out his hands to slap his sore waist: "The beautiful day is over again. Thank you for your company. Good night."

Yawning and waving goodbye, she turned off the live broadcast, stood on the spot, twisted her waist and moved her legs until her body was not so stiff, then rubbed her shoulders to warm up the takeaway delivered by Kukong yesterday, and ate while playing with her mobile phone.

Suddenly, the trade union's WeChat account bombarded with a bunch of messages.

"Hehe, if you think there is a local tyrant, your wings will be stiff."

"Don't forget who sent you here in the first place. If you don't stay for ten years, you don't want to run anywhere."

"The higher-ups just ordered today that starting tomorrow, there will be an event on Maomao Live, which will last for a week. You must participate, and get more gifts from that space."

"There will be other orders at that time, don't play tricks."

Seeing these news, Qiu Qiu only felt that the food she just ate was falling into her stomach, choking her so much that she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit.She directly turned off the WeChat and threw the phone on the bed. She lost her appetite and packed up the dishes and took a shower and went to bed.

As for the activity, it has nothing to do with her.

Qiu Qiu, who fell asleep, pretended that he had never seen those messages, and didn't even mention them during the live broadcast the next day.

However, she didn't mention those tourists who kept swiping the screen, and when she came back from the bathroom, nearly 45 event gifts had been swiped in the online space, and she directly appeared at No.1 on the event charm list.

The No.2 EVA is only more than 5 yuan.

She hurriedly called out the space that was still scrolling: "I won't participate in this event, so there is no need to send presents."

Space: "The special effect of the gift is good, it is very suitable for you."

When a person with a title speaks in the live broadcast room, there will be a pause of more than ten seconds. The 15 emperor of the space is golden even when typing, which looks very cool.

Looking at what he said, Qiu Qiu couldn't laugh or cry.

The only purpose of this event is to make money from the dead. The rules stipulate that the anchor collects event gifts, and when the gifts reach 30, 60, and [-], the corresponding special effects will be triggered.

For example, when the blank space is dropped to 45, Qiu Qiu's cheeks will have a cute light pink blush, and the two cat paws are pressed on the chin from time to time to play cute, and there is a specific sound effect when she blinks. Fat figure, like a chubby cat.

But it’s okay if it’s just a one-sided gift collection like this, another rule of this event is the reason why Qiu Qiu doesn’t like it...

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