Fast time travel live broadcast: we want to do something

Chapter 75 The Conspiracy of the Seven Princes

Can anyone tell me what these strange sippies are? ? ?

Feng Youyou thought silently in her heart.

What kind of cruel elite doctor and cute little nurse?What about the evil, charming and charming Montenegro boss and the dog-legged and powerful Daoist Yan?
Isn't this the character setting in the previous few worlds?Why did Xipi get involved all of a sudden?
Moreover, it seems that this kind of thing about Xipi started from the time of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Feng Youyou thought about it seriously, it seems that in the last few live broadcasts, there will be a character that she cares about very much.

Those characters will treat themselves very well, which is heart-warming. They will save themselves in times of crisis, but they always love to bully themselves.

But sometimes it will cause her to almost fail to complete the task, such as the Montenegro old demon.I almost didn't make up my mind.

And Feng Youyou also got used to having such a role, and would help her.I will also bully myself.

This did not appear during the live broadcast before. What is wrong with the system? Is this a new operation of the system?
Feng Youyou thought curiously, but suddenly realized that in this world, the high priest seems to be such a person...

Thinking of the high priest, Feng Youyou started to have a headache again. The high priest went out to meet the enemy, but he couldn't do anything but wait here.

Originally, I came here because I wanted to fight monsters with him, but Feng Youyou didn't have mana, and he didn't know how to fight.

I can't help at all, let alone, if I go, I will add to the chaos.

At present, all Feng Youyou can do is to help the wounded in the back, Feng Youyou suddenly feels powerless.

Sure enough, in a world with spells, it is really embarrassing to have no spells.

After a while, the sound of fighting outside gradually subsided, presumably they had repelled the sneak attacking monsters.

Slowly, there were sounds of people walking back and forth outside the tent.

Feng Youyou wanted to go out to have a look, but was stopped by two soldiers.

"Girl, don't embarrass us anymore, the high priest has already told you not to let you go out."

"I don't run around. Besides, whether I have magic spells or not, I don't know how to fight. I also cherish life very much, so I won't run around."

"Is the battle outside over? There must be wounded soldiers. Can't I help?"

Feng Youyou patiently explained that the look on his face was harmless to humans and animals.

The soldiers also hesitated, after all, they had seen Feng Youyou treat the wounded, and the bandaging skills were even inferior to the doctors here.

"They are all your comrades in arms, and there are not enough doctors now, do you have the heart to see them suffer?" Feng Youyou started digging holes for them again.

Sure enough, the soldiers also showed tangled expressions.

At this time, it seemed that a wounded person had fainted outside and was calling for a doctor loudly.

They in the tent naturally heard it too, and the two soldiers looked at Feng Youyou with complicated eyes, and after a while, they still agreed.

Feng Youyou went out of the tent with them, and sure enough, he saw a wounded man with a leg injured and collapsed on the ground.

Feng Youyou immediately gave him a simple bandage to stop the bleeding, and then went to the place responsible for placing the wounded.

Obviously, there were much fewer wounded this time than when Feng Youyou first came.

Seeing that Feng Youyou was indeed bandaging the wounded and not running around, the two soldiers were relieved.

So they also started to help, carrying some wounded people into the tent.

While treating the wounded, Feng Youyou asked them about the situation at that time.

The wounded followed Feng Youyou intermittently, and Feng Youyou probably understood the situation at that time.

When the monsters invaded, they lay in ambush because of the high priest's advance perception.

When the battle started, a large number of monsters rushed over, and the high priest released mana, creating a huge barrier of light in front of the soldiers.

When the monsters came into contact with the light barrier, they were all burned by the power of light, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.Then the soldiers took the opportunity to attack.

Work together to defeat the monsters.

After Feng Youyou heard it, although she couldn't see it with her own eyes, she felt the intense scene of the battle.

At this time, she suddenly realized the most important question,
"What about the high priest?" Feng Youyou asked eagerly.

Hearing these words, the soldier's condition suddenly became sad,
"The high priest... the high priest was taken away by a monster." After speaking, the soldier began to cry silently.

"Abducted?!" Feng Youyou was shocked,
"You're telling me again, where did the high priest go?!" Feng Youyou suddenly felt extremely terrified, and grabbed the wounded man by the collar tightly.

"High Priest, at the end of the battle, he was accidentally taken away by the leader of the monster, a flying monster." He said, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Fans" Stir-Fried Chestnuts in Sugar: You soldier, what nonsense are you talking about? !How could the high priest be captured by monsters? !
"Fan" Crackling:? !Impossible, my high priest, little angel, is the most powerful, I don't believe it.

"Fan" red high-heeled shoes: Isn't this soldier knocking his head while fighting? !
"Fan" D Baoai July: Big anchor, don't be decadent, hurry up and save our high priest, cry...

"Fans" hate watercolors the most: yes, hurry up and save the high priest, our high priest is waiting for you, anchor!

System notification: I hate painting watercolors the most. Give ten swords of light to the host.

System notification: D Baoai gave the host ten Thor's Hammers in July.

Feng Youyou only felt that her mind was blank now, her hands were trembling uncontrollably, whether she was taken away by the monster or the leader of the monster.

After being taken away, he must have gone to the lair of monsters. They were all monsters who had no humanity, no reason, and only had killing in their minds.

If the high priest was really taken away, it must be a disaster.

Thinking of this, Feng Youyou felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry.Angry and worried again.

This person, usually relying on his own magic power, thinks that he is the most powerful in the world, and he can't be dragged. How could he be taken away so easily? !
Just a stupid pig, a stupid stupid pig!
Feng Youyou cursed angrily, but was worried to death in her heart.

With a beep, at this moment, a line of text suddenly appeared on the screen next to it,
Side Quest: Rescue the High Priest.

Feng Youyou took a look at the task and became even angrier.

Spicy chicken system, needless to say, I will save him too!
Spicy Chicken High Priest, you can't do it normally, so now you have to rely on me to save him? !

Thinking of this, Feng Youyou sorted out her emotions, and secretly looked around.

The two soldiers who were beside her just happened to have not come back because they went out to carry the wounded.

If you don't go now, when will you wait?
Feng Youyou didn't care about those wounded anymore, anyway, she had already treated many patients, and her life was not in danger for the time being.

Moreover, there are other doctors here, they should be able to come over.

Thinking of this, Feng Youyou said to the wounded man in front of him,
"You are waiting here now. There are not enough cloth strips for bandaging. I will go get some."

After speaking, he quickly slipped out.

Of course, she didn't go out to find some bandages, but to rescue the high priest.

At this time, since the battle had just ended, everyone was busy sorting out things after the battle.

The defense on the sidelines was not that serious either. Feng Youyou carefully avoided the patrols of various soldiers along the way, and gradually approached the border defense line.

Frightened and trembling, Feng Youyou dodged a wave of soldiers patrolling, and continued to walk forward.

When she was about to turn around and walk in front of a tent, she suddenly heard the sound of someone talking.

Feng Youyou was so frightened that she quickly hid behind the tent and let out a long sigh of relief.

When Feng Youyou decided to take a detour and walk forward, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Have you done what I told you to do?" said one.

This voice is very familiar to Feng Youyou, the owner of this voice has wanted Feng Youyou's life countless times.

He threatened Feng Youyou countless times, and then turned his head to talk sweetly to the saint.

It's the second prince!

Why didn't the second prince stay in his tent well, why did he come to such a remote place?

What's more, she was sneaky, asking whether things were done well, and her intuition told Feng Youyou that there must be a trick in it!

Feng Youyou stabilized her mind, hid behind the tent and continued to listen.

"Second prince, I have already done what you arranged."

Feng Youyou also recognized this voice, it was a confidant of the second prince, who secretly helped the second prince deliver a letter to the saint before.

Feng Youyou listened patiently.

"I've already added Soul-Suppressing Grass to the High Priest's food. As long as he uses his magic power, he will definitely be hit."

"It won't be affected at first, but after a while, the poison of the Soul-Suppressing Grass will start to take effect due to mana, and he will lose all his mana, and it will take a long time to recover."

"The high priest has strong light power in his body, and he is the target of many monsters to attack on the battlefield."

"What's more, I have already sprinkled some powder on him that can attract monsters. Sure enough, he has now been taken away by the leader of the monsters."

"He was taken away by a monster this time, and he lost all his magic power. He will definitely not come back alive. The second prince can rest assured."

The subordinate said respectfully, the joy that could not be concealed in the words.

"Good! Hahaha, well done." The second prince said happily.

"I've already seen that the high priest didn't really want to wish me well, but it was because of that Hecate that he reluctantly helped me."

"My Highness has invited him to discuss the great cause with me over and over again before, but he always makes excuses to recuperate his body and push back!"

"Since he is so disobedient, there is no value in existence. After death, only the saint knows the oracle."

"My throne is just around the corner." The second prince said proudly.

There is ambition and cruelty that cannot be concealed in the words.

For the sake of power, sometimes it can make a person even more terrifying than a beast.

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