There are really many local tyrants in the EVA studio.

Suddenly, Qiu Qiu, who had been thinking about the space in his mind, blinked, and saw the words "Activate the Emperor in your live broadcast room" appearing in the middle of the screen!

Originally it was just a small white number, without any space for the title, it appeared directly at the first place in the VIP seat. He typed on the public screen and asked Qiu Qiu, "What gift do you want?"


Qiu Qiu was still immersed in the shock of his opening of the emperor, 15 opening a title is simply inhumane.

She was so excited that she covered her face, almost unable to suppress the scream in her throat, when she realized that blank was asking her what gift she wanted, she casually said a blood bottle when her head was dizzy.

In the next second, the words "Renew Emperor × 50 in this live broadcast" made everyone boil.

One Emperor renewal fee is 30000, 50 times is 150 million! ! !
However, before everyone recovered, the space was renewed again.

Fifty at a time.

Twice fifty.


Usually, many people would rush to watch the fun once the emperor renews his subscription, but the summoning power of fifty times a renewal made the number of people in Qiu Qiu's live broadcast room increase to a terrifying hundreds of thousands.

Soon, the special effect of swiping gifts in the blank space appeared.

"Send you 9999 blood bottles x 1"

"Send you 9999 blood bottles x 10"

"Send you 9999 blood bottles x 400"

Crazy, all crazy.

When the banner of 9999 sets of [-] blood bottles appeared, Qiu Qiu even thought he was hallucinating.

She stared blankly and took out the calculator on her mobile phone. A blood bottle is 4.9 yuan, a set of 9999 is 48995, and a set of 400 is 19598040.

2000 million.

Almost 2000 million! ! !

The most expensive Zhou Xing gift of Maomao Live has only been paid for by more than 200 million. It was the bosses of the two trade unions who made so much in order to support the anchor. EVA is held by a million Zhou Xing.

The 2000 million blood bottles in the space completely broke the consumption record, and the people who were eating melons, who were originally twittering, dared not say a word.

For a while, the screens of tens of 10 people were extremely deserted.

And the EVA live broadcast room, where gift giving was so fierce, has stopped collecting gifts, and she herself looks like she can no longer maintain the image of an ice beauty, her face is so pale that it can be seen even with her beautiful face on.

Qiu Qiu pretended that he didn't see it. The clay figurine was still angry. She was not a saint. She was bullied and had to sympathize with others.

Seeing that there were still 12 minutes left and the PK bar was so disparate in strength that he couldn't see it, a thought suddenly flashed in Qiu Qiu's mind.

She asked the blank: "Do you have a favorite song? I will sing it to you."

"It will be all right."

"Then... let me sing this song for you."

Qiu Qiu, who was tormenting everyone with death singing yesterday, forgot that he was tone-deficient, and even proposed to sing for Cai Ganghao with 2000 million slots.

Suddenly, there was a burst of boos and ridicules on the public screen.

When the accompaniment sounded, the boos and ridicules turned into words such as "fuck" and "overreaching".

It turned out to be "Smoke" that EVA sang just yesterday, that song "Smoke" that has fascinated countless people, but few people can sing it.

"Isn't this hostess a bit of a clubber? Singing this song in front of EVA, isn't she asking for shame?"

Qiu Qiu didn't look at the barrage. She adjusted the microphone, pushed the chair aside, stood up and took two deep breaths.



Everyone's scalp was numb, their penetrating power was like a sharp blade, but their lingering and ethereal singing was like the whisper of a sea monster to a lover. Even if they knew that hell was ahead, they threw themselves into the arms of the sea monster without hesitation.

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